
Bodybuilding Harem, Do you lift sister? (R18-Crossover)

Bodybuilding, Harem, Sex, Crime. A man from Earth is reborn into a fighting and hentai world's massive crossover. As an OC from KOF, Terry and Andy Bogard's youngest brother, to be specific. If I had to describe what I want to do with this, let's say it's Nostalgia+Hentai Harem. You'll get characters from Hentai parodies, old Arcade games, Tekken, HSD, Baki, GOHS, Streetfighter, Streets of Rage, KOF, etc. XX Warning: This is mostly a slice of life. The gym/bodybuilding stuff won't start before chapter 30. -- Update Schedule: Not good, Not fixed (I write this to relax) XX Tags: Netori, (No ntr), Corruption, Mindbreak, Incest, Mothers, Milfs, Brainless, Crossover, Harem, Gender-bending, Hentai-babes, Hentai-world rules, Hentai-logic X Shoutouts to the legend who inspired this/*ThighsSeeker* And his novel/ "A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)" XX Current Cover pic- Sotcho (Artist)

Sennengoroshi · Video Games
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33 Chs

Chapter 12

"School? Kid, we're talking about important things, you and me."

"School isn't important?" John furrowed his brows. It wasn't like he liked school, but he had much to learn about this world.

"Of course it is, but for someone with great connections and who's already awakened a powerful mutant gene, it matters very little. I repeated a year like your middle brother Andy, too. But after I became a mutant, nobody cared. Of course, I had to pass a test to enter a private higher institute, but as I said, the important thing is potential. You and I are no doubt alike in this respect…."

"..." John remained silent. Geese, that deadbeat, apparently had done his homework and investigated their household between yesterday and today. There was no way he'd remember his bastards' names before so well.

"Besides, I forgot to ask you what your mutant gene does. Masculinity, huh? Sounds manly, but what does that even do? Does that turn you into a Tarzan who discovered steroids or something?" Geese asked, very curious. In this world, some of the old classics were the same…And so were some drugs.

When John was about to explain, Geese said:

"Forget it, we'll be late, and I'll get an earful if we spend another second here.

Kid, hold onto my shoulders and don't let go…We are going to take off with a bang! Haha!"

Geese wouldn't use this somewhat unsafe flying method with his other children. He would directly secure them under his arms. But since he understood that John was a mutant, plus one with some defensive-and-healing gene, he wanted to test him a bit.

Even if he fell, the risk to his life was minimal.

There was also the fact that John called him an asshole in public…There was little chance the kid would want to be grabbed like a toddler, would he?

"Okay." John, who had an indestructible brain, bones, and other vitals and vital organs (X1000), didn't care. He grabbed his father's shoulders from behind. If anyone else was at the scene, they would think the young man was stopping a fight and preventing the suit-wearing middle-aged from sending another punch at a seemingly invisible opponent.

In reality, he was just going to take a roller coaster ride.

"Here we go! Grab tight!" After John took a comfortable grab, Geese shouted. The next second he was focusing energy on and from below his feet. And the circumference around said feet turned bright yellow.



Before John could understand how his father's power worked, Geese made a strong leap with a sound that seemed to pierce the atmosphere. And he and John were propelled into the air.

The next place they landed was the roof of another building kilometers away. And for something like two minutes, Geese repeated the deafening jumping motion.


After speaking with Geese, John noticed the man seemed scared of his wife. Even if not a lot, a little.

Below the surface, the young man felt and imagined... the relationship his father had with the woman wasn't as simple as it seemed…

Soon they stopped in front of a skyscraper.

Standing on an adjacent rooftop, Geese finally took a breather and said:

"Here we are, kid, Dimitrescu Corporation…."

"I thought we were going to your company? Doesn't your wife work with you?" Startled and confused, John glanced at the long gray building before saying.

"That's why I'd like it if you stopped creating unnecessary trouble. My wife is angry, so we're meeting her at my in-laws."

"..." John was a little nervous now.

"...By the way, I can't totally guarantee your survival, but try and keep your cool in there." Geese said nonchalantly as if this kind of situation was normal for him.

"What?!" Shocked, John jumped a bit.

"You heard me. Let's go in quick if you want to raise those chances." John's deadbeat dad said.

The next moment, father and son entered the building after crossing the street. That was under the watchful eyes of the employees who recognized Geese.


Dimitrescu Corporation, on the top floor of the building.

In a luxurious, red-colored room lacking light.

A group of women was talking calmly when one, really taller, older, and more muscular than the others, said:

"They seem to be here…Lust, go and welcome your father."

"With that bastard son of his? Why should I go, Grandma? Haha, ask Bayonetta since she seems to be so excited." A woman called Lust said. She wore a black and very tight dress. She also had long black hair and looked like a witch, even if very seductive.

Lust was the oldest. The other person, Bayonetta, that she referred to was her second sister.

"I don't feel like welcoming them either. Ask Ivy or Poison then; Samantha isn't here yet. And Olivier is still busy helping Rock sign a contract, I think…." Sitting with crossed arms on a long and extravagant sofa, Bayonetta said. Where it was bought, the item was called a Divan.

