
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 42 Chess Game of Heroes (Part 2)

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Cohen strode towards the black prophet—the young man behind him.


The nobles around the Thirteenth Stone Seat all looked around.

Cohen held back his emotions and stopped the young man: "Raphael Lindbergh!"

The young man in the white robe also saw Cohen striding towards him. He showed a frivolous smile, whispered in Morat's ear for a while, and then faced Cohen.

"You have been missing for three full years!" Cohen's anger even noticed the king and the two dukes on the high seat.

"Cohen!" The young man's voice was light and bright—just like his appearance, he made people feel good. He opened his arms to Cohen: "You are still so energetic!"

Cohen unceremoniously knocked off the opponent's arm: "Why didn't you say goodbye?"

He looked at the royalists in the distance, and Lord Morat Hansen who was standing alone with no one approaching, and said in disbelief: "You are now...following the 'Black Prophet'? You know that he has How much blood and crime..."

"That's a misunderstanding of the world," Raphael said with a smile, "Lord Hansen has contributed so much to the stars and sacrificed so much, far surpassing any other adults present."

Cohen was startled, and couldn't find any words to refute for a while, so he could only say, "I'll talk about this later, what have you been doing for the past three years..."

"Beside Lord Hansen, listen to and follow his teachings." Raphael still had that calm expression.

"Teaching?" Cohen froze for a moment, his expression changed from surprise to annoyance: "That's the reason? You left Miranda for three years for no reason! The reason is to go to listen to the teachings of that poisonous snake?"

"Miss Miranda?" Raphael folded his arms gently, and suddenly became indifferent:

"She never belonged to me, so why leave her behind?"

Cohen looked at his old friend in disbelief, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

"Are you crazy? Miranda is still waiting for you to find..."

"For her own good, please let her stop those unrealistic thoughts."

Cohen's eyes widened, and then he sighed: "If you think you are not worthy of her, then I can tell you right now, she doesn't care at all..."

"That was in the past, and people change." Raphael interrupted him coldly, "I liked her very much in the past, but now I don't, that's all."

The young man in white noticed the gaze from the six stone seats, and he said softly, "This occasion is not suitable for reminiscing about the old days. Please forgive me."

But when he turned around, Cohen grabbed his shoulders tightly!

"You haven't finished your sentence yet," Cohen suppressed his anger, "Damn——what's wrong with you! It's impossible for a person to become so fast!"

With a cold expression, Raphael grabbed Cohen's hand: "That's why you haven't seen my true colors. The heir to the twin towers and long swords, Police Officer Karabyan."

Cohen firmly pressed Raphael's shoulder, with anger and suspicion in his eyes.

He knew that the young man in front of him was an unforgettable swordsmanship genius in the Tower of Ending. During the same period of the Tower of Ending, he was even the first awakener of the power of ending. And in the final assessment before leaving the tower, he was the second place, second only to Miranda, and one place higher than Cohen himself!

The swordsman of the end with a bright future!

but why--

Cohen gritted his teeth firmly and said, "The Raphael I knew couldn't have made such a choice! You... came out of the tower that day, and then there was no news... What happened?"

What happened?

Raphael sneered: "I have seen the real side of this world clearly."

In the next second, a chilly and violent finishing force swept over Cohen's grasped hand!

Instantly aroused a fierce resistance from a star-blue terminating power in his body!

The surging power of ending forced him to let go.

But Cohen didn't care about this.

What he cares about is something else.

Cohen looked at his old friend in shock, and asked in disbelief: "Raphael, yours, your final power... I remember it was clearly 'Washing the Sword', but why...why did it become like this? "

Raphael raised his brows, and he showed an incomprehensible smile, and said briskly: "Compared to the original me - I have sublimated."

Cohen could only stare blankly at his old friend from the Tower of Terminator who turned around without hesitation or nostalgia.

With his back turned to him, Raphael turned his head with a cold look: "I'll give you a piece of advice, Cohen Karabyan."

"Be careful today."

Raphael walked back to Morat Hansen indifferently.

