
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 35 Thales and Jann (Part 2)

"The response of the White Eagle family is faster than we thought - Tie Ying arrived in Yongxing two hours ago, this will give His Majesty a lot of time to prepare in advance before the news spreads." Zhan En sat down gracefully in an unarmored chariot drawn by the knight Seychelles.

He spit out the above words indifferently, and looked out the car window.

Another carriage with the same mysterious identity was parked side by side next to them. The windows of both carriages were open to facilitate the conversation between their owners.

"But so what? No matter how fast a fish swims, it cannot avoid the current. This is the current that His Majesty is destined to face." A sharp voice came from another carriage.

"But there is something wrong with our intelligence," Zhan En said coldly: "There is an unexpected big man in the mission...The consequences are more serious than we imagined."

"You want to give up?"

Jen paused for a moment, then took a deep breath: "No, no, the plan remains the same."

There is no turning back, is there?

"That's good." Just listening to that sharp voice, he said indifferently: "The general edict has been issued, and the nobles will come one after another in a short time. At that time, Exeter's official response It's time, too: mobilization of troops, claims of territory, threats of war—guess how His Majesty will respond? Bear with it, or risk everything to send our country to hell?"

"And those of you who have done such a big thing, are really willing to be cruel..."

Jen sighed in a low voice, then shook his head slightly: "Just like your national language - 'Power_from_violence' (Power_from_violence.), this is a necessary step. I need to confirm your attitude and position - you have refused to join 'Nova', it bothers us a lot."

Another voice laughed loudly: "It seems that you are very confident in yourself! No wonder-think about it, the young, elegant, and outstanding emerald city lord, the guardian duke of the South Bank, Jann Cavendir, was Your Majesty is appointed as the heir! What a wonderful scene!"

"We would like to promise with the glory of the family that no one will shake your rule in the Western Wilderness, and you can even benefit from the decline of the Northern Territory," Zhan En said earnestly and sincerely: "And it doesn't have to be me... the stars may also change." Isn't it elective kingship?"

He leaned forward slightly, and said slowly and softly:

"And as one of the six, you are destined to be the prince elect."

There was silence between the carriages for more than ten seconds.

"Okay, from now on, you have my guarantee," said the sharp voice slyly: "If Xingchen reaches that point, there will be no accidents, and the Falkenhauser family will follow the general trend."

Jen gently clenched his fists.

He forced himself to endure the impatience in his heart.

This guy.

Still unwilling to place a bet lightly.

Does he think Falkenhauser also has a chance? Or did he simply fall to other companies? Cullen? Nantrest? Or the most unlikely Tebuk?

"I will remember...Falkenhauser's attitude." The owner of the tricolor iris said calmly.

Although Zhan En remained calm, he was very afraid of the person in the other carriage: the threat level of this guy on his list was second only to the fat guardian Duke of the East China Sea, and even more so than that of Nantrester. Cyclops.

The sharp voice laughed again, and continued: "It's an honor! Your Majesty Zhan En in the future! I heard that you have been disgraced by the blood bottle gang recently? Aren't you cooperating to control the gang? That old guy Cullen just stood by and watched ?"

When Zhan En heard the word "Your Majesty", he frowned, and curled his lips in an unknown way: "Thank you for your concern, everything is under control—that's all for today, I have to rush to the Fuxing Palace, and now you are You should personally accept His Majesty's edict in the ruins."

"Don't bother." The shrill voice suddenly turned cold: "Falkenhauser is never absent."

"Very well, Lord Falkenhauser, look forward to seeing you again.

" Jen left the last sentence.

"Yes," said a sharp voice with a smile: "I am also looking forward to it. After twelve years, the kings of the nineteen noble families will reunite...haha."

The two carriages started separately, passed by each other, and drove further and further away.

Zhan En lowered his head and closed his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose lightly.

"My lord," Seychelles' voice came through the front window, "something is wrong ahead."

Jen En gently opened his eyes.

In the distance outside the carriage, a hasty and strange sharp sound came.

Seychelles let go of the whip with one hand, grasped the sword at his waist, and said coldly: "It seems that a carriage has been assassinated."


"Steady," looking at the beggars lying or standing on both sides of the street, Gilbert leaned forward calmly, opened a small window in front of the car, hesitated, and whispered calmly: "Ji Ms. Ni, there are anomalies around us."

Through the small window, Thales clearly saw that Jini's back trembled slightly.

"... Assassin?" She said slowly, "Come here for that child?"

For some reason, Thales heard some unstable emotions from Jini's words.

