
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 9 Negotiation

Everyone didn't react, Qiqi was stunned.

"You—" Nekla was still in shock, but realized that Thales was shouting at himself.

Wild—wild dogs?

The red viper's expression changed from doubt to surprise, and finally to embarrassment and anger.

"What did you say—damn you bastard!"

A blood bottle gang stabbed the colleagues around him and made a "something is not good" expression.

The handsome Eastron reacted, his expression became very exciting and rich, twitching and trembling together, embarrassment and embarrassment all at the same time.

This brat is really good at acting—could it be a character in the drama of the Temple of the Night?

Nekla clenched his fists. He felt that the subordinates around him were exchanging glances - their boss was humiliated face to face by a vampire instructing a child!

This bastard!

How - how dare he - not even the blood magician who is known for his cruelty and brutality, has never insulted him like this face to face!

Anger spread to Nekla's brain, and he stared at Eastren fiercely, as if he wanted to dig a piece of flesh out of his face!

From Nekla's point of view, he performed his duties and asked about the progress of the mission on behalf of the Duke.

However, what did that little boy do?

This damned vampire turned his head and made a noise, beckoning to his little follower.

Then, that little bastard took a step forward knowingly.

With that look of beating, tell Nekla to "go away, you despicable wild dog"?

And that vampire, after listening to that little bastard's words, the expression on his face was simply grinning happily.

I'm enjoying the fun of insulting him!

Threatened by the big green skin, rejected by the tricolor iris, forced by the damn vampire, and then by this little bastard in front of him——

Thales looked at the gradually changing expression of the blood bottle gang leader in front of him, and was still thinking about whether to add more ingredients, when he saw a blur in front of him!

He has been grabbed by the neck with one hand by the Red Viper with lightning speed and skill, and lifted him up on the spot!

Thales immediately felt shortness of breath.

This is not the first time he has been strangled!

Thales held back his face, and stretched out his hand to grab the strangler's right hand like last time, but this time, he only felt that he had caught a piece of steel-like skin!

Nekla's vicissitudes of stubble magnified in front of his eyes, and his ferocious expression trembled with the opening and closing of his mouth.

The Red Viper stared at the vampire opposite.

"Little boy! Your little pet—"

But before he could finish speaking, a hand knife suddenly appeared in front of him!

Nekla had no choice but to let go of her hand and backed away in an instant!


The two stood still.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Nekla grabbed Eastren's speedy hand knife that was attacking his head from the side!

"Since you know it's my pet, don't move around," the blond Eastron said with a look of disgust, "Short-lived species!"

Thales fell to the ground out of thin air and habitually (?) began to cough dryly.

He secretly swore that he would never let anyone strangle him again.

It felt too painful.

The surrounding blood bottle gang members became nervous, and many of them pressed the weapons on their waists with a hostile expression!

"Little boy," Nekla was expressionless at this moment, but Thales could also feel his gloomy mood rising slowly, only to see Red Viper let go of the blood clan's hand, and said slowly, word by word :

"Give it a try, call that title again?"

This short-lived species is not fast, and its fighting instinct and experience are not bad. It actually grabbed my right hand.

To deal with such a person, even if I can suppress him in terms of speed, I still have to be more cautious. I can't see it, but he is already a master who is close to the extreme state—Eastron's heart sank, thinking about the next move. How to do it.

"What's wrong with that unhappy expression?" Eastren's eyes sharpened: "Did I say something wrong, you—"

The next second, the blond nobleman suddenly shouted angrily:

"—Ephemeral species!"

The voice did not fall.

Nekla's fist and Estren's palm met in the air.

In Thales' eyes, the moment the fists and palms intersected, the world seemed to stand still.

But the next moment, the sound and the air seemed to have a visible ripple at the same time.


When time seemed to be flowing again, the gust of wind brought by the two of them suddenly hit, blowing across Thales' face, forcing him to close his eyes!

"Boom! Peng!"

