
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 30 Never Let You Suffer

Thales jumped down from the black coffin, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

The ashes were gone, and there was no flesh and blood left.

The stumps all over the ground gradually shrank and turned to ashes, melting into the snow under the moonlight.

it's over?

Giza—the blood magician, that lunatic...


The tentacles of the hydra loosened and shrank. Katerina and Serena both fell to the ground, coughing violently.

In the jungle on one side, Ada helped the ashen-faced Rolf out.

"There are at least a hundred of those branches," Ada said with lingering fear, "Why are they all withered all of a sudden..."

But Ada was taken aback immediately, and exaggeratedly pointed at the female warrior and shouted: "Ah! Weird woman, you are here!"

The female warrior put the shield back on her back and laughed: "I haven't seen you for many years, forgetful Ada!"

Ada's complexion suddenly darkened.

The female warrior pulled out the two-handed saber, swung it twice with one hand as if lightly, to shake off the blood on it, her face was calm but her eyes were sharp.

She immediately turned around and looked at Thales.

Thales also looked curiously at the man who suddenly appeared to save his life.

There is no doubt that she is a soldier - Thales told himself so.

The armor all over her body was covered with bloodstains left by the magician, but she had a calm and resolute aura. She didn't look embarrassed at all. Instead, it made people think that she had experienced many battles.

She has neatly shaved short brown hair, but there is no need to describe her heroic face too much, because when she appears, the aura full of iron and blood makes you only notice her warrior side and forget her Pure looks.

They stared at each other for a few seconds.

The female soldier suddenly grinned, boldly thrust her two-handed saber upside down on the ground, and knelt down on one knee.

"So you are Thales, my son—my Highness?"


I'm Thales Canxing," Thales smiled, "Thank you..."

Thales had a strange feeling. Although they all knelt down to the prince, Gilbert was full of politeness and respect, and Yodel gave him a sense of trust. But the female warrior in front of him was full of blood. Yes, it turned out to be a kind of casual and unrestrained.

The female warrior's next actions confirmed his guess.

Because she actually raised her blood-stained hands wearing iron gloves, and ruthlessly rubbed the hair of the second prince of the Star Kingdom twice!

"Well done, kid!" She laughed loudly, her voice sassy and sharp: "Many of the recruits under me might have been scared to throw up when they encountered that kind of situation!"

Thales was rubbed until his eyes stared, feeling the greasy blood on his hands, and said awkwardly: "Uh, this lady..."

The female soldier laughed and interrupted him:

"I'm Sonia Sutherley, little lord," Sonia's words didn't have the slightest sense of "little lord". She was in a good mood and even thumped Taylor's shoulder to make the weak latter Coughing hard:

"Temporarily guarding the Broken Dragon Fortress on the border between the two countries!"

Thales came back to his senses: "Ah!"

"You, you are the 'Flower of the Fortress'?"

Although he had already made preparations when he was on the mission, he was still a little excited when he actually saw Sonia.

The flower of the fortress.

During the courses in Mindis Hall, Gilbert would occasionally intersperse with him to explain the current situation of the Star Kingdom, such as the most famous "Three Handsome Stars".

In the disaster of the Bloody Year, although Xingchen suffered heavy losses, he also gained talents in many fields in this nightmare, such as government affairs and diplomacy, such as military and war.

Under such a background, many supporters of the royal family and new nobles have changed from unknown pawns to pillars of the stars - "Cunning Fox" Gilbert Caso is such an example.

And between the blood and the fire, facing Exter, the orcs and bone men of the Western Wilderness, and the battlefield of the Southwestern Rebels, there were also many young people who came from civilian backgrounds who rose from them and were granted titles.

King Kessel expanded the royal standing army after the Scarlet Year, and even recruited many civilians and young people into it to guard the four corners of the kingdom.

These people are basically soldiers washed up on the battlefield, and they have once shined brilliantly on the battlefield.

Twelve years have passed, and their circumstances are different, but three of them have stood the test of time and grown into military commanders capable of acting on their own—that is, the "Three Marshals of the Stars" who shocked the kingdom. .

The subjects of the kingdom gave them their own resounding nicknames, and even their original names were rarely mentioned:

The Wrath of the Kingdom.

Wings of Legend.

The flower of the fortress.

Among them, the flower of the fortress—Lord Sonia Sutherley, set foot on the historical stage of the Kingdom of Stars when she followed Duke John to conquer the southwestern rebels.

