
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 40 Prelude

When Thales walked out of the stone room with complicated and unspeakable emotions, he already had some guesses about the long ringing of the bell and what would happen next.

"Is it today?" He calmly looked at Gilbert and Jinie who had been waiting for a long time.

It was so sudden.

Gilbert's eyes were full of sighs and sadness, while Jine seemed to have some hesitation in her indifferent expression.

Shouldn't they be cheering, why this expression, Thales thought weakly - his brain was already filled with the stone chamber just now and what happened next.

For some reason, at this moment, he was clearly in a heavy heart, but he was still able to keep his face on the outside.

This is the so-called, happiness and anger are not visible.

I saw Gilbert bitterly said: "Please forgive me, this is not my original intention... Exeter's emergency envoy will arrive at Yongxing tonight, no matter whether you declare war or compromise, at this time... Your Majesty, he... "

Gilbert frowned tightly, hesitated to speak, but still sighed deeply and remained silent.

"Don't waste any more time. The state meeting will be held at three o'clock in the afternoon. His Majesty ordered us to send him to the waiting room before one o'clock." Jine interrupted Gilbert with an incomprehensible expression.

Both the former foreign minister and the first-class court lady had already put on dark and solemn formal attire. Behind them, eight plain-looking maids lined up neatly and quietly on both sides of the corridor, holding eight full-loaded plates.


The bell rang for the second time.

Jine came forward with a complicated expression, and led the preoccupied Thales into another room.

Eight maids followed and filed in.


Fuxing Palace, the outer palace wall, and the first gate.

The place Thales just passed by last night was maintaining the only order under the shameless scolding and merciless blows of the guards. The nobles, big and small, and people with prestigious status from all walks of life all had different expressions. The crowd Long queues, vying for a place to enter the Fuxing Palace.

Before the Fuxing Palace, at the first thick and mottled gate, under the strict inspection of nervous guards, qualified participants were let in one by one.

"Me! I am the vice president of the Iron Smelting Guild! I am qualified to go in and listen! What? There are twenty-five vice presidents of the Iron Smelting Guild? Hey, you don't understand. It's quite special, let me tell you, look at my black hair and black eyes! Do you understand? Our family's craftsmanship is inherited from the Far East, Dawn Dynasty, do you know? It's before the end of the war... Well, well! A gentleman speaks Don't do it! I won't go in, can't I!"

"I'm Eros Kata, a fabric franchisee chartered by the royal family! I can go in! Look! This is the signature certificate of the former king Eddie, and the signature of His Royal Highness Midir!"

"I also have an invitation sent to our family by Mindis III back then! Although the history is a little longer, it was one hundred and fifty years ago—hey, don't do it, I'll go by myself! Go by myself!"

"Hey! Punk! Do you still remember me? I'm Lazan, the coroner of the Central Security Office. We've worked together for half a year! Is there still room in the Hall of Stars?"

"I'm on duty here, so I don't know. But my cousin who is the palace guard told me that the giant hall is already half full! If you're not a nobleman above the viscount, you won't be able to get in at all!"

"Then we can only go to Xingju Square to huddle together, and listen to the guards passing on the message layer by layer, passing down the big man's resolution?"

"Come on, even if people of our status enter the Hall of Stars, we still sit on the bottom and outermost floors, quietly listening to the speeches of the big figures on the top and innermost floors—it is impossible to intervene !"

"God—that's the flag of the one-winged crow and the twin towers and long swords! The convoy of Kolomo and Karabyan's family! Get out of the way! If you offend them, you will have no fruit to eat!"

"What's wrong with the nobles? The nobles also have to abide by the Basic Law—ah no,

It's to abide by the law of the stars! "

"What are you kidding! They are not ordinary nobles, they are all royal titles, with thousands of private soldiers, a vast territory, and countless high-ranking vassals... You should improve your posture as a coroner. , Do you know the thirteen noble families? They have six wealthy families with the royal family, and they are talking and laughing..."

"Why are you so clear?"

"Ashamed, ashamed, I used to teach the three sons of the family the enlightenment of fighting skills in the Jisen family's manor in Dongcheng District..."

Regardless of the pushing of the surrounding crowd, Count Dele Colomo's cavalry team and Count Turami Karabyan's carriage managed to get out of the crowd half an hour after the second ringing of the bell. to Fuxing Palace.