He also noticed that Gilbert looked at Jini's back worriedly.

"Not necessarily." The middle-aged noble said softly.


Thales checked the JC dagger on his waist, and couldn't help but startled when he heard this.

But even Yordle is definitely an assassin, why did Gilbert say "not necessarily" to Jinny?

"Ready to get rid of it at any time."

"But before they really start, Jini, you must be steady! Do! Remember, they are not necessarily assassins." The middle-aged nobleman was extremely dignified, and seemed to feel that something was wrong with what he said to Jini. Immediately added a sentence: "Yordel, you are the same!"

"Is it for me?" Thales asked with a serious face.

"The situation is unknown for the time being." Gilbert sat back in his seat, stared sharply around the carriage, and said silently, "It is theoretically impossible for your existence and whereabouts to be leaked, but please prepare for the worst."

"At least seven." Although invisible, Yordle's hoarse voice sounded strangely in his ears: "Proficient in hiding, well-trained, and arranged on the way to the Fuxing Palace."

"I'm ready, speed up at any time, sit still." Jine's voice came, adding a chill to Thales' ears.

"Jinie, calm down!" Gilbert seemed to be a little abnormal, and he said this to Jini seriously.

Even Thales, who is the most inexperienced, can feel that something is wrong with Jine at this moment.

The carriage turned a corner and drove from the mud floor to the brick floor - the Central District was only two blocks away.

At this moment.

An old beggar who was still groaning on the ground to their left just now suddenly changed his expression. He used his hands and feet on the ground, chased one of the horses, and stretched out his hand to Jini, begging for money and alms.


With the sound of the whip, the whole carriage began to shake violently!

Without warning, the carriage began to accelerate!

Gilbert's face changed drastically. He rushed to the front of the carriage, ignoring Thales' reaction, and shouted, "Jenny, no! Wait—"

But it's too late.

Only Jini who was in the driver's position shouted angrily!

"Come on! Shameless!"

The horsewhip sounded furiously, and as Ji Ni's wrist turned sharply, it slammed on the old beggar's body!


A huge force surged, and a line of blood shot out from the beggar.

The old beggar flew five meters away with blood, and dropped a short machete from his sleeve.

Thales, who was astonished, was still trying to figure out what happened, when he saw a beggar behind the carriage suddenly jump up, holding a dagger in both hands, and roared angrily.

"The incident happened, do it!"

A dozen figures rushed towards the carriage among the beggars and tramps!

Thales' complexion changed drastically.

There are more than seven assassins!

It's a pity that when he counted the number of assassins, the enemies had already launched an attack.

The two horses were the first to be unlucky. I saw the two assassins rolling over the horse's belly, and with the mournful cry of the black steed, blood spurted out.

Amid Jine's angry scolding and whip whipping, the carriage continued to move forward according to its inertia, but then the carriage bumped into the fallen horse, and the entire carriage turned sideways violently!

Ji Ni jumped up vigorously, and whipped an assassin on the side so that she fell back to the ground.

With a crazy expression, she gritted her teeth and pulled out the long sword at her waist. She turned around and pierced the left chest of an assassin behind her.


The carriage finally fell on its side on the road.

The moment the carriage overturned, Thales was hugged and protected by Gilbert. As the carriage overturned, they fell on the window side.

The three assassins jumped onto the overturned carriage!

When Thales got up in a daze, he felt Gilbert push him to the side.


It wasn't the assassin who did it, but Gilbert. He calmly pulled out his cane, waved his arm, and completely shattered the window glass above his head!

The fragments flew towards the sky, and the three assassins subconsciously raised their arms to protect their eyes.

Gilbert's cane protruded out like a poisonous snake, and a sharp blade popped out from the tip of the cane. It was sent and received accurately. An assassin had already fallen down clutching his neck.

Thales held his head tightly, feeling the small shards of glass falling around the compartment.

Two long swords were pushed into the carriage and stabbed towards Thales, but they were both deflected by the noble stabbing sword drawn by Gilbert's left hand with ingenious moves.

"Tch!" Two sword blades, one inserted into the sofa in Thales' left hand, and the other passed over his right arm, piercing through the air.

Thales gritted his teeth and felt the coldness coming from his right arm.

One of the assassins saw the scene in the carriage.

He immediately said in surprise: "No..."

But the assassin was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Yordle appeared behind the two assassins like a ghost, and the gray dagger cut across the back of their necks.

The assassin who had been dressed in rags for two years, immediately collapsed.

