
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 10 "Old Friends"

"The remains of the eight swordsmen who guarded Mr. Thales at the time of the incident are all here. On the one hand, out of respect, and on the other hand, because of the urgency of the matter, we did not touch them, and kept them as they were."

In the corridor on the third floor of Mindis Hall, Gilbert said to the stern-looking Jine in front of the eight corpses in front of him.

Jodl stood quietly aside.

"Six mortal swordsmen with outstanding skills and rich combat experience who are expected to break through to the super-level, and two genuine super-level masters, all had their neck arteries cut by irregular sharp weapons."

Gilbert walked up to a corpse and knelt down, pressed the neck of the corpse, an ugly and terrible wound was revealed, the wound had changed color, and even the blood had coagulated.

"We preliminarily estimated that the opponent might be an extreme master. To kill these eight people in an instant, one must have exquisite skills and unfathomable strength, and his speed can't even catch up with Yodel."

"There is also that terrible hidden ability. When the invasion happened, we clearly guarded all the entrances and exits, but he slipped in. Yoddle didn't feel anyone at all."

Gilbert said his guess with a heavy face. He took out a mechanical watch in his pocket and stared at the time on it: half past six in the evening.

Even the moon has risen.

Ji Ni frowned, and her attractive lips were tightly pressed together, highlighting the beauty spot on her mouth. She crossed her arms, pondered for a while, then suddenly raised her hand and snapped her fingers .

"Take off their helmets."

Gilbert gave a look, and several guards next to him stepped forward and took off the helmet of the deceased.

Jinie stepped forward, stepped on the lady's elegant high-heeled boots, squatted down on one knee, and carefully observed everyone's faces.

"The carotid artery bleeds heavily, and the time before death will not be long, only enough for them to struggle on the ground for a while. This time is the time they each witnessed the murderer."

"The expressions of each of them," Jine said cautiously while leaning over to observe, "there are subtle differences."

"These four were lying on their stomachs. Their expressions before death were very consistent. They were angry, resentful, unwilling, and gnashed their teeth. They may have no way to react, and they faced severe injuries until death, and people who didn't know the truth until death. Such resentment and resentment."

"These two were lying on their sides, their expressions were astonished, unbelievable and puzzled. They should have sensed the murderer's fatal blow, and tried their best to fight back but it didn't work. This made them very surprised and puzzled. The lying on the ground struggling For a while, this expression froze on his face."

"The last two should be the most powerful. One is lying on his back, and the other is sitting leaning against the wall. Their expressions are much more subtle than the first six. The one lying down is full of remorse and pain, while the one sitting is full of relief and helplessness. Tried to fight back, but still failed. But they should be the last to die, so they struggled to see the murderer, so they had remorse and sudden realization before death. That is to say, for the two of them, as long as they Knowing the identity of the enemy allows for an effective response."

Ji Ni stood up with a cold face, folded her arms, looked at the helpless Gilbert beside her, and said firmly:

"The murderer is not a master of the extreme world!"

"If it is the irresistible strength of Jijing, the last two people will be despair and fear. The murderer should have used a special technique, ability or mechanism. He cleverly started from the strong first, and then went to the last There are six weaker people, so the two strongest people have the opportunity and time to see the murderer and his killing methods after they fall."

"Although he has not reached the extreme state, his speed is very fast. He may be close to or even surpass half of the extreme state masters. However, because he has not yet reached the extreme state, there is still a priority in killing people."

Yoddle stepped forward and knelt down in front of the corpse, as if to verify Jine's words.

Gilbert stared blankly at the woman in front of him, as if he saw the high-spirited young girl in the trial court twenty years ago.

And, that young, sunny young man who often stood behind her.

He sighed secretly in his heart, and walked in front of her.

"Ms. Ji Ni, I know that you used to be the most outstanding security officer in the royal capital. You even participated in the investigation of the royal assassination case in the Bloody Year, tracked down the magic masters who passed away, and even the secret department of the kingdom often seconded you." Kiel Bert turned his hands behind his back and said calmly:

"Your reasoning is also very exciting, as sharp as in previous years."

"But our top priority is to get that child back."

Ginny thought for a while, and glanced at him.

The best security officer?

