
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 39 Born for the Stars

This stone room is so big that it is so spacious that there are more than 20 huge stone pillars in the room.

But there are no windows, only a few big black holes on the ceiling, which serve as ventilation holes.

It was terribly cold.

Thales stared blankly in front of him.

A sturdy figure, wearing a star-blue cloak, stood in front of a stone pillar with his back turned to him.

On the side of the stone pillar facing the strong figure, a grotto was dug out.

Inside were two large stone pots and six small stone jars.

"Your grandfather is buried here, Eddie Canxing." A heavy and majestic voice came from that figure.

"To be honest, I don't like being in the same room with him. The way he looks at me is always full of disappointment and accusation. After my mother passed away, I can hide from him even more."

Thales is neither too unfamiliar nor familiar with this voice.

"Come here."

Thales took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

He walked towards his nominal father, the Supreme King of the Stars, His Majesty Kessel Canxing.

King of the Iron Fist, King Kessel V wore a nine-star crown, held an indelible lamp in his right hand, and tightly held a crystal-encrusted scepter with a shiny tip in his left hand.

He turned his head and glanced at Thales.

This sharp look made Thales a little out of breath.

"Since the second king, John I, the supreme king and queen of every star will be buried in this stone room after death and cremation." Kessel's voice was extremely low.

As if afraid of waking up something.

Kessel stretched out his hand and put it on the big stone pot on the left, with a name engraved on it:

[King of Changzhi, King, Eddie L.K. Canxing, 595-660]

Kessel looked at the second large stone pot on the right, which had another name on it.

"This is my mother—she died when I was fifteen."

[Queen, Natalie J.F. Canxing, 604-642]

He, His Majesty the Supreme King touched those small stone urns again, with complicated and incomprehensible expressions.

"And the children of the kings who failed to inherit the throne and never changed their surnames are in these small stone urns."

Thales was taken aback. He turned his head slightly, and it was not unexpected to see that there was a grotto on each side of each stone pillar, with two large stone jars inside each, and a few small stone jars occasionally appearing beside them.

This is the royal family's—the cemetery?

Kessel lowered his head and looked at a small stone urn, and Thales followed suit.

[Star God of War, Sodala Liberator, Duke of Star Lake, John L.K. Canxing, 613-660]

"This is Uncle John, the only one in the family who has traveled around the world."

"He is my father's younger brother, almost raised by my mother—so I insisted on putting him in my father's grotto."

Kessel touched the stone urn with a smile on his face - Thales was surprised to see it?

"He is well-informed, skilled, humorous, and he can tell jokes that no one can match."

"When I was young, as soon as he came back, my twin brothers and I loved to pester him the most, listening to him tell his love story with Princess Suye—until my mother exposed him with a cold face. At that time, I thought he was the most powerful in the world." people."

"John's marriage almost pissed off his father—God, he actually married an extreme female knight! During the wedding ceremony, I think John should have both feet off the ground for the embracing and kissing."

"After John was knighted, he would often come back to see us in the capital, and would bring small gifts to little Constance from time to time. But since his wife passed away, I have rarely seen John smile."

Thales felt the atmosphere in the stone room, but he didn't dare to breathe out the atmosphere.

Kessel was immersed in the past, and turned his head after a minute.

"This is Brother Midil." Kessel looked at the other stone urn, his brows slightly frowned: "The person who should have inherited the throne."

Thales heard the familiar name, and quickly looked at the stone urn:

[Eldest son of the king, crown prince, Midil T.E. Canxing, 622-660]

"He has the best relationship with his father. He is the only one who can match his father when playing chess. He usually doesn't talk much, and he always looks at our brothers with a smile. He is very smart and very popular. Everyone says he He is the best Crown Prince and my best brother."

"But when I was sixteen, one day when I came back from the maid's room in the middle of the night, I accidentally saw him sitting decadently in the courtyard, drinking alone with a sad face. At that time, I just thought it was strange that he also had moments of depression?"

"Now I finally understand him."

Thales looked at the stone urn, thinking about the rumors about Midil Canxing.

This is, the savior of Ginny, the admirer of Gilbert, the person Jodl wants me to be "better than him"?

The next stone urn.

[Sword of Tracing Light, Second Prince, Horace M. E. Canxing, 623-660]

"This is Horace. The Tower of Terminator still holds the record for the highest sword speed in his student days. As far as I heard last time, no one has been able to break it."

