
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 38 She is a Nightmare

"It seems that my mother once troubled you a lot."

Thales had a resolute expression, determined to ask about the identity of his mysterious mother.

Li Xiya chuckled disdainfully.

"Trouble?" The coquettish officiant walked up to him with frightening eyes: "More than that."

"She's a nightmare."

Nightmare? Thinking of Kessel V's indifference and ignorance towards him, Thales couldn't help being taken aback.

"It's time for you to leave, the blood of the kingdom." Li Xiya looked down at Thales coldly, "I've already seen you, your mission has been completed."

Thales came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and took a step forward.


Hearing this name, Li Xiya paused suddenly, and the colors in her eyes changed.

Thales took a deep breath and continued: "This is my mother's name. I don't know what this name means to you—but no matter who she is, I need to know!"

Li Xiya lowered her head slightly, her eyes narrowed.

In an instant, Thales was surprised to find that all the permanent lights in the room became brighter and brighter, illuminating the dim stone house extremely brightly.

The originally quiet and gentle flame inside the lamp even started to crackle and explode!

Is this - divine art?

He squeezed his left hand tightly.

Li Xiya looked at Thales' gray eyes, and her brows became tighter and tighter.

Finally, she waved her sleeves in disgust.

"You really are the continuation of that nightmare."

"I'll give you a piece of advice: don't ask about everything about your damn mother—I won't tell you anything."

Thales stared blankly at Li Xiya.

But he still suppressed his unhappiness, and hurriedly said:

"But you already told me! You told a son that his mother was a nightmare!"

Thales raised his head and looked at Li Xiya's indifferent black eyes without showing any weakness.

"I'm curious. Whose nightmare is she? Father's?" Thales gritted his teeth and asked, "Or is it your nightmare?"

Li Xiya's eyes suddenly burst into sharp light.

Not a description, but a real golden light!

It was so bright that Thales couldn't open his eyes!

Thales took a step back in shock, raised his left hand to block his eyes, and touched JC's dagger with his right hand.

Under that burst of golden light, he felt uncomfortable.

Is this from the power of the so-called goddess of the setting sun?

"Speak carefully, mortal." Li Xiya, whose eyes were shining brightly and couldn't even see the pupils and eyes clearly, looked majestic at the moment, but said plainly:

"In this mortal world, no one understands your mother's abomination better than me."

Thales stared blankly at her.

"She is a cold, cruel, sinister and cunning bitch who is crazy about power and strength."

"Every move of hers has an ugly purpose that cannot be revealed."

"Remember my words - completely forget about her, otherwise you will regret it one day."


Thales absentmindedly went up and down several flights of stairs, and followed Ji Ni on the road to the unknown floors of the Fuxing Palace.

He couldn't let go of Li Xiya's words for a long time.

Indifferent, cruel, insidious and cunning?

Crazy and paranoid about power and strength?

Who is his mother?

Ginny looked at Thales and shook her head slightly.

"Don't take it to heart," Ji Ni curled her lips indifferently, "It's normal for Li Xiya not to like you—that woman has always been stubborn and won't let go of anything."

Thales raised his head curiously, only to hear the court lady say plainly: "Before she became the officiant, she had a marriage contract with your father."

Thales was shocked when he heard this.

"Marriage contract?"

"Yes... for many reasons,

They failed to get married. "

Jinie snorted disdainfully:

"Li Xiya—that woman who couldn't live without a man, ran to the Sunset Temple in a fit of anger, and served the goddess for life ever since."

"So she doesn't like me either—the king's lover."

He opened his mouth wide in surprise after hearing a big gossip traveler just now.

"But so what." At that moment, Ji Ni returned to her capable and shrewd look, and the first-class court lady slightly raised the corners of her mouth: "Why do you let other eyes dictate your destiny?"

"Even if it's the gaze of a god."

At this time, Ji Ni stopped in front of another larger stone house and gently pushed the door open.

"Here, it's still the same. Go in alone." Looking at the stone house, Ji Ni's original capable and confident expression disappeared, and she sighed in disappointment.

"Only you can enter here." The female officer said quietly.

"I—we?" Thales was puzzled.

He finally realized that there was something wrong with Jine standing in front of this door.

But Ji Ni pushed him into the stone house again without any explanation.


Eternal Star City, the west gate.

"Wait a minute! Is the convoy of the Karabyan family ahead? Is Count Karabyan there? Uncle? Is that you?"

