
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 41 Chess Game of Heroes (1)

Thales walked into a dark room intently without distraction.

From outside the dark box came the characteristic humming sound when the crowd gathered, noisy and disturbing.

This reminded him of the football team he supported in his previous life. When he watched the game live, he probably felt the same way when he first entered the field.

Amidst the buzzing sound outside the dark room, a young and cheerful male voice suddenly came:

"Hey, old man! Director Robick! I'm here, here! Hey, sir, you look familiar."

"Wait—you're from the Colomo family... Cousin Dele! Oh my god, I haven't seen you for so many years, why have you grown up like this! Kaisha and Qina will definitely cry!"

Thales suddenly reacted, took a few steps forward, and looked out through the single-sided glass in the dark box. Sure enough, the entire Hall of Stars was diagonally below him.

The Hall of Stars is a semi-open-air oval hall, at least ten meters high, and can accommodate at least a thousand people. There are no walls in the direction of Xingju Square, only a protruding terrace, making this hall look like a sideways irregular wide column was cut off obliquely from top to bottom—or in other words, a half-covered elliptical garbage Shovel, thinking of this, Thales couldn't help but smile.

At this time, the hall was half full of people, sitting or standing, there were at least several hundred people.

The closer to the center the crowd is, the sparser they are. They are dressed in dignified clothes, quiet and calm, and basically all have seats—these are the nobles.

In the center of the hall is an empty round platform surrounded by seven stone seats with obviously different specifications.

Among them, the unique stone seat is the throne, and the surrounding six stone seats belong to the six guardian dukes. On the periphery of the six stone seats, there are thirteen stone seats belonging to thirteen prominent families, forming a large semicircle.

The six stone seats are still empty, while some people are already sitting in the thirteen stone seats. They are all males between the ages of twenty and sixty. They have different coats of arms and different expressions on their bodies. There are several people standing behind the seats. A tense follower.

The voice he just heard came from the stone seats of the thirteen noble families. Behind one of the stone seats stood a handsome blond man in a star-blue police uniform. He looks handsome and has a deep outline. Compared with the feminine magician Ashida and the "little white face" vampire Eastron, he looks more energetic and masculine.

However, this handsome guy was being walked towards him, a middle-aged nobleman with gray hair and an angry face, and hit him hard on the head with a cane!

And the clothes of the middle-aged nobleman were tattooed with the symbols of two tall towers and a long sword.

"Korn Karabyan, what about your aristocratic upbringing? Can you speak human language! Dele is not only your cousin, but also one of the thirteen noble families, the head of the Colomo family! Lord of Wing Fort, Earl of the Kingdom Show some respect!"

Thales, who was stunned, looked at the kingdom's security officer, Cohen Karabyan, gnashing his teeth and covering his head in the dark compartment, and yelled at his father: "Old man, the end stage is right in front of you anyway. !Knock one more note, and we'll fight on stage!"

Many people turned their heads this way, but when they saw that it was the seat of the thirteen noble families, they shook their heads and ignored it.

Why is this noble family so - strange?

"Haha, I know Cohen well, so that we can better show our closeness..." Dele on one side seemed to know the daily life of his uncle and cousin, and quickly waved his hands to smooth things over, while Robick on the other side hurriedly messed up Grab the old Count Karabyan, and he is about to swing the second staff angrily.

"By the way, Cohen, although you are the eldest son of the Karabyan family... but your father didn't show up, how did you get let in?" Lord Robick Dilla, the chief of the West City Police Department, quickly changed the subject.

"I'm not very clear either," Cohen rubbed his head and frowned, "I just healed the injury I got on Red Square Street a few days ago—old man, put down your cane, we'll talk about it when we go home—and received an order to be on duty, I just arrived at the gate of Fuxing Palace, and the people in the city defense team and the police station saw me as one of my own.

Just put me in the door, and the guards in the palace led me into the Hall of Stars as soon as they heard that I was Karabyan. "

His father, Lord Vola, the old Earl Karabyan was startled when he heard this.

