
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 31 Our Inland Sea

Broken Dragon Fortress was built on the northern plain at the junction of Star and Exeter. The main body of the fortress was located on a high ground, only a few hundred meters away from the border between the two countries stipulated in the "Fortress Peace Treaty".

The Third Continental War more than 300 years ago created the legend of Sara, Kaipen and Midil, the "Three Heroes" of Western humans. But after the war, between Sarah, the hero of Exeter, and Midil, the swearer of the stars, the severance of justice and the breakup of brothers that made countless historians and bards sigh, also brought The alliance between the dragon and the stars turned against each other.

So on the border between the two countries, Broken Dragon Fortress—a building with both political and military uses was born. Twelve years ago, the famous "Fortress Peace Treaty" between Xingchen and Exeter was signed here.

The northern plain, which stretches for more than ten miles, is the only place between the two countries where they can bypass the snowy needle forest and send a large number of troops to the border. But the guardians of Broken Dragon Fortress can clearly see any team of more than ten people from the side of Exeter on the plain; The Overwatch City is to the southwest of it, and the lonely old tower of the Forex family is to the east. The three parties can rush to help the fort at any time. If any castle is in danger of falling into siege, the Broken Dragon Fortress can also warn in time.

Broken Dragon Fortress is not an isolated fortress. It is composed of the largest and strongest star-shaped fortress on the high ground, eight medium-sized fortresses guarding the surrounding area for mutual protection, and twelve simple sentry posts farther away. To capture the Broken Dragon Fortress, it means rushing through countless ditches and horses, pulling out the threat of bows and crossbows in the eight medium-sized fortresses one by one, and then walking along the only three narrow slopes to the main body of the fortress, braving the stars. The bombardment of the magic energy gun on the convex wall launched a siege battle against the fortress wall more than ten meters high in the limited terrain.

If the army bypasses the fortress and goes directly south to the important town of the stars, then this fortress, which can accommodate ten thousand people, has sufficient supplies, and the garrison can attack at any time, will instantly become the primary threat like a thorn in the back.

When the Grand Duke of Exeter's Black Sand Territory, the forty-one-year-old Charmain Rumba, looked up at this giant that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, on the north side of the fortress under the moonlight, the sense of threat that Broken Dragon Fortress gave him was particularly strong. strong.

Since twelve years ago, he had a fair duel with his elder brother in front of his father and the whole family, and pierced his heart with a sword to win the inheritance of the Black Sand Territory. For example, bringing the glory of the king into the arms of the Lombard family, turning the capital of Exeter into the city of black sand, and bringing the northern border of the stars into its governance, so that the ancient northern territories scattered in the two countries can be restored. All in one.

The Grand Duke himself was wearing a thick robe lined with heavy chain armor, riding on a strong northern horse. The knights behind him were holding banners with the iron fist pattern representing the Lombard family painted on them. Not far behind them were densely packed From time to time, a small group of sentry cavalry or infantry troops who received the mission left the camp and crossed the border without paying attention.

A strong and heroic gray-helmed knight - Lord Tuleha, one of Exeter's "Five Warlords",

Came galloping from the front, reined in the horse in front of Rumba, and bowed respectfully on the horse.

Rumba nodded expressionlessly.

"Whether it's caravans, hunters, supplies, or the other party's patrols, we've already emptied out and set up sentry scouts. If Arend of Coldcastle and the other two families come to help, we'll know as soon as possible..." Gray Helmed knight, Tuleha said in a deep voice: "Really want to attack?"

"Of course! We have more than 13,000 troops. Light cavalry scouts, heavy knights, elite light swordsmen and two-handed heavy swordsmen, enough archers, and prepared siege equipment such as magic guns and catapults. "The answer was a knight in plate armor behind the Grand Duke of Lombard - the supporter and number one vassal of the Grand Duke, Earl Levan: "We have an advantage in both quantity and quality, and it is easy to defeat them!"

"It was a field battle—but as long as they are still huddled in the Broken Dragon Fortress for a day, it will be difficult for us to win easily." Tuleha shook his head: "Since the last fall, they have strengthened their fortifications. The magic guns and city defense crossbows are all equipped...Forcibly attacking the city will only bring huge casualties."


