

Kazumi a 14 year old boy is about to go a new school that his brother has been going to but everything is about to change

VCX · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Bloodline Chapter 4: Kenji Itsuki

Kazumi walked off slightly dazed, he still didn't know what he was here for. It seemed slightly odd that Asashi never mentioned his badass school. As he headed over to the stands he was confronted by a kid with a smug look on his face

"You got lucky, and I promise you its gonna be the last time." and then, as he started to walk off in the other direction, the kid said,

"I'll be fighting you next, get ready". Kazumi walked towards Yahiko, who was waving him over. Kazumi sat down next to him without saying a word, Yahiko said

"Wow I did not expect that at all, where'd you learn to fight"

"I had good music in my ears, and I have a brother," Kazumi said panting, they both gave out a laugh. Kazumi pointed toward that kid on the other side of the stadium and said

"Who's that kid over there, he was trying to get inside my head after the match," Kazumi asked.

"That kid is the only person you don't want to pick a fight with, Kenji Itsuki is the next big thing, people are already calling him a prodigy and he hasn't even fought that much," Yahiko said skeptically

"Prodigy huh? Well I'm fighting him next apparently, I guess I'll have to wipe that smug look off his face"

"Good luck with that, he has royal blood, he comes from a famous family of lightning magic, I wouldn't be too cocky," Yahiko said, Kazumi was about to respond when he heard


"Wish me luck", Kazumi said, and he started to head into the arena. The crowd erupted when Kenji walked out, especially the girls. Kazumi already disliked this kid but this was a step too far, Kazumi stepped on to the arena floor and they both kept direct eye contact with one another. The announcer screamed

"FIGHT!" both students drew their swords at the same time and dashed towards each other at amazing speeds. Kenji slashed and thrusted at Kazumi but Kazumi was just too fast, he pushed off the ground and leapt toward Kenji with his sword pointed directly at his opponent. Kenji saw right through it and leaped to the side but as he did that he sheathed his sword and used hand signs to shoot a beam of lightning right at Kazumi. Kazumi slid under the massive beam of lightning and looked up to see the blue stream of lightning, Kenji kept his lightning steady and with one hand he drew his sword and murmured something. As soon as he was finished speaking, his sword ignited with this bluish energy that seemed to be lightning but Kazumi wasn't sure. Kenji used the hand not holding his sword to make more hand signals and he said something again, this time it wasn't just his sword that was engulfed in lightning, it was his whole body. Kazumi didn't know how to react, he thought to himself

"How can I beat him?". Kazumi lost focus and in an instant, Kenji was already behind him with his sword to his neck but Kazumi wasn't going to give up that easily. He turned around and ducked to avoid the sword, then he faked a slash from above and used the hilt to smack Kenji's head, blood gushed from his forehead. However, Kazumi was also hurt, he couldn't dodge all of those beams of lightning and some had hit him. They both looked up at one another and for a moment there was silence. Kazumi broke the silence and charged at Kenji at full speed, yelling and bleeding, but Kenji didn't move a muscle. Right as Kazumi got close to Kenji he felt his legs getting pulled by invisible ropes. Kenji was shooting beams of lightning through the ground and trapping Kazumi's body. Kazumi struggled hard. but he couldn't move. Kenji walked over to Kazumi with a tired grin on his face, he got face to face with Kazumi and opened his mouth to say something but as he did a drop of blood hit Atsuro. Kazumi felt something emerging from the depths of his body, Kazumi's eyes turned black as he stared at Kenji who looked Kazumi with fear in his eyes. The lightning traps were engulfed in black flames and were instantly burned to ash, Kazumi's aura had changed immensely. Kazumi started to advance, and then, suddenly, everything went black.

I decided to change the main characters name.Let me know if you have any suggestions.

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