As two of the thirteen high-ranking vassals who are second only to the royal family and the six wealthy families in the country, and are commonly known as the Thirteen Noble Families, the two Earls Dele Colomo and Old Calabyan, relying only on the single-winged crow and the twin-tower long sword The coat of arms and flags of the palace passed through the crowd effortlessly, and amidst the whispers of the crowd pointing and pointing, and the respectful eyes of the guards and palace gate officials, they drove all the way past the first palace wall and palace gate.

"There were not so many people before the National Conference," Director Robick in the carriage sighed softly: "The National Conference in the Desert War, only the leaders of all walks of life, wealthy businessmen, and those stinky There are only two famous scholars from the six big families present, and only five families from the thirteen famous families."

"But it is enough to win the war support that His Majesty wants, and the nineteen nobles have to abide by the resolution of the state council," Karabyan looked solemnly out of the car window, and the crowd gathered more and more: "The few who refused to implement the resolution The nobles of the family were once besieged by angry people, and even suffered in all walks of life-although they are only vassals of the big family, this is not a good sign."

"Two gentlemen, it's time for us to hurry up. Although the nineteen nobles all have specific meeting places, we won't be driven to the Xingju Square under the palace stage to 'listen' to the meeting," said the young Earl of Wing Castle, Dele Colomo rode close to the car window, his face was not very good: "But in a while, we may have to compete with those nouveau riche nobles and commoners."


And in the northwest of the Fuxing Palace, the Xingju Square diagonally below the Hall of Stars is full of people's voices!

Xianjun's pioneering work, the so-called national conference for the whole people, the only national conference where common people and minor nobles can listen to the game of the supreme power of the stars, will be held in the afternoon! Every topic, every discussion, and every decision in the meeting will be conveyed to the entire Xingju Square by a dedicated person, and all the residents of the king's capital will be known!

Genard frowned and looked at the boiling crowd in the entire square - he and his city defense team had just been seconded from the East City District in the morning, and together with the staff from the Security Office, they were maintaining the order in Xingju Square.

My god, how is this possible? The Xingju Square, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, relies on their more than a thousand people—even the Starlight Legion of Duke John back then could not maintain such an order.

People's eyes are all focused on the meeting place above their heads, the open-air hall facing the Star Gathering Square—the Hall of Stars!

Crowds and streams of people pushed each other, indifferently, under the loud yelling of thousands of guards in the square, and under the giant crossbow on standby for firing on the wall of the Fuxing Palace, they passed back and forth about the king's sudden convening of state affairs. Meeting news.

"I guess it was the big explosion on Red Square Street a month ago! Hey, is it because the Blood Bottle Gang was beaten so badly by the Brotherhood of the Black Street that they got red-eyed and went crazy?"

"Small gang fights can also alarm the group of big shots above?"

"Where did you get the gossip from? There are still some serious ones. What kind of blood bottle gang, what kind of black street fraternity, how could there be gangsters in the capital? We are a civilized society! How happy life is now! Why do you want to spread the word? These remarks that damage the general environment? Huh? I think you must be a spy of a foreign power, right? "

"Listen to me, you are right, it must be that the skeletons are rebelling again! Behind it must be the merchants of the Comus Alliance that are more greedy than vampires! They seized my family's caravan last month! They have to collect tithes! Do you believe it? Five out of ten!"

"Damn bastards! Why is Legendary Wing so lenient? You should learn from His Majesty, arrest them all like orcs, and bury them alive in the Altar of the Desert God!"

"Don't insult Lord Legend Wing! He is so handsome—but he can unify the existence of the Western Continent with his face!"

"My aunt works as a maid in a Viscount's house in the Morningstar District. She told me that something happened to Exeter in the north. By the way, why hasn't their mission come yet?"

"How is it possible? The "Fortress Peace Treaty" has been signed for twenty years! Besides, we have the Flower of the Fortress, guarding the Broken Dragon Fortress, and Arend in the north, as well as Zemuto and Foo. A family as strong as Reese's - how can it not be like twelve years ago..."

"Don't forget that the wrath of the kingdom is still in the capital! He alone, with that bow, can wipe out 200,000 Exeters!"

