
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 7 Powerlessness

Lower town, underground shopping mall, sunset bar.

"You really should have gone to see it the day before yesterday. It was a sea of people... Especially when the second prince appeared, I couldn't help but follow up with that kind of cry—hey, kid! Look out!"

A ten-year-old boy carrying a bag full of potatoes squeezed past the fat and vicious Edmund with a bitter face.

Edmund snorted, then turned around and continued to fiddle with the food on the plate: "Hey, you don't know, the new prince is called Thales, and the name is exactly the same as the black-haired little villain who used to come to rub things... Boy, why are you turning back? What does His Royal Highness have to do with you? Keep working!"

"I heard that the philandering Kessel wants to take his life to make peace with Exeter - people talking about this are everywhere in the market today, and everyone is full of righteous indignation, saying that the lords of the stars are useless , can't protect the country, the royal family has sacrificed too much for the stars... Pooh, you don't know that the Canxing royal family, which is full of lunatics, twelve years ago, I was in front of the palace gate..."

In front of Edmund, a young girl wearing tight trousers and a sleeveless jacket, fiddled with her short brown hair boredly, lying on the delivery window between the front desk and the back kitchen, with a look of lovelessness.

I saw this neat and dashing brown-haired girl twitching her face, gnashing her teeth and saying:

"I said, before you poke it into pieces—do you want to give me that plate of steak!"

Edmund raised his head with an angry expression on his face.

He looked resentfully at the female bartender at the Sunset Bar——Yara Sariton, and pushed the steak in her hand fiercely.

Yala turned around and handed the steak to the timid little girl with a scar on her face outside the front desk.

Edmund snorted from behind: "What kind of attitude! Uncle just wants to chat with you...to enlighten you, so that you can forget about that golden-haired green-skinned heartbroken..."

Yala rolled her eyes fiercely. Her delicate face was as long as the surface of a pen. She turned her head and replied in a vicious voice:

"Fatty man! If you want to talk about this matter again - I'll give you the man of your dreams..."

"Hey!" Edmund, the chubby cook, suddenly changed his face, raised his chubby hand, and patted the food delivery window twice:

"If you don't agree with each other, you will turn against each other? I just care about the love progress of my lovely niece. You know, the most important thing for two people is to have a common language. If a gangster bartender mixes with a police officer..."

Yala, who couldn't bear it any longer, punched the bar hard!

"Everyone listen carefully!"

Yala said in a rough voice, attracting the eyes of all the drinkers:

"My uncle who is still single at the age of 41, the chef of the Sunset Bar, Edmund Scorch, the woman I love the most in this life is..."

At that moment, Edmund sucked in a breath like a pet cat blowing fur!

Before Yala revealed that name, the fat cook roared with the greatest strength in his life:


Yala closed her mouth and looked at him with contempt.

She said disdainfully: "Single dog, coward, unrequited love."

Edmund gave his niece a gloomy look, and said embarrassingly:

"Well... the potatoes are gone, I'll go buy them..."

Cindy, who brought in another bag full of potatoes, looked at Edmund with a puzzled face and left the back kitchen as if he was running away.

Potatoes... gone? Then what I carry is...

At this moment, a boy with a cloth strip wrapped in his right hand stumbled and ran in with a panicked expression on his face!

"He—they—they're here!"

Ryan was crying, his head was bruised, and he rushed into the bar.

This poor child was embraced by a surprised Cindy.

Yala's face darkened,

Put down the rag in your hand.

Kolia, who had just returned from delivering the meal, raised her head to look at the gate, and couldn't help shaking.

With a pale face, she looked at the dozen or so menacing and powerful figures in black, unceremoniously pushing away the drinkers blocking the road, and walked slowly into the bar.

The noisy bar suddenly fell silent.

"Go to the back kitchen."

Yala stretched her hands to her legs, and said calmly to the three beggars.

But among the dozen or so people, two black-clothed thugs walked out, with unfriendly expressions on their faces, and blocked the door from the bar counter to the back kitchen.

The three beggars shrank back and hid beside Yala.

"What do you mean by this!"

