
Born With A Divine System

This story follows the journey of our young lead, Zephyr Everwood, who was chosen to be the reincarnate of the fallen deity who watched over creation. How will he fare against fallen angels, the undead, monsters and demons alike.Then what would his system be like? What will it give him and what will it want in return? Finally, what sort of relationships will he form with those around him as all hopes of a normal life are ripped away by one tragedy after another. The path to greatness will be a long and arduous one, and he will face many struggles, but the question is will he be able to reclaim the glory/divinity of his past self or will he fall at the cruel hands of what appears to be absolute power.

CRSTALking · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Within the deep crevice that was Zephyrs mind his soul dwelt. Unable to do anything as his body was far too damaged to move.

"I feel like fxcking shit!" He yelled in agony, his pride obviously wounded.

[The host has failed his mission]

[Applying penalty]


My body is in shambles unable to move, and it seems that this is how I'll remain for the next month. Mentally I was still exhausted and decided to use my current predicament as a chance to rest, I had already become numb to the pain after all.

He then proceeded to rest his mind, falling into a deep sleep. Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, and all throughout he rejuvenated his mind. Strangely enough, he only had a single reoccurring dream.

A beast's silhouette stood atop a mountain of corpses, flames present all around a shattered civilization. 

He had thick brown hair that flowed like a lions' mane. Large bulging muscles with black tattoos on his light brown skin. His pupils were amber slits, while his teeth were razor sharp. Then I got closer to the scene, past all the ash and smoke; then I saw the truth.

Streams of tears ran down his face as he roared in anguish, with ten winged fallen surrounding him. One who looked particularly distinguished amongst the others, his attire much more elegant and commanding than the rest.

"He shall be a perfect test subject."

The other nine rushed towards the beastman, slaying him easily with their divine, or rather demonic weaponry.

The man fell to his knees as halberds cut him down in an instant, despair etched onto his face as he finally collapsed, revealing a young boy identical to him standing behind. With a tired expression he began to plead with God, out of habit, but he already knew long ago that no one was there. He even wondered in his last moments 'Who am I even praying too?'

But he still did so, out of hope that his son may survive this ordeal.

"Please, I beg whoever is listening, let my child live through this nightmarish era into one of peace and prosperity."

The fallen took the boy and flew right back to through their portal.

Then I woke up, my mind dazed by the dream, but my body still in a paralyzed state.

"That felt far too real. Could it be a vision? But of what?"

 [The hosts' soul drifted away from conceptual reality temporarily]


[There are many aspects of reality that are hidden from normal senses, like the flow of time as an example. Your soul unexpectedly accessed the flow of time and viewed a certain point in the last 13 years]

"So what I saw really happened huh."


"It seems that the fathers' prayer was answered after all."

[I suppose so]

Some time passed afterwards, whereas I simply waited for my penalty to end.

"Oi, Alex."


"How does my regen skill work?"

[Mortal Qi flows through your dantian, and between your tissue, until it reaches the damaged area, then it rapidly replenishes the surrounding cells with the energy to regenerate themselves and heal the injury]

"During my trials, you told me that every skill I have I can manifest, without your interference."

[That is true]

"Then that means regenerations should be no exception."


[Well, at least you're finding new ways to improve]

I focused on my energy, feeling it move into my cells at a slow pace. Since I hadn't died natural healing would still be occurring but that was far too slow a process. So, I gave attention to the critically injured portions of myself. 

I took note of every broken bone, torn muscle, and damaged organ I felt. Then with my recent grasp on Qi control I directed the energy particles towards those areas; but it was certainly not an easy job. I couldn't just carelessly waste my energy by random distribution since there was barely any mortal Qi in the environment. I had to rely entirely on the energy released by metabolism to heal, which wasn't a lot.

So, I took care of my bones first, carefully directing my energy to my left pinkie finger. The bones had broken, and its ligaments were ripped apart. But before I began, I needed to have a sense of time passed. 

"Alex, notify me anytime 24hrs pass in this realm."


So I began, and continuously throughout that day I focused solely on healing a single finger, but the process was long and grueling. It required unparalleled focus, as I was quite literally rebuilding my body; any wrong step would cause the wrong tissue to grow and lead to a deformity.

About two days later I had finally healed my finger, regaining movement in it.

"Finally, some progress." I groaned in anguish.