Kessel flicked the stone urn, and snorted: "He is the only extreme master in the family, and even has a majestic nickname. My father often sighs, since the 'Oath Keeper' Midil IV and ' After Wolf Enemy 'Prince Keira, the Canxing royal family finally has a third extreme."

"He has a bad relationship with Brother Midier. When playing chess with Midir, he always likes to use the power of finishing to bounce the opponent's pieces in secret - but even so, he can't play against Brother Midir who is smiling. He often told us that he would have been the crown prince if he hadn't been born a year after Midil."

"One month before his death, he received an invitation from the inheritor of the Tower of the End. If he passes, he can become one of the eight extreme inheritors of the Tower of the End."

"This is Bancroft and Heyman, my twin brothers." Kessel looked at the two stone urns placed side by side with complicated eyes: "It is said that the careless maid mixed up the order of birth, and my father couldn't see it." There was a quarrel between the two doctors about which baby's head was bigger, so the mother simply threw a gold coin and used the head of Tormund I to decide that Bancroft was the third prince and Hayman was the fourth."

"That gold coin is now placed in mother's stone pot together with Midil's first perfect political homework, Horace's first swordsman trophy, and the baby wrap that Constance and I were born with. inside."

Thales took a step closer and saw two small stone urns clearly.

[The third prince, Bancroft N. E. Canxing, 624-660]

[The Fourth Prince, Hyman N.E. Canxing, 624-660]

"At the dinner table when we were young, the endless and endless quarrels between them were the nightmare of our whole family-Middler joked that Horace was probably scared by the two of them to learn the Tower of Terminator. Artistic."

"Bancroft likes painting and sculpture. He donated half of the funds of the National Academy of Arts and Culture. But his love of vanity is not bad, probably second only to his love of money. When we were young, we It is often said that he should go to the Schukadel family to marry, and the dowry alone is enough for him to live for a lifetime-as a result, when he went to the Southern Islands, he used a sketch to propose marriage, and he really married a Miss Schukadel."

"Heyman is the most handsome among the five brothers. He is also good at piano music and poetry. Both commoners and noble girls like him more. Every time he goes to the street, he will attract screams and flowers. Because of this, father He was designated as the first leader of the Sacred Tree Kingdom on the mission of the stars—it's a pity that he failed to marry an elf—otherwise, my father might pass on the throne to him, so as to strengthen our elf bloodline since Midil IV Woolen cloth."

Kessel held his scepter and looked at the fire in the eternal lamp.

"Our five brothers used to be so close—I still remember when I was a child in the palace, fighting with the three visiting princes of the Suye Dynasty. Horace was in charge of attacking, Midil was in charge of defense, mainly to protect me, and the twins were on the flanks. ."

"But when I grow up, everything changes."

"Midil still has a smile on his face. I have the best relationship with him, but I always feel that he is getting more and more unhappy. After Horace came back from the Tower of Terminator, he was murderous and always wanted to behave in front of his father. I still I remember he took me to Red Square Street and scolded me for five minutes in the imperial meeting. Bank didn't care much about the brothers' affairs, but he would walk around every time he saw the four of us. Hyman posted on He La Si, like a little follower, but that smile really makes me sick."

But Kessel's smile froze.

"But those are not important anymore."

"Now, they are reunited here."

Kessel walked towards the last small urn.

Thales bowed his head and lightly clenched his fists.

[Wang's eldest daughter, Constance N.E. Canxing, 642-660]

"This is Constance, our little sister." Kessel lowered her head, her voice was heavy, as if she didn't want to say more: "She is the only consensus among our five brothers - we are willing to sacrifice everything to protect her happiness and Smile."

Thales sighed. He gently closed his eyes, imagining the aunt of the eldest princess who withered at the age of 18.

"The Canxing family was born with the destiny of stars." Kessel said indifferently.

Thales opened his eyes, listening to Kessel's heavy breathing, thinking about the purpose of the king's actions today.

The two of them didn't speak for a while in the empty stone room.


The king suddenly placed the scepter heavily on the ground!

Thales was taken aback.

"I don't know how much you know about us, and I don't know what kind of imagination you have about the name of Canxing." King Kessel V's voice was low and severe, but without any father's feelings.

"But that's definitely not an easy title."

