
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 4 Scarlet Star (Part 2)

Toros, help me.

"I can't do anything."

I know you can do it, you are the strongest among us. And I still have consciousness, which means that this seal is not completely...


Because you have to help me. I must immediately return to my physical state, back to the stars.

"I'm sorry."

Thoros, you are not the will of the world, nor are you those stupid gods, why are you as stubborn as them?


Please, Thoros! I met a child who may be the only newborn magician in two thousand years.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Why can't you understand? He, me, you, fourteen of us—and he is fifteen—magicians, we are all one!

"One piece?"

Toros, believe me, we coexist and co-exist, we maintain each other, even though the paths are different...

"Bloodthorn Black Orchid, do you remember?"

That's different, those two—they betrayed us!

"Everyone has a choice, that's all."

We are not human beings!

"Choose an irrelevant race."

Then I made a choice a long time ago! I choose the magician! Don't you wish we could stand free in the world?

"I also have a choice, just like that."

Thoros! That kid needs bootstrapping! Otherwise he will sooner or later...

"It's fate."

The third-class apprentice of the Soul Tower, Thoros Mill! do not forget! You were the one who killed Qun Shan and Mu Hai first! You are the one who started the war! You are our first role model! If it wasn't for you, nothing else would have happened!


Toros, help me.


help me.


"Wait!" Thales raised his hand, interrupting Gilbert's slightly distressed statement.

"The blood of the Canxing family has almost been slaughtered?"

"Who did it?"

Gilbert just looked at him with sadness in his eyes.

Thales narrowed his eyes.

There are problems in the first two sentences alone.

"You said Eddie II—my grandfather, his rule was long and stable, and he was known as the 'King of Changzhi'?"

"Then what happened to the 'Year of Blood' rebellion?"

"Great rule brought about rebellion instead? This is totally illogical."

Thales looked at Gilbert, but the other party just patted the book in his hand, frowning slightly.

The gray-haired middle-aged nobleman said calmly:

"There are many reasons for the Bloody Year, and they are also very complicated. Some are even top secrets that can only be seen by high-level officials. You will learn these in later courses, and even after you become the official heir, you will have the power to access these secrets. It's not too late to study again."

"Now, I can only tell you that His Majesty has already avenged all the revenge he can. The hidden dangers have been basically resolved, and the remaining revenge is either impossible or impossible."

Thales narrowed his eyes.

Basic solution?

He had a hunch that the incident twelve years ago was extremely important to him.

With a little pity and pain, Gilbert continued his narration:

"In that year, the five collars in the central region suffered from natural disasters and lost their harvest, the six cities in the southwest rebelled, the counter-rebel army failed and rebelled, the desolate bone tribe rebelled, Exeter invaded, the northern line was in a hurry, the sea was blocked, and the supply line from the king's capital to the south was cut off. , The rebels even besieged Yongxing City for a time, and the nobles in the city once joined forces to force the palace, everything happened so suddenly."

"Every day there is bad news in the court, the territory falls, the enemy invades, the army loses, the allies break the contract, the nobles are killed, massacred, everyone is in panic, praying for tomorrow, but receiving worse news the next day ."

"The people in the city are dressed in rags,

Struggling to survive under the pressure of the army, it is difficult for those who are not soldiers to even get food. The nobles below the earl are as low as beggars, their authority is like dung, and no amount of gold coins can exchange even a single piece of bread. "

"Thieves, robbers, and mobs are emerging in endlessly, and even the army can't suppress them. In the army, more and more people die of disease, starvation, and battle. They even pile up so that the moat is blocked and stinks. The citizens outside the capital are Worse still, many are reduced to refugees or mobs, tossed about with nothing to depend on, where robbers and criminals run rampant in the wild."

"Many lords were hanged in their own territory, and some officials were even skinned in the government office. People couldn't live without taking up arms. I heard a knight who went out of the city to report that there were piles of It is impossible for a horse to gallop freely for less than half an hour, and there are less than five knights traveling, and refugees and mobs dare to rush forward."