Her fists were inadvertently clenched.

Shit police officer.

But this charming lady didn't show any emotion. Instead, she habitually stroked the beauty mole on her left lip with her left hand resting on the other arm, and chuckled silently.

"A man is indeed a representative of carelessness and carelessness."

Gilbert narrowed his eyes, and raised his top hat slightly to express his doubts.

"Did I not make it clear enough?" Ji Ni put down her hands, strode forward unceremoniously, pointed at the corpse in front of her, and said confidently:

"These two ultra-level guards are the strongest. They also stood together and were the first to be attacked. These two were next, and the other four were the last to be attacked. But the order of their death was reversed: the last The strong struggled to the end and saw the murderer!"

"As long as I determine their location before the attack, I can follow the trajectory and find the location where the murderer invaded."

"Although the amount of bleeding is so much that the blood is mixed together, it is difficult to find traces of the guards struggling to move before they died."

"However, according to the time of arterial bleeding and the speed at which people fall to the ground and struggle, two circles can be drawn with the two most powerful as the centers. This is the range of movement between when they were attacked and when they died."

"Don't forget, these two strongest were attacked by the same weapon almost at the same time, that is to say, they stood together before being attacked."

"So, the intersection of these two circles is where they were attacked!"

"There are two circles with two intersections. One of them is the answer. It is the location where the two were actually attacked, that is, the location where the murderer invaded." Ji Ni concentrated on her expression, drawing shapes step by step with her steps, and said The content in it made Gilbert and Jodl look at it seriously.

"According to the last gazes of these two strongest men before they died, the murderer appeared in this position after killing everyone. I guess it is also where the child was standing."

"Starting from the last appearance of the murderer," Ji Ni stood at that position, stepping back step by step, "according to the order in which they were attacked, roughly find the path of the murderer's movement," Jini walked slowly past several corpses, and walked Returning to the corpses of the two strongest men, "At the end of the path, connect back to the area of these two circles, and the closest point is this intersection!"

Ji Ni walked past the rickety corpses all the way, her eyes were sharp, and she finally stood in one place:

"Here is the position where the two strongest men were attacked first. In other words, it is the position where the murderer invaded and made the first move!"

Gilbert stepped forward quickly and looked around.

"You mean, the murderer suddenly appeared here?" He said slowly: "The mercenary team did attack here. But it's impossible, this place is far away from the stairs, and he has nowhere to hide while we clean up the mess ."

Jinny gave another contemptuous chuckle.

Only Jodl walked up silently and pointed to a small decorative vase next to it.

This kind of vase is very common in the corridor, but this one is the closest to Jine's place.

Under Gilbert's puzzled gaze, Jine stepped forward quickly, grabbed the vase, and smashed it without hesitation!


She squatted down silently, grabbed a fragment of a vase, and after carefully observing it, wiped lightly on the inner wall of the fragment with her finger, shining it on the two "useless men".

Gilbert was surprised to find that there were red blood stains on Jine's fingers!

Yoddle also squatted down and picked up a few fragments.

On the inner wall of the vase, there are also tiny drops of blood.

"Nowhere to hide?" Ginny laughed sarcastically, embarrassing Gilbert.

"So," Gilbert took the fragments of the vase, his expression changed: "This is—"

Jini stood up and said skillfully:

"Victims: Eight. Cause of death: Carotid artery hemorrhage."

"Murderer: A super-level vampire, that is, a vampire. The murder weapon: a vampire claw—"

When Ji Ni was talking excitedly, she suddenly froze for a moment, realizing the current situation.

So, she gritted her teeth and swallowed the next words back into her mouth.

After all, I am no longer a security officer.

Jine shook her head, clearing away irrelevant emotions.

"So, he relied on his innate talent for turning blood to sneak into hiding, and relied on his innate instant speed to kill and plunder—rather than his own strength." Ji Ni raised her head and gave Gilbert a white look: "This is you Are you talking about an extreme master?"

Gilbert was very embarrassed, but he knew that this was not the time to vent his anger, so he asked kindly: "It's really eye-opening, so, that kid?"

Is this an eye-opener? thought Ginny contemptuously.

