
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 37 The Spokesperson of the Setting Sun

Thales, who was seriously injured, was carried by a member of the guards. He was dizzy from the shaking, but he followed the large army at an unabated speed.

Pain in his left shoulder and arm woke him up.

Where am I?

He shook his head vigorously.

It took a while for the traverser to realize that he was being escorted by the elite royal guard headed by the cloaked woman in a ignorant manner, and was walking steadily at the pace of a march.

Gilbert and Jine walked together with the cloaked woman, seeming to be talking in low voices.

Thales took a deep breath, dragged his tired spirit, and looked up.

They passed through a thick gray-black palace wall that stretched so far that there seemed to be no end in sight. The wall was mottled and sometimes damaged, as if it had gone through a long, long time.

The guards walked in neat steps and came to a giant steel noose gate controlled by complex lock cables. Under the top of the palace wall with more than a dozen defensive crossbows, the guards exchanged passwords with the closely guarded sentry soldiers. , was released.

Thales opened his mouth in a daze, staring at the stars and moon in the sky.

The ground under your feet ranges from muddy wasteland to rough stone ground to exquisite floor tiles of unknown materials. The immortal lights on both sides are getting bigger, more refined, and brighter and more dazzling.

Like a giant slope, a magnificent pyramid-like building stands in front of you, as a member of the royal guard at ten steps, as a team of patrolling soldiers, as servants coming and going When nodding to them, Thales suddenly came to his senses.

They have arrived.

Eternal Star City is the tallest, largest, most magnificent, and most noble building.

Thales relaxed his nerves and lowered his head again.


When he woke up again, it was already the morning of the next day.

Thales found himself wearing a set of rough pajamas, lying on a cushioned stone bed.

He was slightly startled, and moved his bandaged left hand and shoulder. After he felt that there was no serious problem, he nimbly jumped off the stone bed and stepped on the ground that was also made of cold stone.

The icy temperature and rough touch came from the soles of his feet.

Thales frowned.

He took a step forward, touched the same cold stone wall, and looked at this place.

The ceiling is not high, but it is actually made of the same stone material as the wall, floor and bed surface, exuding a faint chill.

He walked to the window sill, opened the wooden window, and the cold wind came in, making him shiver.

Fortunately, the winter sun shines luxuriously into this pure stone room from the high stone window sill.

But unlike the warm Mendis Hall, even daylight and sunlight cannot dispel the cold and damp discomfort in this room.

It's like... like an abandoned house.

Thales's heart moved and he remembered the place where he had stayed for four years.

He glanced out the window.

The traverser suddenly took a breath.

At the moment when he probed, he saw crowds as thin as ants, carriages like fingernails, houses the size of checkerboard grids, and streets with fine lines—there was no doubt that this room was at a very high place, overlooking There are various royal capital scenery below.

Just like in the previous life - he said to himself.

At this moment, the only door in the room made of thick wood was pushed open.

The first-class court lady, Jenny Barkwell, appeared at the door of the room

"Ms. Ginny?" Thales saw an acquaintance, and felt relieved.

"It seems that you are recovering well." Ji Ni's face was a little pale, and her spirits seemed to be not in a good state, but she still held on to her body.

More than just good...

Ji Ni thought, the dagger in the previous day, the next day... this resilience,

Not even the orcs.

She sighed.

"By the way, Jine! Uh, Ms. Jine!" Thales even forgot to use honorifics in his desperation, and hurriedly took a step forward:

"Yesterday... Yodel, and Gilbert..."

Ji Ni stretched out a hand and interrupted Thales, only to hear her silently say:

"Don't worry, Gilbert is by His Majesty's side, they have important matters to deal with."

"And Yordle, he's still alive..."

Still alive? Thales was taken aback, didn't that mean...

Ji Ni also seemed to realize that what she said was a bit too serious, and she immediately corrected it: "He was hit by several crossbow arrows and is currently recovering from his injuries—thanks to him notifying His Majesty's other secret guard in time yesterday, the royal guards will Come in time."