Since the Scarlet Year, she has led the royal family's standing army and has been guarding the bitterly cold northern border, keeping watch on every move of the northern dragon.

Many people in Xingchen believe that if the flowers of the fortress are still blooming in Broken Dragon Fortress, then the northern border of Xingchen will stand firm.

Of course, there are also many noble ladies in the royal capital who are always talking behind their backs: they behave like a man in every move, and it deserves that the lady who wields a knife and fights can't get married until she is in her thirties.

And now, the legendary Fortress Flower herself is standing in front of Thales.

"Ha, Alaka will definitely regret not leading troops out to rescue you," Sonia smacked her shield triumphantly: "I am the first among the three to seal a magician..."

But the next moment, Thales saw Sonia's face change!

"What's wrong?" Thales asked in surprise.

"No!" Sonia clenched her fists tightly, raised her shield, and looked around vigilantly: "She wasn't sealed!"


Before Thales could react, Sonia hugged him violently, jumped up from the ground, and avoided a bloody tentacle protruding from the ground!

Thales looked at the tentacles in disbelief: Hasn't Giza been...

The tentacles suddenly split into dozens of small tentacles, Thales only felt that at the moment it split, his whole body lost his feeling as if he had been anesthetized!

This is... the feeling of being controlled by the body?

Trembling, Thales let go of Sonia's arm.

But the latter didn't seem to be affected at all. He stretched out his arms and hugged him even tighter!

Sonia gritted her teeth, roared angrily and took off the two-handed sword behind her back, swung her arm with one arm, drew a magnificent light of the sword, and cut off countless small tentacles that split off in a blink of an eye!

Several of them rolled towards their original place - the black coffin of the dark night!

Many tentacles had just touched the black coffin, shrinking and withering as if they had just touched the Supreme Shield, and then turned into fly ash.

But more tentacles rolled onto the black coffin "regarding death as home". Between withering and continuing, they actually lifted the black coffin against the corrosion of the legendary anti-demon forces!

"The black coffin!" Katerina saw this scene in the distance, and the queen shouted anxiously, "We can't let her take it away!"

Sonia was as calm as before, with a rush of wind under her feet, holding Thales in her left hand, and throwing the big knife far away like a boomerang with her right hand!


Severing the tentacles wrapped around the black coffin.


The black coffin fell to the ground again.

Sonia stepped on her feet, quickly jumped onto the black coffin, put Thales down, took off the shield behind her, and looked in front of her vigilantly—two tentacles protruded from the darkness in front of her again.


Thales saw the situation in front of him clearly and screamed out.

Under the protection of the two tentacles, Giza Trillman still appeared in front of them with a smile on her face as a naked girl covered in blood.

Thales was shocked, but Sonia stepped forward calmly holding a shield and protecting him behind him.

Sonia frowned.

Thales was dumbfounded.

How does she...

Nothing at all?

Didn't Serena tell him that the legendary anti-magic weapon can deal with magicians?

He clearly remembered that when Yordle sealed Ashida back then, he just pierced his back unexpectedly, causing Ashida to burst into white light and disappear without a trace.

Yordle and Morat both called it... a seal?

Thales thought he had some knowledge about the weaknesses of magicians...

However, the Giza in front of him...


"Why, do you find it strange?" Giza chuckled, "Why doesn't the legendary anti-demon weapon work on me?"

Sonia raised her hand abruptly, stopping Ada and Katerina who were about to rush forward:

"Stand back!" She said loudly, as if she had the majesty to order and prohibit.

Ada and the queen stopped abruptly.

Sonia stared at Giza in front of her with serious eyes.

"About you, I have heard two legends from the Secret Department."

Sonia looked at Giza resolutely:

"One, the more enemies the blood magician faces, the stronger the destructive power and vitality will be, because the enemies will all become your nourishment."

"To deal with you, the biggest misunderstanding is that 'the more people, the better', that will only make you stronger as you fight... The best way is to be a dexterous and fast extreme master with a legendary anti-magic weapon, and You are fighting alone in a dead place where there is no living thing."

Giza's smile restrained a little.


It's still as annoying as it was hundreds of years ago.

"It's a good choice," Giza nodded with the corners of her lips curved. "No wonder I feel that there are many humans hundreds of meters away—you left all the people there and came alone?"