The old count didn't ask any more questions. He and Count Dele Colomo sat down on two stone seats respectively, while several knights, Cohen and Robick stood behind him.

Listening to their conversation, Thales probably guessed that these two families are members of the thirteen noble families.

At this moment, the noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Thales' gaze turned to another direction.

In the distance, two unforgettable figures, surrounded by two teams of followers, walked into the Hall of Stars on the blue star pattern carpet.

People on the road naturally moved out of the way, or bowed to say hello, or whispered.

Among the two figures, a fat and noble old man smiled honestly, responding to the people on both sides from time to time. A sword and a shield were embroidered on his back, intersecting against the background of the red sun.

That was the prime minister of the kingdom, the lord of Huigang City, the guardian duke of the East China Sea, Bob Cullen.

Beside him, another middle-aged nobleman in military uniform didn't even look around, and just strode forward with a cold face.

On the chain armor shirt on the chest of the middle-aged nobleman, one can clearly see a falcon with sharp eyes, spreading its wings on a white background.

This is the lord of Coldcastle who arrived at the capital a day ago, the guardian duke of the northern border, Val Arend.

The Sun Sword Shield and the Flying Eagle on a White Background—their emblems represent the two most powerful families among the six giants.

"The state is a meeting? This is simply child's play!"

Val, the Duke of the North with a scar on his chin, looked angry and did not hide his voice. He only heard him say angrily to the fat old man beside him:

"He personally issued the general edict! As a result, he suddenly... let those subordinates get involved. This is nothing short of betrayal! As the Prime Minister, you should stop him!"

Around, the middle and small nobles who heard the conversation between the two dukes quickly lowered their heads or turned away—just kidding, who dares to listen to the six guardian dukes and accuse the supreme king of the stars!

"Although I don't think it's appropriate," Bob Cullen, the gray-haired and fat Duke of the East China Sea, with bulging red cheeks, wearing a precious mink shawl, and a protruding belly, said helplessly: " But His Majesty's will, I am powerless to stop."

Val snorted dissatisfied, very dissatisfied with the prime minister's evasion.

The old fat man sitting on the wall and swaying in the wind—how did he get called the "Sword of the Bay" when he was young?

They walked through the thirteen stone seats, and every noble present stood up and bowed in respect, even the old Karabyan and the young Colomo were no exception.

"Even if he is the king we swear allegiance to, he can't humiliate us like this!" Valli threw off his cloak and threw it behind him to see the soldiers' entourage, and sat down on his seat with great determination.

This vicissitudes of life man with a scar on his chin, the white-bottomed flying eagle on his chest was full of chills, he was dressed in a chain armor military uniform, and he propped up his left hand boldly. He exuded the unique sharpness and sense of isolation of the northerners.

He made no secret of his dislike for the king: "I really want to knock that bastard's front teeth out! Just like forty years ago!"

Cohen whispered behind his father's seat, "Even if it's the Duke of the North—how can he talk about His Majesty like this without concealing it?"

"If you grew up with His Majesty and almost married your younger sister to him," Earl Karabyan replied in a low voice, "You can talk about Your Majesty in the same way."

"Speak carefully, the guards will soon start passing down messages. At that time, every word of the Twenty Stone Seats will be passed down to Xingju Square." The old Duke Cullen looked at him, sighed slightly, and tremblingly supported his entourage Next, sit on one of the six stone seats: "He is our Majesty after all! We can only hope that the persuasion will work."

These people from the north - they haven't made any progress in fifty years. The old duke shook his head in his heart.

At this time, there was an uproar in the crowd, and the noise formed by whispering became louder and louder!

Gilbert's familiar voice came:

"In the name of the Supreme King of the Star Kingdom, Kessel Canxing..."

"Subjects of the Kingdom, salute your Majesty!"

Thales raised his eyebrows: he saw a group of people walking into another side door of the Hall of Stars.

The crowd knelt down on one knee one after another like rolling waves, and only stood up after the king left.

The robust King Kessel V, still clutching his scepter in one hand, stepped into the Hall of Stars with a cold and majestic expression.

Eight members of the royal guard closely guarded behind him.

