
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 5 The Iron Fisted King (Part 1)


After listening to Val's statement, Kessel's expression was extremely complicated.

"But why is it you? You should be a noble person, a pure fighter. You have your own creed."

"Haha," Val laughed inexplicably, "Why can't it be me?"

Kessel paused, and looked sadly at the scar from Val's chest to his chin: "You used to be my most trusted friend and brother."

"We grew up together in the capital, and we are the best partners, the closest brothers, even better than brothers like Midil."

"We even agreed to marry each other's younger sister."

"Enough." Val raised his head abruptly, his eyes full of anger: "You are not allowed to mention Lisia and Constance, you are not worthy."

With a twitch in Thales' heart, Licia Arend and Constance Canxing appeared in front of his eyes—the lonely high priest and the small stone urn.

The king's expression was gloomy: "I know you hate me, but I think it's all because of Li Xiya—as a lord, you are still loyal to me and the stars, and the creed in your heart is still noble and inviolable."

"Isn't it? I do hate you, but," the Duke of the North who betrayed the North said angrily, "Everything I do is for the stars!"

The king narrowed his eyes: "What?"

Val Arend stepped out of the queue of the ministers, his eyes determined:

"If I can succeed—as long as I pay a small price, a short period of bloodshed, the stars and dragons, the shield and blade of Xilu will turn a new page."

"In the era of the ancient empire, Arend was the supreme family that ruled the Northland province, and Lombard was the bloodline descendant of Queso Lombard, the uprising king who rebelled against the tyrant. Rooting in the middle, but if a deadly enemy like us can reconcile, what is impossible?"

Thales sighed.

No, you are not a reconciliation, but an exchange of interests.

Val took a step forward and looked around the crowd frantically: "The contradictions and hatred between the two countries will be overshadowed by the heroic friendship and loyal cooperation between Luba and me! The blood of the two countries, our sons and daughters will enter into a marriage contract , their heirs will inherit the Kingdom of Stars and Exeter at the same time——Stars and Dragons, two great nations merged into one, think about it, the blood of the heroes of the northern dragons is poured into the descendants of the great empire! "

Val excitedly said: "We may not be able to reproduce the glory of the empire, but we will definitely eliminate the flames of war in the northern border - the flames of war will never reignite, and disasters like the bloody year will never happen again! The northern border will forever enjoy Peace!"

"Go to your peace." Earl Zemuto spat hard.

Val ignored it and clenched his right fist: "Even further: a new power will stand in the West Continent. We will hold a shield in one hand and a blade in the other, pointing at the Commas Alliance, carve up the land of those merchants, and benefit ourselves—— After breaking the balance of power among the three powerhouses in Westland, the rest will be nothing to worry about, and Westland will soon return to unity."

"So," the Duke of the North gritted his teeth and looked around at the nobles and officials: "This is all for the stars, for it not to suffer disasters, for its ultimate strength, and for the eternal peace between the stars and the dragon."

Thales frowned.

Baron Russell coughed and said awkwardly: "About this, I thought..."


King Kessel V hit the left gauntlet with a punch!

"Shut up, Exeter, we will settle our accounts later." The Supreme King's voice was powerful, and he said without doubt: "Now it is the internal affairs of the stars."

Russell was at a loss for words for a moment, and couldn't speak.

The king stood up slowly, facing Val condescendingly.

"For the stars?"

King Kessel V bristled his beard and hair, which was rare, with an angry expression on his face: "You betrayed your king and vassals,

This is for the stars? Selling the land and people in the north, is this for the stars? For the sake of the throne, he did not hesitate to bring bloody wars, but was this also for the sake of the stars? "

"Kassel Canxing."

Val Arend clenched his fists and faced the king.

"Do you think you are nobler than me?" Val trembled, as if he was suppressing his emotions: "You, your Canxing family, are not right to point fingers at me!"

The next second, he roared out of composure: "You Canxing royal family are the biggest source of disaster in this country! You are the ones who brought hell, the disaster that happened twelve years ago! Until now, we are still fighting for your Wrong atonement!"

Thales clenched his fists involuntarily, while all the people in the hall looked at the king in unison, and many of them had strange expressions on their faces.

The king tightly closed his eyes: "The Year of Blood?"

"The Year of Blood? Ha! The Year of Blood!" Val smiled desolately, raised his hands and clenched them into fists.