The security officer frowned, clenched his fists, his eyes were full of complexity and astonishment.

That feeling... Could it be...

Before Cohen's eyes, the lights and swords of that night on Red Square Street appeared.

The swordsman in the red and black attire, and his murderous, indomitable swordsmanship.

More importantly, it is his violent and uncontrollable finishing power.

Cohen took a deep breath.

No way?

A few seconds later, he let out a breath and slowly returned to his father's side.

"Do not ask."

Facing the questions from his father and the director, Cohen, who was full of doubts and anger, rarely ended with two words.

When among the thirteen noble families, the Havia family with the sun-shooting bow as their emblem, the Almond family with the dark blue waves as their coat of arms, and the Lasia family with the four-winged monitor lizard arrived, there was another burst of excitement in the crowd. commotion.

But it was nothing compared to the sensation when the Calvin Dill family came - this time, it was more enthusiasm.

Thales in the dark room had sharp eyes, and saw the person who caused the sensation in the crowd.

The well-behaved, kind Lord of the Emerald City, the Guardian Duke of the South Bank, Jann Cavendir, accompanied by a dignified old man, nodded and smiled at the people around him as he walked slowly.

When he approached the Thirteenth Stone Seat, many nobles stood up and bowed to pay respects, and Zhan En returned the salutes patiently one by one.

Zhan En walked to the most central stone seat, knelt down on one knee towards the expressionless King Kessel V, and kissed the ring on his hand.

"Kevendil," Kessel frowned slightly, "I heard that you had a little misunderstanding with the royal guard yesterday?"

"It's a trivial matter," Zhan En said with a smile that made people feel good: "Don't bother Your Majesty."

Kessel nodded, and glanced at Zhan En's smile with deep eyes: "I hope it will be the same today."

Zhan En hesitated slightly.

Sure enough, there must be something wrong.

Obviously, it should be a drama for the nobles to force an heir, but His Majesty seems to have been prepared for a long time?

The guards passed the message to the square outside the hall one by one, and then there was another loud cheer from the bottom to the top:


"Kevin - Kevin Dill -"

"Iris - tricolor iris -"

Thales' heart sank: That Duke Iris is so popular?

Hearing the cheers from under the Fuxing Palace, the young Duke got up calmly and calmly, and the butler behind him took his cloak calmly.

Zhan En sat on one of the six stone seats and smiled at the other two dukes with different expressions.

The smiling Duke Bob Cullen raised his hand and introduced to the cold "Iron Eagle": "Val, this is the young Jann..."

But the Duke of the North, who was looking at Zhann coldly, interrupted the Fat Duke indifferently:

"Iris... are you the youngest Duke of Stars?"

Duke Cullen, who was interrupted, smiled nonchalantly and touched his stomach.

Zhan En was startled, but felt that the other party's gaze was like a sword, so sharp that he couldn't look directly at it.

This is "Iron Eagle" Val? As expected...

It's just that I don't know, when Exeter's soldiers pointed directly at the northern border...

"It's our first meeting, the owner of the White Eagle, the Duke of Arend." Jann smiled lightly, and gave a soft salute, "The youngest duke, please forgive me. As far as I know, the owner of the Tebak family, He is much younger than me."

But Val's face remained unchanged, and he said without any refutation: "It's okay, since you have taken that position, it means you have the right to participate in this game."

At this time, a discordant sharp voice pierced through the crowd, interrupting almost half of the hall's voices.

"What a pity..."

Thales heard a sharp and abrupt voice coming from another side door, penetrating the crowd:

"Every time I step into this city, this so-called king's capital..."

The crowd dispersed, and the nobles' gazes were quite complex, with both disgust and excitement.

"You can smell the unique atmosphere of city people..."

"The stench of being pampered...is simply disgusting..."

On the carpet, the owner with a sharp voice, accompanied by his entourage, limped towards the nobles.

"...It looks like an old man who is obviously dying of old and still eating vegetarian food in his corpse, and a young boy with a stinky face - he can still sit on the throne of the six Dukes."

