
Born With A Divine System

This story follows the journey of our young lead, Zephyr Everwood, who was chosen to be the reincarnate of the fallen deity who watched over creation. How will he fare against fallen angels, the undead, monsters and demons alike.Then what would his system be like? What will it give him and what will it want in return? Finally, what sort of relationships will he form with those around him as all hopes of a normal life are ripped away by one tragedy after another. The path to greatness will be a long and arduous one, and he will face many struggles, but the question is will he be able to reclaim the glory/divinity of his past self or will he fall at the cruel hands of what appears to be absolute power.

CRSTALking · Fantasy
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35 Chs


 A new scene unfolds before our eyes. Zephyr was once again within the endless expanse of the white void, resting on the floors of the training grounds. At its center stood the chamber of arts, as glorious as ever but that wasn't the most intriguing aspect. Around the young warrior stood several golden knights, thirty of them surrounding him from all sides, waiting for the command.

With a calm determination he stood up, got into a battle stance and said the word.


In an instant they propelled themselves forward with incredible speed, leaving massive craters in their wake.

Zephyr however was not deterred in the slightest.



He felt divine energy course through his veins, navigating itself through his dantians and settling themselves within his core. He steeled his nerves and called forth a familiar skill and shortly after his arms ignited with archaic symbols as his opponents neared.

"Consecutive Dragon Fist." He called out calmly.

Each golden knight possessed power equal to his own, making this one of the greatest tests of strength he'd face in recent times.

From all sides punches and kicks rain down upon him, each with the strength to obliterate worlds, but with expert mastery of the technique he counters every single one of them. Blow for blow, strike for strike; each of the knights were sent back by a force much greater theirs, but surprisingly there was barely any damage done to the realm, only slight cracks in the ground below.

[Your level of Qi control has greatly improved]

Paying no heed to the system I raised both arms towards the slightly shook warriors. I consciously directed divine Qi to my arms as two orbs of energy formed. I tried pumping some more energy and creating extra, but it was to no avail.

"Looks like this is the best I can manage for now." Slightly disappointed I dropped my arms, extinguishing the attack.

I turned my gaze, looking intently at them I spoke.

"Stop, holding back, in a true war, there is no such thing as honor, It doesn't matter if your enemy has a weapon or not, victory is all that matters."

With that said, mystical weapons manifested within their grasps, from swords and crossbows to halberds and gauntlets.

"Huh, now that's more like it."

I opened my inventory and brought out the newly upgraded Devourer blade, lunging towards them with unparalleled speed. My movements were seamless, flowing like a running stream my blade cut through them one after another.

The swordsmen cornered me, keeping me stagnant as the archers prepared to attack. With precise movement each one swung their blades towards vital points, however they were swiftly countered with my own sword strikes. 

Then I fought using after images of myself, simultaneously being present in multiple individual battles. Minutes turned to hours, and hour turned to days as the battle raged on.

One by one they each succumb to fate and were sent back to the abyss of non-existence after crumbling before him. Eventually a full-on month had passed by, and Zephyr stood victorious on the battlefield. Surrounded by the white void once again, he bore many cuts and bruises on his body. Deep gashes from halberds bored into his flesh, as he bled heavily.

His eyes were heavy, and his body weakened from the long endeavor, he had faced much more than thirty opponents, everyday he'd be victorious, and everyday he'd increase the number of fighters until he faced a hundred units in total.




He breathed heavily; exhaustion ever present.

[The host is damaged]

[Regeneration Active]

His body healed, and his Qi rejuvenated itself, but the mental strain was still there.

"How much time has passed since I entered?"

(A/N): Using basic math, 1 day on Earth is equal to 5yrs in the Celestial realm,

1 day in the Divine Training Room is equal to 1 hour on Earth,

1 hour on Earth is equal to 5/24yrs in the Celestial realm,

1 day in the Divine Training Room is equal to 5/24yrs in the Celestial realm,

30 days in the Divine Training Room is equal to (5/24) * 30 = 6.25yrs


[The host spent 6yrs 3months in the Heavenly realm, or 30hrs on Earth while training]

"Damn, that's quite long." He chuckled.

[The host has received 5x10^11 exp for slaying 100 SS class knights]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[The host has leveled up]

[Opening Character Profile]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 45

Exp: 3,014,970,492.365/31,416,416,305.4375.

Rank: SSS-class







SP: 470

QI: 2300

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Regeneration(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, World Splitter, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Complete

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

"Holy shit! That's a lot." I yelled.

[It is quite the massive upgrade. Would you like to distribute your stats now?]

"Yeah, there's no point saving it for later."

With that said I distributed the massive number of stat points I had just received. Alongside that I felt a tremendous power creep surge through my veins. This strength was intoxicating, it felt almost as if I had used nirvana for the first time again.

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 45

Exp: 3,014,970,492.365/31,416,416,305.4375.

Rank: SSS-class







SP: 0

QI: 15,000-(7500)

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Regeneration(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, World Splitter, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Complete

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

My body was filled with might, rejuvenated to the fullest, but my mental capacity was nearly at its limits, even with increased intelligence.

"Summon Naki." I commanded.

[As you wish, summoning Warrior of Light Naki from the abyss of non-existence]

Pixilated particles manifested before me, bringing him forth. As he arrived before me, he went on his knees. His bodily features seemed even more defined as I sensed tremendous power from him.

