
Bodybuilding Harem, Do you lift sister? (R18-Crossover)

Bodybuilding, Harem, Sex, Crime. A man from Earth is reborn into a fighting and hentai world's massive crossover. As an OC from KOF, Terry and Andy Bogard's youngest brother, to be specific. If I had to describe what I want to do with this, let's say it's Nostalgia+Hentai Harem. You'll get characters from Hentai parodies, old Arcade games, Tekken, HSD, Baki, GOHS, Streetfighter, Streets of Rage, KOF, etc. XX Warning: This is mostly a slice of life. The gym/bodybuilding stuff won't start before chapter 30. -- Update Schedule: Not good, Not fixed (I write this to relax) XX Tags: Netori, (No ntr), Corruption, Mindbreak, Incest, Mothers, Milfs, Brainless, Crossover, Harem, Gender-bending, Hentai-babes, Hentai-world rules, Hentai-logic X Shoutouts to the legend who inspired this/*ThighsSeeker* And his novel/ "A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)" XX Current Cover pic- Sotcho (Artist)

Sennengoroshi · Video Games
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33 Chs

Chapter 11

When everyone was confused and distracted, not just by their teacher's big boobs, the eyes of the boys in the class all went, John included, to a young girl. She was standing next to their busty teacher.

"Is this the transfer student?! Wow, who is it?! She's pretty, my god…"

Smiling like a fox, the teacher said to the young girl:

"Bluemary, introduce yourself."

The young girl standing next to the teacher had short blonde hair in a bob cut, blue eyes, and a muscular body. Very muscular for her age anyway. But she was muscular like an Olympic gymnast. Which further enhanced her feminine appearance.

The girl also wore a small sleeveless red crop top, loose blue jeans with the sign of a star, and brown boots.

After a circular look at the class, and a nervous sigh, she opened her more than sensual little mouth to introduce herself:

"Hello, everyone. My name is Bluemary Howard."

The girl said no more than this. But the class exploded with questions from the boys. They were more excited than each other.

Even John's childhood friend, Paul, had his eyes flickering a bit.

Looking at the guys, Ghislaine and her sister each said in turn:

"Men are all the same…"

"...Maybe, but look at her again, Ghislaine. She comes with some heavy cargo. And I'm not just talking about her breasts. Look at her ass."

Looking at the blue-eyed girl again, Ghislaine finally admitted she was beautiful. But her gaze then turned to John. His reaction was far more worrying than the rest of the class.

"John?" Confused, Ghislaine arched her brows…

…Unhappy, she immediately thought pessimistically:

'Don't tell me it's love at first sight?'

The boy looked haggard. And his curious, or rather petrified gaze, was stuck on the transfer student.

'I won't lose…'

When Ghislaine started thinking about things that were more misunderstood than useless, her childhood friend asked a question. Exactly to the person worrying her...doing so, John roused further a possessive and competitive sense that the cat-girl was hiding from him.

Months earlier, Paul confessed his feelings to her and tried to date her, but she quickly and abruptly rejected him. Which only made Paul's relationship with John worse.

"Bluemary Howard? Are you related to a certain Geese Howard by any chance?"

John asked his question.

"Do you know my father?" When the whole class looked at John with different feelings, Bluemary asked curiously. She was surprised.

"...Your father?" John didn't know if he should chuckle, but he did. Then he said, "Geese is my father too. Are you my sister then? Nice to meet you after 15 years…

Haha, don't tell me that asshole transferred you here because of me?"

Nobody knew about John's father's identity in the class, not even the big-boobed professor.

Everyone was shocked when he made his sudden and rude statement and introduced himself to Bluemary as her brother.


The classroom caught figurative fire as if the Bogard had released some bomb.

"You are my brother?! No, my half-brother?" Bluemary was in shock. She blinked, a little frightened. She didn't suspect him too much because he looked a little like her, And she understood her dad a little, thanks to her mom…

"Wait, you two! Brothers or not, are you maybe Geese Howard's children?! As in, the founder and owner of Howard Incorporated?!"

This time the person who asked the question was Paul as if thinking of something. Knowing John, he was more shocked than anyone in the class.

He could never have suspected that John was, in fact, a rich man's son. Even if hidden.

"Mm," Bluemary answered his doubts and those of the rest of the class.

"J-John, is that true?" Baiken asked. Shocked and her voice a little muffled.

"..." Ghislaine, who liked John no matter his background or circumstances, remained silent, but she stared at him seriously. The John she knew and who saved her only acted like this when he was in danger...