Thales let out a sigh of relief.

Another secret guard?

Thales thought of the young woman in the cloak.

He saved this information, and before he could digest it, his brain jumped to another matter.

"Also, those assassins, and that Duke Cavendir..."

Ji Ni's eyes became severe, which reminded Thales of those days of hard training, and she only heard her say: "That's not something you can care about, everything has been taken care of."

"Those problems will not be a problem soon... Besides, you have to trust your father."

my father?

Thales struggled to recall this unfamiliar word—it wasn't that he didn't care, but that he had only met his titular "father" once after arriving from the Red Square District to Mindis Hall, let alone the way he treated himself. weird attitude

"I asked the servant to prepare hot water and breakfast. Let's take care of ourselves first. We still have important things to do." Jine gave him a serious look.

"Servant?" Thales was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned around to look around the room that looked more like a coffin than a bedroom: "So, we are..."

Jinny nodded wearily:

"Yes, you are in the largest and most important building in Eternal Star City."

"The palace of the supreme king of the stars of all ages."

Ji Ni spat out three words expressionlessly:

"Fuxing Palace."

Thales opened his mouth wide, thinking of the big pyramid-shaped building he saw last night—no wonder it was so high up.

He immediately frowned, looking at everything around him.

Mottled walls, gray color, dim lighting, cold temperature, hard stone slabs, rough ground, and small rooms—compared with Mindis Hall, this place looks like a slum.

Jinie saw Thales' eyes.

"Why, not used to it?" She crossed her arms and looked at Thales' expression with interest.

"No, it's not." Thales quickly waved his hands and shook his head.

He wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed and lowered his head.

In fact, he wanted to say that this was the most solid night of sleep he had had in the past twenty days.

The hard and cold bed and the rough and uneven floor made Thales regain the sense of security that the soft bed in the Mindis Hall could not give.

It turns out...Thals sadly discovered...the time when he slept the best was when he was a beggar for four years in a harsh abandoned house.

But obviously, Ji Ni took his truth as hard-spoken, and she smiled sadly:

"I know what you're thinking, that's right."

"The palace of the supreme king is not as splendid and luxurious as imagined, exquisite and magnificent."

Ji Ni walked to the window, her eyes focused on the countless kingdom residents under the high Fuxing Palace.

"On the contrary... This so-called Fuxing Palace in the center of the kingdom is not even as good as an ordinary private house..."

Thales was stunned to see that the proud, domineering, and tough court lady, Jenny Bakeway, sighed desolately at the next moment:

"Very narrow."

"Very high."

"It's very cold."

Ji Ni turned around and looked at Thales with a complicated expression.

"It's still dark."


Thales followed Ginny Bakeway, stepped on the hard and rough slate floor unique to the Fuxing Palace, and walked through rooms that were equally narrow, cold and dim.

The guards and servants they met on the road all bowed their heads when they saw Jini.

Inside this half-pyramidal palace, the lighting is so poor that even in broad daylight, lights are used to illuminate some tricky corners.

Because of the high altitude, the cold wind keeps pouring in through the gaps. The only advantage is that it is often difficult to raise any bugs in such a place.

The narrow corridors and low ceilings set off the atmosphere in the palace to be oppressive, sometimes even lifeless.

This place... Thales stuck out his tongue and secretly sighed: It really doesn't look like a palace.

On the contrary, it looks like a mausoleum.

Isn't the Egyptian pyramid in the previous life the tomb of countless ancient kings buried underground?

"Here we are." Ji Ni stopped suddenly, and said slowly after returning to indifference.

"It's... what?" Thales was distracted just now, and only now did he notice that he and Jini had walked into an empty and dark stone corridor, and there was a double-opening stone door in front of it.

"Go in, kid," Jine didn't answer him, but nodded to Thales with a deep expression: "Be polite."

"What gift..." Before Thales could finish speaking in astonishment, Ji Ni pressed the stone door and pushed it open!