The doubts in Thales' heart were getting bigger and bigger. He looked at Gilbert: What is the ulterior but crucial secret in the bloody year?

I just heard Val say angrily: "When the disaster is over, everyone only remembers that the Canxing royal family was slaughtered, and that Tebak's family was left with only orphans! Who will remember the efforts and sacrifices we made in the north!"

The fifteen-year-old Duchess Lyanna took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Who would remember how much blood, how many corpses, how many widows and orphans were left behind when Exeter's soldiers plowed across our land!"

"Who would remember that when the Bloody Year ended and the whole country celebrated the "Fortress Peace Treaty", almost three-quarters of the men and one-half of the women in the northern border died! Go out to look for food in the cold winter, otherwise you will starve to death at home, and half of the people who go out to look for food will freeze to death in the wild!"

"The first thing I do when I assume the title of Guardian Duke of the North is not to help them find food, but to rebury those who have starved to death or frozen to death, otherwise their bodies will be too hungry to walk The hungry people on the road dig it up and eat it!"

"Have you ever seen that kind of scene, young master of Wangdu!"

"Who would remember that my father refused to surrender after the cold castle was breached, and his head was hung in front of the gate of the cold castle for a whole month! When I untied him... and I went in and out of myself every day castle, will see that damned gate!"

"Prince Horace, the light-tracking sword, went deep into Exeter's siege, brave and unyielding, fought to the death, suffered eleven wounds, and died heroically-what an honor! But who would know, my brothers, Aya Lund's sons will guard him closely until death! Rohan, Kur, and Nolan Nur!"

"Prince Star's body was solemnly carried back to the capital, and beside him, my brothers were chopped into flesh by Exeter's knives and axes! The sticky minced meat covered with mud and flesh, fish it back and bury it!"

"Who remembers them!"

"My sister and his wife's carriage disappeared in the wilderness, and there has been no news for twelve years. I have had countless nightmares about them—God knows what happened to them!"

"How dare you say that I only have one daughter as the heir? Why do you think I sent my seven-year-old daughter to the Tower of the End? Is it to train her to be the heir? Shit! I sent my daughter to the Tower of the End— I was afraid that when I was not around, Miranda would be eaten alive by the starving people who turned over the ruined castle!"

King Kessel V tightly closed his eyes. Many people in the hall recalled those years and couldn't help lowering their heads.

Val trembled and said: "After going through such a hell, the desert war five years ago, you, Kessel Canxing, how dare you think that our army is small? You think our army is not as strong as five years ago! We don't even have enough cavalry for five stormtroopers!"

"You think you're the one I hate? Do you think I hate you for not marrying my sister? Hate that you failed her and made her a priest who never married?"


"It's Canxing I hate! It's your damn family!"

"All the disasters are caused by your delusional idiot father, your uncle who takes rudeness as humor, your gloomy eldest brother Wang, your self-righteous, arrogant and useless brothers, it is You are born with the blood of an imperial tyrant, the fault of the High King!"

"It's this one, the Canxing family who are always involved in disasters, bringing the year of blood to the stars, bringing such a hell!"


With disaster...together?

Thales was startled, and subconsciously looked at Gilbert beside him.

But the latter just pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

"Do you think you are some kind of tragic monarch? A star royal family with only one person left? No!" Val roared frantically, "The only thing you care about is yourself, your will, and your world! Do you think that you Why have you come to this day? Everything you did in the bloody year is your own fault!"

"Just like your damn father, you and he both know what your choices will bring, but you never care!"

"You have never understood your vassals, you have never cared about your subjects, you have never cared about the people around you-the iron-handed king! Don't you find it ironic when they call you that-you are not an iron-handed man at all. Cold-blooded!"

Val, who was at the peak of his emotions, roared in desolation and despair:

"Sarriton and Shadow Shield, why don't we kill you all at once!"

"If you hadn't brought that monster back..."

The king suddenly opened his eyes, and kept shouting:


Kessel's expression was agitated, and he angrily rebuked Arend:


"You are still as stupid, as stupid, and as extreme and stubborn as before!"

"You stupid blunt piece of wood, you don't know anything at all!"

Val panted, staring blankly at the king.

"Guards," the king sat down slumped, and said wearily, "Take Duke Arend to the dungeon."