
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 6 Ephemeral Species

On the afternoon of November 16th, at the center of Hongfang Street.

The neighborhood that should have been bustling with feasting and feasting, is now filled with patrol soldiers in star blue uniforms and light armor, and police officers in black and blue uniforms. Stretchers, supplies and record books, etc., came and went.

"There's another one here!" A patrol soldier beckoned, and together with his colleagues who had heard the news, dragged out a deformed human body from under a collapsed beam.

"This one is still breathing!" Another hurried call came from a distance. Doctors and healers hired by the city hall, including priests who volunteered from some temples, hurried forward.

Robic Dila, the first-level director of the Xicheng Police Department, was standing on a hill piled up by a collapsed house, stepping on a piece of blood-stained building materials.

He just sent away a few city hall officials who were dressed as brightly as the backstage with a smile, listened politely and accepted them humbly, "Look at this, it should be your responsibility, why did it happen like this? You know our city hall The office also has to go to work to serve the people, and the manna has time to come here to waste manpower" and other stupid complaints.

Behind Robic is an open space pulled out by a large umbrella. This is a mortuary that has been cleared out temporarily. At this moment, there are nearly a hundred corpses, including those of innocent citizens and gangsters. Many officials wore masks and walked around the corpse with paper and pens. From time to time, the corpse was recognized by family members who had heard the news or had been looking for it for a long time, and naturally there was a burst of heartbreaking.

Some family members recognized the uniforms of the officials, and even rushed forward in agitation, but were pulled away by soldiers and police officers who had been prepared for a long time.

Robic lowered his head and sighed deeply.

Fortunately, it's winter, and the flies haven't gathered yet.

Robick stepped on a signboard that was split into five or six petals—it looked like a chess and card room—and walked down with a stiff face.

An exquisite swordsman chess piece fell out of the ruins under the blood.

Robic stopped in his tracks.

He slowly bent down, picked up the chess piece, and wiped off the dust on it.

But the blood stains on the chess pieces had already congealed and could not be wiped off.

These bastards.

Robick looked at the chess pieces in his hand with a livid face.

This swordsman piece just happened to be missing the hand holding the sword, and it seemed to be broken under a sudden force.

The director turned his head and looked towards the side of the ruins. There, a man in a dark red leather coat was also watching all of this.

The man in the red coat turned around and looked at the director's dissatisfied expression.

"I won't agree!" Robic said firmly.

"Are you sure?" The man in the red coat showed his face. His thin face was covered with stubble, but his tone was full of hostility: "This is a request from the Blood Bottle Gang and that lord."

"Nekla! This is not what we originally agreed! Even that lord will not agree with you to blow up Hongfang Street into ruins and take away—almost 200 lives!" The chief of the security department gritted his teeth. , Almost holding back his anger, he spit out the words word by word.

"Then you still want——their corpses?"

Robick felt that his dissatisfaction was about to break through the sky.

But the man he called Nekla, although his face was full of coldness, said indifferently:

"That's not accurate—it's only a dozen houses in the center of the block that were destroyed, isn't it?"

"And I really didn't know, it turned out that the Chief of the Xicheng Security Bureau, who stood by and watched all night, also had a sense of justice and compassion—speaking of which, we lost a lot of people last night, didn't we?"

Scum, you gangsters are fighting, do you still expect me to help you? Robic thought angrily.

"This is the loss of our Blood Bottle Gang, and that lord's loss, and of course it's also your loss, Mr. Director.

" Nekla continued.

This scumbag, why did the Western Front deport him? His head should have been chopped off!

Robick cursed in his heart.

Nekla said in a bad tone: "So, for the benefit of that lord, you can still make decisions about some corpses, right?"

But Robick didn't give in as he expected.

The director came to Nekla with heavy steps, and was so close that he almost touched his nose. His eyes were full of anger and said:

"I don't care how many of you scumbags of the Blood Bottle Gang died - I followed the order of that lord, but he didn't say that you scumbags would play such a disaster! This morning, all the people in Wangdu We all know, you guys have nothing to do in Hongfang District! Even the imperial meeting is discussing gang fights in Xicheng District!"

Nekla's eyes changed.

Without flinching, he took a step forward, touched Robic's forehead, stared into the director's eyes, and said with hatred and anger:

"Then you should know that our anger is no less than yours! The Blood Bottle Gang has never been sloppy, and the blood debt will be repaid!"

Robick was also angered by Nekla's provocative answer.

