
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Slowing Down Nirvana

"Troia." Drake heard Wendy say as he opened his eyes. He looked around but had no idea where he was.

"Wendy what's going?" Drake asked as he touched the back of his head to see if he was bleeding. "Where are we?"

"I found you here while I was looking for a way to stop Nirvana." Wendy told him as she started to tear up, "It's heading straight for my guild and we can't find a way to stop it."

"I understand." Drake told her as he stood up and made his way to the edge of the city with Wendy following behind him, "I'll be back. In the meantime go back to trying to find out a permanent solution."

"What do you mean a permanent solution?" Wendy asked and Drake gave her a smirk before jumping off of Nirvana. She ran to the edge and saw him flying straight for one of the legs of the massive moving city.

"What the hell?!" Natsu asked as all of Nirvana tilted. Drake used his magic to catch three of the legs as they tried to move and getting under the one beginning to finish its step. The weight nearly crushed him but he was just able to hold it up. The strain on his body was almost too much for him to handle but he didn't have a choice but to deal with it long enough for the others to handle their end.

"Dammit! I'm spreading my magic out too far!" Drake yelled as one of the claws he made with his magic disappeared and the weight of the leg he was holding increased. His legs nearly gave out from the sudden increase in weight and he began to slide back. He used the little magic he could spare to better secure himself to the ground. Another of his claws disappeared and he felt a bone crack in his leg. He screamed out in pain but didn't falter as he looked over his shoulder and saw Wendy's guildhall coming into sight. The last of his magic disappeared and his leg broke from the weight of Nirvana, making him yell in pain as the city began to finally began to push him down. Time slowed for him as he watched death close in when he was suddenly pulled from under the leg as it slammed on the ground. He rolled on the ground before looking up to see who or what saved him.

"Reckless!" Drake yelled as the little cat crawled out from under him, "How'd you get here?"

"Mira told me to come because you have a tendency to get in trouble." Reckless explained as he looked at how hurt Drake was, "You really need to stop proving her right."

"Yeah." Drake told his friend as he laid his head on the ground. That's when Nirvana began to charge its cannon and they both looked to where it was aiming. The ground where Drake was laying exploded as he launched towards Cait Shelter before Reckless could say anything. He stopped right outside of the guildhall and prepared to try and block the magical cannon. The shot barely missed him and the guildhall as Blue Pegasus used Christina to throw off the walking city's aim. Drake hit the ground and took several deep breaths to calm his pounding heart. He honestly thought he was going to die there but he just couldn't abandon Wendy's guild.

"Drake stop proving her right!" Reckless yelled as he flew over to the Blood Dragon Slayer, "You so damn stubborn!"

'We need four more to help destroy the lacrimas!' Drake heard in his head. He instantly recognized the voice to be one of the Blue Pegasus members.

'Information?' Drake asked as he struggled to stand and looked at Nirvana as it continued its path of destruction, 'What are you talking about?'

'Drake where have you been?!' Erza asked him and he could hear both her concern and anger.

'Holding up Nirvana.' Drake explained as he began to walked towards the walking city, 'It's really fucking heavy by the way. Enough of that though. What do I need to do?'

'We have to destroy the six lacrimas in Nirvana at the same time in order to stop it from firing again.' Erza explained and she heard the connection get cut. A map of Nirvana appeared in their heads with the lacrimas numbered.

'I'll get Number One.' Drake said as he looked at Reckless and the cat just sighed and picked him up.