
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


More people started going up, so Shiro decided to jump down, and then run and enter a bar.

The first people who saw him chased him, when the first person entered, he was killed by a shot to the head, immediately falling to the ground, the other people noticed, but one was stabbed, the other person who noticed wanted to shoot.

But shiro bent down and gave him a blow to the jaw, disorienting him, to later take his sword out of the other body and embed it into this guy's skull.

Noises could be heard in the distance as they approached.

"I saw him go in there, let's go!"

Shiro waited a few seconds and then took a chair and forcefully threw it out.

This caught the attention of the others, causing them to shoot the chair.

"Is not the!".

Shiro came out breaking the window, and started shooting those who were nearby.

>You got 2800 EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

Above one of the houses the muscular woman was seen, which threw a huge wooden board at full speed.

Shiro dodged it, getting to the right and began to rush up the wall and jump around to get to it.

The woman kept throwing very heavy things, but her movements were predictable, so they were easy for Shiro to dodge.

He saw that the girl's level is 11, so Shiro wanted to act fast.

When he jumped and got to where the woman was, she rushed towards him, as she was slow, Shiro positioned himself to his right to turn and be behind the girl.

With two arms, he took one of the woman's, and dislocated it with great force.


Shiro then raised his pistol aimed at the woman's head, but before he could do a few bullets headed for him.


Which only made him kick the chick so that she would fall off the second floor.

[Tsk , what a nuisance].

Shiro decided to increase his strength by 20 points.

-You guys are annoying.

"Hahaha, do you think it's time to get distracted, do you think your eyes can follow my atrovaties.

From above, the guy with pink hair and a crown on his head could be seen, doing some somersaults approaching Shiro quickly.

The guy with two bats in each duck tried to attack Shiro, but he just kicked his stomach hard and sent him crashing into the wall and falling off the second floor.

[How pathetic, and these guys are supposed to be of a higher level].

This ridiculous guy was level 7, the blue-haired girl was level 5, and the so-called mayor was level 9.

-Seriously they were thinking of killing me with these guys, don't they have someone better?

"Someone better, that's me!"

"So prepare yourself".

The blue-haired girl appeared, calling Shiro's attention, so that he would look at her.


The girl was standing on a large duck type, approximately 150 cm.

"Because the time has come for seduction".


The girl from his hand, took out a perfume, which began to aromatize the environment, while she moved her hips in a way.....sensual.

[Wow....what a surprise, in the end there are people dumber than luffy].

The perfume had a very strong smell that could torment people giving them feelings of pleasure, Shiro felt disgusted by that.

-Hey, to seduce me, at least take off your clothes, because that way you're not on the right track.

So to end this.

Shiro took her gun and started to reload it and pointed it at the girl.

-Die for me, okay?

When he was about to press the trigger, some bullets coming from his left caused his gun to fall to the first floor.


"Ha, now you'll see!"

"Attack the Karoo!"

The girl sat on her oversized duck, and it quickly moved forward.

Shiro took out his sword to cut the girl, but it seems that the duck was very clumsy and tripped causing them to fall from the second floor without Shiro having to do anything.

[Civilians gave me more excitement].

[I can't believe those are my enemies, I just feel ashamed for them].

Without ceasing to be alert, he felt the bullets coming again, so he crouched down and began to run.

Apparently the one with the shots was the one who posed as the mayor, that is, Mr. 8, as his code name.

"Don't run away, and feel how scary I am!"

The guy had a saxophone, which is where he fired a lot of bullets, and in the fringes of his hair he also had small cannons.

Shiro just started running to the right trying to avoid the shots.

When he had even a second, he shoots the guy in the leg which leaves him with a bad wound causing him to kneel.

Shiro took advantage and jumped positioning himself on the back, to later kick the guy's head hard and he fell from the second floor as well.

Shiro just scratched his head a bit annoyed at how ridiculous these were.

-They give so much pity, a slow death, it can make me put in a better mood.

Shiro while reloading her weapon, advanced until she was on the edge of the roof, but a high intensity explosion appeared.


When I look down I notice number 8, he started shooting at two new people who apparently appeared there.

[They are going to kill each other, that sounds entertaining].

Shiro just sits back and watches the whole show.

"Quick princess vivi, you have to run away!".

Number 8 yelled at the blue-haired woman, who apparently was called Vivi, and was she a...princess?

[One princess? , I almost killed someone of royalty.... heh].

Number 8 kept shooting, but apparently a tiny object was thrown by the other person that when he collided with number 8, it exploded enormously, and this guy received all the damage and fell to the ground very hurt.

[That's gotta hurt].

"H-hey are you alright?"

"Princess I lived, don't worry about me, escape from this place, as soon as possible, do it for our kingdom."

"If you don't show up, the kingdom of alabasta is lost."

"Please go princess."

Now shiro could see the appearance of the two new people, one was a blonde girl and had an umbrella, and the other guy was a dull-haired man and wore a wine-colored jacket.

"I don't quite understand this situation but we have been partners for a long time, so I will distract them."

"Flee immediately, Miss Wednesday."



The boy who was Mr. 9, that is, the boy with the bat, began to do somersaults with his bat, approaching his enemy.