While it was a step forward, there is still a lot more to fix. So, I moved to the next finger, and the next, gaining proficiency in healing the more I did it, shortening the time spent on each portion of the body.

In two weeks, I had managed to put my skeletal structure back in place, however just barely allowing me to move my joints. My muscles and organs, while being more complex are much easier to heal due to their fleshiness. Thus, with a little bit more effort I was healed, although haphazardly at least I could move.

The realm had long been rebuilt since my previous sparring match, reminding me on just how incredible Alex is, but my penalty still wasn't over as there were a few days left.

"I need to massively improve my battle skills to best Naki in a fight, but that's gonna be hell with no demon Qi present."

He was right after all, there was no demonic energy for this was quite literally heaven of all places, and even his divine training room was primarily composed of divine energy.

I paced around, wondering on what to do when I decided to head into the chamber of arts. I swung open its jade doors and headed towards the inner sanctum, revealing the endless knowledge held within it.

"Alex I've noticed that the books are quite disorganized, aren't they? Why not arrange them by category instead."

[As you wish]

In an instant, the scrolls, manuscripts and scribes vanished, reappearing in an instant in different sections.

"Now that's much better."

I then proceeded to look for the section related to medicinal practices and healthcare. Going deeper into the chamber and screening every portion of it I finally reached the medical sector.

"Right, now I just need to find one that has to do with regeneration."

I reached for one book, reading the title which says "Pill refinement for boosted stamina."


I reached for another which was called "Herbal mixtures to decrease aging."


Again and again, I searched for more and more through the books which looked as if they were taken straight out of a cultivation world. Then I found what I was looking for.

"Unlocking immortal healing." It said.

"Hmm, well let's see what you're on about."


Most of the book only reinforced what I learned while healing my body, but there was one portion that truly intrigued me.

'If the difference between the types of Qi is simply based on their directional spin, then if one is able to will the direction of the force to change then can't they alternate between the powers of both God and the Devil? Using each type of energy to stimulate healing in mortal cells would be a miracle to achieve though, as one would need to change their very nature of existence to fit the energy type. Demon cells would respond to demon Qi and Angels heal their fragmented crystalline forms through divine Qi.'

"That is truly interesting, while I'm not willing to change my body to gain healing from other forms of Qi, the spin reversal is a revolutionary theory."

[It truly is, maybe it should be something to work towards]

"Maybe it is."

I left the chamber afterwards, deciding to try and perfect my self-healing.

'I'm not just trying to create my own automatic regeneration; instead, I'd like to improve it beyond the abilities of the system.' 

He thought as he relaxed his body for the process.

"Oi, Alex could you give me a new pair of clothes? What I'm wearing a basically rags, and please make them very durable."

[Of course]

[Cloth creation complete]

Then with an azure light my form was clothed with an inky black trouser and an unbuttoned black shirt which revealed my chiseled figure.

"Huh, a little light, but this should do the job." I commented.

Then I closed my eyes as I placed both hands together as I released all the energy I had left in my body. It flowed through me like a river as it went to all decaying cells in my body. Anything that was aging, dying or even slightly damaged was the target of these particles. They then rejuvenated those cells with life once again, restoring them to their previous states.

My body glowed green as I not only healed, but I also regained vitality in my joints, and muscles. This was the ultimate technique I was looking for. Opening my eyes I saw that my entire being was engulfed in the brilliant green light of this new skill.

I stood there engulfed in the ethereal glow of green as I basked in its glorious warmth. I had achieved what some would say is the pinnacle of health.

[Passive skill Regeneration has evolved into the ultimate passive skill]

[Absolute Rejuvenation has been unlocked]

[Description: A monstrous version of immortality which has never been seen before by any in existence, the final mastery of the skill regeneration which grants the user instantaneous healing against all physical damage, while also granting them the gift of eternal youth, stopping their aging process entirely as long as Qi is supplied. The user is also able to heal others with this skill]

"Huh, this is yet another breakthrough in my abilities." I said with joy at the prospect of remaining young forever.

[Sorry to interrupt your achievement, but there is something urgent at hand]

Alex suddenly said, I don't think I've ever seen her use the word urgent before so this must be serious.

[The skill Void Blast will soon be destroyed]

"What? WHAT!!!" I shouted.

"How the hell is that even possible? Is it a drawback for advancing one skill or something else?"

[No need to worry, your recent improvements have nothing to do with this. It seems that the purple lotus is dying out]

"How?" I wondered.