"Send him away!" Gilbert roared angrily. He blocked the glass that was falling all over the sky, pressed on the carriage, and turned out of the car!

Jodl grabbed Thales' belt and fished him out of the carriage.

Amid Jini's roar, Thales could see the surrounding situation clearly: Under the illumination of the unextinguished lights, seven or eight assassins dressed as beggars rushed towards the overturned carriage with long shadows behind them!

The unrelated passers-by ran and fled amidst the screams and calls, and the street suddenly became a mess.

Gilbert kicked up a shattered fragment of the carriage towards the nearest assassin, and then extended his swords, forcing the knife-wielding assassin on the left back.

Yordle flickered, slit the throat of a rushing assassin, and then hugged Thales in his arms.

Just as he was about to enter the realm of shadows, a sudden change occurred!


An ear-piercing sound suddenly exploded in the air!

Jodl's hand suddenly let go of Thales.


It's a sharp sound with extremely high decibels!

At that moment, Thales gritted his back molars in pain, and felt that his head was about to explode under the sound!

Damn it!

What kind of sound is this.

He subconsciously covered his ears! But that sudden sound was like a magic sound, drilling into his brain without any hindrance.


The sound continued, and both Jine and Gilbert seemed to be greatly affected. Their expressions were distorted, their movements deformed, and even Jini was scratched on his left arm by a knife while he was shaking.


The magic sound became more and more urgent.

Yordle trembled, resisting the attack of this magic sound. He lowered his head, and Thales knew he was talking, but he couldn't hear him because his mind was full of the piercing traveler.

Thales squinted his eyes, resisting the pain in his eardrums, and tried his best to cover his ears tightly. He raised his head, but was shocked to see five of the assassins with pained expressions but no hindrance in their actions stretching out their hands to their backs. , took out a device, aimed at him and the mask guard.


Or called, crossbow.

Thales felt a chill in his heart, he no longer doubted that this was a well-planned assassination.

The crossbows trembled in unison.

The sound of the machine could not be heard in the magic sound, but five long black shadows appeared in Thales' vision.

The next moment, Thales was thrown several meters away by Jodl.


Amid the tormenting sounds of magic and the strong wind in the air, Thales saw in despair, black shadows flying, and Yodel's figure trembled in a sharp turn!



He thought terrified.

Thales fell to the ground and rolled outward twice.

"Hiss—" The magic sound is getting closer and closer.

He covered his ears and stood up reluctantly in pain and trembling, but he met a ragged figure head on.

It was a scruffy young beggar with a delicate and immature face, not much older than Thales.

I saw his lips open, trembling constantly at a high frequency.

As he approached, the tormenting magic sound got closer and closer.

The beggar drew a dagger from his waist with indifferent eyes.

Thales, who gritted his teeth and suppressed the magic sound, understood something.

Following the instinct he had cultivated in the past month, he subconsciously pulled his right foot back, raised his left arm, shifted his center of gravity back, and posed a standard northern military swordsmanship.

One of the three defensive styles, Iron Body Style.

Amidst the magic sound, a dagger stabbed rapidly, piercing through his left arm!

Pain struck, but Thales gritted his teeth and knew that he had made the right choice.

The young beggar was a little surprised, but he immediately opened his mouth wide at Thales. As his tongue trembled, the magic voice became even louder!


The feeling at that moment made Thales close his eyes suddenly!

He screamed frantically and in vain, almost wanting to rip out the eardrums from his ears!


He twitched his arms violently and instinctively covered his ears.


The dagger was pulled out from his left arm, bringing out a stream of blood.


Thales elongated his face in pain, and knelt down on his knees amidst the terrifying magic sound.


The dagger stabbed at his throat again.

Quickly stop!

At the last moment, Thales opened his eyes in despair, and saw the cold-blooded face of the young assassin gradually distorted into another blurred face.

It was a girl with slender eyelashes, staring at him curiously with bright eyes.

"Huh? Your name is Wu Qiren?"

"What a weird name."

"My name? Guess..."

Trembling, the traverser stretched out his hand to that blurred face.

Excitement and hotness hit his heart at the same time.

As soon as his left shoulder hurt, the magic voice in his ears suddenly rose, covering the girl's next words, only her blurred lips opened and closed.


He murmured unconsciously.


I can't hear her words!


He stretched out his hand and grabbed it suddenly, as if he caught something out of thin air.


He murmured.


The magic sound really stopped.

His mind is no longer in chaos.

The eardrum no longer hurts

The screen in front of him returned to normal.

Thales opened his eyes tremblingly.

The dagger that pierced his throat was now piercing his left shoulder.

