
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


//One Journey later//.

The road was long, but calm, in the end the city of these guys could be seen in the distance.

"Oh, we're finally here."

"Thank you very much, we will owe you one."

"See you later".

The two people jumped into the sea and began to swim rapidly.


"What strange guys, they just left like that."

"Hey then, we can explore this place."

-Huge monsters are likely to appear.

"If a monster appears then we leave."

"Unfortunately we can't, we have to stay a while, so that the Log Pose saves the magnetism of this island and we can move on to the other one."

-And do you know how long nami is?"


-You disappoint me Nami, very bad.


"Then you have to move on, there is no other choice."

"I agree with Luffy, totally, we don't have to complicate ourselves so much."

"Maybe you're right".

We kept advancing, until a fog appeared that clouded our vision, the fog continued with us for 1 minute, until when we passed it we heard screams and laughter.




Apparently many people were in the port, but welcoming us even knowing that we are pirates.

[Ok, this is very strange, I suppose that the place where that pair brought us, would not be a common one].

"Wow, they are welcoming us, what a thrill."

"This is rare".

"But, we are pirates, you shouldn't be afraid of us."

When we managed to park, many people gathered with many smiles, a tall person with long curly hair advanced until he was ahead of everyone.

"Welcome, I am the Mayor of this city, welcome, wonderful warriors."

-.....if you know that we are pirates right.

Shiro pointed to the flag of a skull with a straw hat, obviously now the drawing was corrected, with the help of Nami and Shiro who improved the aberration that Luffy had made.

"Of course we've noticed, this town is known for its vast alcohol and wine, and this was a wonderful year for harvesting."

"Thanks to our fame, pirates come to try our drinks, that is why we are already used to and amazed by you."


"That is why today, we are going to celebrate with a party, there you will be able to amaze us with your great stories of your adventures."

Luffy had a very happy face, zoro didn't show importance, nami was a little unsure about this, and Shiro had an indifferent look, it was obvious to him, that it was a trap.

It seemed to him the typical scene, where they welcome strangers, get them drunk and then eat them.

That's why obviously never eat this person's story.

Shiro looked at the levels of these people, and saw that the mayor was level 11, and that the other civilians were level 1, but even knowing this he was only alert.

After all this welcome and the start of the party, the night came where now everyone was hunting.

You could see the civilians, smiling, shouting and drinking with great happiness, the music was overshadowing the whole place.

Luffy was eating non-stop, while Zoro, Nami and Shiro were sitting in a big chair.

Shiro in his head was thinking if it would be okay to kill these people, since they were civilians, although I know if they became his enemy, he would do it, so he also began to think about the number of people that would be in this place and the experience they would give you.

"I give for open, the drinking contest."

"Come on guys unite."

"E-eh, sorry, but I don't drink much alcohol."

"Don't worry, this drink, it's only a pure grape drink, made with the preparation method of our city, it tastes similar to alcohol but it doesn't."

Nami, a bit doubtful, tries it and it tastes delicious.

"Tastes good".

"But still, I don't know whether to enter that contest."

"500 thousand berris, for the winner of the contest".

"I will win this contest!"

"Hey Zoro join me."

"I don't know, I'm not interested in these types of things."

"You still owe me for the money I lent you."

"What, but I already gave it back to you the same day."

"You only gave me back 100 thousand berris and I told you that you would give me back 300%, that is, 300 thousand berris, you are missing 200 thousand."

"Damn witch."

"Oh, what happens, is it that the great fox, is not a man of his word."

Zoro had a swollen vein from Nami's words, so he decided to enter the contest.

"And you, Shiro, will join."


"Oh, okay".

Nami just nodded at Shiro's words with a smile, not wanting to insist more.

""Hey, you won't tell him anything!"-Words of an indignant fox appeared.

"Tell him that?".

In the end these two began to enter the contest and drink non-stop until 1 in the morning.

Apart from knowing that this was a trap, Shiro never drank, as a man in the army, he had a strict discipline and that discipline he carried all his life.

He also saw those vices as smoking, drinking and wasting time on things that destroy your body as unnecessary.

//Hours later//.

Shiro who had woken up after falling asleep about 6 times, with a sleep time of 30 minutes.

He couldn't keep up with this kind of practice because that idiot Zoro was making noises in his sleep, yelling nonsense and someone named Kuina.

That's how Shiro got up and hit zoro on the neck to silence him.

Zoro just foamed at his mouth and fell out of the battle even in his sleep.

In the end it was 4:30 am, half an hour earlier than he usually wakes up.

Shiro looked around the place, you could see the alcohol spilling on the floor, food staining the walls, there were also people thrown on the floors.

But the ones he focused on the most apart from Zoro, who sent him to heaven, was Luffy who was hanging upside down while a rope was holding his leg, and Nami who was asleep on the table.

Unfortunately Luffy was hanging about 2 meters from Nami, so Shiro thought it over and carried Nami to put her on the chair, she took off her jacket and coat.

Without Shiro noticing, Nami made a small smile.

Then he went to Luffy and with his sword he cut the rope causing Luffy to fall and destroy the table as a consequence.

