
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs



-Princess Vivi.

-Hey, are you listening to me?

Shiro was drawing Vivi's attention, since it seems that she had been paralyzed seeing how she finished off the guys very quickly.

"ah, yes, yes, I hear you."

-Very well, they asked me to take you to your house, so let's move on I guess.



"Why more, for the Billion".

Nami had apparently arrived.

"Shiro, have you finished them yet?"

-Yes, they weren't really a big deal.


"So that...".

Nami was going to explain the deal they made to take her, but an angry Luffy appeared in the distance.



He turns and notices how luffy was in the distance and he looked very angry.

-Hey Luffy, you finally wake up.

"H-how dare you attack people, even after they treated us well and gave us lots of food!"


Apparently when Luffy woke up, he saw many dead people, but obviously Shiro couldn't kill everyone, so some of them must have been hurt, Luffy spoke to one of them asking who did that to them and they told him it was Shiro.


Luffy rushed towards Shiro to punch him.

[I don't know what's going on, but if you want a fight, you'll get a fight...].

Shiro was waiting for Luffy to get close to counterattack, but when Luffy was 2 meters away, a punch from Nami was given to him, causing him to fall.


With obvious business he meant vivi.

Luffy was all hurt on the ground, now he just had to explain things to him and talk to Vivi about everything.

//An explanation later//.

It had already been possible to clarify the whole issue to Luffy and how these civilians were bounty hunters who tried to kill him, Luffy just laughed and apologized for the misunderstanding.

Then he continued talking with Vivi about the reward, since according to them, they thought to collect a billion, but he explained to us exactly that his kingdom was having chaos, that it was unimaginable for him to be able to give us that reward, unless it is solved.

Since the whole problem of the chaos of his kingdom, was caused by a guy called crocodille, whose plan is to take over the kingdom and he also created this organization, so that it serves to threaten, murder and manipulate the masses, practically his organization called "Baroques", wants to destroyalabasta and get military army, as Shiro sees it.

That guy has a bounty of 81 million berris and he is one of the 7 pirates who, has a union with the navy, is like a legal pirate, when the navy needs help, these pirates should go to help the problems.

He is Number 0, of all the numbers of each pair of levels that there were, Vivi found out about this and I want to take this information and tell his kingdom about it, so that they will not be fooled.

Luffy upon hearing this, agreed to help her without further ado, so now we go to our ship to help her go to her kingdom.

On the way we picked up Zoro who was still foaming in the mouth, so that in the end we got on it and set sail.

"We will leave the island at any time."

"Look, there's a lot of fog."

"It's about to dawn."

Luffy and Nami were talking normally, until a new voice appeared.

"Well at least he was able to escape from the enemy."

"Yes you're right".

"Now we must avoid those rocks, so as not to crash."

"I am in charge of that".





"Ah, hey luffy, you talked to me."



"What a beautiful ship."

We all turned and saw that on top of our boat was a woman, with a hat and purple clothes.

"But who are you?".

"N-No, you are!"

Apparently from the tone of vivi, it seems that he knows this new woman who appeared in the frame.

"Tell you what, I didn't know you'd get pirates as allies, Miss Wednesday."

"You just talk nonsense and we can find out what you're doing on our boat."

"Me? I'm just checking who our new victims are."

-Wow, they already have us registered.


"What are you doing here, what are you up to, Miss Sunday!"

[Their code names are very ridiculous].

"Miss Sunday, do you know what number your partner is?"

"The boss is your partner."

"What, are you talking about a crocodile!"

"And she's evil."

"She is the only one who knows the boss's true identity."

Shiro looked at the woman, he saw that she was level 21, something surprising, he guessed that she must also have a devil fruit.

But the woman's attitude was someone calculating and very cautious, this made Shiro raise an eyebrow and smile small.

So he just sat and ignored the woman, it was more than clear that he wasn't going to try to do anything.

And apparently it was like that, the woman had only come as a threat and warning, and then left, even if she could have killed her, it was obvious that if she was the boss's partner, he would come immediately.

And you don't want to be in a fight with a guy who has 4x Arlong's bounty, and while bounty doesn't define strength per se, you can always put a lot of meaning into how much power he can have, be it individual or militarily.

He's still weak, and he'll try to level up quickly until he can get to that guy.

//Time after//.

Shiro was walking around the ship, he stopped at his new apple tree, which was next to Nami's orange tree, apparently she planted it herself a long time ago.

And shiro can calmly taste them.