Sonia snorted: "It seems that your probing power is also very strong."

The next moment, two tentacles suddenly stretched out towards Sonia!

At the same time, more than a dozen tree roots exploded on the ground, pulling towards Sonia and Thales!

An attack with no dead ends.

The wave surged up Thales' limbs, and he was about to dodge it.

But at that moment, he only felt another force blooming from Sonia's body!

I saw her turn around, unbelievably exerting her body's inertia to the extreme, and the shield in her hand hit the tentacles hard!


Smash Giza's tentacles into fly ash.

The female warrior let go of her hand during the turn, and miraculously grasped the edge of the shield in mid-air, using it as a sharp blade, taking advantage of the situation and then slashed out horizontally, majesticly slashing the shield under her feet. More than a dozen tree roots were all smashed to pieces.

"Tch! La!"

Sonia stood on the ground unscathed, counterattacked with a defense without dead ends, and completely smashed the attack of the blood mage.

Thales looked at Sonia in astonishment.

The fluctuations in his body had already surged into his eyes, and he could only see a forceful colorless energy filling Sonia's whole body.

That is something completely different from the dazzling light in the magician's body and the exuberant flesh and blood in the blood race.

This is the first time he has used this wave vision to observe normal humans other than magicians and blood races.

"It's a good response, and it's rare among humans in the extreme." Giza nodded appreciatively: "There is also the familiar extraordinary power—one of the four original extraordinary powers, famous for taking advantage of the trend' Glacier Melt'."

"It's called the power of the end now," Sonia said disdainfully, "To commemorate us, I beat the shit out of you more than six hundred years ago."

Thales suddenly realized.

It turns out that the colorless energy in Sonia's body...is the power of termination?

"I didn't know that you could still control the trees." Sonia exhaled and looked around vigilantly: "It gave me so many surprises."

"Why, in your understanding, only the red liquid in animals can be called blood?" Giza smiled lightly.

"About your second legend, it's a bit unreliable." Sonia moved her wrist cautiously: "Until today."

With Giza's smile, she spit out the legend word by word: "Legendary anti-magic weapons, can't seal the blood magician?"

Thales looked at the blood magician in shock.

Can't seal it?

Then... isn't she invincible?

How did you win the battle of the end?

"Impossible!" Katerina exclaimed, "Legendary anti-demon forces are the bane of disasters—everyone who knows is taught this way!"

There was silence for a while.

Giza first showed a smile, then sighed:

"Legendary anti-magic armed forces - the end of the magician, the nemesis of disasters, just a light touch, can make us irreparable."

"Is it."

I saw Giza said indifferently and authentically:

"Lebra, Arik, and even 'Brother Truth' are terribly afraid of that weapon, and never let anyone approach them again—this is how Lebra was sealed."

But the next moment, with a deep chill, Giza chuckled and said:

"But I'm the only exception."

"A magician who relies on the 'entity state' to fight."

Thales was shocked.

He felt that these terms that he didn't understand at the moment should be the knowledge he would learn in the future.

Even if it's not for becoming a magician, even if it's just for yourself.

Giza continued to smile and said:

"It's also one of the only two magicians who are not afraid to fight with legendary anti-magic armed forces."

"I don't refuse even close injuries... People who are close to me are often close to their own death."

Thales frowned slightly: There are only two, not afraid of close combat?

Who is the other one?

So...there is such a big difference between a magician and a magician?

Curiosity and fear of magicians tormented Thales at the same time, making him extremely hesitant.

Giza smiled and said, "Even if the legendary anti-magic weapon hits my physical form, it will only hurt insignificant flesh and blood, and it is impossible to seal me."

Thales frowned.


What's wrong.

He was puzzled until Sonia raised her eyebrows and snorted confidently: "Really."

She took a step forward, as if she had found the enemy's weakness, and raised the supreme shield at the magician.

"Then what were you running for?"

"Or... What were you hiding when you disappeared?"

Giza's expression changed.

Thales also reacted.

That's right, the shield was still effective on Giza's flesh and blood just now—after she turned into ashes for the first time, it lasted for a while before reappearing.

During that time, whether she was healing, recovering, escaping or hiding, it all represented...

She is by no means without weaknesses!

"The reason why legendary anti-magic weapons are so rare and precious is that countries compete with each other," Sonia said calmly, "Not only because it can seal magicians, but also because each legendary anti-magic weapon has its own unique and powerful force. Ability, allowing the user to reborn in battle."