"Wait, does this have anything to do with Grim?" Seeing as that was the only plausible scenario.

After destroying the personification of death, it would make sense for his skills which require death to react accordingly.

[Yes it does. The purple lotus is an eternal flame that consumes the energy of life, so when it was under Grim's domain it would feed off the death of all life]

"But the energy of life itself is the soul isn't it, so how can the lotus feed off them when there are still those that ascend and descend?"

[Your ability to reason has greatly improved]

"Am I meant to take that as a compliment, well I'm not."

[Mortal souls are but bundles of Qi with consciousness, while their bodies are just means to interact with the world around them. When they die their souls ascend to the celestial realm for judgment and their souls are influence with the spin of whichever universe they spend eternity in. The energy of their bodies however returns to the universe in form of nutrients, with a portion of it being taken by the lotus]

"So, without Grim there's no way for it to access its fuel."

[Exactly, but to solve this issue we can simply link it to a new soul]

I stood there pondering on what to do. Void blast was far too destructive a skill to lose, and it doesn't seem to actively harm anyone either when feeding. So, I came to a decision.

"Right let's see how it's doing."

I sat down, folding my legs as I entered the domain of the lotus. As dark as it ever was, I couldn't hear the usual flickering of the flower, and its light had deemed considerably.

I ran towards it, hoping that there was still time to salvage the skill; luckily, I reached it just in time. It was frail looking, shrunken down to size of my palm as it flickered like a dying flame. I knew that if I didn't do something soon it would be too late, and I'd take a step backwards in my progress.

"Before I we do anything we've got to give it more energy right?" I asked hastily.

[Well seeing as you only have divine energy within you at this point the conflicting spins would cancel each other out, weakening the flames and producing mortal Qi]


[If the flames were stronger then the lotus could easily consume even divine energy but that isn't the case]

Then it came to me, the lotus needed mortal or demon Qi to restore itself, so what if I convert my divine energy to something more demonic? It should work.

"Then what about reverse spin? If I could pull it off, then we'd have more time, right?"

[While that may be true, this is something that has never truly been attempted before. We have no knowledge of possible side effects]

"Well, it's still better than standing here doing nothing."


[Very well proceed at your own risk, but if things get too dangerous, I'll stop you immediately. Dantians can't be fixed so easily after all]

"Huh, common after all this time you still lack faith in me." I smirked.

Then I placed my palm right on the flame, feeling its chaotic nature dwindle as time went by. I felt its Qi particles vibrating rapidly before focusing more intensely on their movement, and then I felt it. Each bundle of energy moved perfectly on its axial spin in an anticlockwise direction.

"I can feel it." Zephyr said in astonishment.

It seems as though each time I try, I get massively better at comprehending the very nature of Qi. My eyes opened as they were filled with a golden glow.

[Eyes of Truth Activated]

I could see the reddish hue given off by demon Qi, and I also saw my divine energy as it wrapped around my arm.

With the aid of the skill, I had even greater control over Qi and began my attempt. I felt the divine energy within my arm move around chaotically as I tried to forcefully change it motion. My arm began to vibrate vehemently as I tried even harder, my divine power strongly resisting my attempts. For hours I stayed there trying over and over again as I continually tried to reverse the spin.




Zephyr began to lose breath as his strength and stamina dwindled. His power was not endless, and this was a clear indication of that very fact.

[The strain on your Qi flow is becoming too great Zephyr]

But he simply pushed through ignoring the warnings. Luckily, he had all the time in the world as the concept of time within the realm of the lotus was non-existent; it was a mental landscape after all.

He kept going, pushing himself harder and using up more and more of his energy.


He began to groan even more, as his entire body released intense pressure on the world. Then he saw it, a single divine particle changed from its golden color to a velvet hue, but that was just the beginning. More and more particles of divine energy changed, and as they did the power flowed into the lotus, reinvigorating it with life.


"YES!!!" I roared in joy, falling to my knees afterwards.

"I did it, I fxcking did it!"

[New Skill created]

[Active skill Reverse Spin has been added to the records]

[Active skill Reverse Spin has been unlocked]

[Description: An impossibly difficult skill to achieve, even by some of the strongest celestials in history. It allows one to willingly alternate between divine and demonic energy in an instant, creating potentially one of the most lethal combinations in history]

The best part of all this was that I didn't need Alex to activate the skill; it was fully mine, just like absolute rejuvenation.