The king instantly became the focus of the audience. Even though he knelt on one knee, the whispers of the crowd not only did not decrease, but intensified.

"Your Majesty is here." The Duke of Donghai patted his chubby face and said with a smile, "You might as well put forward your suggestion to him in person."

"Hmph," the Duke of the North snorted disdainfully, "It seems that as long as I say something, he will listen."

His Majesty Kessel stepped towards the stone seat with strides. At this moment, he suddenly raised his head, and glanced at the dark compartment intentionally or unintentionally.

Thales squeezed his fist lightly.

He adjusted his breathing to calm down.

Calm down, Thales.

The main show hasn't begun yet.

Behind the cloak of the Iron Fist King, a group of people headed by Gilbert followed closely, among them was the mature and tall Jine.

Thales only saw now that Gilbert's family crest—it turned out to be a double-sided book.

"Ah, it's our star cunning fox, Earl Castle," the potbellied Duke of East China Sea, Cullen, said with a smile, "There are also Earl Godwin, Viscount Connie, Baron Garth, Lord Clapham...they are all the future of the kingdom." And hopefully... and our alert and wise Lady of the Court, Lady Jeanine."

"Royalists." Val on the stone seat shook his head in disgust, "I hope they will soon understand that the best way to support the king is to find ways to make their majesty less crazy, instead of doing everything possible to attack the arm of the kingdom. The Nineteenth Noble—as for that bitch, every second she spends in the palace is an insult to the Arend family."


"The king—the king—"

Just at this moment, a louder burst of cheers surged from the open air outside into the Hall of Stars!

The hall was immediately filled with deafening shouts from afar.

Many nobles changed their colors one after another, and many commoners of status whispered excitedly, and some even cheered along.

Thales came to his senses: This is the cheering of the people in Xingju Square.

"I guess," Duke Cullen curled his lips: "The guards have already started sending messages down the square?"

Val turned his head, his face ashen.

Kessel came to the Thirteenth Stone Seat and looked at his vassals.

The thirteen prominent families got up early and lined up in front of him. They all knelt down on one knee to prove their loyalty.

Kessel stretched out his right hand expressionlessly, and handed it to the first nobleman with the pentagram as his coat of arms, asking him to kiss the ring on it.

"Born Talen, you are the first." The king said flatly, "You are still the first. You are always the first."

"Blood is thicker than water, Your Majesty, the Talun family is a branch of the Canxing family, just as the pentagram is always a part of the nine-pointed star." The middle-aged nobleman bowed his head respectfully.

Kessel frowned imperceptibly, but he still nodded and walked towards the next nobleman.

"Smith Sorrell," his majestic voice spread, focusing on every gaze: "I heard that you and your territory are unremittingly opposing the Border County Development Tax Exemption Order?"

"Of course, Your Majesty!" The middle-aged nobleman with a golden sun emblem on his body kissed the king's ring and shook his head firmly, "The blood of a nobleman cannot be stained."

Kessel snorted lightly.

"Lewis Bozdorf," His Majesty the King stretched out his hand to a nobleman with a black lion baring its teeth and claws on his chest: "Will the black lion, who is good at fighting, still fight for the pride of lions?"

"Fight to the death, Your Majesty," the nobleman kissed the king's ring, smiled, and replied slyly, "As long as the lion is still brave and brave, remember the lions."

Kessel nodded and continued to move forward.

"Tulami Karabyan" Kessel walked up to Earl Karabyan, showing nostalgia, "I remember that you were once a member of the Starlight Legion, and you were born and died for John."

"I was born and died for my hometown," Earl Karabyan said rigorously, kissing His Majesty's ring: "It's all for the stability of the stars."

Kessel nodded thoughtfully.

"Dele Colomo, you look smarter than your father," Kessel continued to move forward, and said to the young Dele meaningfully: "The crow who wants to be a savior with one wing—is still in the wing castle. in?"

"That crow was saved and cared for by its master," Dele Colomo, who has a tattoo of a one-winged crow on his body, bit his words skillfully, kissed the king's ring, and replied blankly, "That's why he died Rescue the master—of course, that crow will live forever in the Wing Fort."

