
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


I can't believe this is the end of me.


At this moment we were being swallowed by the whale, since luffy's idiot made him angry and swallowed the whole ship, luffy was on top of the bath hitting the whale to free us.

But it seems that this will not be the case, while we quickly fell into the stomach of the whale, the whole environment changed, our ship plummeted and it seemed as if you had entered another world, because you could literally see the sun and the sky, when we are supposed to be inside thewhale belly

"Ehh....is this a dream or because there is a house there."

Within this environment, apparently warm and that the water where his boat was floating was green, an indication that it is the acid of the whale's stomach.

There was a tiny island, where there was a house, outside the house there were clothes hanging to dry and a beach seat.

But our vision was lost because the appearance of a huge squid got in the way.


Zoro and Shiro were in position to fight, but the squid was pierced by 3 harpoons, which killed it instantly.

It was obvious to notice that the harpoons came from the small island, when we looked closely at the island, an older person began to come out inside the house.

The old man with his arms was pulling the harmon rope that caught the giant squid.

Then the person walked slowly while looking at us carefully and very seriously, from there he sat in his beach chair.

The environment was very quiet and irritating for Shiro.

The lord, after sitting down, took his newspaper and began to read.

-He's seriously not going to say anything!

"Calm down, leave this to me."

"Hey old man, sorry for the bother, can you tell me who you are and where we are."

A silence of 15 seconds reappeared.

"If you are going to question someone, don't you think that the most polite thing to do is ask them first"-exclaimed the old man.

"Eh?, oh yes, of course you're right, sorry, my name is Zoro Ro...".

"My name is Crocus, I am the keeper of the Twin Capes Lighthouse, I am 71 years old, I am a Gemini."


Zoro got angry because the old man interrupted him.

-Yeah, Zoro, calm down.

"You want to know where you are? How dare you disrespect me after you broke into my private resort."

"Do you think we are in the belly of a rat?"

Nami looked at the supposed sky.

"So, that whale really ate us... wait, the clouds, those birds, they don't move, they look like they're painted."

When Nami looked at it, she saw that under an aver, there was a Crocus signature.

"It can't be, they painted the whole inside of the whale."

The old man gave us a serious look and a silence of 15 seconds with changes of focus in the whole scene, he reappeared.

"Stop doing that!".

"Anyway, the exit is over there."

Everyone turned to the location the old man pointed out and there was a giant door.

[I don't understand how you can see this inside a whale, but I don't want to spend my time thinking about something logical].

The ship began to move abruptly, since the gastric acid was being very abrupt, moving strongly from right to left.

-What the hell?.

"Looks like it's already started."

"Elder, what started?"

The old man does not respond but he jumped into gastric acid and began to nothing down.


"That old man wants to die perhaps."

"Shiro, Zoro, we have to get closer to the exit door."


It is so that they adjusted the boat again and that this progress, although it was a bit difficult, since it seems that the gastric acid, wanted to try to throw us out.

In the end it was possible to advance little by little, in the distance the old man appeared climbing a ladder that led to the top of the whale's stomach.

But while this was happening, 3 people from above fell at full speed.

His screams were irritating but understandable.

One of those people was Luffy, apparently he was able to enter the whale, but this time with two people.

//5 minutes later//.

"Very well, we saved their lives, but tell us who they are?"

The two new people, was a woman, with long blue hair, the other guy was a shoulder with a peculiar swirling mustache, he had orange hair and a crown on top of his head.

The two wore class clothes, or that at first glance looked expensive.

"Mr. 9, it looks like they are pirates."

"Lo-lose, Miss Wednesday."

[Code names... do they belong to any organization?].

"B-but, if we talk to them maybe they'll understand."

"How are they still here?"-Crocus shouted in the distance.

This was in the middle of the giant door, where there was a platform and a hole to enter and exit.

"I will not repeat it again, I will not allow Laboon to be harmed, while I am still alive."

"And what is that old man?"

-Respect the elders luffy.

The two new people Crocus addressed will start laughing evilly.

"We won't leave even if you tell us that."

"Our mission is to kill the whale, this time I won't let them interfere with our goal."

"We'll open an air passage in his stomach."

Both the boy and the girl spawned a cannon each and fired a large bullet into the stomach of the whale, which we now know to be called Laboon.