"Now that I've given the lotus some more time what's the next step?" I asked.

[The lotus needs to be linked with a soul]

"So, how do I go about that?"

[Simply absorb this domain into your core, which is the closest link your body has to the soul]

"Hmm, well then let's get this over with."

I grabbed the flame and brought it closer to my chest, slowly incorporating it into my core and as I did the entire realm began to crumble. It shook violently as it slowly but surely dissipated, being absorbed into my very essence. Soon it was over, and I was now in the training room.

"Is that all?" I wondered.

[Yes, now the lotus has not only been given access to its fuel, but you have gained true proficiency when using it]

"Really, but I don't feel any different? What changed?"

[Skill Void Blast has evolved into its true state, consumption]

I was amazed by this new development, now even void blast has improved, but what does the system mean by consumption? To figure this out I stretched out my arm, summoning a void blast right there and then; and it was incredible.

The skill was no longer a simplistic purple energy sphere. Now surrounding its' structure was a slightly darker shade of violet, an unyielding flame which encapsulated the attack on all sides. Then I let it loose, the flames spread instantly, engulfing the divine energy of the realm with its might, and adding to the strength of the orb itself.

[The void blast was initially made to imitate the All-Consuming Fires of the chaos realm. An incredibly powerful existence which burns all that come into direct contact with it to literal non-existence, no judgment or reincarnation, not even energy is left behind. Even the two primordial Gods were wary of its might as prolonged exposure could severely damage even them, that is the reason the flaming sword was so difficult to craft]

"Then that means the outer flames can incinerate nearly anything, right?"

[As long as whom you are attacking is not stronger than you then yes]

"Incredible, this truly is a marvelous sight to behold." He said while basking in his own glory.

"This should be more than enough to best him."

"Summon Naki." I commanded once again.

[As you wish, summoning Martial General of Luminescence Naki from the abyss of non-existence]

Golden particles came forth with the manifestation of the general. He was fully healed and prepared for battle this instant.

"My Lord is it time for another duel? I thought you'd need more time to recover and improve."

I simply chuckled at his remarks.

"Well, there's no need to worry about me, I think its best you keep your concern to yourself."

"In that case, may we begin?" He said with a determined gaze.

"Right, we shall."

We both got into battle stances, once again facing each other head on. This time however I'll win no matter what, especially now that I have a full Qi pool.

[The host has been re-given his failed mission]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 45

Exp: 3,014,970,492.365/31,416,416,305.4375.

Rank: SSS-class







SP: 0

QI: 15,000

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Absolute Rejuvenation(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, The Devourer, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Beat your subordinate Naki in hand-to-hand combat

Rewards: 50,000,000,000exp

Punishment: Complete deactivation of the Divine Training Room for 365days on Earth

Time Limit: None

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

"Huh, figures." He said with disdain.

The two lunged at each other with incredible velocity. Each powered up their fists to the maximum output and readied to clash. Zephyr reinforced his strength with the fist of god while Naki engulfed his own with divine energy. Both were just about colliding with enough force to shatter planets.

Then just as Nakis' fist neared Zephyr a blue light flashed for a second, Zephyr grabbed the devourer, avoiding a head on collision with Naki. 

Though the evasion wasn't perfect, Naki still managed to land a blow directly on his abdomen, bruising it badly as the flesh turned purple. Zephyr ceased the opportunity granted and sliced right across the generals' chest, leaving behind a deep gash. Not only that but he also lost some power as the devourer consumed his Qi.

 I stood there with a huge grin plastered on my face as Naki had to leap away from the confrontation. But I made sure to keep my head leveled, as any slip up and I'd be taken out in an instant.

My bruise healed instantly and without wasting anytime I rushed towards the weakened warrior. He took a defensive stance and tried to counterattack, but I wasn't so easily deterred.

'Well, this is an unfortunate predicament' Naki told himself.

Not only had he lost a fifth of his strength, but he also has to deal with an expert swordsman.

"Very well, I shall end this swiftly." Naki said, deciding to rush forward instead of waiting to be attacked.

This sudden change surprised Zephyr but wasn't completely unexpected. They charged at each other once again, splitting up into multiple apparitions that would face off against each other across the entire dimension. The shockwaves of their battles intensify by the moment causing ripples through the very fabric of reality.

