

When it rains, it pours. When something bad happens, some other bad things happen.

A student's hair was wet as he sat in his chair, looking out the window, while his professor was talking about the journal entries for International Accounting Standards 11 - Construction Contracts.

This student came late in his Advance Accounting 1 class and thus, marked as absent. His next absence would render this subject as a failure because of a stupid policy called "Failure Due To Absences."

This person had a low fade haircut for his black hair. He wore a pair of eyeglasses that further accentuated his sharp looking eyes. A red headphone hung by his neck. Even though he did not wear the headphones by his ears, music could still be heard from it. It was Sonata Opus 27 No. 2 also known as Moonlight by the great Beethoven.

He had a muscular physique that was on the leaner side . He was just 5 feet and 6 inches in height, a height average in this country but considered small in most other countries. Lastly, he had brown skin which he was proud of as it was a sign of him being a varsity in Track and Field, a sport he excelled in.

His parents had both died when he was in high school and the only way for him to continue studying was to be an athlete for a school. He received full scholarship for his achievements and capabilities as a varsity. Currently, he was living with his aunt and a dog.

Mason sighed and remembered his unlucky morning. Because he woke up late, he was in a rush and did not notice that his dog had pooped on the floor. He stepped on it and slipped up. He took more time in cleaning the poop before he was able to leave for the school. His aunt had already left a long time ago for work.

The traffic was bad as usual but his mood was awful so he felt like the traffic took longer than usual. In addition, he was unable to sit on the bus and the person beside him had a bad body odour. After an hour, he got used to the smell when the same person farted. His trip took him two hours before he went down.

The moment he went down, rain started to pour. He searched for his umbrella inside his black bag but there was none. He ran under the rain just to arrive in class.He had an examination next week and he absolutely had to attend his lessons no matter what.

Mason was a nimble runner. In just a couple of minutes, he arrived at the school building. The classrooms in this building was newly built. Originally, the building was just a three storey parking lot but the school deemed it safe to add one more floor to accommodate Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Students 15 or so years ago.

Aside from parking spaces, the first and second floor had food stalls, restaurants and a convenience store renting a few of the building's space. The 3rd floor was strictly for parking while the 4th and the last floor was the classrooms area. His destination right now was the 4th floor.

Although he was light-footed, he absolutely hated stairs and hated the administration for not allowing students access to use the elevator. The only time that students could use the elevator was when they had at least a fractured bone. How evil.

He finally felt relieved after arriving on the 4th floor of the building. He straightened up his uniform consisting of beige polo with the university logo on the left patch, black pants and leather shoes. He wiped the water off his fake eyeglasses (he uses this eyeglasses to look more attractive) and entered room 404.

"Mr. Mason, you are an hour late. If you cannot fulfil your role as a student, then you better quit being an athlete. One more absent then, you fail this class. Sit down."

The professor was short and fat. It was evident in his voice that he cared for his students but the students could not take him seriously as he was bad at his profession. The students normally studied by themselves and only attended this class because they were required to do so.

"Yes sir." Mason meekly answered and sat on his chair by the window.

He took out a wet notebook from his bag. He opened the notebook and held a pen on his right hand. After that, he looked at the window and watched rain drops race each other.

"Are you still listening? Mr. Mason!" Mason woke up from his stupor as his professor called him.

"Okay Mr. Mason, please explain to the class the Percentage of Completion Method."

"If the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, revenue and costs should be recognised in proportion to the stage of completion of contract activity." Mason read the answer from the notebook of his classmate in front of him.

"Good. Please pay attention to class Mr. Mason." The professor's eyes drifted to the sleeping student beside Mason. He had long lost all his hope for this kid who just slept in his class.

"Now class, what if the outcome cannot be estimated reliably? The professor continued to blabber as Mason's mind wandered once again. The rain drop that he was betting on had lost. He was now choosing another droplet that he would bet on when they all heard a disturbing scream.

"Looks like someone's going to fail." The professor joked and the students laughed. It was normal for students to get kicked out of this course. Only 60% of the students who entered were able to graduate.

At this moment in time, the rain started to pour harder. The attention of the class shifted to the rain that was pouring hard. Some students wished for the class to be suspended while others worried about how they were going to go home.

Mason felt something was off but he could not put his finger on it. The professor was about to continue his discussion when they heard more screams.

"I think the noise is too much. Just wait. I'll just go and check what's happening." The professor walked with a limp when suddenly, a bloody hand banged against the glass part of the door. The glass of the door was just a small glass just enough to see the inside of the room.

The professor hastened his speed to see what was happening outside. Meanwhile, the students were mostly curious about what was happening. Mason's eyes grew bigger as he saw something unusual outside the window.

The professor opened the door to check upon the owner of the bloody hand. The owner of the hand was a female student who was bleeding through her neck. For his students not to see, the professor immediately closed the door.

"She's bleeding!" One student who had seen what happened said and ran towards the door to look at what was happening. There were other students who also did the same. Meanwhile, the wrinkles on Mason's forehead increased as he tried to look more closely at the strange sight outside. It would not be weird if there were people running in the rain but there was just too many people who were outside, running.

"I will help the professor. I know some 1st aid techniques." A male student opened the door and volunteered himself to help the bleeding student. The other students were focused on the sight but did not dare to leave the room.

"Are those..." Mason slowly stood up and had a strange look on his face.

At the same time that he stood up, he heard a male voice screaming. This voice belonged to the student who volunteered to help the bleeding student. The other students who were watching backed away while the professor did his best to pull the female student away from the male one.

"Zombies." The sleeping student beside Mason woke up, stood up and said this one word.

The music from his headphones had also stopped.