
Boruto: Shinobi World-Real World

'Boruto: Rewriting the Trash Story' spinoff, where the Shinobi World will be interacting with ours. It is one of my versions of what a Naruto sequel could have been. Naruto and Sasuke without nerf, no ridiculous power scaling, And what a sequel of the most popular anime should have been. While still having Otsutsuki elements and OG Boruto villains, but better. Follow Boruto is Trash on YouTube for chapter by chapter videos.

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Arya Escort Mission: Prelude

Before Boruto could even open the other presents he got from Hinata and Himawari, Sai appeared in Uzumaki residence.

"Boruto, assemble in the Hokage Office. Lord Sixth has an emergency mission for Team 7."

"Sai! What happened?"

Hinata asked Sai.

"Just go to Hokage Office. He will tell you."

Understanding the seriousness to be called for an emergency mission in the middle of night, they swiftly headed to the Hokage Office.

Inside the Hokage Office, all the genins in Boruto's class were already present, some half asleep, while some wide awake. And even Shikamaru and Ino were present.

"What happened, Kakashi-sensei? Naruto left in such a hurry..."

Hinata asked Kakashi, and he handed some documents to all the genins.

"The New World's Barrier has completely disappeared all of a sudden. While Naruto has distributed the medicines to everyone, there is another thing that has gone wrong with the barrier no longer in its place.

Creatures from the Shinobi World, especially from the oceans, have started going into the New World. What we consider a mid-sized killer shark is the size of the Blue Whale, their biggest creature."

"So we have to defeat them?"

Boruto asked, and Kakashi shook his head.

"Leave those things to Chunin and above. The Genins are to go to the New World, and escort the people there who have mutated with chakra. Naruto just informed me of many people like that disappearing instantaneously. So we must keep the rest safe and bring them here.

Team 7, you will have your first C-rank mission, to go with your Senseis to India. Kill all the sea creatures from our world entering there, and secure that person with chakra in that city.

Team 8 will go to investigate the traces of the missing person in Indonesia.

Team 9 and 10, while you still may not be Genins, it is an emergency. So you will be assisting Team 8 in the investigation. And I am sending Hinata as your supervisor as you don't have a Jonin-sensei right now.

Now, go to the port and board a ship immediately. The coordinates have changed, and Land of Fire is the closest one to these locations. All the details are in this scroll."

Shino-sensei received the scroll, and after reading it, handed it to Team 7's genins.


Rank: C(Emergency)

Category: Escort Mission

From: Kanyakumari, India

To: Sunagakure

Client Details:

Name- Arya Singh

Age- 16

Features- Black hair, orange eyes(possibly mutation), fair skin, average height

Instructions : Take over custody from 7th Hokage's shadow clone and escort her safely to Sunagakure, while looking out for abduction.

"No more Tora missions, hell yeah!"

Boruto said excitedly, finally getting a cool mission. He was irritated by the lame missions till now.


Sarada smacked his head, and before he could fight with her over it, he saw all eyes on him.

Especially Kakashi. He said,

"This is a serious mission."