What a high-ranking person with a narrow vision—if you have seen the "secret department" of the stars, the "dark room" of Exeter, the Wuyiwei of the Suye Dynasty and the "Quintana" of the Hamble Dynasty, Once you have seen their methods, you will know how many terrifying characters there are in the darkness under the table, and you can know all your secrets just by moving your fingers.

Then, she sharpened her eyes, and said decisively: "The crime happened—when the incident happened, the sun had not yet set! He can only use blood to hide, and hide among those teams of hirelings!"

"The vampires who are not in the extreme state can only melt blood to the extent of blood, and the time will not exceed half an hour. This shows that those teams of hirers arrived here within half an hour!"

"A team of hirers rushed at full speed. Half an hour away from the Evening Star District, there are only the Dongcheng District with many noble manors, the Morning Star District where the city hall and commercial gathering places are located, and the Central District where the Fuxing Palace is located!"

Jinie let out a breath. This mature beauty ended her reasoning, and habitually reached behind her waist, but found nothing.

She was taken aback for another moment, and then smiled wryly in her heart: That's right, she's no longer a security officer, and even quit smoking a long time ago.

Didn't the intern who often followed behind and handed her the fire already become another person?

She sighed.

The shrewd lady put away her memories and looked at Gilbert.

"Make a decision, Lord Earl."

Gilbert took a deep breath: "It must be the nobles who sent people to test, and the area of Dongcheng District is not small, and the manor is the most suitable for hiding blood! Although there are many manors over there—"

Yordle's figure flickered and disappeared.

Gilbert choked on his colleague's rude behavior, so he could only sigh: "Well, at least the scope of the search has been narrowed down."

Gilbert looked at Ginny, and nodded slightly at the latter.

The latter just sneered slightly.

Gilbert didn't take offense, but restarted the staff:

"Open the spare armory, get everyone ready, and put on the exorcism silver sword!"

"Choose the best 30 players and follow me! Target, Dongcheng District!"

"Take that lamp!"


"Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom!"

The muffled noise on the ceiling continued, and it became more and more urgent!

Chris turned his head abruptly, showing a slightly anxious expression for the first time, looking at Thales unkindly, and commanding Eastron: "Send him back to the dungeon! Lock him up properly!"

Then, without waiting for Eastron and Thales to react, the old man and Laurana disappeared before their eyes!

Eastron also had an expression of surprise. He mentioned Thales, ignoring the latter's struggle and shouting ("Hey, what's going on, isn't there an exchange of information? Your Excellency Eastlon?" ——Thales), shot towards the stone ladder!

The next second, before the dizziness passed, Thales fell headfirst on the wet stone floor!


He grinned in pain.

"Little brat! Stay well! No matter what you do, we can hear you!" After hearing the crisp sound of the lock key and Eastron's anxious message, the surroundings became quiet!

Only then did Thales get up both annoyed and grateful.

Eastron has disappeared.

So he silently stretched out his hand to his leg, pretending to scratch it, and inadvertently scratched the bound JC dagger.

Pain hit.

His blood fell to the ground.


Thales took a deep breath, welcoming the burning sensation all over his body.

In this way, Gilbert and Jodl will know my location, right?

He exhaled lightly, completely relaxed, and suddenly felt tired all over his body.

Trembling, the traverser touched a wall and sat down by the side.

Today's experience is not inferior to yesterday's visit to Hongfang Street!

Now, Thales has time to observe the surrounding situation.

The dim light came from two small torches.

The stony ground is damp, cold, and hard.

There are countless scratches and engravings on the mottled wall.

A narrow metal fence and a big lock with thick arms.

A rusty chain was kicked by his foot, and it jingled.

Thales sighed and lay down on the cold ground.

There is no doubt that this is a prison cell, damp, muddy, and bloody.


Thales smelled the fishy and salty smell in the air.

It was exactly the same as what I smelled on Hongfang Street last night, only more intense.

Just as his heart tightened, there were suddenly terrifying howls and groans outside the cell.


Thales stood up in fright!

In his previous life, the traveler had never had much tolerance for horror movies, and he was forced to watch by that late-stage middle school patient who couldn't remember the name.

It is euphemistically called "practicing courage".