"Don't mention your crap! Especially you useless losers!" He cursed loudly:

"The Blood Bottle Gang never gets along? Believe it or not, if I withdraw the police force and patrol team now, you scumbag won't even be able to leave Hongfang Street!"

Nekla frowned unhappily, and the anger in her eyes became more and more intense.

Robic stared back at him without showing any weakness.

The surrounding patrol team members noticed the situation here, and approached here silently.

There were two captains who were swordsmen of the end, their expressions turned cold, and they put their hands on the hilts at their waists.

Nekla caught sight of these soldiers from the corner of her eye, and her heart trembled.

This big green skin is really kind.

At the same time, he noticed that among the residents watching the excitement outside the cordon, a few eyes with ulterior motives were also staring at this place, disappearing from time to time, and then reappearing with a few new eyes.

Damn brotherhood.

After all, Hongfang Street no longer belongs to the Blood Bottle Gang.

Considering the strength of the Vigilante Office and the threat of the Brotherhood, Nekla suppressed his dissatisfaction and took a step back.

The Qi magician has disappeared, at least until the blood magician returns, we must give in.

Damn Da Qingpi, and that damned nobleman.

"I apologize for my words and actions - Lord Robick Dilla," he said, biting the accent on "Lord," and a smile spread across his bony face, bowing his head as if the previous anger had been fake the same.

This bow is not standard.

"We really shouldn't have caused you such trouble—I'll leave right now and go to plead guilty to the Duke."

Nekla smiled shyly, turned around and left.

Until the expected response came from behind.


Robic clenched his fist tightly, telling himself not to be impulsive.


Damn it.

Sure enough, if I took that step, I can't turn back.

Robic shook his hand feebly, and waved back the subordinates who were about to surround him.

The corners of Nekla's mouth curled up triumphantly.

I saw Director Robick closing his eyes in pain. After a while, he trembled and said in a low voice:

"Damn—well, you can take the corpses, but no more than twenty! And they must be unclaimed!"

The smile on Nekla's face finally became sincere.

"Of course—your lord."

He warmly called Robic's title again.

An unclaimed corpse? Nekla smiled contemptuously in his heart and said: Since it is the corpse wanted by the Blood Bottle Gang, it is naturally "no one" claimed it.

Is not it?

What a pleasant cooperation between the police and the people.

Nekla bowed substandardly again, turned around and left.

Robick looked at his back, shook his head, and asked feebly:

"What on earth do you want those corpses for?"

"Enter a few old friends for the big shots," Nekla said in a terrified tone without looking back:

"We need to prepare a banquet."

Nekla disappeared from sight, and also disappeared, as well as a few monitoring eyes from the crowd.

Robic lowered his head and saw his own reflection on the pool of blood under his feet.

It was a helpless middle-aged man with gray hair, wrinkles and vicissitudes.

Robick felt disgusted.

He took a deep breath, looked at the chess piece in his hand, and saw the one-armed swordsman smiling at him.

The chief of the police department let go of his hand with a sad face, turned and left.

The swordsman without the sword fell into the bloody water, replacing Robic's reflection.


At six o'clock in the afternoon, Mindis Hall.

"The four five-member groups have a clear division of labor and tacit cooperation. They are all super-level leaders, leading ordinary-level experts—although they are extraordinary in skill and rich in experience, judging from their equipment and status, they are indeed hired."

Gilbert stood up from a corpse, and waved his hands for the guards to carry it down.

"Mercenaries and adventurers who dare to attack the royal family's property - if it is not the generous rewards promised by the employer, it is the confidence to avoid risks."

The middle-aged nobleman stood in the hall on the first floor with his hands behind his back. He suppressed his distaste for his collaborators, and said to the empty corner:

"As a former adventurer, what do you think?"

A hoarse voice came from the void:

"It's both, and the latter are mostly - the employer didn't tell them the truth, 'You won't meet masters above the super level' or 'There won't be more than twenty guards' or something like that."

"Perhaps their employers didn't expect that our guarding power is far beyond that of ordinary aristocratic industries." The middle-aged nobleman replied.

Corpses were carried down from the stairs, hall ceiling, and corridors.

Gilbert watched the guards carry the intruder out and clean up the blood, and lowered his head in thought.

"But it's still too simple."

He murmured.

"Even though we doubled the number of guards in Mindis Hall, even though there are fifty well-trained mortal-level and even super-level end swordsmen, even though they were only hired to test - we still dealt with it too easily, too simply. "

The guards passing by carrying the corpse ignored Gilbert who was talking to himself.