Tuleha secretly said in his heart: As long as those two people are still in Broken Dragon Fortress, even if there is a group of rabble on the opposite side, it is worth being extremely vigilant.

Earl Levan, who was wearing plate armor, had a firm expression: "We have mobilized so many troops, it is impossible to return without success... If we can occupy Broken Dragon Fortress, I think we can accept some casualties."

"Our enemy is not only the fortress, but also the weather..."

Several people turned their heads and saw the wise general and counselor of the Grand Duke of Lombard, Viscount Canbida coming from behind on horseback: "The extreme cold will come earlier than in previous years. It is not a good time to march. The delivery of supplies is not optimistic. Once the city is attacked Not going well, the battle is stalemate... If we wait until the beginning of spring, we will have greater confidence in taking the fortress."

"Because of the lack of supplies, we have to fight quickly!" Earl Lewand still insisted: "Winter combat is our advantage! The stars are hit harder by winter-twelve years ago, we captured at this time Fortified."

"That winter was the warmest in decades!" Tuleha shook his head dignifiedly. "And at that time they were too busy to take care of themselves. There was no reinforcements in the northern border, but we gathered an army of seven grand dukes."

"Also, we won't be able to resupply on the spot until we break through the fortress and go south."

Grand Duke Lombard slowly raised a hand, stopping the debate among the three subordinates.

"What's going on in the back?" The Grand Duke's voice was dull and hoarse, with the power to quiet people unconsciously.

"His Majesty Nunn's envoy has arrived, and we can't hold him back for too long—after all, we sent troops in the name of avenging His Majesty Moral." Viscount Cambida bowed: "Besides, I heard that the Star Prince On the way, will be there soon."

Rumba pondered, and asked: "Olsio from Welland and the Trudida family who rebuilt the tower haven't responded yet? They are also the grand dukes in the south of Exeter, and they should have enough interests to send troops."

"They must have received the news that Prince Xingchen is coming," Viscount Canbida replied seriously: "Although they have the benefit of swallowing the northern border, their hesitation and hesitation will not be less than other grand dukes."

"We...I'm afraid we will have to rely on ourselves."

half an hour.

Grand Duke Lombard exhaled, looked at the Broken Dragon Fortress opposite, and sighed:

"On their own?"

"Sutherley—that woman only has more than 800 people, but there are at least 300 elite veterans of the Starlight Legion among them. She is both a good horse galloper and a fierce soldier who defends the city. You have fought against her, and you know it all too well. "

"Mu has just arrived with more than 2,000 people. Although most of them are garrison soldiers who have never seen blood, that man is too scary. As long as there are 500 loyal sword and shield soldiers who are not afraid of sacrifice, he can fight on the battlefield." cause great trouble."

"There are also thousands of vassal troops from the northern border. Although they were separated from the fortress because of Arend's imprisonment, and even more than half of them have withdrawn, Arend's only daughter is still in the fortress. According to the scouts, Check, there are at least five hundred people left behind."

"Without the troops of the other Grand Dukes, we will have to fight very hard to take down Broken Dragon Fortress."

The words of Grand Duke Lombard made all three of them silent for a while.

"Three thousand people are crowded in one fortress," Earl Levan frowned. "With the poor supply level in the northern region, how long can they last?"

"That fortress was built according to the standard of 10,000 people, and it has enough reserves to last until the extreme cold." Viscount Canbida shook his head:

"With all due respect, as the siege party, our supply pressure is much greater than theirs--twelve years ago, the whole of Exeter was behind us, and now, because that damned prince is coming to apologize... Like the North, isolated and helpless."

"In less than two weeks, the extreme cold is approaching." Tuleha also nodded, agreeing with Zhijiang's words: "I don't recommend a strong attack if you can't wait for a good opportunity."

"When that prince arrives, we won't be able to send troops anymore!" Earl Levan said unwillingly: "In another ten years, the stars will slowly recover from their weakness, and other countries will also be freed from their troubles. ,and..."

He paused.

If Nun VII doesn't survive that time...

Exeter, maybe the king is about to be elected.

"Are you going to give up this opportunity?" Earl Levan said angrily.

None of the three spoke.

