
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 5 Pursuing Vengeance in the Chamber of Secrets

After finally getting a good night's sleep, are you going to be unlucky again so soon?

This thought flashed across the traverser's mind in an instant. He watched Gilbert calmly summon several nearby End Swordsman guards.

Jodl patted Thales on the shoulder and shook his head at him. The expression behind the mask was unknown, but Thales made up a "smiling face" for the silent guard.

Several Terminator swordsmen led away one by one efficiently.

The originally empty and quiet Mindis Hall seemed to come alive suddenly. Fifty guards moved in an orderly manner under the unified command and dispatch, and the sound of passwords and reports came one after another.

"The third team is heading to the main entrances on the second and third floors."

"On both sides of the hall, arming is complete!"

"Reinforcement at the sentry post at the top of the hall is in place!"

Gilbert finally calmly left a few words to an end swordsman who looked like the leader of the guards, then turned and went back to the study, and brought in Thales who was peeking at the door of the study.

And Yordle has long since disappeared into thin air, as always.

The middle-aged nobleman skillfully pried open the baffle behind a bookshelf with a cane, and pulled one of the bookshelves away, revealing the secret room inside.

"Who is here? Is it an enemy or a friend?" Thales struggled to ask when Gilbert carried him into the secret room.

Gilbert turned on the permanent lamp in the secret room, closed the secret door at the same time, and asked in a rather profound way:

"I guess you want to ask, who would choose to break into the heavily guarded royal estate at 5 pm without warning?"

Obviously, he no longer regards the little master behind him as an ordinary child.

Thales sneered and already knew the answer to the question.

"Sorry, I have wronged you to wait here for a while, but confidentiality is still the first principle." In the dim light, Gilbert carefully lifted a curtain, revealing a large square iron plate with six Different filter apertures.

Thales leaned over curiously, and saw six different places in the small hole - the lobby on the first floor of Mindis, the garden, the balcony on the second floor, the corridor on the second floor, the stairs on the third floor, the porch on the third floor, and the roof of the outdoor hall.

"This is a surveillance mirror made from the reflection of the mirror surface. It can bring back different key areas in the Mindis Hall." Gilbert said with a smile.

This - isn't this a periscope! Thales rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Here we come, the first team is fighting."

"The rest of the guys scattered out."

Yordle's voice came from the void.

Thales immediately put his face in front of one of the surveillance mirrors.

It was in the garden outside the first floor. A group of ten swordsmen from the Canxing family were forming a tacit formation. With their swords and shields out, they besieged five intruders who were dressed in different clothes, but all covered their heads!

It's just that the five intruders seemed to be a well-coordinated team. The two held flexible scimitars, wandered between the sword and shield, looked for opportunities, and rescued their companions who were in danger. One used an arm shield and a chain hammer, Every time in the dense sword and shield, one of the guards retreated again and again, while the other rushed forward with a half-length sword in his hand, trying to break through the gap in the formation. The last one also had a sword and shield in his hand, as if he was in command Filling in the gaps!

"It's hired rangers and adventurers!" Gilbert took a look in front of the surveillance mirror, and then said: "It seems that this is a team that has cooperated for a long time and has a tacit understanding for a long time, living between war and the violent request of the lord. , hunters, soldiers, bodyguards, scouts and even killers, they all do everything."

"I just arrived at Mindis Hall last night, so there are visitors so soon?" Thales let out a sigh of relief.

"Is the majesty of the royal family so cheap?"

"I assure you, Mr. Thales—the majesty of the royal family is by no means cheap. On the contrary, it is the abnormality of the royal family that makes our enemies feel uneasy and fearful." Gilbert said softly,

There was no tension or solemnity in the tone, as if this was just a game.

"Enemy?" Thales turned his head, his face thoughtful.

"Yes, please don't worry about the outside, well-trained guards and yordles will take care of everything."

"And now is the best time to explain the third question to you - our enemies and allies."

The middle-aged noble took a few steps back, sat down on the dark sofa in the secret room, and said with a smile:

"For now, your existence is our top secret."

"Especially for the lords and nobles of the stars."

"The six wealthy families that guard the border and the thirteen prominent families that support the kingdom are the backbone members of the Star High Council. Although there are constant replacements and conflicts, they represent the nobles who swore to rule together with the Canxing royal family at the beginning of the founding of the country. power."

So, at least on the surface, this is a country ruled by the king and the nobles. Thales took notes in his heart.

He needs more information.

"Aristocrats—are they lords and lords who are divided into various parts of the country? Fully rule their respective territories?"

Gilbert nodded: "That was the source of the nobles' power from the ancient empire to the final empire. When it evolved into the Star Kingdom, although many nobles have only their names and honors left, those who truly control the lifeline of the country still have vast lands. The six wealthy families and the thirteen prominent families in the territory."

"According to the oath and royal decree, they were ordered to guard the territory of the four directions, submit to the king and pay taxes. The territory that the royal family can directly control is the traditional central territory of the Canxing family."

