
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 6 The Iron Fisted King (Part 2)

Two members of the royal guard in silver eternal armor walked to Val's side without saying a word.

Duke Cullen shook his head helplessly: "Friends are heartless, brothers turn against each other, is there anything more tragic than this?"

No one answered him.

After a while, Val Arend smiled lightly and raised his head:

"At least I accomplished one thing."

He looked at Baron Russell with a strange expression.

"I brought the war, didn't I?"

"Even though Luba and I have planned everything——the ones who killed the prince were not restless nobles like Xingchen?"

All of a sudden, Jann, Gurst and some of the earls all had strange faces. Only Duke Cullen still shook his head and sighed, as if he was still immersed in the brotherly rivalry just now.

Val said sadly: "Haha...Kay, the stars have not recovered from their wounds, and they are no match for Exeter at all—what are you going to do?"

"Then you just stay here and watch," the king said coldly, "Compared to you, a coward, look at me, how the cold-blooded iron-fisted king faced the wrath of the dragon."

"What?" Val laughed miserably, "Are you going to recruit children under the age of fourteen to serve in the army again?"

The king ignored him, but turned to Exeter's emergency envoy.

"Baron Russell, at least I have satisfied the third condition of your condition just now—unfortunately, whether it is the Guardian Duke of the North or the Grand Duke of the Black Sand Territory, I can't give you both. Some people were also involved, so it seems unreasonable to ask us for territory or resource compensation."

Russell replied with a heavy face: "That's impossible! Just now I only saw your Star Palace making noise back and forth, but there is no evidence that the Grand Duke Heisha was involved!

"Exter insists on the compensation conditions just now. The specific amount can be negotiated, but it must not be waived... Otherwise," he raised his head: "Otherwise—let's meet on the battlefield and speak with swords!"

The nobles in the hall began to whisper, and Val, who was guarded by the guards from left to right, even started to sneer.

"Besides, the anger and despair of King Nun's loss of his sole heir cannot be filled by a mere murderer!" Russell added with a gloomy expression.

The king sighed.

"Yes," King Kessel V said sullenly, "I feel it."

Russell raised his eyebrows.

"I feel his anger and despair." The king said sadly: "For King Nuen, this is indeed unfair."

"The mission was assassinated, the prince was unfortunate—no matter who did this, they not only humiliated Exeter, but also the stars! The shame of the stars in this matter is even a thousand times, a hundred times greater than the former!"

Many eyes turned to Val.

The king raised his head, his eyes were full of coldness:

"Xingchen has never thought of evading due responsibilities—since it harms fairness, we must pay the price for it."

The two earls in the north suddenly became nervous.

Could it be that the king really wants to sacrifice the northern border?

That's right, after all——Duke Arend, he...

Zemuto secretly glanced at Val, who smiled indifferently.

"Your Majesty is indeed a responsible and courageous person," Baron Russell smiled: "Whether it is from Pine Cone County to Bear County, or around Cold Castle, the specific land and even the area can actually be negotiated, as long as we satisfy..."

"You will be satisfied."

The king said coldly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Supreme King of the Stars grabbed the scepter at hand, stood up from his throne again, and slowly walked down the steps.

King Kessel V walked towards the puzzled Russell step by step with heavy steps.

"Go and reply to King Nun, and your master in Heisha - Xingchen is deeply sorry for the mission's assassination.

I feel deeply guilty. "

Russell showed a smile and nodded slightly: "I will take what you said. As for the compensation...we need a map to measure the territory..."


Russell was taken aback.

The Supreme King said coldly:

"The stars don't have any territories that can be compensated to Exeter, nor can they make up for King Nun's grief and loss."

Russell's expression changed.

Thales took a tight breath: This, is this the rhythm of "this_is_Sparta"?

"But Xingchen will not evade responsibility."

The king said softly.

The next moment, the traveler's hairs stood on end!

Because the thirty-ninth supreme king of Xingchen, Kessel Canxing, slowly raised the scepter that was shining with strange starlight, and pointed it at - Thales!

"You haven't seen it yet, have you?" King Kessel V spoke slowly, "This is Thales Canxing, the second prince of Xingchen, my son and only heir."

Everyone looked at Thales.

"I will send him to Dragon Clouds to apologize to King Nunn and Exeter."

Thales was stunned.

Russell was also stunned.

The king didn't even look at Thales, but his indifferent words continued: "If this is not enough, if the grief of losing a child cannot be appeased with an apology..."

"Didn't King Nuen want fairness?"

"Then I will give him justice."

"Tell King Nuen—he can kill my son, kill the only heir of the Star Kingdom, and avenge his only son and heir who died in the stars!"

"Let him fill the void with blood, and wash away his hatred with killing!"

"Exchange my son's life for his son's life! Use the blood of the stars to make up for Exeter's blood!"