"No," Charmain Rumba exhaled lightly, staring at the fortress in front of him: "We are from the North."

Rumba thought of his brother.

Thinking of his hands full of blood holding his own sword, his heroic laughing dead eyes.

"Northern people never wait for an opportunity, nor give up an opportunity."

The Grand Duke of Lombard turned his head, his unsmiling face revealed a chill that was colder than the weather:

"We create opportunities."


The moon has already set.

Ahead is Broken Dragon Fortress, and its majestic star-shaped outline is already faintly visible under the moonlight.

Thales looked at Sonia and Ada, who were watching vigilantly from a distance, and turned to Katerina, who was surrounded by the elite fighters of Broken Dragon Fortress, and behind her were two blood warriors who were only found after the battle.

"Are you sure you want to go now?" Thales frowned and looked at Katrina in front of him: "Maybe the blood mage is waiting on the way back."

Katerina still had that indifferent expression, and shook her head: "Now is the best time to go, at least the blood mage won't dare to stay too close."

"It's too risky," Thales said seriously, "You know, the blood magician came here for the black coffin..."

"Believe me, since the blood magician has appeared and caused such a big trouble, someone will take care of her whereabouts and purpose... such as your secret department," Katerina said coldly: "Although magicians are terrifying, there are still forces in the world that can restrain them."

"You mean legendary anti-magic weapons?" Thales pondered, and said, "But after all, they are rare, just a few..."

"You are still young, and you don't know many secrets yet," Katerina's words made Thales scratch his head: "You just need to know that every time a magician shows up in public, it is an adventure, and there will be a lot of troubles in the future." Long periods of silence and concealment—it's not just the Legendary Anti-Demon that threatens them."

The two looked at each other for a second.

"Well, since you insist," Thales sighed: "You know, the extremes around you are all dead in battle, and Serena may still be hiding in the dark, watching. After all, what you are escorting is The legendary anti-demon armed forces..."

Thinking of Heesta and Simon, Katerina's eyes darkened, but she raised her head immediately.

"I am longing for Serena's appearance," the Queen of the Night showed hatred, "As for the black coffin of the dark night-maybe many forces hope to obtain a legendary anti-demon weapon, but please rest assured that those who understand its value and origin , except for the terrifying magician, absolutely no one has the guts to attack the dark coffin of the dark night."


Katerina secretly said in her heart: Maybe those relatives who lead the feast are excluded.

After all—to protect the black coffin in the dark night, that is the oath of all blood races.

Thales rolled his eyes: Is it another secret that he doesn't know.

He nodded.

"Even though our misfortune today is due to each other, blood debt, hatred and human affection are all in it, but I still hope," Thales said seriously, "We don't want to become enemies. Of course, it's best not to see each other in the future."

Katerina stared at him fixedly for several seconds.

It's been so long that Thales raised his eyebrows.

"Do you know," Katerina said silently, "Maybe we can really become allies."

Thales' eyes widened.

"I heard Serena's words," the Queen of the Night said flatly: "The pattern of the continent has changed. You have been in contact with the Suye Dynasty, and Exeter has made friends with Humble—since the stars are destined to be enemies with Humble, then we There is a common enemy."

Thales frowned.

Almost forgot.

This is a queen.

"After we reach an alliance, we will win over the merman leader of the Misty Islands. In that way, it is not impossible to drive away the whaling ships of Humble and the Trade Federation, and turn the South End Sea into our inland sea."

"Think about the perpetual oil that was jointly embezzled by Humble and the Trade Federation—"

"Please, because of your dear sister," Thales exhaled and shook his head with lingering fear: "I really have a deep sense of fear about the word 'ally' now."

"For your own good, and for my own good, let's talk about this when I grow up, okay?"

Katerina, who was inexplicably interrupted, froze for a moment, her opened lips were too late to close.

Seeing those lips, Thales somehow remembered its taste.

Cough cough.

Thales patted his head to drive out the messy thoughts.

He has enough troubles that he can't take care of himself.

The queen of the night, who had always been unsmiling, suddenly raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Thales was a little surprised - it was the first time he saw the unsmiling Katerina smile.


Thales frowned: "What did you say?"

Katerina said slowly: "When you stretched your neck... My original plan was to suck all your blood dry."