A country comparable to that of the Middle Ages - it is seriously inconsistent with the national productivity I have seen.

At this moment, very abruptly, Jodl's voice sounded from the ears of the two of them again:

"The intruders from the top of the hall—the people at the sentry post are blocking it."

Looking at the calm Gilberto in front of him, Thales resisted the desire to look at the surveillance mirror.

"Although these lords have their own legal private army, more often than not, they choose to hire outsiders to clean up some chores-especially some jobs that need to be separated. This is especially true for lords with higher power and more important status. Like our guests outside." Gilbert curled the corner of his mouth.

"Then what is the meaning of existence and the power of the High Council composed of these lords and nobles?" Thales asked sensitively.

"The High Council is the product of the rule of the 'Xianjun' Mindis III. During the costly Third Continental War, the Xianjun ordered the powerful lords, nobles, officials, priests, businessmen and scholars in the country to jointly form the High Council and The country is a meeting, the former is the exclusive forum for the nobles of the territory, and the latter faces the people with reputation and status in the entire star. Mindis III eliminated numerous contradictions and obstacles with superb mediation methods, distributed taxes, allocated resources, and borrowed Repaying the loan allowed Xingchen to preserve its precious vitality in the war that severely damaged the countries on both sides of the strait."

Thales made another note in his heart as a platform where the public power of the country came forward to handle conflicts between top and bottom, reach compromises, and condense class consensus.

"Leaving aside the national conference, the noble high council of Xingchen is retained after the virtuous king. Major state affairs of Xingchen, such as royal decrees and laws involving the whole territory, will be announced by the supreme king and a group of nobles after reaching a consensus. It is a custom. In fact, after the formation of the High Council, the kingdom used to be discorded, the nobles competed, and the phenomenon of obedience and infidelity has improved a lot." Gilbert said calmly.

The prototype of the representative system? No, it can't be something so advanced. It's a bit like a feudal structure composed of lords on the way from a hierarchical country to an absolutist country, but it has initially become a stage for local forces to compete with the central power.

"But with the advent of the bloody year, the contradictions between the six wealthy families, the thirteen prominent families, and the Canxing royal family became more and more obvious. In the twenty days after the murder of the former king Eddie II, despite the constant conflicts among the nobles, the high-ranking Star King Capital, under the rule of the parliament, decided to lock the city gates and restrain the troops, and did not reach an agreement with His Majesty Kessel until His Majesty returned, to crown His Majesty."

The independently operated Feng Suggestion Association - an organization where feudal lords unite to speak out to the monarch, but it is bad news for me - Thales's heart trembled.

The operation of the parliament can already exclude the role of the royal family.

This is a terrifying force. As long as the time comes, it can become a stormy wave that overthrows the royal family.

"As for King Kessel, who has had no heir for twelve years—the six giants are watching him."

Gilbert's eyes were full of vigilance, and he replied mysteriously but complicatedly:

"With all due respect, our strong northern neighbors, the kingdom of the hero Nakaju and the hero Sara, the Kingdom of Exeter, known as the 'Blade of the Western Continent', adopts the king election system of lord election—the king Created among the major lords who have the right to stand for election."

While speaking, Jodl's hoarse voice sounded again:

"Enemy attack on the second floor! The third and fourth teams are dealing with it."

"There are five more people. They are approaching the third floor."

Thales didn't make any moves this time.

Gilbert took a deep breath, and he pointed out:

"Now, Mr. Thales, do you understand where your enemy is?"

Thales remained silent.

The hereditary king of the stars.

Foreign countries' electoral system.

Six wealthy families and thirteen prominent families.


Gilbert told him the answer directly.

But Thales felt that this information was far from enough. In his heart at this time, various possible speculations flashed through his mind.

While extracting effective elements from his high-speed brain, he continued to ask:

"If the royal line is cut off - the six giants guarding the country's borders are of course the first choice to inherit the crown, but this also means that the new king will inherit all the territories, properties, vassals, and influence of the Canxing family ?"

"What would happen if one of the six wealthy families with balanced strengths and equal status suddenly became a royal family, expanded rapidly, and possessed the orthodox supreme power—the stars?"

"The six giants have turned into a giant beast and the five giants, so they live happily together like before when Canxing was still a royal family, and move towards a better tomorrow?"

Gilbert was used to the little master interrupting him at any time, but this time, the middle-aged nobleman remained silent and just looked at him solemnly.

Thales also looked back at him, feeling more and more heavy in his heart.

"In order to work together to fight for the crown—between them, the six giants and the thirteen prominent families," Thales' eyes lit up: "I must have gone through complicated and headache bargaining and benefit division, at least we need to negotiate a deal." , who will wear the crown?"

Especially after twelve years without an heir, many people may think that the severance of the Canxing family's bloodline is inevitable.

Huh—Thales took a deep breath.

It seems that my own life and death really affect the peace and turmoil of a country.

A thought suddenly flashed through his heart.

Thales froze for a moment.