Then the pseudo-clones vanish. Zephyr appears right in front of Naki, evading his senses using the skill stealth, while using the moment of distraction from their multi-location battle. 

"Dammit!" Naki roared as he tried to sidestep the incoming attack.

"Like hell I'd let you escape."

[Hand of God Active]

An oppressive force held me in place, unrelenting in nature it bound me to one point. Then he attacked with all his might landing multiple sword strikes in an instant, massively weakening me. Then the skill ceased, and I was freed, however the strength I had worked so hard for was nearly gone. Then I looked over at him as I stumbled.

"You bloody monster."

But with no time to recover he seized my moment of weakness landing an uppercut with his god fist that sent me flying with a sonic boom. Rocketing though the sky I nearly lost consciousness but managed to slip back into reality.

I redirected my body in the air and descended back down with grace, landing perfectly as I regained my vigor.

"There's no point in delaying fate, let's end this in one final attack." I said while storing my blade.

"Very well, I shall draw out the last of my strength in this final assault. I trust that you'll use no more tricks."

I chuckled.

"Of course, this'll be decided by absolute power."

They stood at a distance from one another, Naki decided to use a long-ranged strike that would split the world. This was his version of the god fist. Zephyr though simply stood there with one arm extended.

I gathered the divine Qi within my core, manifesting it as a destructive Qi attack from my palm. It swelled with more and more energy until it dwarfed me in size.

"Reverse Spin."

The orb swerved into a malevolent maelstrom of demonic energy before converting into a fully powered void blast. Nakis' gaze intensified as the final clash was about to begin.

I launched the blast, moving at faster than light speeds it tore through the stone like butter, incinerating it with ease. The farther it moved the faster it accelerated towards Naki, and once he determined that it was close enough, he'd counterattack.

Then it came and he struck it with all he had. The impact resonated across the entire plane as the two forces tried their best to overpower the other. Bright flashes of light erupted as Naki struggled to keep going; then he noticed something.

Strange violet flames began to engulf his fist, slowly eating away at it as he began to fragment. He was forced to use both arms to defend against the void blast, but the flames spread even further. They ate away at his arms reducing them to ash and cinder as streams of purple flames seeped into Nakis' body, the demonic Qi finding its way into the warriors' divine body, corrupting it from within.

The intensity of the sphere grew more and more as it consumed the body of Naki, using that as fuel to become an even greater destructive force. His hands crumbled into stardust as he fell to his knees, at that point the streams of demon Qi had reached his eyes, nearly corrupting his entire body.

"That's more than enough." Zephyr commanded, dissipating the attack at once.

He then walked through the rubble towards the fallen warrior.

"Huh, you really are strong, more than strong." Zephyr said, as his prideful demeanor was replaced with respect.

"Rest." I said, as he returned to the abyss of non-existence.

[Mission Complete]

[The host has received 50,000,000,000exp for completing the mission]

[The host has leveled up]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 46

Exp: 2,681,154,640.365/47,124,624,458.156.

Rank: SSS-class







SP: 20

QI: 15,000

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Absolute Rejuvenation(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, The Devourer, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Complete

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

I let out a deep sigh as I was finally done with this round of training. I then put all my stats in intelligence as I needed as much Qi as possible.

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 46

Exp: 2,681,154,640.365/47,124,624,458.156.

Rank: SSS-class







SP: 0

QI: 17,000

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Absolute Rejuvenation(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, The Devourer, Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Complete

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

"Right, it's just about time I lea-" He was interrupted a humanoid figure started to appear.

Out of the fabric of this realm cracks and tears in reality appeared as space-time unraveled in a brilliant allure of light and energy. From this forcibly made portal came an angel.

"Uriel!" I said in surprise.

The archangel of wisdom had broken into my pocket dimension, but for what reason?

"There you are Zephyr. It's been a few years since I last saw you, at first, I thought you'd be reminiscing with your parents or friends, but after some time I realized you must have left the heavenly realm." He explained.

"So, I'm guessing that you found my energy and literally tore through reality to find me."

"Well, enough time has been wasted; you need to gain further proficiency of nirvana now." He commanded with all seriousness.

I knew that was necessary, but what happened to cause the sudden change in attitude.

"The third great war will soon begin."

There was a moment of silence as Zephyr failed to process the information at hand.


I'll post two chapters this week, so and the next one will be extra long.

CRSTALkingcreators' thoughts