Yala asked angrily: "This is the 'Sunset Bar'! It's not a dark street—even Morris dared not act wild here!"

But the group of thugs remained unmoved. They just walked to every corner of the bar calmly, as if they were standing guard.

A resolute thug who looked like a stubble, held out a single-sided ax from behind.

Under the angry and terrified eyes of several drinkers, his face was cold, and he swung the ax blade with one hand.

He chopped towards a wine table.


The huge force smashed the wine table in half and flew out!

Many drinkers held their heads in panic, resisting the flying debris.

The resolute Axe turned his head coldly, and said loudly to the other people in the bar:

"The brotherhood is doing business, get out."

The drinkers in the bar recognized the identities of these people and their subordinates.

'Thunder Axe' Ostrup, one of the thirteen generals of the Brotherhood.

It's the group of "hard ideas" responsible for cross-border arms smuggling.

There was a clattering sound, and many people got up without hesitation, and left the bar as if fleeing.

Right now!

A flash of silver lightning flew towards Ostrup at extreme speed!

It was a throwing knife with a strange arc.

Sunset Bar is famous - wolf leg knife!

Austru's face changed, and his ax blade flew, knocking the throwing knife away in time.


But Austru was shocked!

He was shocked to find that there was a trace of strange power on the flying knife, which vibrated and transmitted to his hand.

Made him stiffen involuntarily.

Austru gritted his teeth against the shock: What exactly is this?

A faster slim figure, already holding another knife, flew towards him from the bar counter!

Sniper knife!

Straight to the throat!

Ostru, who was still stiff, shrank his pupils.

He couldn't avoid it.

But the expected splash of blood and flesh did not come.

Gritting her teeth, Yala watched in disbelief that the knife she was supposed to have cut into Ostrup's throat was tightly held in a hand wearing an iron glove.

The owner of the iron glove is a middle-aged man with scars all over his face.

He stood beside Yala, and at the critical moment, he grabbed the sniper knife of the Sariton family!

"I still remember that as a Sariton who gave up his family job, you are just a useless mortal," said the middle-aged man with the scar indifferently: "If it weren't for the 'reverse scimitar', you wouldn't even be a bartender here No chance at all—the fraternities don't pick up trash."

"But judging by the strange vibrancy on your knife—you have become a super master without knowing it." The middle-aged man let go of the blade in his hand and snorted softly: "It seems that the Red Square Street Killing and fighting take you further—and sure enough, the Surritons only improve their craft in blood."

Yala took a step back with an angry face, gritted her teeth, and looked at the enemy in front of her.


After Hongfang Street, she has obviously made such great progress.

She has reached the super-level and also mastered the "surprise shock" - but why, this guy can catch her sniper knife!

The few remaining drinkers whispered and left in despair. One of them was full of doubts and wanted to argue something, but was immediately dragged away by a drinker who knew the depth.

They recognized the middle-aged man with scars all over his face.

That is the arms smuggler who is second only to "The Uncrowned Fist" Qincha among the six giants of the Brotherhood.

"Heart of Iron" Sandara Rhoda.

It is also the father of Quaid Rhoda—Yara secretly gritted her teeth in her heart.

The drinkers ran away without any hesitation.

"Don't be surprised why I can hold your knife - fighting has never been inevitable. The so-called classification of mortal and super-level is just a way of saying."

Rhoda, who had a hideous face because of the scar, snorted lightly, and didn't even look at Yala.

Austru looked at Yala with a look of resentment, put the ax blade back on his back, and opened a seat for Rhoda.

"Because of various factors, it is obviously a battle of the same level, but there is a one-sided crush, or a battle of different levels, but evenly matched-this is too normal."

Rhoda, who was covered with scars, sat down casually on the seat, crossed his hands, and looked at the female bartender who looked like an enemy.

"When I was young, I even saw a super-level swordsman, in a battle where the strength was so disparate that it was almost impossible to win..."

"...killed two extreme experts."


Yala's pupils shrank.

Rhoda looked at the astonished Yala, and said with a smile, "That was the fame battle of the person I admire the most - facing such a siege, such an enemy, I thought I was going to die there..."