As soon as these words came out, many nobles immediately went into an uproar.

On the six stone pedestals, Jann's face froze slightly, while the chubby Duke Cullen laughed. Val Arend narrowed his eyes and squeezed his fist.

Thales was surprised to find that a middle-aged man with thinning hair was coming, with a haggard and bloodless face, and even his lips were sunken, which made people feel like the upper row of teeth was missing , only a pair of smart and sharp eyeballs prove that this is a living person.

One of his feet was obviously disabled, and he was supported by a crutch. He stepped onto the star-blue carpet and walked towards the six stone seats.

Val Arend clenched his fist and said with a bad expression, "I haven't seen you for many years, damn old bone."

"Cyril!" King Kessel V on the throne actually showed a playful smile: "It's good that you are here! Otherwise, the title of 'most unpopular' in this meeting will be taken by our Asian Duke Lunde has been taken."

The Duke of the North snorted coldly.


This haggard middle-aged man, the lord of the ruins, the guardian duke of the Western Wilderness, Cyril Falkenhauser, limped to the king with a long and sharp smile, with a cane in one hand, half Kneeled and kissed his ring. With a cold and shrill voice:

"Falkenhauser is never absent, Your Majesty."

The three dukes present had different expressions, but none of them made a sound.

Thales frowned: The moment Cyril bent down and lowered his head, a terrifying skull pattern appeared on the scarlet cloak behind him, and there were actually four eye holes on the skull.

Falkenhaus, this wealthy family with the four-eyed skull as its emblem has always been mysterious, and it is on the front line of the battle against the Bone Tribe and the orcs in the Western Wilderness.

"It's three o'clock, four of the six dukes have arrived, and eleven of the thirteen nobles have also arrived. Your Majesty, it's okay." Gilbert looked around the entire hall and nodded towards Kessel.

Kessel nodded slightly, but did not speak.

And the scepter in his hand was turned over in the air by him, and it hit the ground hard!


For some reason, in Thales' eyes, the sound of the shock actually spread throughout the hall, as if a heavy hammer sounded in the heart of a person!

The voice in the hall gradually decreased.

"Everyone, it's time—"

Under the ingenious design of the Hall of Stars, Kessel's thick and majestic voice spread clearly and unmistakably.

"The Kingdom of Stars, which ended in 672 years, is a meeting."

"It starts here."

The Hall of Stars, which was full of people, suddenly fell silent. Everyone's eyes were turned to the center, where the king, the four dukes, and the eleven earls were in a strange silence.

Until the guard spread the king's words outside the hall.

So, under the Fuxing Palace, the cheers and commotion in Xingju Square exploded again.

But it is completely different from the imagination of the residents of the capital.

The country is the conference, which started with a nobleman, who questioned the country as the conference itself, and the mutual attacks of thirteen prominent families.

"Sorrell, what do you mean?" Burn Talen, a middle-aged nobleman with a pentagram, asked angrily:

"Are you questioning His Majesty's power to convene a state council?"

"I'm not questioning His Majesty's power - he is the king, of course he can do whatever he wants!"

The country is a questioner of the legitimacy of the meeting, and Smith Sorrell, whose emblem is the golden sun, replied unceremoniously: "What I question is whether he maintains the most basic respect for our nineteen noble families!"

His Majesty Kessel rubbed his cane, and remained silent, as if he didn't hear this sentence.

Sorel snorted coldly and continued: "What we have received is the General Order of the Stars! It is the wise nobles who gathered together in the High Council to grasp the future of the stars! It's not this mess, anyone can The next thing to break the country is the meeting!"

There were voices of protest from the civilian observers on the periphery, but they were immediately suppressed by the voices of the nobles in the center of the hall and the angry eyes of the guards.

"It's not unreasonable," Lewis Bozdorf of the Black Lion stroked his stubbled chin and said thoughtfully: "In this case, no matter what is discussed, there will be no good results, let alone For that matter—the High Council is more appropriate."

"We should transfer to the small meeting room immediately."