Two gusts of wind blew past again, Thales rolled with his eyes closed, and moved back a few meters to avoid the strong wind around Eastlun and Nekla!

"Do you use this speed?" The blond vampire laughed strangely, and his figure flashed again!

Nekla, who knew she wasn't fast enough, gritted her teeth and punched out the next punch!

I saw Eastron's figure switching from one frame to the next frame like a ghost.

And Nekla's figure is like a coherent mechanical wheel, running at a high speed and becoming more and more fierce.

Both sides looked frenzied, and they exchanged six points in an instant!

The strong wind brought by the fist made the surrounding blood bottle gang have to raise their arms to block it, and they couldn't intervene!

Thales recalled the fight between Yala and Rolf in extreme movement, but at that time it was a duel of quickness and dexterity, while the pair of opponents in front of him was more like a decisive battle of explosiveness and strength.

Estren's figure took a step back, and Nekla's left foot took a step back, staring fiercely at each other.

No! Why is this short-lived gangster moving faster and faster? Finally caught up with my speed? This is Eastron frowning.

snort! You really are a slippery vampire, the next move will make you lie down! This is Nekla with a hideous face.

Both sides looked solemn at the moment, feeling the difficulty and tenacity of the opponent.

The next fight came without warning.


Nekla howled angrily, his red coat fell loosely on the ground, his body turned evenly, and as the blood vessels in his right arm dilated, he sent out a right fist that was equally astonishing in vigor and swiftness to the blood race's chest.

"Ephemeral species."

Estren spat in disdain, and then his fangs burst out, blood mist appeared all over his body, his figure flickered between reality and reality, the fingers of his right hand turned into visible sharp claws, he opened his whole palm, cut through the air, and grabbed Nekla throat.

Thales was stunned, imitating the actions of the blood bottle gang around him, and quickly raised his arms in front of him, ready to meet the next time, which may be the most powerful fighting force.

The charged blows of both sides staggered in the air!

Thales tightly closed his eyes.

But the expected strong wind and loud noise did not come!

"Since we've already said hello," came an old voice: "Then let's go."

Thales slowly opened his eyes.

All I saw was Eastron's sharp claws and Nekla's heavy punches, all of which were firmly grasped by a noble old man with a pale and gloomy face like a dead man who suddenly appeared in the field.

The previous strength and vigor seemed to dissipate in the old man's palm silently and silently.

Isn't that right? Even if it can withstand the blows of the two - there must be a buffer and inertia, right? How can such a degree of intertwined power be silent?

Thales thought in horror.

The old man turned his head and neck from side to side, and looked at the two of them separately. I saw that Estren's expression was unwilling, while Nekla's expression was filled with fear and surprise.

Extreme Realm, Red Viper muttered in his heart, and he is a master in Extreme Realm! This is the strength that blood counts and even blood races at the marquis level have! There are not many such people even in the "upper six branches" of the blood race led by the feast!

The old man showed an ugly smile, and instantly let go of his hands. The two fighting people took a step back tacitly without reminding them.

"Mr. Nekla, there is no need to compete with young people, please leave now." His dry lips opened and closed like a puppet.

Nekla looked at the surrounding subordinates, and saw that their faces were full of fear and tension.

Damn, today is considered unlucky.

He understood a bit. If the Blood Magician doesn't come back, everything will not go well for the Blood Bottle Gang.

It seems that he will go to the City of Steel himself and invite her back at all costs.

Nekla let out a harsh "hum", looked at the old man, then at Eastren who was still provocative with his eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, okay, okay."

"I hope that His Excellency the Duke and his end knights are as good-tempered as I am."

The flush on Nekla's face hadn't disappeared yet, but he didn't say anything else. He waved his hand and led the others away.

"Little bastard, when they suck all your blood dry,"

When Nekla walked out of the manor, she turned her head and gave Thales a hard look, her tone was full of viciousness: "Don't scream too badly."

He took the coat from his subordinates, put it on casually, and the members of the Blood Bottle Gang left the manor.

Thales let out a silent breath from the bottom of his heart.