This curiously was scratching his nose, to get a piece of something and throw it at his enemy

"Companionship is a bond that only leads to death, you will learn it the hard way."

"Nose Cannon!"

What he had thrown was a mucous diamond, which when everything hit Mr. 9, exploded in an instant, defeating him and sending him far into the nearby sea.

"I ate a devil fruit and became a bomb human, I can blow up any part of my body."

"And I ate the kilo kilo fruit, making it possible for me to control my entire body weight, so low that I can even float."

The girl literally floated with her umbrella.

"And attack! 100 thousand kilos".

Since now her weight was so low at high speed, Vivi could only jump back with a lot of effort but still getting hurt with a few minor injuries.

Shiro who saw this scene, came down from the house and came closer to take a better look at the scene.

[It's my thing, or I'm going to meet more people with devil fruits].

[A level 9 and a level 14 are not much, but their fruits increase their value].

[Mmmm....that supposed princess lived, it is probable that she will die if I don't act, although I was going to kill her, everything changed when I found out that she was a princess].

[It's very good, becoming good people of the high ranks and more if they are royalty, able to ask for some kind of money to save her on this].

"Karoo, run!"

Vivi started to run away with her duck and she was being chased by those two guys.

While shiro approached the body of number 8.

-Hey, are you still alive?


"You! Please, help the princess vivi to escape, please, don't kill her, I am already aware of your strength, I beg you!".

-Hey old man, just say hello, don't make so much drama.

-And as for your princess, I will, if they give me 100 million berris.

"Huh? 100 million?!"

"Let it be a billion."


The voice of a well-known woman appeared on the scene, that girl was Nami.

"What's wrong Shiro, those are not the teachings I instilled in you, asking for so little money, you disgrace your teacher."

-..., I'm sorry, teacher, I just wanted to get enough money to make your dream come true.

A blow to Shiro's head was delivered.


I see you were awake.

"Of course, who was going to sleep, when it was clearly a trap."

"Oh, and thanks for the jacket, if I was a little cold."

Shiro didn't care about Nami and looked at the old man who was on the ground.

-Hey old man, so what do you say, a billion for saving the princess, it's a reasonable price.

"B-but, I'm just a simple soldier, I can't give that gram amount of money."

"I mean, you're insinuating that your princess isn't worth that kind of money, those words would surely make her sad."

"I-I can't, but if you promise to take the princess to your kingdom, it's only logical that you can plan compensation there face to face."

"Does that mean I have to help her first?"

"Your life is in danger as we speak!"

"Okay, we help your princess, just for this occasion."

The old man, made a smile, finally felt that there was hope for his princess.


"Quick go get her Shiro!

Shiro just rolled her eyes at Nami's order, he approached her, and took out a small bag of money from his pocket.

-Here, buy yourself something nice, it looks like you need it.

Nami unconsciously took the money as usual, but seconds later she realized that it was a mockery on Shiro's part.


He could only yell, because Shiro was already far away in an instant, he was jumping from house to house, until he saw an explosion in the distance, so that gave him a better idea of ​​the location, so he headed there.

Vivi was escaping as fast as she could with her karoo duck, but she found herself in front with shiro.



"I won't let you catch me."

Vivi takes out her weapon and prepares to want to attack, but Shiro disarms her with his sword and points at her neck.

-Calm down, I came to help you, please don't make me change my mind.

"What? Help me?!"

Now the attention of the blonde and the haired man were on shiro.

"Don't tell me that you were the person who wiped out all the ordinary employees in the city."

"What is your interest in protecting the princess of alabasta."

It's not something that concerns you.

"Actually it's my business, since you're the enemy anyway."

"You hinder."

"Hahaha, exactly, you just get in the way."


-Hey you, it's better that you stay away, you might die if you're close.

Vivi didn't understand why now Shiro was on her side, so she just listened and walked away.

"I see you won't move, I guess I'm going to have to kill."


"Shiro fired his gun at the guy, twice.

When the bullets collided with the guy, it just exploded, but the guy didn't suffer any damage.

"I see you don't understand the difference in power between us...".

The two bullets were from the poisonous smoke, so now the smoke spread for about 8 meters around him, making the guy start to suffer.

The other girl quickly dropped her weight to 1 kg, floating in the air.

"How dare you, you fucking bastard."

"10 thousand kilos!".

The woman who had positioned herself above him fell at full speed, Shiro only moved her body a little, dodging the woman, so that she hit the ground.

So that Shiro, with a quick cut of his sword, will cut off his head, decapitating it.

>You got 180 EXP<.


The guy who stayed a few seconds in the poison smoke got out and ran full speed towards shiro.

They had in mind that this guy was a bomb man, so he used his ability.

[Black Flash].

He sent a blow in the air 1 meter from colliding with the guy, in the end the blow produced the distortion and caused a massive air impact, causing him to suffer tremendous damage, which sent him flying more than 10 meters and crashing against a fighter destroying it.

As if I never touched the guy, he could have done him damage, even if it's air, it's still tremendous.

-What a disappointment...

Shiro just sighed, and then approached the princess vivi.

-Ready, all clear.

Vivi was just shocked to see how easy Shiro was to kill these people who were supposed to be too strong for her, but this guy defeated them as if they were nothing.


{Who is this man?}.