Thales took a breath.

Legendary anti-demon weaponry.

A unique and powerful ability?

He looked at the black coffin of Ming Ye under his feet.

He thought of Yodel's gray dagger again—what ability does that sword have?

Thales suddenly realized that the dagger was so similar in tone to the gray shield in Sonia's hand?

Giza pursed her lips, and the tentacles under her body trembled uneasily.

I saw Sonia knocking on the Supreme Shield: "You probably haven't seen it—it was made together with the Supreme Sword when you all started running for your life in the later stage of the War of the End, so you also will not understand its capabilities."

Giza finally changed color.

"That's what they told me when I received the shield," Sonia snorted softly. "The name of the ability of the Supreme Shield is full of Queen Helan's personal characteristics."

The face of the blood magician became more and more serious.

Thales felt that Sonia had found her weakness.

The female warrior grinned, "The name of its ability is..."


The next moment, the magician with a cold face waved his hands violently as if remembering the most terrifying thing!


A flood of voices erupted!

Under everyone's vigilant eyes, the huge tentacles instantly dissipated into blood and severed limbs.

And then disappeared into the air.

Giza was hidden in the darkness, and a pair of eyes took a deep look at Thales.

Leave a faint sentence:

"We'll see you again."

Thales was shocked.

There is a chilling indifference in Giza's words:

"Never, let you suffer."

Thales was pale and worried.

[I will never let you suffer]

Damn it.


He suddenly woke up.

The blood magician...

Scared away?

"She's gone." Sonia said quietly:

"It's a pity," she tapped on the shield regretfully, "I really want to chase it down."

Thales took a deep breath.


Thales turned his head and saw Katrina gnashing her teeth, staring at an empty corner:

"She ran away!"

The sound of horseshoes came.

Puttilai, Wyah, and Genard, escorted by a group of cavalry, came before them.

Thales felt relieved when he saw them.

It's just that Canxing's private soldiers seem to be running low.

This night.

It's over again.

The cavalry came in front of them and bowed their heads to Sonia.

The leader was a female swordsman with a cold face. When her eyes swept across Thales, the latter only felt a chill.

Did I offend her?

Thales touched his head inexplicably.

At this moment, a call full of complex emotions sounded.

"team leader!"

Sonia trembled all over, and turned her head to look at the person who spoke.

Thales was taken aback.

Could it be... that she who uses a shield is really "Captain Star"?

Under everyone's surprised eyes, they saw Genard, a thirty-year-old veteran, get off his horse.

Shrinking slightly, he walked slowly in front of the female warrior, looking at Sonia with an excited but embarrassed look:

"team leader..."

He trembled his lips, but couldn't speak.


Genard lowered his head deeply and gritted his teeth.


Sonia looked at the veteran with a complicated expression.


But the female soldier let out a deep breath.

She raised her eyes, her eyes full of momentum.

"Look at me, soldier!"

Sonia shouted loudly.

The veteran shuddered and instantly stood up straight.

He took a deep breath and looked directly at Sonia.

A few seconds later, Genard swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took a deep breath.

"I'm back."

The veteran said firmly.

Sonia looked at him carefully.

For a while.

She immediately punched Genard's shoulder with a fist, showing a restrained smile:

"Return to the team."

Genard was shocked.

He clenched his teeth and held back his tears.

The veteran shouted with all his might:


"With all due respect, Your Highness." Sonia turned her head and looked at Thales who was carefully inspected by Wyatt for damage.

She frowned, but immediately let out a deep sigh: "Although you have experienced a lot today, you still have to rush to Broken Dragon Fortress as soon as possible."

Thales was a little puzzled, but still nodded.

Only Puttilai, the experienced deputy envoy behind him, pressed his wound, but his expression changed.

"Lord Sutherley," he asked solemnly.

"What happened?"

Everyone was silent for a second.

Sonia frowned, then looked straight at Thales.

"The Grand Duke of Black Sand in Exeter, Charmain Rumba, had... sent a small group of troops several times to cross the border between the two countries without any scruples."

Sonia was expressionless, but replied with solemn eyes:

"They began to clear the surrounding areas of Broken Dragon Fortress, especially the roads from Cold Castle and Lonely Old Tower."

Thales' pupils shrank.

Sonia nodded and said seriously:

"The northern border is no longer safe."