There was a noise, but no one woke up, it seems that the effect of the alcohol was strong, and although it was not surprising that idiot luffy woke up somehow.

After doing that and motivating him to start the day, he left the house.

When he came out, he could see the bright moon, and everything was silent, he loved that silence, that peace.

He loved when everything is calm and there is no disturbance.

Shiro took a breath of fresh air and began to walk.

Yesterday he did not have the opportunity to see the city itself, because they put them in front of that place to give him all kinds of food and drinks.

Seeing the structures of the houses in this silence made him feel calm.

One of the things that he loved was silence, although if it came from someone, he liked it better.

And it was good that Shiro was calm and at the same time bad, because obviously, when someone is always happy and at peace, hatred, despair and all cruel and evil feelings.

It builds up inside, so if it's time to release it, it's likely to cause chaos.

Because as it had been said before, shiro died in the third world war.......but as the villain.

While our protagonist was looking at things, he could hear a conversation in the distance, as the sound was not very coherent, he decided to go up to a house and listen better, but he could see people in the distance.

There were 4 people: 1, was the supposed mayor of this city, 2 and 3, were the weird boys that Luffy decided to help to get here, and 4, was a pink-haired woman, with a dark complexion and very noticeable musculature.

"Well, as I was going to say, I already got information about them."

The so-called mayor, takes out Shiro's bounty token.

The other 3 people were shocked.

"25 million! That guy has such an amount of reward!"

[And I'm only 13 years old, although I'll be 14 in a month, but hey, it's not important either].

"Well now as you have seen it, everything is ready, we can send a report to the boss".

"Confiscate all the money and valuables you have."

"And with those guys, what will we do?"

"If we kill him, the reward will drop by 30%, the government wants to carry out public executions."


Hey, sorry to interrupt.

-Would you mind letting them sleep, they are tired from the trip and all their veins are full of alcohol.


The 4 people noticed his presence, they saw Shiro on top of a house and he looked at them with indifference.

Civilians also appeared below who said: "Mr. 8, Miss Monday, the guy in the black jacket managed to escape from the room."

"Ha, if you don't tell me."

"Unfortunate, you were not completely asleep!".

-A welcome to some pirates, with a party, food and a lot of alcohol.

Do you think I'm an idiot?

-So they are bounty hunters, and this place is their nest, they take advantage of the pirates, who dare to enter the great maritime route with great enthusiasm.

As Shiro spoke, he also saw how many people who had weapons in their hands accumulated.

-Apparently, I can calculate, that there are more than 100 reward hunting.

The levels were not remarkable, at least almost all have a level 2, and about 4 people were level 3.

"Since you heard our plan, we have to eliminate you, we will add another grave."

"So now, KILL HIM!"



And it was like that, Shiro's speed was too fast for the eyes of these lower level people.


-Hello and goodbye.


Shiro had positioned himself in the center of the guys, then shot someone in the head.

The others obviously noticed and proceeded to attack.

"Here he is, kill him!"

Shiro with his sword, cut to one, two and three consecutively, a guy on his sword started shooting at him, so Shiro embedded his sword into the ground, so that he can lay horizontally, while standing up.

Then he points his weapon, and shoots the guy in the jaw, as his sword was embedded, he leaned on it, to kick another guy with two legs, and then take the sword out of the ground, and split it in half with great precision .



Unfortunately, most of them had weapons, so Shiro just had to run at full speed and enter the city.

"It escapes!".

"Catch him!"

All the people started to chase after shiro.

When he reached a corner, he took a barrel of water that was there and threw it at them, while the barrel was about to reach his pursuers, Shiro made a change of bullets and took one of those poisonous explosives.

And I shoot it into the barrel.

All the water made people slip, and the bullet exploded and poisonous smoke began to overshadow them instantly.

"Go dead!".

5 guys jumped towards him from above, with swords, I only shot in the center of them, damaging two of them, which I took advantage of and cut their necks, while the others when they fell to the ground, Shiro's sword pierced their heads. heart.

When he was about to take his sword out of the heart of a guy, a cannonball was about to hit him, fortunately Shiro reacted to the jousts and jumped back, the cannonball destroyed an entire house.

[These guys are as annoying as mosquitoes].

"There's this one, shoot!"


Shiro, being cornered, had no choice but to jump between walls to get on the roofs of the houses, something that there were also people out there.


Shiro's sword was thrown at a guy's head, piercing him easily.

Shiro with his weapon, he quickly approached and shot the other guy, while he ducked and charged with an attack on the other guy's leg, shiro pulled the sword out of his body and plunged the other person he just made to fall.

"I found you".

A man with his shotgun pointed it at him.

Shiro takes a cloak that one of these bounty hunters had, and puts it in front of her as she goes.

The other guy fired, the bullets hit only part of the cloak, and Shiro came out from the side that didn't do any damage, so Shiro shot him in the head, killing him.

Shiro puts away his sword and gun, and takes two pistols from his pursuers.

And eagerly, he began to shoot far below, those who were chasing him.

"Take this!".

Shiro turned when she heard and instinctively moved her head to the right, avoiding a shot.

His adrenaline surged as he almost got shot in the head.

[.....It was close].