A group of knights holding the one-winged crow flag rushed from the gate of the city, and caught up with a carriage escorted by more than a dozen knights. The coat of arms of two towers and a long sword was engraved on the door of the carriage. .

The knights of the One-Winged Crow Banner were led by a male nobleman in his thirties. He accelerated his horse and came to the front of the carriage, watching a majestic old nobleman with gray temples step down from it.

"Dole? It's you, the young and promising Earl of Wingburg from the dignified Colomo family, who actually came here on horseback?" the old nobleman said gently.

The young Earl of Wing Fort, Dele Colomo showed a smile: "It takes at least two days and two nights by carriage to get here from Wing Fort, and it's too late. I just came here on horseback."

"On the way here, I met the convoys of the Bozdov family and the Lasia family, and they should be there in a while—in this way, all the members of the thirteen families from the west will be there."

"It's Uncle, long time no see... How are Cousin Cohen, Aunt, Kasha and Qina doing?"

"Cohen couldn't sit still after returning from the battlefield... I arranged for him to work as a police officer in the capital... Sigh." Thinking of the small report made by his old classmate, Count Karabyan deeply felt sigh.

"As for your aunt, she's still the same, worrying about Cohen's marriage every day - but the little devils in the family are so happy, she urges their mother to hold a ball every day in the name of helping brother find a wife." The old nobleman said lightly. .

"What?" The young Colomo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "My aunt has always been like this. When I was an adult, she almost brought over half of you girls from Walla."

Colomo then took a step forward and said in a low voice: "So, that matter is true—King Nunn's only son died in the stars?"

Earl of Walla, Turami Karabyan looked at his wife and nephew, and sighed softly: "It seems to be true, I just met Earl Zemuto under the banner of the Arend family, I heard that Eck Steer's messengers are on their way—and their armies are gathering."

"The most anxious thing now should be the Duke of the North and his family."

Colomo sighed, leaned forward, and said solemnly: "Will there be a fight?"

Count Karabyan glanced at his wife and nephew, and slowly said: "If there is no miracle, you should ask: what will it look like?"

"Let's start hoarding food and get ready to recruit soldiers in the territory."

As he spoke, he stepped down from the carriage, opened his hands, and embraced Lord Robick Dilla, the chief of the West City Police Department, who was coming up ahead.

"Long time no see, old classmate!"

"Haha, you have gained so much weight!"

"This is the Earl of Wing Castle and my nephew, Dele Colomo. He is one of the nineteen vassals who are qualified to accept His Majesty's general edict."

"It turns out to be the legendary Colomo of the 'One-Winged Savior' of the Thirteen Great Families!"

"You must be the 'Horse Chopper' Lord Robic Dilla who became famous twelve years ago in 'The Fortress'?"

"Oh, that damned battle..."

After Karabyan introduced Robic and Kolomo, after the two sides exchanged greetings, a melodious bell sounded suddenly from a distance.


The bell was heavy and long, and it sounded far away.

The Earl of Wing Fort who doesn't come to the capital often, Colomo frowned: "If I remember correctly, this seems to be the Bell of the Stars? What happened?"

Robic, who has been in the royal capital for many years, nodded strangely: "Yes, the bell of the stars is ringing, and there are important events to be announced in the district centers of each district. Generally speaking, it is the wedding of the royal family or important people... But there is nothing recently... ..."

at this time.


The long bell rang for the second time.

Robick's expression changed: "The bell rang a second time!"

He solemnly said: "This means that within a few hours, His Majesty will hold a state meeting in the Hall of Stars in the Fuxing Palace."

"The National Conference? The National Conference that claims to be open to all citizens, regardless of nobles or commoners?" Colomo's face was pale: "But the news of the assassination of the Exeter Mission is still a secret, and it is only circulated among the nobles. Parliament is also meeting tonight, isn't it? Why is there a parliamentary meeting at this time?"

"Yes, the country is a matter of the meeting, and it will be announced to the entire Xingju Square and the entire stars—remember the declaration of war in the desert war?" Director Robick thought hard.

Count Dele Colomo looked at the citizens of Wangdu who were excitedly chatting and rushing to Xingju Square, and his face was ugly: "Your Majesty will not make the news public and declare war on Exeter in advance, right?"

"Who knows?" Count Karabyan's face darkened, "That's the 'Iron Fist King'."

"It's not like he hasn't done such a thing before."