

Kazumi a 14 year old boy is about to go a new school that his brother has been going to but everything is about to change

VCX · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Bloodline Chapter 3: Combat trials

"Before the combat trials we have to evaluate your physical attributes, follow me", the lady said. Kazumi walked over to the evaluation station (located on a track) with his new friend, whose name was Yahiko. Kazumi was the fastest in his school last year, he broke the record for the 100-meter dash with a time of 3.69 seconds. Kazumi thought to himself " I wonder who's going to come in second place?" Kazumi was up first along with all of the other boys in the class. As they lined up Kazumi noticed that all the other students were trembling with fear but Kazumi had good music in his ears so he was completely calm.

"BANG!" the gunshot was fired and Kazumi pushed off the ground so hard that a massive gust of wind shot up behind him. Kazumi sprinted at top speed, dusting anyone who started in front of him in an instant. He was neck and neck with this other kid who was fast but not fast enough to keep up with him and Kazumi burst past him and ran through the finish line in with a time of 4.5 seconds. Kazumi broke another record at his new school on his first day for the 200-meter dash.

Next, they did a strength test, Yahiko was amazing, he did 20 reps of the bench press when it was Kenji's turn he was confident again so he pushed and pushed until he got to 19 then he used all of his strength to push one more out.

"You were struggling there at the end there," Yahiko said panting

"Oh shut up your just mad," Kazumi said, they both gave out a laugh as they went to the arena to finally do the combat trials the moment everyone was waiting for. The stadium was massive all of the students were packed in along with the teachers.

"The first round is Tanaka versus Yui," said the large woman as she sat back down, Kazumi and Yahiko watched from afar as the round started Yui used hand signs and shot fire from her hand, Kazumi's eyes opened as wide as they could. Kazumi tapped Yahiko shoulder and said

"BRO, BRO did you see that"

"Yeah man this is what you signed up for when you got your letter, " Yahiko said in a confused voice

"What letter?" Kazumi said

"You're supposed to get a letter about becoming a mage," Yahiko said Kazumi still watching as the boy used water magic to stop the fire was very confused. Kazumi thought "Why did Asashi lie about this school? can he do all of this ?" Kazumi was still deep in his thoughts when he heard his name called on the speaker.

"Next up Kazumi versus Daichi" Kazumi gulped, as he walked from his seat to the inside of the arena Yahiko said

"Hey don't forget this" Kazumi turned and saw Atsuro in the middle of the air he caught the blade by the handle and walked down from the stands. The referee explained the rules and Kazumi looked at his opponent, he was a tall boy with a huge head, as they shook hands Kazumi couldn't stop thinking about the size of his head and gave out a little laugh as he walked to the other side.

"FIGHT!" the referee said for the whole stadium to hear Kazumi drew his red katana and played aggressive rap music to turn him up, Daichi attacked first using hand signals to shoot wooden branches out of the ground, Kazumi reacted instantly and jumped over the tree branch. He caught his breath and charged at his opponent with his sword, his speed was amazing, all you could see was a red flash charging towards Daichi. Kazumi dodged and weaved through the branches. Daichi shot three branches at Kazumi, who gave a light smirk right as the beat dropped for the song. Kazumi did a 360 with his sword and cut through all of them, he then saw Daichi making more hand signals but Kazumi couldn't let that happen so he pushed off the ground and put his red blade to Daichi's neck.

You could hear all of the students and teachers talking about his incredible speed and swordsmanship. Kazumi didn't even move he just gave Daichi a cold death stare

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