[Naki has mastered every hand-to-hand combat style and technique within the chamber]

[He has acquired great strength and skill in his service of the host and shall be promptly promoted]

"Well, if you think so why not."

[Rank being upgraded from Warrior of Light to Martial General of Luminescence]








"Master, I greet you." He said from his non-existent mouth.

"Wait, you can talk now!" I roared in shock.

"Yes, as a general I have now attained speech." He replied.

"Now that's pretty interesting."

"I can finally express my thoughts to my Lord; such an honor is not deserved." He said with devotion.

"Enough of that, we're equal in power aren't we, so no need for the devoted worship." I said.

"Very well, do you wish to engage in combat? I'd be pleased to show you my improvement."

I paused for a moment, thinking on whether I should head out to rest, or continue training.

"You know what let's battle, it's been too long since I beat you." I smirked.

"Confident are we? Well then, I'll ensure to not hold anything back." He said as he got into a battle stance.

"Bring it."

We rushed towards each other at impossibly fast speeds, but neither left a dent in the ground. At first glance it would look like two beams of lights were dancing through the skies, but no, in actuality it was the divine battle between the two godly beings.

I threw fist after fist, strike after strike, but he never let a single one touch him. Instead, he countered with a set of punches and kicks, one of which caught me off guard, striking my abdomen and sending me flying towards the ground with a sonic boom.


A huge amass of powdered stone arose from the crash, soon revealing a massive crater left behind. I lay there for a bit before ignoring the pain and trying to get up. But before I had time to get myself out of the crater Naki vanished, appearing before me a moment later.


I quickly tried to get out of his reach, but he caught up, kicking my left arm with enough force to shatter planets, sending me crashing deeper into the crevices of the world and breaking my arm in the process.


I managed to stop myself before reaching the core of the realm, and transmitted right back to the surface, holding my left arm in pain.

"That's it, I'm gonna send you straight to-"

He suddenly appeared behind me.

"You're far too cocky my liege." He said with a voice colder than death itself.

With a straight jab he struck me right in the spinal cord, sending a jolt of intense agony through every nerve cell in my body. While still in shock he followed up the attack with a severe kick to the back of my head, cracking my skull as I was sent flying.

Barely conscious the thought came to me.

'What the hell is happening, why can't I keep up?'

Managing to barely control my energy I stopped myself midflight, descending to the ground I prepared to use my techniques. Then a new message popped up before my eyes.

[The host has been given a new mission]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 45

Exp: 3,014,970,492.365/31,416,416,305.4375.

Rank: SSS-class







SP: 0

QI: 15,000-(7500)

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Regeneration(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, World Splitter, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Beat your subordinate Naki in hand-to-hand combat

Rewards: 50,000,000,000exp

Punishment: Complete deactivation of the skill regeneration for 30 days

Time Limit: None

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

"Fxck, this is bad."

Realizing that I have no choice but to win this fight, I got into the battle stance for the consecutive dragon fist technique.

Naki rushed towards me at near instantaneous speeds, but I stood there ready for his assault. 

"Activate the Eyes of Truth." I said calmly.

My eyes radiated a bright golden light as I focused on his leaking Qi.

With each passing moment he drew closer, when I noticed a sudden shift in the direction of his energy. Naki vanished from my sight, appearing right behind me, ready to strike. However, I was prepared for this; and with the use of my martial prowess was able to completely counter his surprise attack and land a solid blow.

He was sent back with a tremendous force that shook the entire realm to its core, as golden cracks spread all over him, stemming from the abdomen.

I stood there out of breath as the archaic symbols which were plastered on my arm began to recede from whence it came.


"HELL YEAH YOU'RE NOT BEATING ME THAT EASILY!!!" I roared in excitement.

Slowly descending to the ground, he ploughed the earth with his hands to slow his motion, and once he came to a stop he arose back to his feet, looking straight at me with a hint of joy.

"I guess I'll have to finish this quickly." Naki said.

Suddenly his energy stopped overflowing, instead it calmed and receded within him.

We both disappeared in and out of view as we had a final clash. Each attack shook the entire realm, threatening to erase it, as streaks of pure energy moved throughout the dimension. We attacked each other with endless waves of attacks right before the chamber of arts.

Each collision left a crater below us which grew larger and larger until it consumed the celestial abode of knowledge within the abyss. A bright flash of energy spread out across the entire realm, accompanied by an omnipresent explosive noise that followed, reducing everything around us to nothingness.

My bones began to shatter, my flesh barely holding on as both arms were about to give into the merciless power of Naki. However, he too was scarred by this battle, as with one of my God fists, he lost his right arm, but still persevered, even with the threat of utter erasure involved.

The battle raged on, as there was nothing left but us in this nigh infinite realm. I was at a clear disadvantage in terms of stamina, due to not having any demon Qi, while Naki was barely exhausted. He gave me an uppercut that shook the entire empty realm with a massive shockwave. I lost focus as the agony was far too much, even for me. Eventually I lost feeling in my body as it all became numb, the only thing keeping me standing was pure willpower as my might became ineffective in defending against the onslaught of strikes coming from him. 

Soon I was reduced to a mere punching bag for the General. Even willpower couldn't combat the difference in skill, and with a decisive punch to the chest I was knocked unconscious, and it all went dark.

"Checkmate, my king."

(A/N): This was a little too short for my liking but writing fight scenes is hard. Anyway, we are soon gonna be done with his training arc in heaven and move on to new adventures.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CRSTALkingcreators' thoughts