
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Guilds Vs. Dark Guild

"Hey guys wait up!" Lucy yelled as she saw Drake begin to slow down. They turned around and saw him hit his knees and begin to cough blood.

"You can't keep pushing yourself." Grey told Drake as he leaned his back against a tree. Drake closed his eyes and motioned for them to continue without him. All but one of them continued forth and Drake's vision faded as he watched them walk away. After some time past he woke up and saw a giant pillar of black light shooting into the sky. He didn't see anyone else near him so he assumed they were fighting.

"Damn not at 100%" Drake said as he stumbled when he stood up, "That venom took more out of me than I thought it would. I don't have time to try and recover though. He began to run towards the black light when he felt something in him change. His Dragon Force took him over as he got closer and an evil smile crept across his face as his speed significantly increased.

"That guy is from Fairy Tail! Get him for what they did to Racer!" A dark guild member yelled to the rest of his group. Drake's smile got bigger as his scales pointed straight up like tiny blades and he spiraled through the group. Blood sprayed out and they collapsed to the ground as he kept moving like they never existed.

"Hibiki!" Lucy yelled as Sagittarius shot an arrow into his shoulder. Drake could smell the blood and changed his focus to that. As he closed in he saw two Lucys looking at each other with one standing over Natsu and the other over Hibiki. The real Lucy felt immense heat as a silhouette covered by dark red flames flew past her and kicked her doppelganger into the water.

"Drake!" Lucy yelled happily until she saw his arms and eyes, not to mention the wicked smile on his face when he turned to look at her, "Not you to!"

"Hah!" Another Drake yelled as he kicked the real one in the back. Lucy looked at both of them and realized that their Drake had black scales covering parts of him while the other didn't. They both launched into the air and began to clash above everyone. Allies and enemies alike were in awe as the two shook the ground with every successful hit. Drake quickly went on the offensive and began to knock his fake around like a ball. He appeared in front of the rocketing fake and stopped him by grabbing his face.

"A fake will never add up to the original." Drake told his fake before he began to carry the fake towards the ground by his face, "Remember that in hell!"

"Gemini return." Lucy heard a woman say and the Celestial spirits disappeared just before the two Drakes hit the ground. A giant blood red explosion shook the area as Drake hit the ground. Those who had eyesight of the area saw Drake standing in the center of a crater like nothing happened. Drake began to laugh like a maniac and his magic exploded off of him. It looked as if Drake was falling over as something hit him in the back.

"That's another one down." Midnight said before Drake stood up straight and glared at him, "Interesting."

"I'll kill-" Both of them stumbled as the ground began to move and the forest became a walking city. They got separated by the sudden activation of Nirvana and Drake slammed his head against the ground. He was knocked unconscious and the last thing he saw was Natsu fighting Cobra above the city.