
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 36 Send it to the palace!

The extreme pain from the inside out had disappeared in Thales' body.

Thales clutched the wound on his left arm and shoulder, panting with difficulty, and looked at the young nobleman in front of him.

"Thank you... thank you."

In the distance, Lord Seychelles' sword flashed, and he neatly dealt with the last assassin.

Near the overturned carriage, Ji Ni shook off Seychelles' supporting hand, and walked towards a still dead assassin on the ground with a cold expression. Under the knight's frown, she unleashed a huge force and pierced the assassin's eyes with a sword.

Unrelated passers-by have already fled. Among the chaos and corpses all over the street, Thales did not find the masked guard—I only hope that he survived the magic sound and the volley of crossbow arrows. After all, Yordle is a master of the extreme realm.

Gilbert, who was on the ground, looked anxiously.

But from the moment he saw the iris crest, Thales knew that his top priority was to deal with the young nobleman in front of him who had saved his life—and his knight who was adept at assassins and who was not a simple character at first glance entourage.

Iris—Gilbert hasn't had time to teach Thales aristocratic heraldry yet, but this does not prevent him from understanding the meaning of this heraldry.

When they were taken away by the blood clan, the flag fluttering on the Vinegrass Manor told the traversers that the family represented by this flower probably had limited affection for the Canxing royal family.

"...Those people..." Thales said timidly, like a standard seven-year-old child who was still in shock after encountering a crisis, with a terrified face, "Those people suddenly rushed up..."

This child can travel with the king's lover, as well as the closest aides and the former foreign minister... Zhan En thought to himself: He was assassinated on the way to the Central District. Who the hell is he?

Will it be an accident that affects the plan?

"Son, don't be afraid, it's all right." The young round-faced nobleman put his sword into its sheath with a smile.

He looked at the seven-year-old traverser, and said gracefully: "Assassins are creatures that live in the shadows. Without the darkness, they are no threat and useless."

"I'm Jann Cavendir. As one of the thousands of nobles in the kingdom, as long as I'm here, I won't let them hurt you."

"Then kid, so who are you?" Zhan En asked politely, raising his eyebrows.

I am...?

Thales took a deep breath under his trembling exterior, thinking about the current situation.

I haven't made my official debut yet, and I haven't been recognized as a shining star, but I must be a thorn in the side of nobles who have the potential to be crowned.

Before arriving at the palace, the identity must not be revealed.

Thales looked at Gilbert.

Gilbert saw Jann. He even dropped his top hat. The former foreign minister was limping from a distance with wounds all over his body, crumbling, but still holding on with his cane.

He still has a distance and can't explain it to me——Thales said silently.

And in front of my eyes...

He looked at Zhan En, only to see that the other party looked hesitant, waiting for his answer.

Looking at Thales who didn't say a word, Zhan En became more and more suspicious.

The young Duke swept his gaze away and saw Gilbert in the distance.

Is he hesitating? Or is his identity really strange, waiting for Ka Suo to come to rescue him?

"Are you waiting for Earl Caso?" Zhan En smiled: "You are personally escorted by the most outstanding diplomat in the kingdom's history. It seems that you have a lot of stories behind you, kid."

Sensing Zhan En's suspicion, the traverser knew that he could no longer fool around.

Otherwise, even if Gilbert concealed his identity for him, the noble with the iris crest would not easily believe it.

"I am, I am Thales." Thales searched for the identity in his memory, integrated the current situation, and slowly said with the fear unique to a seven-year-old child: "They all said, I am... Lord Mann's bastard son."

"Mann?" Zhan En raised his eyes, "The hero of the kingdom in the desert war,

Lord Sauron Mann who died on the Western Front a year ago? "

That "Charger" Mann's illegitimate son?

Haven't Mann's territory and manor been taken back? He frowned slightly.

Thales' palms were slowly sweating—Gilbert only told him the basic situation of Mann Manor, but didn't tell him what kind of person Lord Mann was.

"I don't know, they don't tell me much...about my father." Thales lowered his head and said in frustration.

Gilbert finally came in front of the two of them. The former foreign minister looked surprised and worried, and bowed tremblingly to Jann: "Thank you for your generous help—I didn't expect to see you here, Duke Kevin Deere grown ups."

Zhan En hurriedly took a step forward and supported the bruised and crumbling Gilbert. This time, his eyes were extraordinarily serious.

"Count Caso—I'd rather meet you on another occasion and have a chat over wine," he said sincerely, "Don't help me in a despicable assassination."

Earl Gilbert Castle...Jane silently recalled the identity of this person.

The cunning fox of the stars.

This is the countries headed by Exeter. After the "Fortress Peace Treaty", the title of Earl Caso - he was still the Viscount Caso who had just inherited his father's title at that time - is enough to prove the wisdom and means of this person .

