
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 8 Longevity Species (Part 2)


The color of blood.

He shook his head, only feeling dizzy.

I am - where?

A sharp pain hit the chest and abdomen!

He moaned in panic, and opened his eyes blankly, but there was still only blood in front of him.

"Tiren, hold on a little longer! The ambulance is coming soon." At this moment, a gentle and familiar voice rang in my ears.

He calmed down for a moment.

But the next moment, the sharp pain in his chest and the dizziness in his head became more and more intense.

"Wu Qiren!" The voice became more and more flustered, "You can't die here! You—by the way, you haven't changed the world yet! How can you die in a place like this! You haven't even changed the world, how can you be qualified? Give birth to a monkey with me!"

change the world? Give birth to a monkey?

His brain was sober for a moment, and he took a big breath, feeling much better.

Amidst the blood redness, he suppressed the severe pain and twisted a smile.

"Secondary two is a disease - get - cure - ah~"

That familiar voice seemed to be crying with joy.

He smiled in severe pain, and wanted to stop the voice, and play a joke on her as usual.

However, he opened his mouth in confusion.

But he found that he couldn't pronounce her name.

The eyes are still blood red, but the whole body is getting hotter and hotter.


Thales fell on a patch of grass.

He opened his eyes, completely awake from the blood.

"Damn! What's going on!" Beside him, the pale man with blond hair cursed angrily.

"Why did you consume so much blood?" His tone was full of surprise and dissatisfaction.

Only Thales knew that when the blond man turned into blood and took him away at a high speed, Thales found a memory fragment. In the dream of the fragment, the traverser seemed to "lose control" again.

This time, it seems that part of the blood that the blond man has melted has been displaced?

Thales lay on the ground coughing dryly as if he had just gotten off a roller coaster.

Fortunately, motion sickness—er, the experience of "people" fainting, I had it at Yodel before.

He thought to himself, shook his head, and drove the disturbing blood red out of his brain.

"It's almost here—is the injury still not healed? I'm not proficient in the dance of blood shadow." The handsome blond man murmured, and grabbed Thales roughly.

It turned out that it was already dusk, did the sun really go down?

It's a bit cold, is this outside?

It was only then that Thales saw clearly that they were landing on the grass beside a dark path, and in front of them was a spacious manor and its attached large garden.

There was also a flag floating on the iron gate between the garden and the path, but overall, the manor seemed to be overgrown with weeds, as if the owner hadn't concentrated on taking care of it.

If it wasn't for the inferior level of refinement, it would have been comparable to the Mindis Hall.

That flag—Thales squinted his eyes and saw a strange three-petaled flower with three colors: red, blue, and green.

Thales recognized this flower—it was Wu Qiren's first girlfriend's favorite flower.

This is, iris?

The coat of arms of the nobility?

I'm afraid this is one of the "enemies" Gilbert mentioned.

It's too bad, I'm going straight to the enemy's nest.

"Go! Short-lived brat!" The handsome blond man pushed him impatiently and headed towards the manor.

Thales' brain began to run and reason crazily.

It seems that this little boy with a golden retriever can talk, and he is not some beastly monster.

And judging from the words he left behind when he kidnapped me:

"Originally, it was just to move your muscles and bones—"

"Fortunately, the sun is about to set—"


He's a rational guy—Thales was thinking about countermeasures, his JC dagger was stuck in his waist, but obviously he still couldn't expect anything like "put the dagger around his neck".

You can't cut yourself abruptly and report to Yoddle and Gilbert, it's too obvious and too deliberate.

Then we can only collect information first.

"Hey, hey!" Thales turned his head and shook off the blond man's hand in dissatisfaction. "Looking at your aristocratic demeanor and temperament, shouldn't your words and deeds be consistent? Be polite!"

The blond man was stopped by these words.

"Politeness? Demeanor?" He grinned and opened his mouth with a smile, deliberately showing two pairs of ferocious fangs: "Why should you be polite to the food that is destined to be eaten?"