And the owner of the dagger, the young young assassin, grasped the handle of the dagger and knelt down powerlessly.

The young assassin fell into Thales' arms face to face, the corners of his mouth twitching, and his whole body trembling.

Thales looked at him suspiciously.

The young assassin's face gradually turned pale. He looked into Thales' eyes, which were also full of confusion and incomprehension.


Thales read this message from his eyes.

Thales panted heavily, endured the pain in his shoulder, and looked at him in surprise.

The traverser also wanted to know why the superhuman assassin was so murderous just a moment ago... and so on.


This is...?

Thales supported the boy, panted and lowered his head.

In the space surrounded by their bodies and arms, the traverser raised his warm right hand.

Trembling, he looked at the warm and moist thing in his hand.

It was an irregular red sphere.

There are still many tubes inserted.

It seems to be--vibrating?

Thales focused his eyes.

He saw clearly.

His gray pupils shrank suddenly!

In Thales' previous life, his grades in high school biology were not very good. When he went to college and passed the postgraduate entrance examination, his knowledge of biochemistry was even more rapid-regressively.

But this does not prevent him from recognizing what is in his hand.

It was a fiery, still throbbing...

Bright red, with liquid...


Its two chambers of the heart, the blood vessels that could not draw blood, twitched abruptly.

Thales subconsciously looked at his own chest, and then at the young assassin's chest—but their chests were all complete and intact, without any blood at all.


This heart beats more and more slowly.

Slower and slower.

Thales was stunned for a few seconds before trembling violently!

The fresh, bloody heart slipped from his hand to the young assassin's knee.

The young assassin's breathing became weaker and weaker, and his pale face seemed to be aware of his fate.

"Lucy..." He groaned in Thales' ear, absently and powerlessly.

These are his last words.

until he stopped moving.

The sound of fighting in my ears finally returned to Thales' channel.

The trembling traverser stretched out his right hand full of warm blood, endured the pain and struggled to pull out the dagger on his left shoulder, threw it away without looking at it, and scrambled away from the young assassin.

The corpse of the young assassin fell face down powerlessly, suppressing that... heart.

belongs to his own heart.

What's this?

Am I "out of control" again?

Thales shivered, thinking of Yordle who was besieged by crossbow arrows.

He turned his head subconsciously, but there was nothing beside the carriage except the assassin's body.

Thales was still moving his aching ear... Another assassin landed beside him.

The moment the magic sound disappeared, the assassins noticed something abnormal in this corner. Under the entanglement of Gilbert and Jine, they managed to free up their manpower and rushed to help.

The assassin who came to help looked at the young man lying on the ground in astonishment, then at Thales, flicked his right hand without hesitation, and showed a Hidden Blade from under his wrist.

Thales stretched out his hand to JC, thinking about the two options of defense and escape, and their respective possibilities.

Or—he glanced at the corpse of the young assassin—with that kind of force...

Right now!

Severe pain broke out from all over Thales' body from the inside to the outside!


Thales clenched his teeth, and suddenly collapsed.

It's like someone is tearing his soul apart!



But the assassin ignored his movements, and just stabbed him with the Hidden Blade coldly—but at this moment, Thales didn't even care about the danger of his life.

He has never experienced such pain.

It seems that every molecule in the body is roaring and protesting!

Thales finally couldn't bear the torture-like pain. He screamed and twitched, watching the enemy's Hidden Blade attack.

Is this the end?

It hurts.

Well...it hurts

That kind of power really isn't... costless.



Just before the assassin succeeded, a tall and slender figure appeared behind him.

Before the assassin could turn around, he was pierced through the head by a long sword that struck from the back of his head.

Thales, who fell limply on the ground, raised his head in a dying state.

A well-dressed, elegant young round-faced nobleman walked out from behind the assassin.

The young noble frowned, and wiped the liquid from the sword on the latter's clothes.

The pain faded away like a tide.

Feeling the pain in his body respite, Thales took in a breath like a drowning person.

He looked at the nobleman's shoulder, and immediately his eyes trembled.

A coat of arms with intricate patterns is embroidered there.

Thales recognized this coat of arms.

red, blue, green, three petals

Tricolor irises.

In the distance, the Seychelles knight with fanatical eyes waved his saber, stood beside the weary Gilbert, and beheaded an assassin.

"Come behind me, child," Jann Cavendir, Lord of the Emerald City and Guardian Duke of the South Bank, said indifferently and elegantly:

"Eternal Star City does not welcome murder."

This is the first meeting between Thales and Jann.