Twelve years ago, as the negotiator of the stars, he was the negotiating table of various countries, and he almost thwarted the ambition of the northern dragon to go south by himself.

It is also the first noble in the history of Xingchen to be promoted from Viscount to Earl simply by virtue of his diplomatic achievements.

When the news of the victory of the negotiations came, almost the entire star was celebrating crazily, celebrating the final end of the Bloody Year.

If it wasn't for political reasons, he was almost certain to be His Majesty Kessel's next prime minister when he was very popular in the political arena.

How could it be that old fellow Cullen's turn?

He is a rare talent in the stars. If one day... Zhan En thought to himself... he will be a powerful help.

He immediately showed a serious and serious expression: "I will instruct the security department that no matter what the reason for this despicable assassination is, it will not be forgiven! The messenger must pay the price!"

Like him, Gilbert was also speculating about the young duke in front of him, one of the six giants, who was newly promoted to the Kevin Dill family for two years.

Two years ago, when the old duke passed away in that regrettable family tragedy, everyone thought that Kevin Dill, who had shown signs of decline, and the South Bank Territory, which was full of wealth, would be in the midst of endless civil strife. Torn apart.

Even His Majesty has written an edict and made an agreement with other families to intervene in this family's civil strife—to gain benefits.

Until the little duke, who was once rumored to be at odds with his family, returned from his travels in the distant Eastern Continent.

Facing the pressure of the other three powerful cousins, Zhan En, under the surprised eyes of all the nobles, reunited Tricolor Iris and Nan'an into the most noble family and one of the most powerful forces in the stars.

"Lord Kevin Dill," Gilbert carefully chose his words, "I will remember your righteous deeds, but before that, I must..."

At this moment, Thales on the side suddenly made a sound, interrupting their respective thoughts.

"Mr. Caso," in the eyes of the two, the seven-year-old Thales bowed his head in disappointment, and said reluctantly in his tone, "I——I don't want to inherit Mann Manor."

The weary Gilbert moved his eyes.

Thales, he is reminding me - he secretly said.

"I'm just an illegitimate child who hasn't even seen my father a few times. I don't have any rights, and..." Thales raised his head tremblingly, with tears of fear in his eyes: "What happened just now, I don't want to go through it again! I just want to be that Thales who doesn't have a last name!"

"Son, I understand your feelings. Falling into the vortex of inheritance will never be a pleasant memory—I am grateful, Your Excellency Duke—but," Gilbert sighed, and with Jann's support, His eyes lit up: "But this is His Majesty's order."

"We're going to the Fuxing Palace right away, my lord duke!" Jine on one side tied up her wound, and approached with an unfriendly expression, interrupting the conversation of several people. She didn't dare to look at Thales and Keir Bert, just insisted on leaving with a stern face.

But she was going to pull Thales' arm, but was stopped in mid-air by Seychelles, who looked at the young Duke blankly, waiting for his decision.

"Excuse me for disturbing you," Zhan En narrowed his eyes, and said with dignity, "So this... Thales is going to inherit the Mann family?"

Gilbert looked at Thales with complicated eyes.

"This is His Majesty's mission, it shouldn't be revealed casually, but since the owner of the tricolor iris has asked..." Gilbert sighed and nodded: "Your Majesty ordered that this child be brought to his in order to hand over to him his father's estate, including Mann Park."

"You know, Lord Mann rose up in the desert war, and he had a deep friendship with His Majesty during his lifetime. After his death, the land and property were entrusted to the royal family..." Gilbert continued to weave lies without changing his expression : "Until someone found out about his illegitimate son."

"Obviously, some people are not satisfied with Lord Mann's heir..." Gilbert looked at the assassin's corpses all over the floor with a sad face: "You know, it's a huge manor, and Lord Mann is making a fortune. After that, many relatives appeared out of nowhere."

Jen looked at Thales, his eyes froze for two seconds.

The hero's illegitimate child orphan?

Entering the Fuxing Palace? Accept His Majesty's royal title and inherit the property?

at this time?

And...he glanced at Jinny.

With the chief female officer in the court, His Majesty's lover?

There were bustling noises and the sound of marching footsteps in the distance.

The City Defense Team and the Security Office finally arrived late.

Anxiety appeared on Ji Ni's face, and Gilbert's expression did not change, but Thales knew that he would not want to expose himself to the public eye.

Even as "Lord Mann's illegitimate son".

"So that's the case, no wonder His Majesty attaches so much importance to it," while the remaining three waited anxiously, Zhan En smiled abruptly: "Lord Mann was not only His Majesty's comrade-in-arms, but also the hero of our stars. It really shouldn't be left behind in the ugly plot."

