
BNHA: Singularity

MC throws himself on a grenade and gets transmigrated to the world of Boku no Hero Academia with a barebones but exceptionally powerful System.

Einlion · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Chapter 145

(A/N: This chapter is made possible by Abyss548, ranked 4th in the Abyssal Rankings.)




"Regretting what you said yesterday...?" asked Izuku, smiling without any discernible hints of fatigue as Inko, covered in sweat and panting, opened her eyes to discover him holding her by the ankles, gently moving his hips so as not to disturb her slumber.

Returning a glaze-eyed smile, Inko extricated her feet from Izuku's grasp before wrapping them around his waist like a vice as she spread her arms and said, "Kiss me..." with a completely enamored expression. They both knew she was just talking dirty when she told him she wanted to wake up with him still inside her, but now that she had, Inko 'really' wanted to kiss the dutiful boy that had been fucking her for nearly ten hours straight...




After Inko gave him a 'very' thorough wash and rinse, Izuku allowed the tension to drain from his body as he relaxed in the bath with her sitting on his lap, straddling him with her head on his chest and shoulder.

"Last night was incredible..." muttered Inko, wearing a contented smile as she listened to Izuku's heartbeat, its powerful thrum seeming to flow into her body, gradually soothing her own.

"And we'll have more incredible nights to come..." Izuku replied, relaxing with his eyes closed and head resting against the back of the tub. Pulling an all-nighter did little to affect his stamina, but since Inko had dared to say something like she wouldn't be satisfied unless she woke up with him inside her, he spent nearly six and a half hours on 'auto-pilot,' leaving him feeling a bit dull and unfocused. 

"Nn..." responded Inko, closing her eyes and permitting herself to doze off while Izuku did the same. The water cooled to room temperature as they slept, but while her nipples had become stiff and her hands and feet a bit pruny, Inko was surprised and a little aroused to discover that Izuku was unaffected by the protracted exposure. She had been looking forward to teasing him a bit when she saw his shriveled dick and balls, but Izuku was just as hung as usual. Then, when he noticed her staring with a mixture of hunger and fascination, he used it to warm her from her core, proving that if she looked at him hungrily from that moment onward, she would 'suffer' the consequences...




[September 12th, 2149]

After taking the previous three days off, Izuku awoke with the intention of at least showing his face at the Knight Course's morning assemblage, but before that, he needed to extricate himself from the trio of costumed cat girls clinging to and drooling on him. Technically, only the emerald-haired Tomoko was drooling, but since she was sleeping on top and hugging him, Izuku's chest and neck were completely soaked.

"Hey, it's time to get up..." said Izuku, his voice low but firm. All three girls stirred in response, but Shino was the only one who opened her eyes and sat up. The other two either remained asleep or pretended to be as the burgundy-haired beauty rubbed her right eye with her oversized, paw-like glove, asking, "Is it that time already...?"

"We've got time, but since we're going to be busy today, we should eat a big breakfast," answered Izuku, lightly pinching Tomoko's butt now that he had a free hand. Her tail attachment flicked like an actual cat's tail in response, but she didn't open her eyes. Instead, she squeezed him more tightly as if to say, 'Five more minutes.'

Though he exhaled faintly through his nose, Izuku moved his hand from Tomoko's ass to her back, gently caressing it and prompting her to purr in response. The chokers/collars they wore around their necks allowed them to emulate the feline expression of contentment, so Izuku kept caressing her as he met Shino's gaze, smiling wryly as she stared at him with a hint of love and approval in her deep brown eyes.

"You truly are a very 'considerate' young man, aren't you~?" asked Shino, joining Izuku in caressing Tomoko's back. They were all the same age, but Tomoko was the de facto little sister of the Wild Wild Pussycats, affording her a lot of leeway and special privileges. She was also a bit too energetic once she finally decided to get up, so neither Izuku nor Shino were overly keen on hurrying the process along.

Using her Telepathy, Shino asked, 'Have you decided which breach we'll be entering?'

'Since Kaa—I mean, since Midori will be accompanying us, I want to play it safe by entering the Redcap's Enchanted Forest. The titular Redcaps are fairly dangerous, but with Ryuko and Momo with us, we can build a fort to fend off surprise attacks while leisurely eliminating the Goblins that roam the area,' replied Izuku.

Nodding in approval, Shino gave Izuku a quick peck on the cheek before telepathically responding, 'Sounds like a plan,' as she crawled forward on all fours, providing him an unobstructed view of her ass and pussy as she made her way to the edge of the bed, climbed off, and sauntered her way to the bathroom. Most of Izuku's time over the past three days had been taken up by Inko, but once Nemuri pulled her aside for a chat, she calmed down and apologized by preparing a large meal filled with foods like Fugu Sashimi, Unagi, and Yamakake Soba(dishes widely considered to enhance male performance and increase semen count) before throwing him to the baby-craving felines.

"It's about time we get up as well..." said Izuku, giving Tomoko and Ryuko a solid eight minutes before he grabbed the former's ass, raising it slightly as a 'threat.' In response, Tomoko bent her knees and tucked her feet into the inside of his thighs before reaching back with her left hand and taking the initiative to position his dick at the entrance to her pussy.