"Yes, I'm his bastard if you prefer…I only met the guy twice in my life." John said. Chuckling internally. He usually wasn't impulsive, but he had reason to act like that today. It was because of Geese's wife.

John didn't know anything about her, so he was taking certain precautions…

People disappearing overnight in this world wasn't rare. In fact it had always been the food of great rumors and speculation.

…Worst case, if she came to warn him, at least she wouldn't directly try to assassinate him, knowing he hated Geese and considered himself a bastard…If that possibility still happened despite his careful thoughts, he would rely on his [Minor indestructibility] or fuck her dumb.



In this world stripped of magic —in the natural sense at least— mutant genes were king.

But if mutant genes were magician and king, the emperor was still social media. They existed for thousands of years, and their powers weren't to be underestimated.

Even before the end of his first class, John watched his cell phone from time to time and was surprised.

A bitter smile on the corner of his lips, he read the news from the forum of his school. In addition to the *welcome by the boys, and festive* arrival of the beauty Bluemary, her photo, there was also John's. Her rumored brother…

News in this world traveled fast... Not just in the school, but in Central City as well...


At the break, Bluemary was popular with both genders. But she managed to get rid of the crowd around her to come and see John.

"Can we talk?" The blue-eyed beauty said. Straight to the point.

"..." John was about to head down the hall to find something to eat when eyes gathered on him.

Just as he was about to answer, his phone rang.

*Ring, ring*

Surprised, John tried to identify the number, but it was anonymous. Eyes widening, a little confused, John picked up anyway after a sigh.


John said. When he did, all of his classmates were looking at him.

"Kid, you don't like my gift, it seems..." Geese's voice echoed through the phone.

John frowned before answering:

"Gift? Are you talking about Bluemary? Or..."

"..." Listening to the conversation, Bluemary frowned as well. She had an idea who John could talk to.

On the other hand, the students in the class were all bewildered. The Dedoldia twins and Paul were included.

"Kid, don't speak loudly and expose our business in front of my daughter. Come see me on the roof of your building; I'm at your school." Geese said, a little annoyed.

When he and John hung up, Bluemary, who was near the latter, asked suspiciously:

"Was that dad? I thought you guys didn't get along?"

"We'll talk later. I gotta go." John didn't want to talk with his half-sister yet. She was beautiful but not enough to confuse him.

"..." When the brother she discovered today passed through the door, Bluemary remained still. Her feelings were complicated.


On the roof,

When John finished climbing the stairs and pushed open the roof door,

Before the teen even spoke a word or showed his face, Geese told:

"Kid, you like to create trouble, I think. Not just for you but for me too."

His face finally in sight, John replied:

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know what you've done? Now my wife knows about you." Geese turned and said. His face was a little angry.

Father and son were looking at each other when John said:

"How is that my problem? You think I'm an idiot, do you?"

Of course, John implied that Geese's problems were not his. But he also said that he defended himself as best he could with his methods. Whether or not Geese understood his intentions, John didn't care at all...

John, who was more interested in something else, asked:

"What did you mean by gift earlier?"

"You didn't understand that?" Geese frowned. Between yesterday and today, John's attitude had changed 180°. He no longer called him dad, for example. And facing the unexpected gimmick, Geese couldn't help but think that the boy grew in arrogance or something, at least during the night…

"No, you're going to have to be clearer." John shrugged and said.

Geese sighed for a long time and said wearily:

"I was talking about Bluemary. What do you think of her?"

John, who didn't want to think he understood the guy's Alabama-born meaning, blinked. After a moment of silence, he said:

"What about her? How is she a gift?"

"Kid, don't act dumber than you've shown me so far. I'm asking if you like her. Is she pretty?" Geese said quickly.

"..." John was speechless. That guy was really implying what he thought he did. After another period of silence, shorter this time, John said:


"Haha," Geese laughed and relaxed. Then he said, "If that's the case and you like the gift I prepared for you, claim it then. Make her your girlfriend."

"My sister…My girlfriend?" John repeated his deadbeat dad's words. He looked a lot more likable now, but he was showing a dangerous side. If he continued, John would be forced to change his gender, and turn him into Lady Geese.

"Sister?" Geese scoffed and said, "Kid, my grandma forced herself up on me when I was half your age. But look at me, I turned fine, didn't I?"

"..." John was speechless again.

"Anyway, come and grab my shoulders. We need to meet the wife now. She will call my phone any minute if we don't go soon." Geese said with renewed boredom. That son of his seemed to be a shy genius.

"Your wife? Why should I go with you? And what about school?" John asked with surprise. His father suddenly decided to be a dad now that he had awakened. And he wasn't going about it the traditional way.