Kessel patted him on the shoulder, walked towards a half-bald nobleman, and stretched out his right hand.

"Hodge Dastan," said the noble this time, with two long swords embroidered on his body, crossed in a cross, only to hear Kessel coldly say: "I still remember that your clan language is 'forward and backward, life and death ( Forward_or_backward, _survive_or_fall)', have you chosen the direction you should go this time?"

"The direction is always there." The half-bald Hodge Dastan lowered his head and kissed the king's ring, making his expression hard to see. "But people who stand too high can't see clearly."

Kessel snorted coldly, making no secret of his dissatisfaction with this man.

"Wilcos Zemuto, Polit Forres," this time, the king stretched out his hands, facing the two resolute nobles with the white bear and the iron-colored long wall as their emblems: "Watch City and the Lonely Old Tower , can it withstand the cold wind in the north?"

"Cold wind?" The bearded Earl Wilkes Zemuto kissed the king's ring and said proudly, "For the sake of the stars, the Watch City can even withstand the wrath of a dragon!"

The bald-headed Earl Polit Forex was not to be outdone. He kissed the ring, his eyes shining brightly: "Although the Lonely Old Tower is standing in the cold wind, no matter how cold it is, the fire in the tower is still alive."

Under the king's signal, the two northern nobles slowly stood up.

Kessel walked past all the thirteen prominent families present and walked towards the two dukes.

He waved his hand to stop Bob Cullen, who was shaking and trying to stand up: "Forget it, Mr. Prime Minister, your stomach is simply heavier than my scepter."

The Duke of Donghai smiled, as if he didn't understand the meaning behind Kessel's words, he just nodded his thanks.

Ginny at the side took off Kessel's cloak, and let His Majesty sit on the highest stone seat.

"As for you," Kessel glanced at Val and shook his head indifferently, "I guess, your knee has a strange disease that makes you unable to bend it?"

"That's right," Val Arend said carelessly, his eyes blazing with anger, "Whether I'm facing Exeter or the kingship of the stars, I've always had this strange disease!"

Kessel shook his head: "It's been forty years, and your sense of humor is still so bad."

Overtly and secretly, after the salute of allegiance with some profound meaning, all the nobles of the thirteen noble families returned to their seats one after another.

"Two of the six guardian dukes are present, and eight of the thirteen noble families have arrived." Gilbert reported with a serious face, "Your Majesty?"

"Wait a little longer." Kessel said calmly.

On the Xingju Square, the sky-shattering cheers came again.

Amidst the cheers, Val said disdainfully: "Suddenly announced that the high-level meeting will be changed into a national meeting and held in advance-how many nobles who are too far away do you think can make it in time? At least, the Tebak family in Blade Hill City is Don't count on it!"

Kessel shook his head, expressionless: "This is a chess game between stars and heroes. The players have already been determined, and the game has already begun."

"It seems that the crown not only turned you into a king, but also turned you into a third-rate bard." Val Arend said unhappily, gnashing his teeth. Only the Duke of Donghai came to smooth things over with a smile.

Thales, who was in the dark room, felt his heart tense at this moment. He saw an old man in black robes, leaning on crutches, standing at the end of the "Royal Supporting Party" team. Everyone around him tried to avoid this old man as much as possible. , only behind him was a young man in a white robe who was also plainly dressed.

That is...

"Morat Hansen. Why is he here?" Lord Robic, who was beside Cohen, frowned as he looked at the black-robed figure. "When I saw that poisonous snake, I felt chills all over my body."

"He is the chief intelligence officer of the kingdom, and he will attend the imperial meeting, of course he will come." Cohen also frowned, obviously not too interested in this person, "but according to what the director said, he sees his majesty and Prime Minister Duke Cullen every day It's already frozen to death...huh?"

Cohen raised his eyebrows with an expression of disbelief.

"That is?"

Under the surprised gazes of his father and the director, the blond police officer, Cohen Karabyan, strode forward abruptly, walking towards——

"Black Prophet" Morat Hansen!