"Until he raised his sword."

"So, from now on, I no longer believe in any absolute division of strength—even extreme masters can be slaughtered like pigs..."

Rhoda leaned forward, with a thoughtful and serious look on Scar's face:

"Then why is it impossible for my useless son to be killed by a few beggars?"

Yala frowned, showing a surprised expression, and looked at Rhoda.


He really came...

The three children behind her shrank even more.

Yala unconsciously took a step across, blocking the three children, and raised the knife in her hand.

"Now, are you sure you want to use the knife in front of me, little girl?"

Rhoda let out a breath and smiled comfortably.

From the corner of the female bartender's eyes, she glanced at Ostrup and the dozen or so strong men around her.

She knew that this was the elite team in the brotherhood that was in charge of arms smuggling.

She is invincible.

Yala gritted her teeth, and stabbed the wolf-leg knife in her right hand to the table beside her.


what to do?

"So, this is the prototype of the 'Reverse Scimitar'?"

The middle-aged man with the scar looked at the strange arc of the wolf-leg knife, stroked the four rings on his left hand with the iron glove of his right hand, and said slowly: "The legendary killer of the brotherhood, because of the creativity of a little girl like you Changing weapons, even changing nicknames in just a few years - that's rare."

"I call it the 'Wolf's Leg Knife'." Yala said coldly, looking like she was chasing customers.

"What does it matter? It doesn't matter how loud the weapon's name is," Rhoda said with a chuckle. "The key lies in the person who uses it—this knife can only cut meat in your hand, while the 'reverse machete' ' in his hands, it will be able to break through the heavy defenses and kill the previous Iris Flower Duke of Star Kingdom."

Yala frowned tightly, looking at the middle-aged man with the scar in front of her.

"Let's get down to business," Yala said coldly, "The old guy doesn't like people interrupting business."

The terrifying existence among the six giants of the Brotherhood, Shandara Rhoda sneered: "You think you can scare me with the 'reverse scimitar'?"

Yala didn't answer.

But she felt a chill in her heart.

The other party came prepared.

"You know, I usually don't care much about my son—the offspring of a prostitute. I don't know if it's mine."

"Besides, he's still a waste." Rhoda snorted lightly.

"So I don't really care about his life or death." Rhoda raised his head and moved his neck joints. "But since he has my last name—he is still working in the fraternity."

"Then I can't tolerate someone using his life to challenge my authority."

Rhoda's words revealed viciousness.

"It is also intolerable that a person who owed the blood of the Luoda family has not received the punishment he deserved."

Yala frowned.

She looked around again.

what to do?

When will Edmond come back?

Where's the old guy?

"It took me some time to track down here." Rhoda said lightly.

"I broke a dozen beggars before I realized that the most suspected murderers might be hiding in the Sunset Bar."

Rhoda looked at the three children.

Kolia was so frightened that she shed tears.

Yala gritted her teeth, recalling Thales' words, stepped forward and said loudly:

"They have nothing to do with your son's death! There is a missing boy, and he is the one who killed Quaid!"

Rhoda laughed loudly, the scar on his face trembling: "I know—this brat who lost his hand said the same thing, right Thales? It's the same name as the new prince... That's the problem, Where did he go?"

Yala took a deep breath and forced herself to forget that night on Red Square Street: "You shouldn't have asked me."

Rhoda narrowed his eyes: "Then why did you protect these three escaped beggars so closely? Does the Sunset Bar really need three beggars who can't even hold a plate to operate?"

"This is my business." Yala pursed her lips.

Unexpectedly, Rhoda raised his eyebrows and nodded: "That's right."

Amidst Yala's doubts, Sandara Rhoda leaned back indifferently, and waved to her subordinates:

"So, I guess you shouldn't mind..."

"Leave all these escaped guys to me?"

Before Yala could react, Rhoda's subordinates stepped forward without hesitation.

Amid the cries and kicks of the three children, the thugs coldly separated them and roughly carried them on their shoulders.

"Sister Yala—" Kelia was crying and her mouth was covered by a thug.

And Cindy was clasped with his arms backwards, groaning in severe pain.

