
Meeting Survivors

A door silently and slowly opened as if the person pushing it deemed it a sin to push it even a little bit faster. A pair of eyes could be seen peeking through the little opening that the act of pushing the door had made.

The pair of eyes disappeared for a while before coming back with another pair of eyes. The door opened even wider and revealed two men. One was short and lean while the other was tall and fat. It was Mason and Iggy.

One held a crowbar on his right hand while the other had a crowbar on each hand. They had something taped over their arms which made their arms looked bigger. Looking closely, those were magazines with female covers. They found the magazine within a locker inside the maintenance room. The crowbars were found in separate toolboxes.

"Coast is clear." Mason checked the hallway and found no zombies.

The silent hallway was littered with bags, chairs, papers and blood but there were no signs of any other creature within it. The lean and the fat man made their way to the other fire exit which was Mason's goal yesterday.

The other fire exit was just around the corner. As time went by, the vigilance in their hearts slowly went away until they reached the fire exit. There was a corpse who had its head busted. It was a female student based on its uniform and the length of its hair.

"It's dead. We should be safe." Mason whispered but just as these words left his mouth, his bad luck showed up. A zombie appeared.

Prior to his death, this person was the college dean. A fire axe was stuck on its shoulders and the blood on his clothes had already turned black. Even though there was a fire axe stuck on its shoulders, it could move as fast as the other zombies.

Unlike yesterday's zombies, this zombie had longer nails and its red eyes had even turned redder. There were also black veins that crept up its face. The zombie saw the duo, shrieked and attacked the duo.

"Come on!" Iggy gritted his teeth while slowly backing away.

Mason stood his ground and tightened his grip on the crowbar. He held it with two hands just like a baseball player would. Sometimes, the track and field varsities would play with the baseball varsities. This was where he learned how to swing a bat effectively and efficiently.

The zombie jumped and shrieked even louder.

"Come on!" Iggy said once again but he was already a meter away from Mason.

With a twist of his hips, Mason swung the crowbar with his full strength.

Creak. The bones on the arms of the zombie were crushed under his strong swing. The zombie was thrown off balance. At the same instance, Mason dropped his crowbar and grabbed the handle of the fire axe. He yanked it out, making black blood spill all over the floor.

"Hold it down!" Mason shouted to Iggy.

Iggy dashed towards the zombie that was on the floor and hit its head with its crowbar. "How dare you attack your daddy? Lie down and take these blows from I, your daddy!"

Iggy continued to swing his crowbar while shouting "Whose your daddy? I'm your daddy!"

"Move!" Mason said to Iggy. In his hands was the fire axe. He lifted it up and hacked at the zombie's forehead. The zombie's forehead cracked and the blade of the fire axe proceeded to penetrate the zombie's brain. After a couple of seconds, the zombie stopped moving.

"Can't keep up with us, huh?" Iggy kicked the zombie.

Iggy kicked the zombie multiple times until he was stopped by Mason. Moving towards them were a couple of zombies whose eyes were bloodshot.

"Come on!" Iggy shouted at the zombies. Just as he screamed at the zombies, more came flooding in from another hallway.

"I was just kidding. Run!"

Mason picked up the crowbar he dropped before the both of them ran towards the fire exit and locked the door up. They jammed it with a crowbar just to make sure that the zombies couldn't get in. The zombies banged the door and shrieked but they could not get in.

"Wooh." Both of them sighed with relief. It was then that they heard a shriek from the floor above.

"I have a car on the 3rd floor." Iggy said. "Let's go."

Mason looked up before following Iggy. Each step they took, the zombie behind them seem to take two steps further. The sound of its shriek became louder until finally, when Mason turned his head back, the zombie was already on their heels.

"Iggy!" Iggy also turned around and saw the zombie. "Fuck." Iggy lifted his arm which was wrapped with magazines and charged towards the zombie.

Yesterday, they had already planned about how they were going to deal with zombies. With his huge body, he would utilise his weight and hold the zombie back. Then, Mason would deal the killing blow. If ever there were two or more zombies, the plan was to run. It was just that a while ago, fear had the best of him. Now, Iggy felt no fear anymore.

Mason thought that if Iggy was going to run away again, he would ditch this guy. But if the big man had courage, he would tag along with this guy. He still had to go home and check his dog after all.

The zombie charging towards them wore a student's uniform. As it ran towards the two men, Iggy, grabbed its legs and pulled the zombie down the stairs. Mason was just waiting down the stairs and swung the fire axe at its head.


Blood stained the fire exit as the zombie's head was split from head to nose.

"Let's go." Mason opened the door that led to the 3rd floor.

The 3rd floor of the building was built as a parking lot. Right now, this place looked more like a scrapyard than a parking lot.

"We can't leave by car." Mason told Iggy.

"Yeah but I have a gun in my car." Iggy grinned.

Mason looked at Iggy with a bit of confusion that looked like he was curious as to how.

"My dad's a senator so it's normal for us to have a gun. Ya know, for safety reasons." Iggy picked up the .45 caliber Glock pistol and grabbed an extra magazine.

"Let's grab some food before we go." Mason led the way to the 2nd floor.

There were lots of food on this floor as it was where food stalls rented. They checked the stalls and grabbed the food which did not have blood in it. They also checked the refrigerators and freezers for food. The second floor was their serendipity.

The two of them split up to explore the place even faster. Mason passed by restaurants such as Chowking, KFC and Tokyo Tokyo. His attention was caught by a man running on the main road. Behind him was a horde of around half a thousand zombies.

In a few seconds, the zombie horde caught up to him and tore him to shreds. Mason instinctively backed away.

"Will I reach my dog?" Mason muttered under his breath. "I have to go to the rooftop and scan the entire place."

Mason called Iggy and explained why they had to go to the rooftop. Iggy agreed and they made their way back up. As an added safety feature, they marked food stores where they could lock themselves up if ever they encountered trouble. They also brought food just in case they were trapped somewhere.

They safely walked up to the rooftop. The door on the 4th floor, which they previously came from, was still intact. The door to the rooftop was locked from the outside.

"Hey! Anybody there." Mason banged the door three times. "Hey!"

"Are you bit?" A man from behind the door shouted.

"No." Mason answered.

"Are you crazy? We don't know if he's telling the truth."

When Mason heard this voice, he frowned slightly.

"But sir, we..."

"No, we will not allow anyone up."

"But sir, those."

"No means no."

"We will wait for a minute and ask them again. Those who are bit turn in just a matter of seconds anyway." Another voice entered the conversation.

"Yeah she's right!"

"We have food." Mason said. The voices went silent and the door slowly creaked open.

"We will check if you have any bite marks. Is that fine with you?" The female whose voice was authoritative asked them the question.


The door was opened slowly. There were seven people on the rooftop. A pair of twins, a trio of men who looked like delinquents, the student council president and the professor who he had an argument with yesterday.