Stimulated by goosebumps, Thales' brain started to run wildly again automatically!




Howling and moaning.

Thales suddenly knew what this place was.

It is the "pantry" of the vampires.

A wave of nausea struck.

Thales sighed again. In the past two days, he probably sighed more than the water he drank.

But just as he was about to sit down, there was a faint and rude gasp next to him!


He was so scared that he climbed several steps in the opposite direction!

Can you stop scaring me?

Thales patted his chest in shock, only then did he realize that his cell was not a deluxe single room.

Thales slowly approached that direction.

In the dim sight, there appeared a human body wearing heavy shackles, lying on the ground and panting in pain.


In the darkness, the prisoner seemed unable to speak, but gasped continuously, his voice full of pain and suffering.

His wrist, which was locked in the shackles, seemed to have a tube connected to the outside of the cell.

Thales knew what it was.

"If you want me to say, just connect the blood collection device and the feeding tube, and put it in the coffin" - these are Eastron's words.

It seems that this is the blood taker.

Alas, Thales lowered his head and let out another breath helplessly.

It was probably a poor man who was taken captive by the blood race and became their source of food.

"Woooo—" Seemingly sensing someone coming, the prisoner struggled and groaned.

Thales felt nauseous again.

This nausea also made him decide to do something.

"I'm sorry, it might hurt a little."

"Please bear with me."

He whispered to the poor prisoner.

The traverser stretched out his hand, touched his wrist, smeared the rough blood drawer, and with great force, pulled out a needle several inches deep into the blood vessel!

"Ah—————" The prisoner struggled and groaned harder, but he still made an inexplicable sound, like a mute.

Thales pressed the wound on his wrist. Fortunately, there wasn't much bleeding.

Of course, it's also possible that he didn't have much blood left. Thales thought bitterly.

In the confrontation with the three blood races just now, Thales was in a nervous and fearful mood, but he never said it seriously.

However, now looking at this "blood source" who was locked up to draw blood, he began to feel heavy for no reason.

Maybe it's compassion - he thought to himself mockingly.

Thales touched the shackle, only to notice that it was a dark black stone mechanical lock, engraved with complicated patterns and words, heavy and ingenious, crossed and locked the prisoner's hands on his chest, There are also two clip locks extending from the top, which tightly clamp the prisoner's cheeks, and he can't even shake his head from side to side. Thales pushed hard and found that the thick mechanical stone lock seemed to be firmly fixed to the ground—or it was as heavy as it was fixed to the ground.

It seems to be a heavy lock specially prepared for experts.

Thales touched the position of the lock, which was made of special metal. The traverser tried it hard, and found, not surprisingly, that he was powerless to unlock it.

The prisoner's struggle gradually diminished.

Thales watched his painful struggle and suffering, feeling extremely uncomfortable, but he could only silently step aside and sit down against the wall.

With the movement of his figure, the light of the torch outside the cell lost its cover and directly shone on the prisoner's face.

Thales saw this poor man clearly. Ukansu.

This is a man covered with scars, the gray clothes on his body are full of damage and filth.

And with a disability.

His legs, below the knees, were empty.

What was even more frightening was his neck, where the flesh and blood were lumped together, showing a terrifying purple-black color, as if his throat had been seriously injured.

Probably because of this, he was speechless.

Thales touched his throat, remembering the experience of being strangled twice, and remembering the pain, he couldn't help shivering.

He looked at the prisoner and thought silently: Poor man, it's a miracle that he can survive until now with all his injuries.

The prisoner had an exaggerated expression. While panting, his facial features were twisted together, as if he was enduring great pain.

But he could only utter a rude moan like "woo woo".

Her short cyan hair covered half of her face.

On the other half of the face, there is a weird tattoo.

"Woooo—" he continued to moan in pain.


Thales suddenly froze.

He recognized the tattoo on the opponent's face.

The traverser suddenly realized that the person who was in the same cell as him, who was panting and speechless, was actually an "old friend".

An "old friend" who just met him and Yala in Hongfang Street last night.

Midilla Rolfe.

The best of the twelve strongest members of the Blood Bottle Gang.

An ability user who is good at controlling wind power.

Super expert.

"Ghost with the Wind" - Rolf.