
Borsalino in the Arrowverse

Janemba_The_Demon · Anime & Comics
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" So you want me to get this Caitlin woman while the Flash fights Leonard and Mick, Oh your already there well give me a second you say she is wired to an explosive, that doesn't matter." I finish the call then travel there quickly

" Well I just need to grab her right?" I ask as I appear behind Cisco and Joe, they both jump a little in shock and Joe looks all the way up towards my face shocked again by my height. Cisco Finally responds with a " Yes." and I grab Caitlin and vanish taking both of us to Starlabs.I reappear behind them again

" She is back at Starlabs, my job is done gentlemen also here is my new number Cisco." as I hand him a new card and then go to the fight.

I appear ONLY TO KICK THE CONCIOUSNESS OUT OF MICK and smash the hot gun under foot. ( Sorry future captive Cisco)

" Hello Flash how have you been? Good I hope." I continue this conversation as Snart shoots at me and I pull a Katakuri and put a circle through me, then Snart is knocked down and caught, Barry finally says something and it is

" Why are you here."

" Rude, I asked you a question you should respond with an appropriate answer, now try again." I says as I look down at him with the police coming and taking Snart

he begrudgingly answers after modifying his voice

" I'm good yea. Now answer my question, why are you here."

" I can't say here, so let's go." I respond only slightly smug as we both launch off.

I get there way faster then him this time I'm extremely smug

" Well I was called of course, hello again Caitlin." I say as Barry finally shows up

" Also you should be for grateful flash I did save you from your mother's killer whom I am to remind you was kicking your ass." Barry just narrows his eyes and sighs and reluctantly says

" Thank you."

" I mean you don't have to admit it but I'm pretty sure you're just mad I manhandled you and left you with a concussion when you were going all berserk."

" Yes you're right I'm just a little mad you beat the shit out of me." Barry says with a small growl

" Well I'm sorry if that helps, I just helped out that night and you know it. Anyway I gave Cisco a way to contact me when you need me again so see you then Flash."

I walk away with a chuckle as I disappear into the night

2 weeks later the Teleporter and her "" Mans"" got away from the jail and are currently on the run. I am in my Kizaru form condensed making me slightly stronger but also only 6ft btw slightly is a relative term honestly I'm currently at the bar the night Barry and Caitlin are drinking and singing and honestly I usually forget but Barry sure as hell can sing. Actually speaking of bars it turns out as Kizaru I can't get drunk and as my normal form I'm really really resistant to alcohol, I could drink a Russian and an Irishmen to unconsciousness before I got a light buzz. Anyway I sit in the back of the bar just far enough where Barry can see me but not close enough I can't get out if he decides to pursue. He starts to sing and I wave with my drink in hand enjoying his shocked face as he continues, after the song he comes to me and sits down.

" What's up Barry, how are you?"

" I'm good, why are you here? "

" I just happen to frequent here, Mr.Allen and I didn't know the flash could sing so well."

" Really for some reason I don't believe you but whatever and thanks for saying I'm a good singer."

" Yea, Yea no problem and have fun with Caitlin she needs it. Oh and here." I remark slightly amused and slightly serious as I put the money to pay for his and Caitlin's tabs on the table

" Call it an apology for that beating I handed to you and again as I said to Cisco call me whenever you need help with a fight or if you need a drinking buddy because much like you I can't get drunk." He smiles a little bit and takes the money and walks to the bar, I chuckle and watch as he meets Linda who I actually like and I'm kinda sad Barry doesn't get with her or Felicity Smoak, like I understand Barry loves Iris and I like their Chemistry but I just thought his Chemistry with those two was better and honestly whether or not you like to think of it this way Barry and Iris are basically brother and sister and that's weird to me but whatever destiny and all that.

After another few days ( Good news I got a promotion I'm a manager) I get a call from Cisco

" Dude I'm not your errand boy I'm not gonna go stop a Robbery just because Barry is on a date. What little old lady how do you know it's a little old lady."

With a sigh I launch off into the night stopping a robbery and then getting another call

" Joe? How did you get my number? A jumper, fine yes I'll go" These sons of bitches I grab the guy of the roof and put him beside Eddie as I go to Starlabs instead of home.

" Cisco I know I said call whenever you need help but I didn't mean call whenever Barry is on a date and can't be bothered to go be a hero."

" Calm down man if you cared that much you wouldn't have done it."

" You're right I don't care but don't make it a habit, you're just lucky I like Barry enough to want to make sure he has a nice date with a cute girl."

" How do you know she is cute, are you stalking them?!"

" What, ok I'm offended you would assume that and also no I was just at the bar where they met because I frequent there."

" Oh way less weird but still seems kinda stalkerish."

" Dude!! I'm not a stalker!!"

" I don't know man, you sound like a bit of a stalker."


" That's something a stalker would say."

" Fuck off man and my name is Borsalino."

" Are you Japanese?"

" I am, Why?"

" I just didn't think you were, cool sounding name though."

" Thanks."

The day before tomorrow but after yesterday but two days after that last paragraph

I'm chilling at home on one of my off days when I get a call

" Yea I'm coming."

I appear in the main room beside Wells while he discusses killing Firestorm

" I mean if murder is necessary I can do it clean and effectively." I whisper to Wells The others obviously hear me and look pretty appalled by the suggestion Wells nods and I see their faces

" Ok look I'm get it I understand what it's like to lose a loved one but I don't have a connection to him so if anyone has to do it, it should be me. " I can see they understand but still look mad I said that so I walk out into the hall and wait for anymore things to do. That comes in the form of Cisco telling me that they need me to help with Ronnie and Stein not exploding. I immediately Fly off and appear beside Flash, I grab the device and check it over then give it back to Caitlin.

" This will work, hurry up and put it on him." After she does it looks like he will explode so I uncondense and grab Barry and Caitlin then move as fast as they can handle, thankfully Barry's speedforce aura makes their tolerance much higher as it spreads to my body and Caitlin's. After the blast and Cisco doing a rad check I move them back over and let them see their new and old friends.