Ryan just trembled, letting the thugs subdue him.

Yala stared angrily: "You—"

The emotional female bartender suddenly pulled out the knife on the table!

During the change of figure, the killing knife that had crushed the bald-headed Spencer to surrender and beg for mercy in Hongfang Street, resolutely shot.

Target Rhoda!

But she couldn't pass the knife a foot, and saw Luo Da's body not moving, and the ape's arms stretched.

The iron gauntlet pinched her knife firmly again!

Like the mamba snake being caught, Yala's swift figure froze instantly!

Yala looked at Rhoda with a calm expression in shock, and felt that the knife in her hand seemed to be hung with a huge stone, and she had to hold it with all her strength so as not to let go.

At this moment, the female bartender's expression was extremely ugly.


The Quick Killing Knife, known for its speed, subtlety, and dexterity, was also used by him...

"Don't force me, little girl," Rhoda said flatly, "Both are ultra-level, but when it comes to fighting, I have a hundred ways to bring you down without any effort."

Yala watched in disbelief. The wolf-leg knife in her hand was bent by Rhoda!

Once the iron glove was loosened, he let go of the deformed wolf leg knife.

But immediately, an ax blade stopped Yala's throat.

"This time," Austru said with fighting spirit in his eyes, "you have no chance."

Yala bit her lip, looked at the enemies who seemed to be surrounded, and said angrily:

"This is Sunset Bar!"

"You are challenging the old fellow's authority!"

Rhoda stood up coldly.

"Listen, little girl," he said with anger and hatred in his eyes, "I respect your surname and the owner of this bar—that's why I haven't touched a hair on you, I've released The greatest friendship and goodwill, and tribute to 'The Machete'."

Yala raised her head unwillingly: "But you can't—"

But Rhoda interrupted her with a growl!

"Enough nonsense!"

Yala was stunned for a second.

Rhoda walked up to her with a ferocious face, and looked down at her condescendingly: "Do you think I don't know, are you related to my son's death?"

"Hundreds of people saw him come to your bar, and you lost one of his hands."

He knows?

Under the tremendous pressure, Yala's breathing accelerated.

"How he was calculated - I don't care at all," Luo Da exhaled and said with a smirk, "I just plan to get rid of everyone related to his death."

The struggle and kicking of the three children continued, but they were gradually weakened.

Rhoda's face covered with scars twitched, and he said frighteningly: "So, I have been very lenient to you, little girl, you should go and see that Nar Rick!"

"For him, Lancer said all the good things."

Yala was shocked.


"So, for the sake of old friends," Luo Da straightened his clothes, showing a ferocious smile:

"I just gouged out one of his eyes and crippled his other hand."

Rhoda's tone returned to calm.

"Don't worry, I'm not a murderer, nor a sadist."

"It's just that some authority needs to be maintained."

Yala lowered her head, her heart filled with bitterness.

what to do?

I have nothing to do.

If you're here, smart kid.

what will you do?

"Continue to do business, I will compensate for the losses here."

Rhoda turned around indifferently, stepped across the messy bar, and walked out the gate.

"Give my regards to Master 'Reverse Scimitar'."

Austro looked at the messy tables and chairs, and dropped a money bag indifferently.

"You are very powerful," Lei Ax said with a cold face, "but I will definitely be stronger than you."

A group of people left far away.

Yala stared blankly at their backs.

Only the cries and struggles of the three children remained in the air.

Yala clenched her fists and looked at the wolf-leg knife in her hand.

She struggled.

The hand holding the knife began to tremble.

The children's voices gradually receded and became smaller until they disappeared.

Yala lowered her head deeply.


The wolf's leg knife fell weakly.

The female bartender at the Sunset Bar gave a soft knee.

She knelt down in the mess all over the floor.

"Yara Surriton."

The bartender trembled and murmured weakly to himself.

"You are really bad."

Yala tightly closed her eyes.

She almost crushed the teeth in her mouth.

A few tears rolled down her cheeks.


I'm sorry, brat.

Tears dripped down on the ground.

I couldn't...

could not...

Protect them well...