"The army in Exeter's entire country doesn't add up to 200,000, does it?"

"In short, that's what it means!"

"I think it's probably the Principality of Sera in the southwest. I have relatives who have come from afar to say that evil witches are spreading the plague there recently, and the neighboring Principalities of Anrenzo and Norton have closed their borders—wait, the plague Didn't it spread to the stars? Didn't the nobles from the southwest come? What about the Tebak family? What about Karabyan and Lasia? Could it be that they were all killed by the plague?"

"So the price of herbal medicine will go up? I have to hurry up to buy!"

"You are all talking nonsense - my secret source told me that His Majesty will choose one of the six great families to be the next king!"

"What? What about the Canxing royal family? Our family has the royal family's furniture franchise!"

"What else can you do! Can you force His Majesty to have another son?"

"I think the Duke of Kevin Deere is not bad! He came to inspect the Grand Bazaar last year and even shook my hand! With such a Duke, why should our country not be good!"

"But I think the lady from the Turbac family is not bad either! Just learn from the kingdom of Allenbia, think about it, a beautiful young queen—oh my god, my heart is going to melt..."

"Stop joking, that's a country like Allenbia! Our great star is the heir to the empire! How can a woman be king? I'm not discriminatory against women, but we have to admit objective differences!"

"Sao Nian, stop guessing!"

"I care about politics!"

"I think you are a keyboard—ahem, that's not right, you are a warrior with a mouth!"

"You have to trust the country, your Majesty, and the Imperial Council! How can they not know what you know?"


Thales stood up slowly, and looked in the mirror, that young nobleman with luxurious clothes and a stern face.

His hair is no longer a mess, but has been neatly trimmed and combed into a simple but pleasing style, looking energetic and handsome.

Ginny even ignored his expression, and pinned a slightly reflective spar earring on his left ear.

The thickened black and blue sparkling long-sleeved jacket with white lining, pleated sleeves buttoned with pitch buttons, and specially processed fringed shoulders made his originally thin figure look tall and straight.

He raised his hands. The pure white leather gloves were tight and shiny, and his movements seemed more convincing.

Black aristocratic slim-fit trousers, with a starburst-shaped belt buckle, and expensive leather boots that raised him two inches, making his steps look quite aristocratic and elegant.

The nine-pointed star emblem representing the Canxing family was embroidered on Thales' back, and a gold and silver nine-pointed star brooch was pinned to his chest, shining brightly under the light.

The maids sprinkled a little men's perfume on him, almost imperceptible, but made his breath closer to the upper class.

Alas, Thales gave a wry smile and sighed: Fashionable decorations, elegant manners, established etiquette, and limited knowledge, these are the best tools to isolate and classify the identities of different classes - this is the aristocracy Circled.

This is damned, all evil cultural capital.

Even Jine and Gilbert, who were watching from the side, couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"It's almost there." Ji Ni sighed, her tone was bitter: "Kassel—His Majesty, he hopes you can go in sooner."

Thales knew that there was something wrong with their emotions, but now that he had reached this point... He cleared all the thoughts in his mind, and left slowly with Gilbert and Jine.

"I need to confirm some things with you one last time."

Thales raised his head and looked at Gilbert.

"Your name—I mean, His Majesty originally planned to change your name to something more in line with the 'Bright Star Tradition', such as John and Midil, or Kessel and Tormund—after all, the name Thales , is used by the common people, it first appeared on the family tree of the royal family...it will also allow interested people to find out about your past..."

Thales turned his head back, walked forward step by step, and said without changing his face: "Tyles."


"It's called Thales."

I will not change my name.

those in the past.

I will never forget at all, and I will not give up at all.

Thales looked at the endless corridor and clenched his fists, ignoring Gilbert's hesitant eyes.

"Alas—I will follow your will." Under Jine's murderous gaze, Gilbert sighed.

This is a very long corridor.

Thales kept his composure, walked forward dozens of steps, and then stopped.

In front of him was a black door.

"Ahead is the Hall of Stars, and you will go to a dark compartment on the innermost floor. Don't be nervous, I will open the compartment door when the time is up, and you will do as I told you earlier." Gilbert said with his head down, but He then looked to the side of the door.

The middle-aged noble showed doubts.