After taking one, he approached Nami who was seeing her Log Pose and spoke to her.

-I see you concentrated, we are already arriving?.

"Well, it has to be, according to magnetism, our next stop is that island."

Nami pointed to the bottom, where you could see an island where the fauna and flora clearly stood out.

It also had a huge mountain and a few volcanoes.


"This is a small garden."

Vivi spoke when she saw that we had already arrived on the island.

"Well, there's nothing small about it."

"This island has a very cute name, it doesn't suit it at all."

After arriving, we entered its rivers.


"What's wrong Shiro?"

-No nothing, so we also have to stay a while for the log pose to save the magnetism, right?

"That's right, but I don't know how much time is required here."

-I see....

To someone's normal vision, he would only see a very, very huge jungle, with large plants and stuff, but to Shiro's vision, he could see the levels constantly moving.

They were a massive number and it was obvious that they were not people, they would be animals, but very strong animals.

[I see a massive amount of level 12s and level 15s and a few level 20s, though that's what his vision can see at the moment and it's sure they're all animal].

As we advanced, to the right along the land we were followed by a saber-tooth tiger, with a size of 4 meters and who saw us as his lunch.


The tiger jumped to attack us, but Luffy, Zoro and Shiro gave their respective attacks at the same time, killing this animal which fell into the lake.

[No wonder they have those levels, they are very large].

"Wow, this place is great, it's time to go on an adventure!"

Luffy was very excited to explore all this jungle.

"Hey luffy do you think I can go accompany you?".

Vivi spoke surprising us.

-You are not afraid of death, princess, what courage.

"Are you going to do the same crazy things as him?"

"Yes, if I stay here I'm going to start thinking about nonsense things, I'd better take a ride before we can go."

"Forget it, Luffy will be fine, but he's too dangerous for you."

And Nami was right, any of the beasts that roamed this jungle could kill her in an instant.

"Calm down, Karoo is going to accompany me."

The duck who was named was very scared and had no choice but to accept.

After a few minutes they began to carry supplies and went deeper into the jungle.


-Well, I'm bored, I'm going to get meat for the boat.

"How seriously are you going to leave, are you going to leave me alone".

-What are you talking about, there you have zoro.

Pointing to the fox who was taking his morning sleep.

Although zoro seems to sleep all the time, it's quite the opposite, it would be said that he is the person who sleeps the least in this crew, with only 2 hours of rest, the thing is that since he takes small periods of sleep to complete his necessary hour of sleep .

That would be the reason why he is almost always seen sleeping.

-Besides, if we need to get more supplies, Luffy's idiot finishes everything, very fast.

"Well... fare thee well."

-Yes Yes...

[It will go very well].

Shiro gave a very, very excited smile as she entered the forest.

//5 minutes later//.

A triceratops of about 5 meters fell to the ground all dead.

>You got 300 EXP points<.

-I don't know why there are dinosaurs and prehistoric animals here, perhaps in this place the oxygen is higher?

-I don't know, but what I do know is that they are useful to me, they are an EXP farm for me, although they are strong animals, they don't have good thinking and it's easy to kill them just because of that.

And it is so that with that advantage, Shiro began his hunt, he began to kill 5, 20, 60 and up to 100 prehistoric animals, his excitement for killing and the excitement to see how he gets all that EXP, made him lose track of time.

Shiro was resting for a while sitting in the middle of the jungle.

He wanted to clear his mind, so he decided to see his status.



(85/2700) [EXP] | [15 Golden Tickets]

Class: Hunter.

Points of Benefits: 130 points in Energy, mind and spirit. | For each level raised, it is an increase of 5 points.

Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be doubled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who double your level).

[Improvement Points] [110]







[Passive Skill].

Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each point of defense that he has lost, those points will be doubled to his resistance and strength, that is, minus 10 points of defense, is plus 20 points inspeed and force.

[Active Skill].

Black Flash: A distorting blow to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies by 2.5 the damage hit by the user) [Maximum uses 3 times per day].

Now he was level 26, and it was obvious that he had gotten 21900 XP in all that killing.

And shiro, without realizing it, more than 2 hours had already passed.

I take a deep breath and consider her choice now.

They had 110 points, but also, they had 15 tickets, now they had a dilemma, either spend their tickets and improve one of those abilities or get a legendary ability.

Obviously, the legendary rank skill was very ambitious and he thought about taking the plan, that is, it depends on what skill he has, he would raise those points so that this new skill is useful to him.

[I hope I get something decent].