He got over it.

He messed around with the matter of Mindis Hall.

He is safe for now.

But the next sentence of that weird old man made Thales's down heart rise again!

"So, this little friend... I guess you should be related to their mission in Mindis Hall... right?"

Chris Corleone turned his head like a puppet, grinned his wrinkled lips, and said with a smile, "The Tricolor Iris and the Blood Bottle Gang—they seem to be very interested in you?"


"So you mean, on the second day after you picked him up. You, His Majesty's most trusted attendant, former foreign minister, leader and signer of the Fort Peace Treaty, Earl Gilbert Castle, And you, His Majesty's most reliable secret guard, the 'unknown man' Yodel Gato, whom even I don't know the details—"

This is a mature female voice, which sounded from the ceiling of Mindis Hall after the sun went down:

"—Just like that, His Majesty's only child and heir were lost!"

In front of this mature and stable forty-year-old black-haired charming woman in a first-class court lady and standard blue uniform, Gilbert and Yodel lowered their heads slightly.

Although he was already prepared for this person's arrival, Gilbert thought to himself, but he really didn't expect to meet him under such circumstances.

Thinking of the other party's special and embarrassing identity, Gilbert had a headache.

Presumably the same is true for Yodel next to him.

"Yes, Ms. Ginny." Gilbert said silently, his tone full of hatred and regret.

Yodel said nothing, but the fist of his left hand slowly tightened.

"You searched around for an hour, but didn't find any clues?"

"Yes, Ms. Ginny." Gilbert said in shame.

The gears on the yordle mask turned once.

"Then, the only thing we can rely on—" Ms. Jine pointed to a lamp in her hand, and said leisurely with irony and anger: "—that is this broken lamp, and the lamp in Yodel's arms." That little tinder?"

"Yes, Ms. Ginny." Still poor Gilbert.

Ji Ni didn't say anything more, she just stared at them with a displeased expression, and stared at them for a long, long time.

Gilbert's heart sank more and more.

It took a long time before Jine let out a voice from her nose:


She closed her eyes and said slowly:

"His Majesty's forty-eighth birthday is approaching. I'm sure that the six giants are operating at full capacity. They want to force His Majesty to agree to appoint a crown prince from among the nobility, whether it be adopted or adopted."

"And that child is our only hope in the dark."

Jinie took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and paused word by word:

"In the end, you got him--lost! Lost him!"

Gilbert and Yodel's heads lowered.

"Men are really unreliable."

Ji Ni put down the bloodline lamp on the ceiling of the hall, and let out a sigh of disdain: "Come on, mobilize all our hands, let's start from the scene where the child disappeared!"

"Even if that child is really as smart as you said - we can't just wait for that light, it will only prove our incompetence and cowardice!"

Under the night sky, the charming and mature female officer suddenly turned her head, and roared angrily in a tone of reprimanding her subordinates:

"What are you still doing!"

Gilbert and Jodl, as if awakened suddenly, unsealed from the sculpture state and walked forward.

"You two useless men, you'd better give me - use - some - heart!"


Thales was pressed by Eastron to sit on the seat in the inner hall of the manor.

He swallowed hard, and moved his butt to the side, leaving a sticky red. .

If you ignore the withered corpses that can be seen everywhere in this hall, the wet and dry blood stains on the dining table and the floor, and the three guys in front of you who are obviously not normal people - this place is pretty good.

The traverser looked at a man, a woman and an old man in front of him, and smiled awkwardly but friendlyly, showing his teeth.

"It's really a superior blood source! This scent, oh my God, Estren, it seems that my cousin underestimated you before—I thought you were just going out for a walk with those humans."

The sexy woman with the red ponytail, her eyes sparkling with excitement, bent down and looked at Thales carefully.

Thales just opened his mouth and giggled.

His intuition told him that apart from showing friendliness and cooperation, it would be inappropriate for him to do anything now.

He also thought about secretly cutting off his own hand.

But he was sure that these three guys' sense of smell for blood must be better than that of Morris' raging wolfhound.