The blond man deliberately ground his sharp fangs in the air.

Sure enough, it was very similar to the creature in my memory.

However, Thales just turned his head, looked at the two fangs, and curled his lips contemptuously: "You have such a bad attitude towards food, it shows that you have no talent for gourmets at all—psychological, emotional and physical conditions will affect the quality of food." Quality, your rude approach, what if it affects the taste of the ingredients?"

The handsome blond man was stunned for three seconds.

The ferocious expression on his face was just half done.

But he immediately reacted.

"Given your size, you're quite courageous, short-lived brat," he immediately chuckled, "but you're not the first to have guts. Don't take chances, you won't escape."

"So my flesh and blood are really delicious?" Thales said with an "I see" expression, then raised his legs unexpectedly, and walked in the direction of the manor.

The man was just about to pick up the cub and go to the manor when he saw the cub walking in front.

Facing the food that seemed to have no intention of escaping (he didn't even bother to call it "prey"), the suspicious blond man wanted to stretch out his hand and scratch his head, but he felt that it was inappropriate to do so when he raised it halfway, so he had to put down his hand and use what humans could see. Speed, quickly follow Thales.

"It's not flesh and blood, it's just blood—you must have been injured recently, right? The smell of blood is everywhere. Tsk tsk, it smells so good, I really want to take a bite first."

The two continued to move forward.

"Then how are you going to eat me? Chewing raw or sucking blood directly? Which part to start? What about the seasoning?"

"The people in the Tuval family like to gnaw raw - they enjoy the howling of their prey. We generally suck the blood directly, divided into neck food and wrist food. For seasoning - wait, why am I telling you this? !Ephemeral bastard!"

The blond man stopped in his tracks and looked suspiciously at Thales, who obviously did not behave like a seven-year-old child.

"I'm destined to be food, right? Isn't it a virtue to be polite to food that is voluntarily sacrificed? And food that is in a good mood, maybe blood tastes better—"

"You—you are so weird as food—you don't think that I can let you go, do you?"

"A rare delicacy, of course it is rare in the world. Come, come, don't stop, let's keep going. What is your name, sir?"

"Little brat, why are you asking this? Want to take revenge?" The blond man stopped again, his suspicion and vigilance towards the weird boy in front of him was getting higher and higher.

"Your skill, it's not easy to seek revenge from you. Also, since you're going to be eaten by you, you should let me know your name? Don't you think it's rude to bark like hell—er, you Isn't it an illegitimate child without a surname? At least he should have a name?"

The blond man's self-esteem seemed to be stung by the last sentence.

I only heard him reply proudly: ""My name is Estren Van Leica Liszt Corleone, the kingdom of the night, the head of the seven branches, the first-class blood knight of the Corleone family. "

"Come, come, keep going—so why do you call me short-lived?"

"Human beings with a lifespan of less than 120 years are not ephemeral species? Even a young cub like you has at most 90 years left to live." Eastron said contemptuously.

"So you are, uh, 'Longevity Species'? Lifespan is much longer than ours?"

"Of course, the lifespan of the blood race is endless, how can it be imagined by the inferior short-lived species!"

Thales silently took all kinds of information into his mind.

Eastron Corleone

Long-lived species, ephemeral species.

Kingdom of the Night, Corleone's house.

A superior blood race.

And - the most important point is that he doesn't seem to be interested in why I appear in the Mindis Hall.

This may be the only lifeline—oh, I almost forgot, he planned to "eat" me.

Thales and Eastron walked into the manor, and the traverser narrowed his eyes: at the door, two fierce men wearing red turbans walked towards them.

Blood bottle gang? how are they here

"By the way, why stop here? Wouldn't it be better to just fly in?"

"If it wasn't for the Dance of Blood Shadows—ahem—"

The handsome boy Eastren suddenly realized that the ephemeral cub beside him could understand what he said, so he cleared his throat gracefully, and then continued calmly:

"Hmph - if it wasn't because this place is not our territory, I would have planned to fly in directly. But we are only guests after all, so naturally we need to maintain respect and courtesy to our host."

