

The student beside him was named Jericho. Normally, handsome people were popular and outgoing. This guy, however, preferred to stay quiet.

He was exactly six feet tall and had a skin as dark as Nutella. If there were three words that would sum him up, he was tall, dark and handsome. Right after he whispered the word 'zombies' which Mason heard, Jericho immediately rushed outside to leave the classroom.

Mason followed him with his gaze and then shifted his gaze to his classmates who were panicking. During the time that he was watching Jericho, another one of his classmates had been bitten. The male volunteer was twitching on the floor, the sound of bones cracking could be heard by those around them. Some students slowly backed away while some others ran away.

The male volunteer who was twitching on the floor stopped moving and opened its eyes. The white of his eyes had completely turned red, similar to the woman whose teeth had sunk into another student's arm. Like the female student, he also started attacking his classmates.

Instinctively, Mason took his bag and went out just like Jericho. As soon as he got out of the classroom, he saw that it wasn't just two people who were attacking others. There were so many others in the hallway. People were running to and fro just like his professor. The professor was limping away towards God knows where.

Screams filled up the hallways and more people were bitten, infected and turned into zombies. Nobody volunteered to help anyone anymore as each one ran for their lives. Those who tried to help their friends were the first ones who were attacked. There were also students who just sad on the floor, covered their ears and were crying hysterically.

Mason tried searching for Jericho but the man had already disappeared.

"I should get out of this place." Mason mumbled to himself. "Where should I go."

Most students ran out of the building using the main staircase. The main staircase was the stairs he had used earlier. There were also some students were a bit smart and tried to use the fire exit. Altogether, there were three fire exits in this building. Mason also remembered that there was a fire axe along with the emergency hose near the fire exit so he decided to go there.

The way leading to the fire exit nearest to him had not been filled by zombies. However, it was filled with students who were curious as to what was happening. The professors looked mad at the commotion that was happening. Unknown to them, starting that day, they would never be teaching again.

Mason sifted through the curious crowd. There were familiar faces here and there but he could not care any less. His best friend was in a different school as well as the girl he had a crush on. He was not particularly close to anyone in his class and the next best living thing that he cared for was his dog and his aunt.

The sound of people screaming got louder as time went by. He started to jog instead of just walking fast. He needed to get a weapon as soon as possible.

When Mason arrived by the nearest fire exit, someone had already taken the fire axe.

"It must have been Jericho. Should I go down or should I get the other fire axe at the other fire exit? Mason deliberated. "Screw it."

Mason ran towards the next fire exit. This fire exit was near the dean's office. Yesterday, he just had an intense argument with the College Secretary so he was a bit reluctant to go over there. The world was ending anyway so he proceeded over the place.

He had to pass by his classroom once again to reach the other fire exit so he went back using the same way. More students were running towards his direction.

"To the fire exit!"

"They are coming from the main stairways!"

"I have to get my bag!"

"What in the world is happening!"


"He has been bitten!"

Mason was alert as he ran towards the other exit. This decision was a dumb one but he had to take his chances. People bumped him and sometimes, he thought to just go with the other people. However, there was this intense feeling that he absolutely had to use the other exit.

Halfway to the other fire exit, he was forced to change his decision. There was a large fat man in front of him who was running. Behind him was a wave of zombies. Unlike slow zombies depicted in movies, these zombies were aggressive and were fast runners.

"Move!" The large fat man signalled for him to move away. Behind the big man was a zombie. This zombie had the same appearance as his short professor. In fact, it was really his professor in Advance Accounting 1.

Behind Mason, there was also some zombies but the problem now was that the way was jam packed with students. Mason looked to his right and saw a door. He opened it and shouted to the large fat man.


The large fat man's eyes shined and his speed seemed to have increased. There were no other students behind him as all had turned into zombies.

"Go! Go! Faster!" Mason shouted at the top of his lungs. A zombie jumped towards him but he pushed it away. The adrenaline swelling inside him had given him strength to push the zombie a few meters back.

"Safe!" The large fat man had now entered the room and shouted towards Mason.

Mason entered the room and locked it up. Luckily for the both of them, the doors were designed to be pulled from the outside or pushed from the inside. The zombies outside banged against the door for a while but to no avail. A few seconds later, the banging stopped. The zombie seemed to have found another victim. After all, there were still so many students who were on the hallway.

The large fat man was panting. It was obvious that he was not a man that was fond of exercising. He was about six feet three inches in height and it would take two people to hug him. That's how large and fat he was.

Mason had looked at his surroundings keenly. He had never entered this room before but it was clear that this room was the room where the people from maintenance use. The room contained materials for carpentry such as hammers and saws, locker where they kept their stuff, a table and three chairs. The size of this room was one fourth the size of his classroom. There was no other person besides them in this room.

"Are hu those hu zombies hu?." The large fat man was panting between his words.

"I think so." Mason briefly answered.

"What are we supposed to do know? Do we wait?"

"We could but we my dog would starve to death if I did not go home."

"Your what?"


"Oh okay."

Then there was a brief awkward silence between the two. Mason looked at the the other person and asked, "What's your name?"

"Just call me Iggy."

"I'm Mason." Mason offered his hand to shake.

"Awhile ago, you asked me what we have to do right? We search for weapons."

The read headphones hanging by Mason's neck was still playing a music. This time, it was Bohemian Rhapsody by the Queen.