After hearing what his cousin said, Eastron felt suffocated. Fortunately, as a vampire, he wouldn't blush, but he still hesitated and stretched out his hand to pull back Laurana, who was almost drooling on Thales.

At the bottom of his heart, he has raised the level of suspiciousness and danger of that little brat to the same level as the merman of Crystal Wall City and the priest of Xiri Temple.

"Lorana, be careful, there is something wrong with this cub—it's best not to talk to him too much. If you want me to tell you, just connect the blood collection device and the feeding tube, and put it in the coffin." The blond vampire said embarrassingly. .

"The target that the Duke of Iris is pursuing is living in the well-guarded royal estate. He sent the first-class blood knights of the Corleone family around without realizing it," the old man with a dead face said silently. Lun turned his face away in embarrassment, "Of course there is something wrong with this cub! At least, we have to dig out the secrets that should be from him."

"I'm good at this." Laurana leaned on the dining table on the left of Thales and licked her mouth at him. "A small cut was made on the wrist, and I hung it upside down. During the interrogation, I can also relieve my hunger, not a drop Waste—from what my mother told me, that's what the Lorilloa's do."

Eastron hesitated for a moment. Butler Chris had left an indelible shadow on his growth experience, and the old man's merciless reprimand just now severely damaged his self-confidence, but Eastron Still murmured: "I think it's better to kill it directly. With our current situation, I always feel that this bastard will bring us trouble——"

"Shut up, idiot!" The old man Chris interrupted Eastren roughly.

If this young man didn't have this character, with his skill, how could he have been a blood-born knight in Corleone's family for three hundred years? A smart person, like Laurana, is already a Blood Baron!

Due to the old man's prestige, the blond noble took a step back in fear.

But it's too late.

Thales' heart moved.

"Based on our current situation" - Thales grasped this information keenly.

So, their situation is not very good?

First of all, if they are mercenaries or allies of the "Duke" nobleman and completed the task, at least the commission and remuneration are provided by the employer, right? How can it be bad?

Secondly, they didn't hand themselves over to the Blood Bottle Gang in the first place. This may be explained that they and the Blood Bottle Gang were fighting for merit in front of the common "Duke".

But judging from Eastron's words, they didn't even intend to hand themselves over to the "Duke"!

So, are they planning to ask the secret out of their mouths? Enjoy yourself?

Then there are not many explanations left.

They are not mercenaries or allies of the "Duke", but another independent force!

This may be where his vitality lies.

After scolding Eastlun, the old man didn't speak, but just stared at Thales, putting him under great psychological pressure.

The traverser knew that he could no longer remain silent.

In this case, let's give it a try based on the previous reasoning.

"I said," Thales chuckled, "Maybe we can sit down and talk?"

"Then exchange information about each other, maybe we will find out by coincidence that we are actually allies?"

Chris's face became more gloomy, UU read a book, his eyes flickered like jumping frames, and then he stood abruptly an inch in front of Thales!

Not even the wind brought it up.

Thales was rumbling in his heart.

Just treat it as watching a ghost movie.

It's still 4D.

"This is a good proposal, Mr. Little, let's exchange information." Chris showed an ugly smile again.

His address reminded Thales of Gilbert, while his words made Thales feel relieved.

Until the old man's next sentence:

"Then, our intelligence is: your life is in our hands."

Thales let out a long sigh in his heart.

It's really unlucky to meet someone who doesn't follow the rules.

Chris slowly raised his malicious eyes.

"Then, what about your information?"

While Thales was frantically thinking about the next step, a sudden change occurred.

"Boom boom!"

From the top of the hall, there was suddenly the dull sound of heavy objects hitting!

The expressions of the three blood races changed at the same time! Even old man Chris is no exception!

"Boom! Boom!"

There was another dull blunt sound! Coming from the ceiling!

The three blood races exchanged a look, both surprised and excited.

It seemed that something long-awaited had finally happened.

Thales saw all this in his eyes.