It's a long-lived species that pays attention to demeanor, Thales said silently.

Two members of the Blood Bottle Gang came forward and looked at the two people, one big and one small, with unfriendly expressions: "Who—"

But Eastron frowned, turned cold, and interrupted them with disdain:

"Go away, inferior ephemeral species!"

Thales' face twitched, and he decided to take back what he just said.

a few minutes ago.

After the disastrous defeat of the "One Night War", as one of the few members of the Blood Bottle Gang who rushed back to the capital day and night, "Red Viper" Nekla, the leader of the eight warriors with supernatural powers, spent the whole day after the war. It was spent in a state of desperation.

At least until the other three supernatural warriors and the long-lost blood magician rush back to the capital in an emergency, he must hold on to the overall situation.

The first is the aftermath of the "One Night War".

Except for a grand explosion performance, the Qi magician disappeared without a trace. His personal guard, the lunatic with a sword, was lying with Rolf, his upper body almost cut open. For this reason, it can only be inferred that Ashida was killed by someone, so Nekla must confirm whether the three major killers of the Brotherhood—especially Hei Jian himself—are in the capital, so that he can travel with confidence (in fact, from Red Square Street Tinker who escaped back always felt that he was being paranoid, even if Heijian was in the capital, he probably wouldn't take a liking to him).

Tinker and Numeno are the few members of the Vial Gang who have escaped back ("Damn it, only cowards can survive to the end." - Nekla), and they are both vague about what happened on Red Square Street , other than fear is panic, Nekla directly gave up the attempt to find out the truth, as for the revenge of the Qi magician, wait for the blood magician to come back and then decide.

Having lost the long-running Hongfang Street, which has a lot of money and water, the morale of the Blood Bottle Gang has plummeted, and many ordinary gang members have begun to waver. Customers—whether they are nobles, businessmen, or secret companions—all expressed that "the deep friendship with the Blood Bottle Gang is unshakable" and at the same time greatly reduced business dealings, and even withdrew funds, and it was still half done ("I fucked him - calm down, calm down - the blood will be paid!" - Nekla).

In other urban areas of the capital, the blood bottle gang with low morale is losing ground in the face of the shattered fraternity "inferior people". It is conceivable that when the news spreads to the whole country, the struggles of each branch will take on the same look .

Secondly, one of the main supporters behind the Blood Bottle Gang, the Kevin Dill family with the three-color iris flower as the family crest, even after knowing their fiasco, they looked indifferent and had neither reinforcements nor support. Consolation, not even a copper coin of comfort. What Nekla resented the most was that, thanks to the fact that they had done so much dirty work for each other all over the country, at the critical moment, the end knight named Seychelles wouldn't even let him in through the door of the Duke's manor! In this way, Nekla was given a task at noon, asking him to "find out the theft in Mindis Hall"—theft? Damn, which part of his body looks like a police officer and a private detective? Can't he cut it off?

Speaking of the security officer, Nekla was even more furious: Damn, the big green skin in the Xicheng District Police Department is called Robic or Lockerby, and he usually looks smiling, and he didn't know to send someone at the critical moment of the one-night war. Reinforcement, what about the 'cooperation between the police and the people'? Forget it, Nekla suppressed his displeasure, asked him for a few corpses, and pushed back and forth. The funniest thing was that he pretended to be a justice envoy and took so much money from them, and now came to uphold justice? Why did you go early! Talk about justice before Nekla? Which part of his body looks like a good person? Can't he cut it off? Damn, before, Nekla would dare to go to his house tonight, strip his wife naked and hang him on the west gate as a doorbell!