"Naughty kitty..." whispered Izuku, allowing Tomoko's weight to lower her onto his dick, causing a suppressing, mewling moan to emanate from her throat. She did her best to stem it, but as she was still getting used to his size, her voice came out on its own.

Hearing the tell-tale sound, Ryuko's striking blue eyes snapped open as she asked, "And just what do the two of you think you're doing? Tomoko was the last to go before we went to bed, and Shino was right before her. It's 9,552% my turn...!"

As Izuku was about to ask where she got such an arbitrary number from, Tomoko surprised them both by opening her mouth wide and making a cutesy 'nyaaaaaa~' sound before abruptly play-biting his collarbone as if she hadn't heard Ryuko's protests. The latter's eye twitched in response, but after watching Tomoko act cutely for several seconds, Ryuko exhaled a defeated sigh, sat up, and groused, "Fine. But if you think we're leaving this room before my kitten gets its milk, you've got another thing coming, mister."

"Have I ever intentionally left you hanging...?" questioned Izuku, raising his brows. Ryuko snorted in response but directed her words at Tomoko, stating, "No, but if Tomoko doesn't start making her tail bounce, I might take a crack at what's below."

Though she didn't have the strap-on that she, Shino, and Tomoko used to occasionally 'comfort' each other, Ryuko made it clear she wasn't playing around as she curled her mechanical tail between her thighs and grabbed it with her gloved hand.

Fearing for her ass, Tomoko sat up, sinking further onto Izuku's cock as she issued a sensual groan and stretched her arms overhead. Afterward, she opened her usually wide eyes halfway, staring at Izuku with a catty smile as she placed her hands on his lower abdomen, rolling her hips from front to back as she sleepily argued, "I'm the only one ovulating right now, so it's only natural that I receive the first and thickest load of the day..."

Clicking her tongue, Ryuko glared at Izuku as if he had done something wrong. She wasn't genuinely mad, but if he managed to knock up Tomoko when she was the only one seriously vying for kittens, she would be more than a little annoyed.

Rolling his eyes, Izuku startled Tomoko and broke her composure by bucking his hips slightly as she lowered her weight against him. At the same time, unaffected by Ryuko puffing out her cheeks and pouting, he assured, "Don't worry. Once you're on your cycle, I'll give you double or even triple doses every morning, noon, and night. There won't be a time throughout the day where your kitty kennel isn't painted floor to ceiling in my colors..."

As Izuku was known for making good on his promises, Ryuko swallowed audibly, her feigned frustration giving way to animalistic arousal as she licked her lips before leaning toward him and tracing her tongue along his cheek. It lacked the roughness of an actual cat's tongue, but that didn't prevent Ryuko from affectionately grooming Izuku's cheek and sideburn as she caressed his bare chest with her pawed glove...




Waiting until they had departed the compound and were on their way to the Amphitheater, Momo, wearing a sincere smile, remarked, "Your steps appear lighter than when we first arrived. With Kazehana-san's coming to London, you must feel as though a great burden has been lifted from your shoulders.

Feeling guilty, though only for a moment, Izuku's expression softened as he replied, "I've said this before, but I've never considered myself a good person. I try to be, but there are just some things I can't help..."

"I understand fully," expressed Momo, her broadening smile showing her support as she narrowed her eyes. Izuku felt an inclination to tell her she couldn't understand, but since they were engaged and she dared to walk around with a leather choker bearing his name on the inside, he ultimately nodded approvingly...




Reaching the Amphitheater and passing through the corridor connecting to the arena, Izuku and Momo halted in their tracks as they noticed only two other boys and girls present. The usual assemblage period was 8:00 AM, so seeing so few people present at 7:49 was a little strange.

Noticing Izuku and Momo, the two Knight Course students present waited for them to approach before the taller of the two, a fairly handsome youth with hawk-like amber eyes, sharp eyebrows, and slicked-back brown hair, remarked, "Well, this is a surprise. Rumors were going around that the two of you had dropped out and returned to Japan."

"Where is everyone?" asked Izuku, getting straight to the point as the boy hadn't bothered to introduce himself.

Following a slightly awkward chuckle, the hawk-like youth explained, "It anguishes to admit, but me and my friend here are the last of the Knight Course students that have yet to reach Level 30. Everyone else departed yesterday afternoon for Scotland. As you might expect, it's inconvenient to fly back and forth every day, so the Academy arranged a six-day, five-night stay near the banks of Loch Ness."

"Mmm...thanks for the information," replied Izuku, supplying a curt nod before turning to leave. Before he could, the hawk-like youth, who was named Timothy, called out to him and said, "Before you go, allow me to give the two of you a word of warning. Roman and his fellows have it out for you, so if you can, I recommend you avoid entering any of the same breaches. I'm certain you're strong, but even if you fight them and win, it will only invite further trouble to yourselves and the people you care for..."

Turning around to give the youth a second glance, Izuku adopted a smile and replied, "Thanks for the warning," before, once again, turning to leave. He honestly didn't have many expectations for the students of the Knight Course, so it was a pleasant surprise to learn there was at least one good sprout among them. Unfortunately, Timothy's Quirk, Astral Projection, was excellent for gathering information but functionally useless in combat. His friend's Eye Pop wasn't much better, allowing him to pop his eyes out and move them about telepathically, so unless the two received support, they would likely be among the first in the course to be eliminated...




(A/N: Well, that was a trip and a half...)