Thales let out a sigh of relief.

"But the two of you were seriously injured." Zhan En then said worriedly: "Fortunately, the city defense team and the police station have come, and the two of you can get medical treatment and rescue from them, and you must also explain clearly before and after the assassination."

"As for this child, since it is His Majesty's imperial order," Zhan En said lightly, "You can hand him over to me. I am going to Fuxing Palace."

The expressions of Gilbert and Jine changed.

"My lord duke! This is too much trouble for you!" Gilbert said with a serious expression, "And this is my task..."

"The child's safety is the highest consideration! He has already experienced an assassination! And..." Zhan En said emotionally, squatting down on one knee, tore off a piece from his sleeve, and bandaged Thales' wound: "...The orphan of a hero deserves this."

Thales' expression stiffened.

It's too clumsy - Zhan En said coldly in his heart:

At such a critical moment, send the most trusted attendant and his lover to pick up the orphan of a low-ranking nobleman?

Even if that nobleman is a soldier on the battlefield who lives and dies with the king!

That boy must have a problem!

Zhan En smiled and nodded at them, showing a worry-free expression: "In the name of the tricolor iris and the strength of Seychelles, he is safe and sound."

Feeling Zhan En's gaze, Thales felt a chill run down his back.

"Jane Kevin Dill!" Ji Ni took a step forward angrily, but was firmly stopped by Seychelles and his sword.

"Stand back, ma'am." The extreme knight, Seychelles, did not back down, with a cold look in his eyes: "This is the Duke's will, and it is also my mission."

Gilbert's brows couldn't be more tightly frowned, facing a duke and an extreme knight, anxiously thinking about countermeasures.

"Lord Kevin Dill! This is not appropriate!" Gilbert had never spoken in such a serious tone: "This is His Majesty's..."

"No one can question my respect for His Majesty!" Jen En said loudly, his eyes fixed on Thales: "But obviously, my carriage and guards are more suitable for Your Majesty's mission than you who are scarred and bruised."

"Still," Zhan En turned his head, his words were intimidating: "Is there anything else you guys are hiding from me?"

Gilbert was at a loss for words for a moment, and Jine's eyes were cold, and she squeezed the hilt of the sword at her waist - she was ready to snatch people desperately.

Thales also became anxious.

Go with this guy?

How can it be!

But with the disappearance of Yordle, using force can only be counterproductive.

what to do?

Thales frantically thought about all the solutions, even the power in his body was considered!

what to do?

"Son, don't be nervous. Your Majesty Kessel is known for being fair and strict." Seeing the performance of the three, Jann became more certain of his thoughts, and smiled slightly mockingly: "Besides, since you are the blood of Lord Mann, then Isn't it natural for a son to inherit his father's property?"

"You should be proud of your father. It was his decisive charge in the Battle of the Altar that saved the entire desert war."

"Please allow me to escort you away to show my respect to the hero."

Looking at Zhan En's bright smile, Thales felt his scalp go numb.

He didn't think of a countermeasure.

The dignified Gilbert and the anxious Jine also seemed to be helpless.

The corners of Zhan En's mouth curled up. He stood up and raised his right hand, "Please, this... Mr. Thales?"

Thales took a deep breath, and glanced at the middle-aged nobleman and court lady.

It seems that there is no way.

At this moment, the sound of those neat footsteps and their masters finally came into everyone's eyes!

At least dozens of elite soldiers who did not say a word but moved swiftly, equipped with iron armor long swords, silver shields and helmets, even portable magic guns, and infantry special crossbows rushed into the scene majesticly, stepping on neat steps. Surround everyone present!

Everyone's expressions changed in unison!

Seychelles was the first to see the equipment and decorations on the soldiers. He approached the Duke with a grim complexion, and said in a low voice:

"It's not the police department and the city defense team!"

"It's the royal guard!"

Zhan En's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Gilbert and Jine saw clearly that among this group of murderous elite fighters, the leader was one.

The faces of both of them relaxed.

It was a short figure wearing a cloak, with his head and face tightly wrapped.

"With the Kingdom of Stars—"

Thales suddenly discovered that the voice under the cloak was actually a young female voice.

The short figure took a step forward and scratched his head.

"With that supreme king—"

But the voice seemed a little confused and a little rusty.

I only heard her continue to shout:

"Yikai—Kaiser—Kaiser—that—can—oh, it's a mouthful!"

"In short! In the name of your king!"

Under Thales' stunned gaze, the short figure put his hands on his hips, raised a hand, pointed at the people in the field one by one, and said angrily:

"Ms. Jinny, that grey-headed uncle, and that brat—"

"Send them all to his palace!"