
Boruto: Shinobi World-Real World

'Boruto: Rewriting the Trash Story' spinoff, where the Shinobi World will be interacting with ours. It is one of my versions of what a Naruto sequel could have been. Naruto and Sasuke without nerf, no ridiculous power scaling, And what a sequel of the most popular anime should have been. While still having Otsutsuki elements and OG Boruto villains, but better. Follow Boruto is Trash on YouTube for chapter by chapter videos.

BorutoIsTrash · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Blue Eye

As the days changed, 27th March arrived. Millions of Naruto clones headed out of Land of Fire and stationed themselves on the sea, to the locations where the barrier appeared for the last three years.

An hour before the barrier appears. Which suspiciously coincides with the time Boruto was born.

Shaking his worry about the coincidence, Naruto headed home, to celebrate Boruto's birthday.

His clones will be able to do the job for today, since others will maintain the barrier today. He will definitely spend time with Boruto on his birthday.

Boruto and Hinata were asleep, since they have school at 7 in the morning.

"Hinata, I am back."

Naruto whispered, and Hinata looked up from the dining table.

She was waiting for him the whole night.

"I have packed some lunchboxes. Please return as often as you can."

"Yeah. I will."

Hinata tightly hugged Naruto, and as she looked up, Naruto gently kissed her.

"Let's wake up the kids."

Hinata said, still somewhat shy after all these years.

"Yeah. I hope Boruto will like the gift."

"Oh he will. You worry too much."

Naruto nodded, and they went to Himawari's room first.

"Hima, you are awake?"

Both of them were surprised that Himawari was already awake.

"Hehe, I have been awake since an hour ago. I was waiting for you two."

She cheekily said, receiving headpats from Naruto.

"Let's go to wake up Boruto, dattebayo!"

The three members of Uzumaki family tiptoed to Boruto's room, and he was soundly asleep.





As the three shouted, Boruto woke up surprised.


Seeing the three, and finally processing what just happened, he jumped from his bed.

"Thank you!"

And the first thing he did was to take his gift from Naruto's hands.

"So you came this time."

"I never go back on my words, dattebayo."

'Dattebayo is so lame.'

Boruto thought in his mind, and quickly unpacked the gift he got from his dad.

"Huh? Just a bunch of kunais!?"

Boruto was quickly disappointed. Of course, he shouldn't have expected much from this knucklehead.

"Not just a bunch of kunais. See it more properly."

Frowning, he took one kunai in his hand. It wasn't a regular one, but he got a new design kunai last year too.

It was a three-prolonged kunai, which has been famous among his classmates because it was Fourth Hokage's style.

But it had something different. It had an orange tiny scroll on its handle.

"Throw it up."

Naruto suggested with a smug smile.

"In the room?"

"Ah. Let's go outside then."

So, the Uzumaki family headed to the courtyard and Naruto said with a smug smile.

"Now, throw it up, or anywhere. I will show you something amazing, dattebayo!"

Directing a suspicious gaze at Naruto, he threw the kunai towards the sky.

But to his utter shock, Naruto appeared while grabbing the kunai in the sky.

Boruto knew [Sunshin no Jutsu], and it definitely wasn't that. He didn't feel chakra gathering at Naruto's feet.

He would have thought that it was just pure speed, since the Hokage wouldn't have any trouble in doing that.

But... he saw Naruto appearing, no. He saw an outline of Naruto appearing before he appeared, in slow motion. For just a moment, he felt as if his perception changed drastically, and he felt a stinging headache.

Naruto frowned as he landednon theground. He grabbed Boruto's face and looked into his eyes with seriousness and worry.

But before Boruto could even ask about what just happened, Naruto said,

"I am sorry Boruto. It's an emergency."

Saying that, Naruto disappeared without explaining anything.

Boruto felt disappointed, and angry.

"You said that you never go back on your word!"

He shouted, but Naruto wasn't there to listen to him.

He kicked the ground in frustration, and his eyes went to the bright moon.

As the moon illuminated the night sky, Boruto's blue eye shined brightly facing the moon.