"It represents glory, it represents history, it represents power, and more importantly, it represents sacrifice."

Thales was speechless, he didn't know what to reply.

It seems that nothing is right.

"Are you ready?" Kessel finally turned his head, his sky blue pupils were sharp and oppressive, staring straight at him.

"Beginning with the name of Canxing, fighting for the stars, dying for the stars, and..."

Kessel looked at the six small stone urns, his eyes darkened:

"Born for the stars."

Thales' breathing was stagnant, and then he became short-tempered.

Fight for the stars.

Die for the stars.

Born for the stars?

This sequence...

Thales thought anxiously in his heart: So, is it far more difficult to become a bright star and live than to fight and die?

His Majesty the King stared fixedly at him.

"I'm waiting for your answer." The king said slowly, word by word.

There is no doubt about it, and it cannot be defied.

Thales swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He couldn't stand the current atmosphere. The traverser smiled reluctantly and said:

"Crying to die for a certain country or something, it really sounds like a war."

But Kessel still looked at him with burning eyes.

All right.

Thales took three deep breaths, opened his eyes, and said in a low voice:


Kessel frowned slightly.

"Before I left Hongfang Street, everything I did was to struggle, to survive in this damned world." The traverser said disappointedly.

"I never thought about everything in front of me, the royal family, conspiracy, heirs, everything." He said sincerely, "I'm not ready to play these games, where people die at every turn, but they can talk and laugh freely."

"I'm more used to dilapidated houses, hard bed boards, cold and hungry curled up in the corner, working hard for myself and my friends' survival, not in a luxurious room, drinking and eating, while weaving conspiracy , taking life, and . . . making war or responding to war."

"I'm not ready to become Thales Canxing." The traverser let out a breath and lowered his head: "Everything is accidental, and I'm not ready for anything."

In front of his eyes, Ashida's figure seemed to appear again, and she smiled at him, yes, this is just a coincidence.

There was a long silence.

Kessel looked at Thales, but the majestic and inhuman king suddenly showed a complex and profound expression that no traveler had ever seen before.

"Work hard for myself and for the survival of my friends—this is probably Canxing's entire mission."

"No problem."

There seemed to be emotions flowing in the king's eyes, and he said slowly: "I wasn't ready back then."

Thales looked up in surprise, only to see Kessel V sneering and hating, and said word by word in a powerful voice:

"And fate will prepare you for it."

He flicked his cloak and took big steps.

Thales followed Kessel to the side of the stone pillar.

It was also a grotto, but it was empty, without any large stone jars.

There are only two small stone urns.

"This will be my burial place," Kessel bent down expressionlessly, stroked the two stone urns, and said indifferently:

"But there are already two stone urns."

Thales' brain stopped for a few tenths of a second.

He remembered Gilbert's words about the Bloody Year, and looked at the two small stone urns:

[Eldest daughter of Wang, Lydia G.K. Canxing, 656-660]

"I still remember when Lydia was just born, I held her in my arms, and I was more at a loss than her. After growing up, she ran around and never calmed down."

[Eldest son of Wang, Luther K.K. Canxing, 659-660]

Kessel put down the permanent light, and hid his expression in the shadows, only his lips moved, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Luthor is very obedient and quiet, he never cries - it's bad , because we don't know when he's hungry."

"These two children have always worried Ke Ya and Ji Ni - but I have always been happy to be at leisure."

The Supreme King of the Stars took Thales' shoulders.

Thales was taken aback.

"Fortunately," Kessel said coldly, "They don't have to worry about the children anymore."

Thales listened to Kessel finish speaking with horror:

"Because they will always be here."

"No crying, no running around."


The king's hand suddenly tightened his grip on Thales' shoulder.

The unhealed left shoulder was still hurting, but Thales resisted and did not speak.

"Look, this is what fate prepared for me."

Looking at the two small stone urns, Thales gritted his teeth and gently clenched his fist.

This is - my sister and brother?

At this moment, a long and heavy bell sounded suddenly outside the stone chamber where the kings of the stars were buried.

"Go." His Majesty Kessel Canxing let go of Thales.

"Gilbert and Jiny are waiting for you outside the door." The king stood up, regaining his sense of majesty and oppression, and said with a cold face: "They will prepare everything for you."

"Just like fate, it has already prepared everything for you."