The old man ran in a hurry and jumped with all his might, getting in the way of the bullets and suffering their damage, but managing to defend Laboon, before falling into the water.

"Hahahaha, stop resisting."

"If you want to protect him so much, go ahead."

"But this whale will end up being eaten by our city."


Shiro slowly took out his sword, to decapitate these guys, but Luffy beat him to it, as he hit both of them, so that they collided with each other and fell easily defeated.

"Are annoying!".

-I agree with you Luffy, very annoying.

//5 minutes later//.

Now we were all on the small island, the two guys were tied up, while the others were talking to the old man.

"Hey, who are these guys and what are you doing inside this whale?"

"These two, they are thugs from a nearby town, they want Laboon's meat, because if they manage to catch and kill it, they will be able to feed their citizens, for a couple of years.


"It's the name of this whale, it's the biggest whale in the world."

"It lives alone in the western sea and is known to the world as the Island Whale."

"And I won't let them turn it into food."

"This whale is always banging its head and howling up the mountain, but there's a reason for it."

"Which is it?".


I will summarize everything because in itself it does not contribute almost anything to the story.

There were some pirates who rested in a place and met the whale, became friends and had a good time for months, in the end the pirates decided to travel to the new world and promised to return in 3 years, which was not the case for that it has been more than 50 years without returning, so theThe whale hits the mountain with its head to destroy it and be able to move forward and look for its comrades.

After this story and that everyone understood the situation, they decided to leave the whale through the front door.

Now if you could really see the sun and the sky, after positioning yourself well, they talked for a while with the old man, until Luffy made a decision, took a piece of the ship and jumped on top of the whale and attacked it, embedding it in its wounds .

Which causes a beastly fight, at the end of the fight, Luffy admitted Laboon's strength, and promised to see him again for another fight, apparently the fight was so that Laboon would no longer follow the promise of that pirate and that stick to Luffy's promise.

Now everyone was on the boat while Nami exclaimed.

"AAHH!! The compass doesn't point in any direction, it's broken."

You can see how the compass turned in circles without stopping.

-That's not good.

Fortunately we have the old man and he fills us with his wisdom.

"It seems that they came here without any knowledge, it's incredible."

"Did they come to die?"

"I'll tell you something, common sense is useless in these waters and it's not that the compass has suddenly broken, but rather that the islands of the great maritime route have many magnetic minerals."

"That causes many abnormalities, also the currents and winds are not constant, as a sailor you should already know how terrible that is."

"That's right, we're lost if we don't know the directions."

"That's right, to travel to the great sea route, you need a Log Pose."

"A log pose, never heard of that."

"It is a special compass, capable of recording magnetism."

"Is it a very strange shape?".

Luffy spoke surprisingly.

"Yes, its shape is very strange."

"Hmm...is it something like that?"

Luffy demonstrated in his hand, exactly a Log Pose.

"Yes, exactly, it is impossible to travel without it on the great sea route."



-Idiot, how come you have one and you never said anything!

"I-I think one of those weirdos dropped it."

And apparently it was like that, in Luffy's fight against the whale the ship moved a lot and now those guys weren't on the ship.

"So this is a log pose, it doesn't have a measure."

While we were talking, the two guys who seemed to have disappeared, came back but this time more submissive.

"Please, I have a request."

The two lowered their heads to the ground.


//10 minutes later//.

"They want us to take it to their city."

"Yes please".

-And what happened to your ship?

"I'm afraid it's destroyed."

"You don't think you're asking too much after trying to kill the whale Mr. 9."

Nami with a mocking smile spoke to the guy.

"First I know who you are."

"We can't say but, we want to go back to the city, we don't like to be so secretive about it but."

"Our company motto is mystery."

"We can't say anything about ourselves."

"The only thing left for us is to trust in your goodness, we beg you."

"We'll return the favor, really."






"Okay, you can come."

Captain Luffy's words spoke, obviously Shiro almost always has negatives with Luffy's decisions, but he won't hold it against him either, unless it's something very serious, and these weaklings are funny instead of scary.

At the end of everything, the decision was made to help these guys to reach their city, we said goodbye to Crocus and Laboon, to start sailing again.

[Mmm...I hope to get a lot of EXP].