Also, Nekla is going to solve this matter now-the three vampires of the Kevin Dill family were actually left by Iris in the East City Branch of their Blood Bottle Gang (in fact, the Mangrass Manor is also where Kevin Dier family property) "treat well"? Did you think it was entertaining lost puppies! They need the blood volume of ten people a day! Also ask for masters above the super level! Alright, just find the black sword, knock him out with a sap, tie it up and send it to them! I have already sent many of the blood bottle gang members that I usually dislike, and it is not enough, so I have to humbly go to that big green skin to ask for the corpse! Which part of him looks like a zookeeper? Can't he cut it off? The most annoying thing is that there are not many vampires, they have a big temper, bossy, look at Nekla, as if he is a puppy!

With such a bad mood, Nekla and his entourage walked into the Vinegrass Manor at nightfall, and waved casually at the Blood Bottle Gang members who also had a bad face, as a greeting.

He walked into the stone staircase of the main building of the manor, and the faint cries and screams from the ground made the red viper's already terrible mood even more disturbed.

Resisting not to think about the "blood food" in the dungeon (especially many of them were his former colleagues and subordinates), Nekla walked up to the second floor with a livid face, and pushed open the wooden door of the main hall. He looked at the people in front of him with displeasure—to be exact, two people and their food.

A 30-year-old woman with a beautiful face, fair skin, red ponytail, sexy and seductive, wearing an aristocratic horse riding outfit, gently pushed away a man with confused eyes.

Seductively, she licked the blood from her mouth, smiled charmingly at Nekla, then stretched out her index finger to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth to her chin.

The man who was pushed away seemed to be just a civilian who was taken captive. At this moment, his eyes were lost, his skin was pale and he fell to the ground and convulsed. His breathing became weaker and weaker, and he was dying.

And in the hall, there were at least seven or eight corpses that died of excessive blood loss like this, and the dried blood was everywhere.

The blood dripped on the ground and on the table, rustling all over, it was extremely scary.

In front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall, an old man with white hair who was also dressed luxuriously, with his hands behind his back, seemed to be waiting for the moon to rise.

"Aiya," a gentle voice came from the woman's mouth, and her eyes lit up, "Did you bring us delicious food? Are there twenty people? Are there any super-orders? Are there any virgins? Are there any children?" cub?"

These bloody vampires!

Have you gone out to hunt the living again?

"Miss Laurana! Mr. Chris! I'm about to tell you," Nekla suppressed the unhappiness and nausea in his heart, and said dissatisfiedly to the two blood races: "The twenty corpses sent this afternoon are already It's the limit, our blood bank doesn't have that much!"

When talking about the "blood bank", even Nekla couldn't help feeling sick when he thought of the wailing in the underground cell.

"Oh?" The seductive Laurana giggled, and as the corners of her mouth curled up, her eyes gradually turned into dangerous eyes: "Can the blood of those corpses be eaten? What we need is the blood of living people." ."

"Otherwise, I can't bear to watch the members of the Blood Bottle Gang come and go—" Laurana showed the fangs under her lips, posing in a charming pose, and gently tapped the fangs with her index finger , under the illumination of the unextinguished lights, combined with the bloody background, there is a weird and hideous beauty.

"Three distinguished guests, please understand that Eternal Star City is the capital of the king after all, and our abilities are limited—" Nekla held back her anger, bowed her head and said softly.

"Oh, but that's not what that young and lovely Duke Iris said: as many people and as much blood as you want! If he knew that his loyal dog entertained guests like this, would he not give you a bone to eat? Hehe -"

A loyal dog?


I am stupid!

Hearing the grotesque humiliation and condescending sarcasm, and thinking of Duke Iris's attitude after losing the Battle of Red Square Street, and the anger he had received throughout the day, Nekla could only feel a fire burning in his heart.

"Fucking bitch—there's no one alive!"

Regardless of the blood stains on the table, Nekla slapped the table hard, and shouted uncontrollably:

"Don't think I don't know! You vampires only need the blood of the dead to live! You don't need the blood of the living at all! It's not five hundred years ago!"

"I worked so hard to send so many living people and corpses, and there is even a super-level inside! It's not enough to return his M!"

"If you love to eat, don't eat! I'm not scared too much! It's a big deal! Let's pull out people to fight!"