"Bozdov, do you mean that we break up and have a small meeting of nineteen people?" Earl Zemuto, the Northern Earl with a white bear as his emblem, and the lord of the Watch City, said coldly: "It's all come to this point , still struggling with this matter—didn't your mother give you a brain?"

In the hall, the crowd exploded for this unabashed insult and attack!

Even Duke Cullen and Jayne on the six stone seats frowned, and only the Duke of the North sneered.

"My mother has a very good memory, so she probably hasn't forgotten this," Bozdov replied with a chuckle without being provoked, "But you, Count Zemuto—"

But his words were interrupted by another northern nobleman.

"Shut up, Black Lion, we don't really care about your mother, or whether you have a brain."

The lord of the Lonely Old Tower, Forrest, with the iron-colored long wall as the mark, knocked on the stone seat again and again, with a pale face, he said indifferently: "We went south to the capital to deal with that big event! What we care about is the stars. And you son-of-a-bitch southerners are still concerned about the invitation you received, whether you wrote the title correctly?"

"Safety of the stars?" Hodge Dastan, the nobleman with crossed swords, broke in and shook his head: "Don't be arrogant, all you care about is your own safety—but I don't want to blame you for this, because I No nobler than you."

He leaned forward and glanced sharply at every nobleman: "But this is not a question of invitations, but a question of whether His Majesty will use the state conference to kidnap public opinion and intimidate his lords—this concerns all of us." The safety of people, not just the northern nobles!"

The audience went into an uproar again!

Some people even shouted "Get out! Selfish nobleman!".

But Dastan was still in the chaos, and he shouted with a ferocious face: "Don't forget the desert war! Don't forget how you were forced to recruit the people of the territory, just to vent your anger for the royal family!"

King Kessel V frowned until now.

But I have to admit that his words are very convincing - Thales also began to think about the purpose of this international meeting.

"Procedural matters can be discussed later, but that matter is imminent!" Earl Talen raised his hands and frowned: "We must make a decision on how to deal with that matter today!"

"Decision? How to make a decision?" Earl Sorel punched the stone seat with his eyes wide open: "Everyone is watching! In broad daylight! In front of so many civilians and even the eyes and ears of the enemy, we don't even know what that matter is." Can't mention it! How do we discuss it?"

"Simple." "Black Lion" Bozdov smiled and said, "Everyone knows what's going on, and they all talk about what price they are willing to pay to solve that matter?"

At this moment, a sharp and acerbic laughter came from among the six dukes: "Hahaha, that matter? ——I said, you guys have been talking about it for so long, why are you still covering it up?"

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of Exeter?"

"Afraid of the king? Afraid of us dukes?"

"Are you still afraid of the civilians in this hall and the square below?"

The faces of everyone in the field changed, and they looked at the haggard Cyril Falkenhauser.

The guardian duke of the Western Wilderness, whose family crest is a four-eyed skull, smiled menacingly:

"Let's make it clear!"

"Exeter's envoys, and their prince, were killed in the stars!"

Everyone was shocked!

Although the nineteen nobles knew about this through the general edict, it is still an undisclosed secret!

How dare he, how dare he?

Duke Cullen frowned, Duke Arend slapped his thigh and shook his head with a "ha", while Jann pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

"Lord Falkenhaus!" Earl Dele Colomo tried to stop him with an ugly face: "We don't have to hold a national meeting on this matter—"

"Shut up, kid! Your lord is talking!" Falkenhauser interrupted him roughly, choking the Earl of Wingburg who knew him a little bit.

The old Count Calabyan, who had always been close to the Colomo family, couldn't help frowning.

I saw Cyril Falkenhauser, with a sullen face and gritted his teeth, this is a taboo secret, and continued to say:

"You all know it well, but only the civilians don't know it! Those barbarians won't miss this opportunity!"

"The broken peace treaty—they have been eagerly waiting for twelve years."

"Everyone in the stars, whether they are kings, nobles, or commoners, listen up!"

"The stars, and Exeter."

"Between the shield and the blade of Westland."

"The war is coming."