
Borsalino in the Arrowverse

Janemba_The_Demon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

I'm just saying, I'm good at Murder

So a few weeks after our last event I'm sitting in a casino (Winning because of Observation Haki otherwise known as cheating) when suddenly I notice a certain Captain Cold's sister walk into the Casino and turn someone in to gold. Of course my first thought was 'WHY CAN'T I EVER HAVE NICE THINGS, GOD DAMN IT'

then I Sorued ( New word I created past tense of Soru) out of the Casino and transformed into Kizaru, then I just waited until it was late.

I appear behind Cisco and knock him unconscious as I look Snart and his merry band in the eyes.

" So I heard you kidnapped Cisco and his Brother, Dante, honestly I'm impressed, not surprised but impressed none the less, anyway as you can see I fixed the table and I made us all a nice dinner. Before you all say anything let me make something very Clear, I will kill all three of you if you don't sit down and talk like civilized people and unlike the Flash I won't hesitate to do it, actually if I have to I'm going to enjoy doing it first I'll kill Mick then I'll torture your sister infront of you then before I kill you I'll skin you alive, how does that sound Snart." Snart is intelligent so he quickly realized I'm not bluffing and he gets everyone to sit down except for Mick so I knock him out after I put a hole through his leg, a sizable hole, but it will heal by the time they are needed again. After we all sit down and I pass out plates and they get food, I grab Cisco and deliver him to S.T.A.R. Labs and drop Dante off at his home. I then sit back down and start to eat.

" So you must have wanted Cisco for a reason, What is it?"

" I wanted to know the Flash's identity."

" Hmmm I'll tell you in private later, I don't find your sister or Mick as fun so they don't need to know."

" Oh and what do I need to do in return?"

" You are Smart, Snart but this time there will be no Favor involved, also I noticed neither of you have eaten yet, you also noticed I haven't eaten either but no need to worry I wouldn't need poison to kill you." I chuckle as I cut my steak and start eating, Snart figures out I'm not lying ( About anything I've said. ) and starts to eat too, his sister soon follows suit.

" Can you hand me the A1?" Snart asks, I of course do hand it to him ( He thinks I don't see Mick behind me.) I scratch the back of my neck and launch a beam of light into Mick's other leg

" Don't try that again." I say with a laugh as I continue to eat

A few days later

" Fuck NOOOOO, I hate bees', yes I get they killed people but NOOOOO way am I hunting bees' "

( Add the Cinemasins *ding* for ""The character says he won't do something only to do it in the next scene."" Cliche)

" Fuck all y'all, you too Smoak and "" The atom"" Don't say anything I don't give a fuck what your name is, all I'm here to do is fight bees' that's all." I angrily growl out

" Ok so you want me to destroy those bees' and be there to help stop the big bad?"

" Yeeeessss?"

" Cisco WHAT THE FUCK, OOOOH you're so fucking lucky I can move this fast and that I like you enough to do it, OOOOOOOOOOOH"

I just walk down the corridor and fly towards Mercury Labs, for the first time I actually move at lightspeed and END ALL THE FUCKING BEES' ( BEES' NO MORE) I PRODUCE THOUSANDS OF L.A.S.E.R. BEAMS AND DISINTEGRATE EVERY BEE-LIKE OBJECT IN A MILE RADIUS ( Sorry nearby flys') THEN I CONTINUE MY RAMPAGE BY FLYING UP HIGH AND SENDING A VERY CONCENTRATED LASER BEAM THROUGH THE DUMBASS SCIENTIST'S HEART, then I use my speed to hide the body halfway across the planet in an unmarked grave and grab some fresh coffee bean and some weed because that's the only way to go full Kizaru ( DON'T BE MAD IM JUST SAYING AND YOU KNOW IM RIGHT)

Another Week later, I'm called up and they tell me that they are transporting all the villains from the Particle Accelerator to a new location and they want me to help with transport security. I, being the nice guy I am, agree. I appear beside Cisco, who is still on the phone with me, and greet him like I always do.

" WassuP" and he jumped into the air

" DUDE, don't do that!!! You're gonna give me a heart attack."

" We both know I'm gonna keep doing that." Cisco just sighs in response and then I look to the right and see

" WASSUP FLASH, Snart, Female Snart."

Cisco walks up to me and grips my shoulder and pulls me back to his side of the room. As he does I shrug off his hand and walk up to Leonard.

" Want a Cigar, Leonard?" I ask as I pull a case out of my pocket.

" Sure." I open the case and he grabs one I then use my light to heat up my hand, light his cigar then give myself one and do the same.

An Hour later we all are sitting at the Airport as I smoke another Cigar, then the bus goes off. I don't get up, and Snart kills the laser eye guy.

" Hey, Where y'all going?" I yell as apparently everyone forgot I was there, they all turn to look at me and you can tell most of them don't know who I am because they actually attack. I wasn't going to stop them but now, I will make sure they know their place.

So first I appear beside the Gas guy and put my shoe through his head ( He isn't important and I don't like him.)

Then I snap the anger eyes guy's neck and break Martin's Leg ( No one remembers the eye guy and I like the storm wizard so he gets to go.) I then tilt my head and look at the two idiots who rigged the truck.

" You know, Ha, I'm pretty sure I warned you last time that shit like this would happen."

" Ap bop bop don't speak, I'll let you go, Why well because sometime soon you are going to be apart of a team, a team that I will join too and when we are both on said team I want you to owe me and your sister is the only family you like so you would hate me if I killed her. Leave Now, Bye-bye." Then he leaves and I hide all the bodies, far far away.

" Hey where did they go?"

" Oh while you all were tending to Barry they all got away and I couldn't go after them because that could gun can actually hurt me if it hits me." I then go back to S.T.A.R. labs before Cisco can question that story and low and behold right after the Team gets back guess who shows up, Wells. You want to know what I do, well I wait till everyone arrives then right when he says ""This will be very fun"" I show up and Kick him in the face so hard he is knocked unconscious and he makes a ""Small"" Crater in the ground.


Author's Note

If you haven't figured it out this story will get dark sometimes why well because Kizaru's personality has slightly integrated with his so he is lazier, more violent and more unpredictable however not by too much he is still smart, a good liar and REALLY REALLY BROKEN in terms of power until Savitor and The Thinker actually until The Thinker because fuck Savitor and his suit, I'm just saying. Also he will join the legends when they start mainly because I want him to have a bunch of time to train his Haki but I'll make sure he comes back right after he left or sometime soon after he leaves.