Thales shuddered: "What?"

"After all, in the previous battles, we have already forged hatred." Katerina replied with a cold expression, and continued:

"As long as I get rid of Serena, I will go back and eliminate your other subordinates and clean up the traces," Thales said with a shuddering scalp, watching the Queen talk about how to suck him dry: "No one but Kevin Dill will Know what happened to Star Prince's death."

Thales showed an unbelievable expression.

Is this...the farmer and the snake...

"But your life is very tenacious, and you didn't lose blood to death like I expected."

Katerina said coldly: "So, my attempt to kill you failed—I think you have the right to know about this."

Thales' face changed several times. He felt the weakness in his body, touched the two closed holes on his neck, then raised his head and looked at Katerina with surprise and anger.

"You..." Thales frowned, and said angrily, "And Serena...you really deserve to be a good pair of sisters!"

But Katerina just looked at him faintly, with complicated eyes:

"No, please take my honesty as the sincerity of an alliance—I'm not hiding anything from you, and I don't intend to hide anything from you, and this is something Serena, who has been acting all her life, will never be able to do."

The queen nodded slightly: "If this can relieve your wariness...and lay a foundation of trust for our possible alliance in the future."

Taylor was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to reply.

"You told me: you once wanted to kill me," he said with a frown, "and then said, this is your honesty, and you hope I trust you?"

"Don't you think something is wrong?" Thales said sarcastically.

"I believe you are mature enough to be able to tell whether I'm fake or sincere," Katerina said flatly, "You know, I don't treat you like a child."

Thales was at a loss for words for a moment.

But when he thought of the experience of being almost sucked dry, he still couldn't help being annoyed.

"By the way, speaking of this," Thales snorted, and said vindictively, "Yo, was that your first kiss?"

Katerina's pupils suddenly shrank.

Her expression turned cold instantly, and she said coldly, "What did you say?"

Her purple pupils shot at Thales abruptly.

Under the Queen's murderous gaze, Telston felt his scalp tingle.

It wasn't until he saw the soldiers and two extreme experts around him that he felt a little more at ease.

"I mean—some readers want to know, ahem, no—many people in the Eastern Continent seem to care about this, so," Thales touched his head awkwardly: "I want to know if I offended you It's a good place to apologize..."

"No, of course not," Katerina said indifferently, "Do you think I'm some kind of teenage girl who just fell in love?"

"First kiss? Childish!"

"I have lived longer than all your ancestors combined!"

These words sound familiar.

Thales shrugged and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Yo, an iceberg queen like you will also have a first love?

He looked at Katrina's indifferent face and stuck out his tongue.

Your first love, alas, I can only say... that guy is really miserable.

"Okay," Thales sighed, then raised his head and said solemnly, "I wish you all the best."

Never see you again - he added in his heart.

Katerina stared at him silently, then suddenly reached out to him, and handed out a bracelet with two fangs.

The fangs look fierce and simple, with thin bloody lines on them.

Like a souvenir from a previous life.

Thales opened his eyes wide and looked at her suspiciously.

"This is the token of the Corleone family, Blood Fang..." His Majesty Katerina said seriously, "If you figure it out one day... bring it to me."

"But being an alliance with the longevity species is not a good reputation among humans after all... Before you make up your mind, please be sure to keep it a secret from others. I suggest you keep this token personally."

Thales frowned. Finally, he sighed and casually grabbed the fang bracelet.

I threw it away when I went back.

Thales thought to himself.

"Be careful on the road." He said silently.

"Take care, little Highness Thales," Katerina nodded expressionlessly, then turned and walked towards her subordinates and the black coffin:

"Don't forget, it belongs to our inland sea."

Thales rolled his eyes behind his back.

The next moment, the Queen of the Night and her subordinates disappeared from sight together with the black coffin.

Thales sighed for a second, then turned and left.

At this time, the secret sound transmission unique to the blood race faintly flew into his ears:

"But that was indeed my first kiss with the opposite sex."

Thales shuddered, and staggered under his feet!

Didn't we agree - isn't this Xiaobaiwen's world?

He sighed and looked at the darkness where Katrina left.

Leaving aside the hatred, maybe the Queen has more in common with her sister than she imagined.