It was as if the middle-aged nobleman was speaking into the air, until Yodel's figure appeared beside him out of thin air.

"They don't have the will to die, and they don't intend to kill the guards." The masked secret guard whispered:

"If I take the shot a little later, they should be about to retreat."

Gilbert frowned deeply.

"That's not right, even if it's just a test, their attitude and methods are too rash, it's almost like—"

Jodl replied appropriately: "——It's like coming to your door to die."

The gray-haired middle-aged nobleman nodded and said:

"If their employers are really the ones we expected, then they must know that if we really have important secrets, then such equipment will not help at all."

"Then why are they? To cover other people?"

Jodl shook his head: "I don't feel anyone else."

"If there is no one else—"

At this moment, Gilbert and Jodl raised their heads at the same time and looked outside the door.

Under the setting sun, an ordinary carriage stepped on the avenue leading to Mindis Hall.

After listening to a guard's report, Gilbert nodded and said, "Jenny has arrived."

"That woman," Gilbert frowned, "originally she hated riding in a small carriage like a carriage—it seems that she restrained her likes and dislikes in order to deceive others."

After hearing these words, Yodel suddenly raised his head!

At first, Gilbert was still wondering why the secret guard, who couldn't see the expression, had such a big reaction.

But immediately, his expression changed drastically, and he looked back at Yodel in surprise.

Covering the eyes and ears of "people"——

No way?

"Didn't you say you didn't feel other people?" Gilbert asked with a livid face.

Jodl turned his head to look upstairs, his figure flickering.

"I left eight Terminator swordsmen upstairs—" But before Gilbert finished speaking, Yodel disappeared before his eyes!

Wait, I didn't feel the words of other "people"—

Gilbert slapped his head hard!

"Everyone! Gather to the third floor at full speed! Protect the target!"


Thales was dripping with cold sweat, looking nervously at the man in front of him.

Just now, this white-faced adult man in a gorgeous pleated sleeve shirt and expensive leather boots suddenly appeared between him and the eight Terminator swordsmen!

No wind, no sound, no air, no trace.

Then, the eight Terminator swordsmen around Thales shot out blood from their necks one after another!

It's not that the traverser has never encountered a powerful enemy, such as the magician Ashida, but he really has never encountered an enemy that appeared so suddenly.

It was so abrupt that Thales' visual nerves couldn't even react!

He didn't see how the opponent moved at all.

Thales wanted to shout subconsciously, but a right hand suddenly appeared in front of him!

This man with good taste suddenly covered his mouth.

Thales still couldn't see his movements clearly.

Even a master like "Ghost with the Wind" Rolf, although his movements are swift and violent, at least there are traces and afterimages!

But the movement of the man in front of him to move his right hand——is completely absent.

It's like the frame skipping of animation.

Thales, who struggled to no avail, gave up wasting energy. He calmed down, tried his best to calm the beating of his heart, and looked at the man in front of him.

This man is slightly taller than Yodel, with neat blond hair scattered behind his forehead, and clear blue pupils. Although his face is morbidly pale, he is really—that's how Thales can describe it—very hansome.

Compared with Ashida's feminine and handsome, this man can be said to be of the "sunny and chic" type. Coupled with his simple but elegant taste in clothing, he will definitely attract girls when he goes out.

It's a pity that Thales couldn't feel any warmth on his body.

There was a good smell of perfume coming from the man's body. Even a local tyrant like Thales could recognize it. It was not at all the cheap perfume worn by the petty bourgeois in the market.

Now, this handsome man smiled at him with a pale mouth and said:

"I was just exercising my body—but look at me, what did I find?"

"A short-lived cub."

Short-lived species?

Thales grasped this special term.

"The smell on your body—tsk tsk, it's really delicious."

"Sure enough, food is always in unexpected places!"

But the next moment, the relaxed-looking blond man suddenly changed his face.

His hand covering Thales flickered and changed again, and the next moment, Thales was held in his arms by him covering his mouth.

"I found out so quickly—I can't deal with that mask," the handsome blond man murmured, "Pack it up and eat it at home."

"Fortunately, the sun is about to set."

These were the last words Thales heard.

The next moment, his eyes were surrounded by blood red, and the sky was spinning for a while.

The scene in Mindis Hall seemed to be spinning, and it was getting smaller and smaller.

Before his consciousness disappeared, Thales vaguely saw the mask of Yordle appearing among the corpses of the eight Terminator swordsmen.