"Ada? You should be guarding His Majesty at this time!"

Thales looked forward and saw a petite figure leaning against the side of the gate.

is her.

Thales recognized that it was the cloaked woman who led the royal guards and rescued him from Jann last night. She was still covered with a cloak, and she couldn't recognize her face under the gloomy light.

The woman in the cloak with her arms folded left the wall she was leaning against.

"Hey, kid, that guy in the mask, ask me to give you a present."

A young, pleasant and lively voice came, and the woman in the cloak handed out something from her hand.

Thales was stunned.

He took the thing, not even paying attention to the overly fair, smooth and tight skin on the other's hands.

This is a black dagger sheath attached to a buckled leather belt.

A line of words is engraved on one side of it: The king does not respect blood.

Thales resisted the thought of touching his chest subconsciously. With complicated emotions, he pulled out the JC from his belt and inserted it into the sheath—the size was just right.

"Thank you - Yordle, is he okay?" Thales breathed calmly, and buckled the sheathed dagger to his waist.

"Don't worry, that kind of guy - he won't die for the time being." The cloaked woman chuckled lightly, "I know him well."

Thales nodded, passed her, and stood in front of the gate.

The traverser looked at the black stone gate in front of him and gritted his back teeth.

Just one more step.

Behind him, Gilbert's brows became tighter and tighter, Jiny bit her lower lip tightly, and the cloaked woman twisted her neck indifferently.

Thales didn't turn around, but looked at the lime-gray ground in front of him, and said faintly:

"Gilbert, if I take this step, will I not be able to turn back?"

Gilbert was taken aback.

But Thales didn't intend to ask him to answer.

The traverser raised his head and squeezed out a smile with difficulty:

"No, maybe, when I opened my eyes for the first time in this world, there was no such thing as turning back."

"We can only keep going forward."

Hearing this, Jine's gaze was dim and hesitant. She stretched out her hand, but was held back by Gilbert who was shaking his head.

"Don't worry, be happy, this is a good thing, Mr. Gilbert, Ms. Ginny, and—this cloak lady, a good person told me, "

Under the constant lights on both sides and the sunlight outside the windows on both sides of the corridor, Thales turned his head.

He stretched out his thumb and grinned brilliantly:

"Just treat it as another game."

Before the three could react, Thales pushed the door open and stepped in.

A gust of cold wind poured in from the stone gate, and there was not enough light in front of it, it seemed to be endless darkness.

Thales' figure disappeared into the darkness.

Gilbert sighed and lowered his head, while Ginny turned her head and remained silent.

Only the woman in the cloak snapped her fingers happily: "Aha, I like this kid."

"Yeah, this kid," Ji Ni raised her head, chuckled bitterly and helplessly, but her face was full of sadness and pity: "It's just a child."

"How can I carry such a heavy burden and... the future."

There was a silence.

Until a hoarse voice suddenly appeared: "He can."

The woman in the cloak twitched her chin: "The recovery is so fast."

Both Gilbert and Jinie looked behind in surprise—there, the figure of the masked guard appeared in the void.

But what's strange is that Yordle's figure is erratic and indistinct, as if covered by a veil made of air.

"He can take on that kind of responsibility." Yodel, who was indistinct, said firmly:

"I understand him."

"He has qualities that everyone in this world, all gods, all demons, and even all magicians don't have."

There was another burst of silence.

Gilbert shook his head, snorted softly, and lightly raised his hat in salute: "Excuse me, the State Council meeting is still two hours away—it's time to see His Majesty, Ms. Jinny."

Ginny nodded and left with Gilbert.

With the sound of footsteps, the figures of the two disappeared in the distance of the corridor.

Only the masked guard and the cloaked woman remained.

"Three poisonous crossbow arrows pierced through the chest, and you can't stand up in just one night." The cloaked woman looked at the blurred Yordle, and sighed deeply: "You traded with that mask again ?"

"I have warned you many times! The collapse of the ancient elf kingdom has nothing to do with that mask! And you..."

"What did you pay this time?"

Jodl didn't speak, he just kept silent, touching the purple mask on his face.

"No matter what I give," Yodel's figure gradually disappeared, leaving only a hoarse voice: "It's not as good as what that child will give, one ten-thousandth."