Thales looked at the scene in the stone gate in surprise: it was a dark room, only a few corners were lit with permanent lamps, and the most central permanent lamp was being held in a woman's hand with her back facing him. superior?

Thales was still surprised when he was pushed into the room by Ji Ni.


The stone door is closed.

Thales managed to gain a firm foothold, but found that he had been locked in this stone house by Jini.

"So, it's you, kid?"

At this time, a mellow, pleasant, delicate and charming voice came from the center of the room.

Thales turned his head in doubt, and looked at the woman whose back was turned to him.

The woman slowly turned around with the lamp in hand.

Thales' eyes lit up.

This is an oval-faced beauty with bright eyes and bright teeth. She is in her thirties. Compared with the charming and mature Jini, she is less aggressive and agile, but more charming and charming.

She was wearing a dark veil and a robe dotted with half a red sun—wait a minute, half a red sun?

Thales was startled: "Are you... the priest of the Sunset Temple?"

"Sunset Temple? Hehehe..." The beauty chuckled, but Thales not only didn't feel the slightest tenderness from the laughter, but also tasted a little indifference.

"Let me take a closer look at you, kid." The beauty approached him gracefully, but Thales frowned: she couldn't feel any warmth or kindness from her.

From this woman, he felt something uncomfortable.

"Sure enough," the 30-year-old charming beauty leaned down in front of him, squinted her eyes, and observed Thales: "You also have gray pupils..."

"Just like your mother."

Thales' pupils shrank!


Thales was stunned for a second.

"You know... Excuse me, ma'am, do you know my mother?" He asked in surprise, and at the same time remembered Jinie's order to "be polite", and quickly changed his words to honorifics.

"Of course, your mother, um, she's a ruthless character not to be trifled with..." The coquettish beauty curled her lips and looked indifferently: "Didn't Kessel tell you?"

Thales' breathing became quickened unconsciously.

"No, ma'am." Thales said with some embarrassment, "Father...father didn't tell me anything else except her name."

"So that's it. Well, you can go out now." The coquettish beauty sneered, shaking the immortal lamp in her hand, and the figures of the two flickered in the stone house.

"Tell Kessel, I'm ready."

This is the end? Ginny, or that father asked me to come and see her... what the hell does that mean?

"Ma'am," Thales took a deep breath, bowed respectfully with the etiquette he learned from Jiny, "I would be very grateful if you told me about my mother."

The coquettish beauty covered her mouth and chuckled.

But then her face turned cold, and her tone was cold and authentic:

"Since your father didn't tell you, why should we tell you?"

Thales was at a loss for words.

But he can't give up easily:

"But...but that's my mother, I have the right to know! And I will repay you!"

The beauty just sneered and turned around.

"But you are not my son, so I have no obligation to tell you. Besides, I don't need your reward."

Thales choked again. From Yordle to Gilbert, except for his own "father", he had never encountered such an object.

This - it's really more attractive than the king.

But a pathway seemed to be instantly connected in his mind.

Worse than the king?

Thales' brain was running continuously - he thought of something.

He took a deep breath and looked at that charming beauty.

"I see."

"I know who you are."

The charming beauty turned her head in surprise

"I heard my father and Gilbert talking about you," Thales frowned tightly, restoring the memory in his mind of when he was just rescued by Yodel to the Mindis Hall.

"I remembered." He said slowly.

"You—you are—" Thales took a deep breath, raised his left hand, and looked at the shallow scar on it.

He hesitated for a while, but then said firmly: "You are the bloodline lamp...the lamp used to find your father's blood...you are the caster of the bloodline magic!"

"You are the chief priest of the Sunset Temple... Li Xiya!"

Coquettish beauty - Li Xiya's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"As expected of your mother's son," she said slowly, "Even her cunning and memory are well inherited."

"That's right, I'm Licia Arend."

"The chief priest of the Sunset Temple."

"The goddess of the setting sun, the only spokesperson in the world."

"It will also be the person who will confirm your royal blood status for you."