"Gilbert," the traverser stood up from the sofa, frowned, and said slowly, "During the Bloody Year—what roles did these great lords play? I seem to have heard you say— —Forcing the palace? The disaster of the royal family—"

Gilbert just took a deep breath, but his gaze was extremely complicated.

A chill hit Thales' heart.

His Majesty was beheaded on the throne.

The princesses were strangled to death in their sleep.

The princesses were burned to death in the castle.

The princes and grandchildren even died in their infancy.

The eldest son of the king held the sword alone and died in battle at the gate of the palace.

Brother Wang was attacked from behind on the battlefield.

There are also four princes.

Thales opened his mouth wide and fell down on the sofa in a daze.

After transmigrating, he felt that life was so complicated for the first time - you must know that even in the most difficult and dark days in the brotherhood, the former transmigrators were not discouraged.

There was a long silence in the secret room.

Until Yodel's voice sounded again without warning!

"Looks like it's the last elite regiment. We've reached the third floor and are in the middle of the battle."

But Thales doesn't care anymore.

His thoughts are drifting to the possible employers of the intruders outside the secret door:

Why is there such a useless royal family? He was killed completely by his lord!

Then I would have committed suicide by escaping from the Brotherhood!

Can my so-called father still sit on the Diaoyutai? To sit still on the throne with his crown on? What, who gave him such confidence?

A magician?

Wait a minute—my so-called father, is my father still a king?

Why is he still the king until now? Still be king?

this means--


The next moment, Thales sat up immediately with a solemn face, but he resolutely overturned his guess:

"First of all, the Bloody Year is a total disaster from top to bottom, from the outside to the inside—and the secret assassination of a recognized wise king will not help the chaotic status quo of the nobles."

"Secondly, Gilbert, you said that the High Council once governed independently for twenty days when the king was assassinated—twenty days without the king! Is it because they divided the spoils unevenly and couldn't reach a unified opinion that they came to hold the throne? Lixin Wang, or are they actually terrified, and they were completely unprepared for the king's death?"

"The key point is that my father, His Majesty Kessel, was crowned after reaching an agreement with the High Council—this shows that he has received enough support from the great lords. Could it be that at that time, someone foresaw that Kaiser, who was in his prime, would be crowned?" Prince Er, there will be no heirs in the next twelve years, so that the lords can dream of a crown that can only be fulfilled after twelve years? What kind of ability can make such a guarantee?"

"The last doubt is—you said, my father has already avenged all the revenge that should be reported. The hidden dangers have been basically solved, and the remaining revenge is either impossible to avenge or impossible to do. Maybe the six giants are indeed very good. It's scary, but if they are really the murderers behind the killing of the royal family, then within twelve years, His Majesty Kessel, known as the 'Iron Fist', should also take action?"

"And in essence, the royal family, like the lords of the six giants, is nothing more than a long-established noble family."

"If they are really going to sit on the throne, they know that they can't—at least they can't set this precedent by colluding. If the top giants kill and slaughter the royal family, if they one day enjoy the throne, how can they know that they won't repeat the same mistakes?"

"The six wealthy families are not the murderers who slaughtered the royal family!"

"Really? Gilbert?"

Thales stared at the middle-aged nobleman, as if trying to dig something out of his mind.

I saw Gilbert pick up, and then showed an exclamation smile.

Gilbert cleared his throat, nodded and said:

"Originally, my plan was to guide your thoughts to the six giants as opponents. This is enough. But it seems that I still underestimated you, my dear little gentleman."

"If you can think of this, His Majesty must be proud of it."

"But they, the lords in the court back then, were by no means irresponsible—at least, when it came to the royal family's massacre, they chose to stand by and even be happy to see it happen."

Gilbert's eyes were gloomy, he hesitated for a while, and finally insisted on speaking:

"There is indeed someone else behind the Canxing family's disaster."

"But I don't know the real truth."

"Only Your Majesty, he knows all the details - this is a tragedy that belongs to Canxing, and he should tell you personally."

Thales looked at Gilbert fixedly.

But immediately, he exhaled forcefully, as if a ball full of air had suddenly deflated, and fell onto the sofa behind him.

"Cut—" Thales rolled his eyes regardless of his appearance, "I should have said it earlier!"

Gilbert smiled.

The middle-aged nobleman bowed slightly, acquiesced to the little master's statement, and thought: Thales, this child—maybe the stars will be different because of this.

Although, you, the real enemies of the Canxing royal family, may be more terrifying than the so-called six giants and thirteen noble families, and it is unknown.

The extremely abrupt voice appeared again:

"It's all resolved." Yodel's voice came again, "No one was left alive."

Gilbert's expression became serious. He nodded, stood up and said slowly, "Very good."

Thales hadn't reacted yet, but his eyes widened.

This solves it? Kung fu for a meal?

The stone just fell, why did it sink without even making a sound?

Gilbert was at the secret door, and while gesturing to Thales to ask him to go out, he said, "Don't worry, Mr. Thales—he's just here to try."

"We can take care of these chores."

"Your battlefield is a hundred times more dangerous and sinister than ours."