"We are the Blood Vial Gang of Star Kingdom's "Blood Debts Must Be Paid"! We are not some kind of Kevin Dill who "die for friends"!"

There was a moment of silence.

The only sound in the hall was the red viper's angry panting.

Even the entourage behind Nekla was frightened and took a step back.

The next moment, Laurana's expression changed, she stretched out her fangs, her face was ferocious, and her originally coquettish and seductive voice became fierce and wild:

"You despicable ephemeral species! I'm only polite for your master's sake!"

"Blood from a dead body? You can survive by drinking water, being a vegetarian, and eating carrion every day. Why do you still eat meat and drink!"

"'Desperate and desperate'? The half-dead super-level in the prison is basically your private revenge, and you want us to help you solve the internal affairs!"

"Talk to the Corleone family about 'blood debts must be paid'? I can let you 'taste blood debts' right away!"

The anger in Nekla's eyes became more intense. He gritted his teeth and pulled away the scarlet coat. The ferocious Laurana scolded coquettishly, and instantly jumped onto the chandelier above his head, baring his teeth and claws like a feline!

At the moment when the two sides were on the verge of swords, the old man who had been looking out the window finally turned around.

"Laurana, pay attention to your manners."

"Mr. Nekla, there's no need to be like this. We have turned our faces, and the embarrassing person is still Duke Jann."

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone in the hall.

Chris Corleone—the white-haired old man suddenly appeared in front of Nekla.

Before the leader of the Blood Bottle Gang came back to his senses and could react, the white-haired Chris stretched out his hand indifferently, and patted Red Viper on the shoulder.

This hand suppressed Red Viper's anger.

Laurana landed on the ground and returned to the image of a seductive young woman. She chuckled lightly, but her eyes were still fierce.

"Sorry, they are all young and impatient." Chris's eyes were dark, and his wrinkled face was full of darkness and silence.

young? Nekla cursed in her heart, wondering if a monster who is hundreds of years old has the nerve to say he is young?

But he still suppressed the anger in his heart.

The situation is not forgiving.

Although the old monster in front of him looked ill, but the move he showed just now...With his own ability, he was not completely sure to deal with him.

"How about this, everyone has worked hard these past few days, and we will handle the next food by ourselves."

Just like his lifeless tone, Chris' dead eyes didn't move.

Solve it yourself? According to the personalities of these vampires, if they went out to hunt, they would cause trouble sooner or later! But isn't that just following my own wishes?

"Let's go!" Nekla waved his hands angrily, "Take all the brothers away!"

"Oh? No one will stay? They still want to apologize~" Laurana lay seductively on the blood-colored dining table, and replied in a coquettish tone.

"No need!" Nekla turned her head and said ferociously, "In case Miss Laurana can't bear it anymore!"

The thugs of the Blood Bottle Gang followed behind Nekla, stepping down the stone stairs in unison. No one felt sorry for leaving this disgusting manor.

For a moment, only Laurana's weird laughter and the sound of blood dripping were left in the hall.

Nekla walked away.

Laurana fell off the table suddenly, her face was full of frost and chill.

"Did he discover something?"

Chris shook his deadly head, and it looked like a white pawn shaking from a distance: "This guy doesn't have it. But Kevin Dill must have felt strange, after all, such a large amount of blood is enough to feed a The blood knight of the guard."

Laurana lowered her head: "But it's still far from enough—I wasted another one for acting just now, and I'll go hunting again later."

"Fortunately, we drove away the Blood Bottle Gang as planned. This can buy us some time before being exposed."

Chris's head suddenly turned back a hundred degrees strangely, facing out of the window, his nose moved:

"It's Eastren who's back."

"I also brought a - ah, this smells really delicious, it's a blood source above the first class."

His figure reappeared in front of the window.

The moon came out.


Nekla took the blood bottle gang and stepped out of the manor angrily.

These bloody vampires—huh? The little boy vampire is back. Didn't he go to Mindis Hall with those teams of mercenaries in the afternoon to find secret treasures?