"It was a hellish year."

Gilbert looked out the window with a calm tone, but Thales could hear the desolation and resentment in his words.

"The misfortune of the Canxing royal family is the biggest footnote."

The traverser didn't speak.

Gilbert sighed and continued:

"Day after day, the king touched his white hair, sitting in the city of sorrow, and the lamp oil in the imperial meeting almost never stopped. Every younger brother and prince of the Canxing family was given a task, either to supervise the logistics of the battle, or to win over The nobles even sent troops to the front to lead the battle."

"Until they are mercilessly slaughtered."

"His Majesty the former king was beheaded on the throne, the princesses were strangled to death in their sleep, the princes and concubines were burned to death in the castle, and the grandchildren even died in their infancy. Your Majesty the former queen—ah."

"The heroic eldest son of the prince held his sword alone and did not take a step back. In the end, he and his guards died in front of the palace gate. The younger brother, Duke John, was the most unfortunate. Shameful sneak attack."

"For the princes on the front line, one was pushed down from the highest room in the castle, one was poisoned to death at the nobleman's treaty banquet, and one led troops into the siege of Exeter. There were no soldiers for three hours. With no help, the entire army was annihilated and died in a fierce battle. His Majesty Kessel even 'coincidentally' encountered a professional army of 500 people when he was traveling in the wild, and at that time only Yodel was by his side."

"The death and bloodshed in that year spread all over the country, ranging from princes and nobles, to wealthy families of many generations, down to knights and merchants, and ordinary people. They all suffered heavy casualties. That was a page of history that Xing Chen did not want to reveal."

Thales took a deep breath.

Before I crossed over, did this country experience such terrible turmoil?

Gilbert calmed down and said solemnly:

"So, the answer to the bloody year, please find it yourself in the future."

"At the same time, please be prepared. The Bloody Year is just the tip of the iceberg—the history of the stars has never been lacking in blood."

Thales nodded, pressed curiosity and excitement, numbered the questions of the bloody year, and stuffed them into his heart.

Gilbert looked at Thales' cautious expression, nodded slightly, turned his head and continued:

"Thales, the search for your bloodline begins here."

"Your father, although His Majesty Kessel survived, he also lost all his relatives in that year, including a pair of children, namely your brother and sister."

"Among them, 1-year-old Luther Canxing suffered misfortune when she was a baby. The assassin was found on the spot. In the chaos, 4-year-old Lydia Canxing was taken as a hostage."

Having said that, Gilbert gave Thales a complicated look with deep meaning.

"Thales, child," the middle-aged noble said slowly, "That lamp was not used to find you in the first place."

Thales lowered his head and looked at the wound on his hand.

I see.

"After His Majesty was crowned, the High Priest Li Xiya of the Sunset Temple personally cast a magic spell, and was able to find any living creature with His Majesty's blood in the world."

"It's just that when we found Princess Lydia—"

"In short, His Majesty and the Canxing family lost all their orthodox heirs, and it went on like this for twelve years. During these twelve years, His Majesty did not give birth to a new bloodline."

"In the past twelve years, the stars have only had the supreme king, and no princes or princesses. Even for foreign political marriages, they have chosen the children of the six great families."

"Until one day, that bloodline lamp lights up again."

There was a long silence in the study.

The scene from last night came to Thales' mind.

He has to confirm one thing.

"Your Majesty probably in the fifth or sixth year after taking office—"

So, when Gilbert continued, he interrupted the middle-aged nobleman without hesitation.

"—the royal family was massacred in such a well-planned way," Thales said softly, "Who is the most direct murderer?"

Gilbert closed his eyes and was silent for a moment, but he still opened his mouth and said:

"It's the Surriton family, and the 'Shadow Shield'."

Thales sighed silently in his heart.

"One is the Assassin family that has been passed down for hundreds of years in the dark, and the other is the Assassin organization that has been rampant in the dark for thousands of years."

"They and the black hands behind them jointly planned a conspiracy called 'Star Fall' - this is the investigation of the Kingdom's Secret Division afterwards."