Bayonetta was a beautiful woman with a slender yet curvy and bewitching figure. She had black hair wrapped into a beehive-like hairdo with a bang sweeping to the right. And gray eyes with a beauty mark at the bottom of her left cheek—close to her lips.

Done speaking, the woman turned to girls of comparable height and features. Those were the tomboyish and willful twins, Ivy and Poison...

One had dyed her hair pink since she was a bit of a hoodlum…The other had short grey hair and wore extremely indecent clothes.

Those two and the woman called Bayonetta were high school teachers. Well, not all because recently Poison decided to enter the police academy.

Alcina looked at her grandchildren and sighed. After a wry smile, she turned to her daughter and said:

"Balalaika, are you really fine with this? Geese made a mistake again, but if you love him to death like you always say you do, you must endure…."

"..." A blonde woman who sat on a large and moving chair kept smoking the cigar in her mouth silently. What was visible was only her hair because she had a seat turned away from the other women.

The room was dim, yet staring at the light-blue sky outside the window, thinking about her lustful and egomaniacal soulmate, Geese, Balalaika finally said:

"He'll learn today, mom. He will…"

"Really? How many times have I heard this before you asked me to hire some professional killers? Each time...I won't believe it until I see it, dear, but do your thing." Her massive legs crossed and clipping her nails, Alcina replied with mockery.


Geese was a coward. Or at least it seemed.

John wasn't sure if he was just afraid of his wife or of powerful and influential women in general, but when they arrived at the front door, the man said:

"Kid, try to survive for twenty minutes inside first, and I'll come in to bail you out…."

"What?! You're not coming with me?" John asked, in shock.

"It won't be good for you if I stand next to or defend you. My wife will hate you more…Also, I'm running late on some calls I got to make." Geese explained.


Inside the room,

"Why aren't they coming in?" Using her vampiric mutant gene to sense Geese and a young man outside the door, Alcina frowned.

But she smiled when she heard what the father and son were saying. That guy Geese was an asshole, but he knew how to woo her daughter…

The moment the huge-butted widow wished she had a great man she could show off again to friends her age —or at least a young and cute lover these days to cure her from lonely nights and wet dreams— the door finally opened from the outside …

…And a young blond she strangely felt attracted to and found more masculine than she should, stepped inside the red room.

When her crotch turned a little moist, the boy took a circular glance and asked a question:

"I'm John. Who's looking for me?"


At the same time, in a certain vandalized park,

"Who do you think did this?" A policewoman, a detective to be precise, asked one of her colleagues. Her eyes were on a field in a complete mess.

"Doesn't this look like the aftereffects of Geese Howard's [Ergokinesis]? We met similar case six years ago, if you recall." The destruction-and-civil-damage expert suggested one hand over the overturned ground and kneeling.

His gaze turning back to his colleague who stood, he added:

"If it's him, you think he fought someone here?"

"We'd need to study this field more, first...I couldn't say for sure." Detective Chun-li replied, scowling. "But if he did, the other guy was probably no slouch. In terms of lethality and simultaneous casualties this has already reached great-crowd-slaughter level."

When the woman with a highly, somewhat professionally-fit figure and Chinese traits grew more pensive than necessary, her superior and partner walked over. Then she said:

"Headquarters has called. We need to leave the field..."

"What?! But we just arrived, Rinko!" Detective Chun-li frowned again and said. "What's going on?"

"You can take a guess, but this mess should be above our paygrade..." Rinko Iori sighed and answered with experience and vicissitude in her voice.

She was a woman with blue hair, gigantic boobs, and jeans too tight for her thick ass.

If John was here, he would recognize her as one of his dream milfs. But she was not just a desperate housewife and a fine fap material in this world. The hot woman was a highly trained and qualified mutant-police sergeant. One who loved to wear black sunglasses.

"It won't be useful if we stay. So stop dawdling, and let's go have a snack, kids…This one is on me. I'll treat you to whatever you want today."


Dimitrescu Corporation, Top floor,

The person responsible for the damage at the park was having a nice chat. One nicer than he previously imagined.

He had yet to meet Geese's wife so far, though.

When John wondered if the blonde woman he couldn't identify behind the large desk and chair was Geese's infamous wife, someone he quickly grew friendly with said:

"Haha, John, you're funnier and cuter than I thought you'd be…Would you mind answering one last question of mine?"

The speaker was none other than Alcina Dimitrescu. A snu-snu goddess from his previous life who seemed to be Geese's mother-in-law in this world.

Talk about giving him more reasons not to kill his deadbeat dad. Lady Geese was confirmed at this point…

"Go ahead, but miss Alcina…can I call you Alcina, by the way? What's your last question?" John asked with his stepsisters' watchful and curious eyes, or half-sisters in this case, on him—The power of his MNF stimulated to the max to boost his manly hormones.

The hot women in the room were fighting a trance, a daze, hypnosis, or a daydream...Even the stronger and scarier Lust he recognized from FMA seemed a little tsundere with her expressions. Unable to fight the sudden surge of attraction building up deep within her, she and many others in the room lost their minds. Gradually.

She tried hard not to send quick and dismissive glances at the boy. Yet, nothing would escape his chad-like senses whenever he was in that powerful seduction state.

Because he was in a critical situation, his [gender-alpha] supremacy took over and boosted his mutant gene.