
Borsalino in the Arrowverse

Janemba_The_Demon · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Legends ( Zoom can handle himself)

It's been a while if you didn't notice already I trained and helped civilians and the Flash minorly. I made sure that I stalked (No I'm not sugarcoating it I stalked them) Firestorm and The crime duo because I was waiting for them to be picked up by one Rip Hunter. They finally have and I decided to sneak onto his ship as they leave. It was a great idea ( Fuck you if you disagree) and for your information I did know Gideon would notice me and I accounted for that. How you ask well I believed in me are you wondering what I mean, well let me explain. You see I know Gideon will be created sometime in the future by Barry Allen, I also know I will live long enough for that to happen because my powers increased my vitality MASSIVELY, My powers also increased my memory to the level that I remember everything I have ever seen in this form. I also know that I would make sure to write myself several override and hiding programs in Gideon that would make it recognize me as someone it should listen to no matter who else's orders I'm going against except Barry but Rip already programmed that part out ( Also I am mildly intelligent and with my memory and the fact that my brain runs at the speed of light I would definitely be able to do all of this even though I'm no Barry Allen.) So that's what I hope and that's what I did hopefully. Thankfully my memory and all that, so it did happen which means.

" Hello Gideon how are you today?"

" As of right now I'm good, Kizaru or Borsalino if you'd prefer."

" You can Call me Borsalino, also how close is Rip to doing the first jump?"

" Extremely Close Borsalino."

" Could I stand through the jump or is that not recommended even for me?"

" You tested this before, it will not hurt you."

" Ahh time travel is so weird."

" You said the same thing to me after you told me about the event Flashpoint."

" Yea I would. Also Gideon can you run a scan for me."

" Of course Borsalino, for what?"

" Seach for Override code ""The Fastest Lightman""

" I have found it, do you wish to authorize it now?"

" No."

" Ok, Get ready for just Borsalino."

" Understood Gideon."

" We have arrived Borsalino."

" Ok, Gideon, when we talk about unimportant matters please refer to me as Admiral Kizaru or just Admiral."

" Of course Admiral."

" Gideon tell me when Leonard, Mick and Sara leave the ship."

" Of course Admiral Kizaru."

" They have left Admiral."

" Alright see you soon and please watch Jackson to the best of your abilities."

" I will Admiral."

I finish that conversation as I turn into pure light and blast off towards the bar. I wait for the three of them to get beers before I appear behind Snart ( because I'm dramatic and do things like that is fun.)

" You know I never took you for a time traveling superhero Snart." I snark out with a laugh

" How in the hell are you here?!" Mick growls out and grabs my collar

Snart gets the memory of our talk at the Transportation Truck back after seeing me and I watch in amusement as the realization comes across his face and he chuckles, something I have never seen, and takes Mick's hands off my collar. I simply walk up to the counter and get the Bartender to give me two drinks. One I give to Mick and the second I keep and finish quickly as I watch Sara start a fight. I decide now is the time to show off my impressive skills in martial arts ( I'm condensed to 6ft 2in ) by BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYONE IN THERE, softly they are only severely concussed not dead. Then they drive off in the car towards the ship, without me, the assholes. Now I just have to Stealth onto that ship without alerting anyone, too fucking easy.

" Gideon don't wake me up until Lance and Hunter leave alone, to the Grayhill Mansion."

" Yes sir Admiral Kizaru."

I don't know if I've ever told this but sleep for me is strange it passes slower yet also faster because whenever I sleep my dreams can last what feels like days but be seconds or the black void can last mere milliseconds but actually be for however long I desire. Anyway Gideon woke me up and I have decided to make an appearance in the middle of the Savage's ""ritual"" anyway I use a move Kizaru often uses when fighting several opponents, Yasakani no Magatama, it is basically just hundreds to thousands of concentrated laserbeams or lightbeams. So in short I murdered everyone in the room in robes and then for fun.

" Sup Savage, how are you, I see your god complex is a little bigger than usual."

He just growls and turns to me, I smile ""innocently"" and use my full speed to atomize his entire body with one kick and I leveled the room and the building and a small area around the building, luckily I can make light clones and he got the team out before I went all nuclear on this immortal idiot. Although it isn't technically nuclear as it gives off no radiation but you know what I mean.

A few minutes later

" Wassup guys."

" Mr.Borsalino how and why are you here?"

" Just chilling Stein, By the way why didn't you tell Rip about me murder trio?"

" Don't call us that."

" Don't tell me what to do Snart."

" I'm sorry Who are you."

" Oh Ms.Lance we haven't met, it's nice to met you I'm Borsalino or Kizaru if you'd prefer. I specialize in murder, stopping bad people and fucking off when I feel like it, Example me sneaking onto this ship and chillin here and meeting you all in the bar."

" Yes that's all well and good but what are you doing on my ship Borsalino?!"

" Well Captain Hunter I wanted to have some fun and what better way to do that then to kill an immortal and his goons. Also I did help create Gideon so you know time travel is weird. You also can't make me get off the ship so you should probably just accept my place here or, actually answer this, Do you believe you can handle being kicked by a man with superstrength while that leg moves at the speed of light?"

" No I can't."

" That is the right answer, anyway I brought Cigars whoever wants one say I."

Sara, Mick, Leonard and (Surprisingly) Stein, I of course lit theirs and mine and then pulled out the Jack Daniel's, mostly for me but they had some too.