"The two secret guards of the former king Eddie II were lured away by those who wanted to. Because of the kindness of the former king, the elite royal guards were sent together with the eldest son of the king to suppress the mob who suddenly gathered in front of the palace. Although the four guards at the side of the former king The ten soldiers of the city defense team are all masters from ordinary to super-level, and they can line up from the palace gate to the apse, but they couldn't resist the legendary assassin all the way for a quarter of an hour. Erdan Surriton had his head cut off."

That's right, Thales thought silently: I've seen that kind of indomitable and irresistible knife technique with my own eyes.

"The elder brothers of His Majesty Kessel were all assassinated by the Shadow Shield's killers using different methods and schemes. And the two children of His Majesty stayed in the court, together with the eldest son of the king, several concubines and two princesses, Died at the hands of Biannette Sarriton."

Biannette, I'm really familiar.

Thales let out a breath from his nose. It was the "stranger" that Yala mentioned.

He resisted the urge to grab JC's dagger, and also resisted the urge to go back to the room and ask Yodel immediately.

"Please continue." Thales immediately reversed his mood, nodded and said, "Please tell me about my part."

Gilbert straightened his slightly dislocated bow tie due to emotion, and continued:

"Your biological mother, I know something about it. According to your father, Your Majesty Kessel, her name should be Therren Girana. As for the surname—His Majesty did not mention her origin , probably not a nobleman. Judging from the name, I even suspect that she is a foreigner."

"But that's all. I don't even know how old she is, when she met His Majesty, and whether she is alive now."

Thales frowned.

"I was sent to the Brotherhood of the Black Street at least seven years ago," Thales lowered his head and muttered, "That is to say, in 1365, my biological mother met the king, can you— —"

But Gilbert shook his head at this moment.

"Your Majesty has had many lovers, overt or secret, some as short as one or two months, and some as long as ten years. I am afraid that only Yodel, who closely follows His Majesty, knows their specific situation."

"But they all have nothing?" Thales asked suspiciously: "Only my unseen mother just happened to give birth to me? Then when my blood dripped on the ground, was it discovered by the blood vessel lamp? This Isn't it a bit suspicious?"

"My father—His Majesty the King is also lukewarm towards his illegitimate child, and he doesn't seem to want to discuss my mother with me. Are you sure I'm really their child?"

Gilbert frowned.

"I am neither convenient nor able to comment on His Majesty's behavior."

"As for your mother, it can only be said that this is the arrangement of fate," the middle-aged nobleman said slightly uncomfortable: "Also, I have to remind you that the kind of thinking just now is very detrimental to your future status. Don't bring it up again."

Gilbert's eyes were so severe that Thales on the leather chair couldn't help shrinking back.

"After all, the bloodline lamp under the divine power of the Goddess of the Setting Sun can't be wrong, and His Majesty also insists that - Ms. Serantelana, is your biological mother."

"So please keep this in mind, and bury it in your heart. Perhaps one day, His Majesty will answer this question for you."

The icy expression and unquestionable majesty of King Kessel V flashed in his mind. Thales turned in one direction and rolled his eyes.

"The above is the answer to where you come from and who you are."

Gilbert said with a serious face.

"So, about where you are going—"

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared in the study!

It fell silently in front of them!

Gilbert's face changed, and he stood up quickly in an instant, kicking a cane from his feet!

By the time he grasped the cane in his hand, the middle-aged nobleman had already stood firmly in front of Thales.

It was only then that Thales realized that this seemingly gentle and elegant middle-aged aristocrat was actually good at his skills!

But the middle-aged noble immediately let out a breath and relaxed with Thales.

Because the person who appeared suddenly was covered in a black hood and tights, with a dark purple mask on his face.


The secret guard of His Majesty the Supreme King, Yordel Gato spoke in a short and hoarse voice.

"Someone is approaching here at high speed, twenty of them!"

At that moment, what Gilbert said just now flashed through Thales' mind:

The history of stars has never been lacking in blood.