It turns out that they can also walk with their legs, and walk through the front door?

Nekla thought that the way the blood race traveled was like what I saw before, turning into a puddle of blood and then "whoosh" and "whoosh".

That little boy with a small one? Damn, did he go hunting too? Looking at his clothes, he looks like a child from a noble family, but his body is covered with injuries—no, that child doesn't look like he was being held hostage. It's a gang.

By the way, I have to ask about the theft of Mindis Hall.

While Nekla was still thinking, Eastron and Thales walked into the manor side by side.

The traverser saw this group of Blood Bottle Gang coming out from a distance.

Thinking about the iris flag above his head, Thales secretly cried out in his heart.

But he also knew that he had to remain calm at this moment in order to find life in the narrow road.

Eastron didn't look sideways, as if he didn't pay attention to the blood bottle gang around him at all.

With a wave of Nekla's hand, the members of the Blood Bottle Gang stopped in place, waiting for Eastron to come over.

But the handsome blond vampire just snorted softly, turned his head to one side, and walked past the red viper unceremoniously, without any intention of talking to him.

But the blond-haired vampire was displeased to find that the little human cub beside him, who was not even as high as his waist, was also strutting forward. With a "hum", he turned his head to one side in sync with him, and then walked past Nekla with his nostrils facing the sky!

What's the situation? Domineering?

Eastron decided to go back and deal with this brat who likes to pretend to be garlic.

Only Thales knows that at this moment, he is suppressing his heartbeat, pretending to be calm!

Nekla's anger flared up again.

"Hey! Little boy!" Red Viper stopped in front of Eastron unhappily.

"Have you done what your lord duke ordered you?" Nekla looked at the handsome vampire in front of him with a bad tone.

Your Excellency the Duke?

Thales secretly screamed.

Estren raised his eyes and looked at the human being blocking his way with disgust.

"The stolen treasure in Mindis Hall! Do you still remember? You also took away four teams of mercenaries!" Sensing Estren's gaze, Nekla was full of anger, walked up to his nose without politeness, and said loudly:

"There should be something to gain, boy?"


The hateful ephemeral species—Esteron was filled with anger. His original plan was to trick the twenty mercenaries out, hunt them down one by one, and bring them back to the manor as high-quality blood sources.

Who would have thought that all of them would have fallen into the hands of that masked geek in Mindy's Hall?

But the theft of Mindy's Hall—after all, it was the request of the Duke of Tricolor Iris.

I still have to say something.

Eastron turned his head to Thales.

No one knows that Taylor's mood at the moment is as cold as ice and snow!

What to do? What to do? What to do!

calm! The traverser said to himself: I must save myself.

His brain was spinning crazily, each piece of information and elements flashed back and reorganized quickly!

Eastron lowered his head, looked at the traverser, and thought about how to speak to Nekla so that he could reply to this damn short-lived species without losing face.

Nekla looked at Eastron's haughty head with displeasure, and followed the latter's eyes, turning to the little boy beside him.

"Hey, kid..." Eastron said indifferently.

Everyone looked towards Thales!

At that moment, Thales took a deep breath.

According to what the second child said, I am a man who wants to change the world.

How can you die here?


Then, all the people present saw the seven or eight-year-old boy's expression turn cold, and before Eastron could say the next sentence, he yelled:

"Yes, my lord!"

Estren was stunned for a moment. Why is this brat so respectful?

But before he could react, the situation before him changed again.

Thales took a step forward without hesitation, blocking Eastron and Nekla like a loyal guard.

Then, under the bright moonlight...

Everyone could hear that little boy with an unflattering expression speaking to the leader of the Blood Bottle Gang at the moment, the leader of the eight supernatural fighters, "Red Viper" Nekla, speaking in a childish voice, with arrogance and arrogance. Tone, full of disgust shouted:

"Get away! Inferior ephemeral species!"

"Noble Lord Eastren Corleone, his affairs don't need a lowly wild dog like you to talk too much!"