Thales stood blankly.

He understood what the king said.

But he didn't understand.


At this moment, everyone in the hall, no matter nobles, lords, officials, guards, servants, and even the Duke of the North, all opened their mouths in shock!

"Your Majesty—" Gilbert's face was ashen. He wanted to speak immediately, but someone was faster than him.

"Your Majesty!"

For the first time in history, Duke Cullen looked serious, and he said nervously, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Thales was trembling, and his ears were buzzing.

But he couldn't feel his own breathing.

"Shut up, Bob," Kessel replied coldly, "Your king has already made a decision."

Cullen stared blankly at the Supreme King, unable to say a word.

Even Falkenhauser couldn't laugh anymore.

Behind him, Zhan En looked at Thales with a complicated expression, while Cyclops lowered his head in deep thought.

At that moment, the nine-star crown on Kessel's head was shining brightly. Like a ruthless god, he said word by word to Russell who was completely stunned:

"Yu Si, the only son of one father, and the only son of another father, should be able to fill his anger and despair, right?"

"Gong Yu, the heir to the king of the Star Kingdom, and the heir to the Grand Duke of Dragon Clouds—is it fair?"

The king stepped down to the ground, and the thick and majestic voice roared like thunder:

"Since they're all stained with the blood of each other's only heirs—Xingchen doesn't owe Exeter anything anymore!"

"That's fair enough!"

"At that time, we can't turn back! Let go of all scruples and burdens, and with the determination to completely destroy each other, start a full-scale war!"

"This is fair enough!"

Russell's pupils continued to expand and contract. He was stunned by the king's sudden shocking words. He raised the scroll on his right hand, his jaw trembled, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

It is one thing to maximize the interests of Exeter (and perhaps the Grand Duke of Lombard) by taking advantage of bad diplomatic incidents.


Sacrificing the only heir - and the stars are not like Exeter's king selection system, the hereditary prince is killed, this will be a life-and-death blood feud that will last for several generations, dozens of generations - so that the two countries will become mortal and life-or-death The mortal enemy of the country, triggering the war of destroying the country-this is another matter!

Under King Kessel's majestic and powerful eyes, Russell was dripping with cold sweat, his brows were constantly changing, as if he was fighting fiercely in his mind - to decide his reaction and words.

"This... this... my level, I can't give an immediate answer on this matter..." he stammered.

King Kessel V yelled angrily: "Then go ask your king!"

Russell took a step back in fright.

The Supreme King didn't look at Thales, and he continued to say gloomyly: "Tell him, last night, I sent Baron Alaka Mu to the Broken Dragon Fortress with 2,000 royal standing troops!"

"Prince Thales will set off later, and personally go before King Nunn, and let him dispose of him!"

"This is the price Xingchen can pay!"

The people in the hall did not dare to take a breath.

The king glanced at the frowning Russell, who was at a loss: "As for the Grand Duke Lumbard of the Black Sand Territory... I know that he has deployed a heavy army and is ready to invade the northern border at any time."

"Whether to get out of the way and escort my son to Dragon Clouds City to apologize, or to go to war against Baron Mu regardless - how he chooses, I will wait and see!"

Russell retreated dejectedly, panting heavily, like a drowning person.

"Your Majesty!"

The one who spoke was the fifteen-year-old Duke Lyanna. I saw this beautiful girl with a pale face at this moment:

"He—His Highness is your only, sole heir. If something happens to him... your throne..."

"Ha!" The Supreme King laughed angrily, "It's too simple!"

Thales trembled all over, looking at everything in front of him.

I saw King Kessel V turn around and face the lords in the hall.

"No matter what happens to the second prince, the king's veins are severed..."

"The one who completely destroyed the enemy of Xingchen, the one who successfully avenged the last Prince Canxing, the one who finally avenged the humiliated Xingchen..."

The king suddenly turned around and held up his scepter:

"He is the next Supreme King of the Star Kingdom!"

"If Xingchen didn't even have such a person."

Kessel glanced coldly at the nobles in the hall, and spoke words like knives with great force:

"Then what's the point of its existence!"

The hall was filled with silence.

"Let's adjourn the meeting." Kessel concluded coldly, "I'm waiting for King Nunn's reply."

At this moment.


The pale-faced Duke Val Allende struggled to speak.

In disbelief, he looked at Kessel and then at Thales: "You... what are you going crazy about?"

King Kessel V sneered.

"go Ape?"

The king snorted coldly, and spit out to Val what he had just said as if mocking:

"Everything I do is for the stars."

Two guards stepped forward and escorted the stunned Duke away.

Russell left sweating profusely.

The lords were whispering, looking at the king and his heir.

Gilbert clenched his fists and looked at His Majesty in the star blue cloak.

The king strode away without looking at anyone again.

Only Thales was breathing in a trance.

Unaware of the gazes in the hall.