
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 29 That 1 Shield Style

Dying Chris, while feeling the dozen tentacles of the hydra Kirika, ignoring his own corrosive blood, entangled more and more tightly, and even merged with himself in the dissolution, while looking at the opposite Simon, sighed Said: "Why can't you even avoid your speed!"

"I don't know," Simon struggled frantically, but found that his hands and feet were completely out of control: "I feel out of control, as if I sent it up by myself..."

The tentacles rolled the two of them and sent them to the master. The blood magician sighed: "Thank you for not jumping up and down... I can have a good meal again."

Chris and Simon were slightly shocked.

"You know," the blood mage said with a smile, "I've been a little weak since I got that damn shot from the dwarves."

Under the terrified eyes of Chris and Simon, the blood mage said the last two words gently:

"Need supplies."

The next moment, the blood magician stretched out his hands and stroked their faces with a smile.


"Absolutely not!" Katerina said solemnly, "This black coffin is named after the god of the night—why do you think that the prisoners imprisoned by the gods are safer than the blood mages? "

"Of course, it will turn into dozens of sticky, moving pieces," Serena said sarcastically, "It couldn't be safer."

Thales lowered his head to weigh, but a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"So, who is here?" A gentle voice came from behind their heads.

The three trembled in unison and turned their heads.

I saw the blood magician standing on a tentacle made of severed limbs and blood, looking at them with a smile.

Thales resisted not to look at the wriggling, disgusting stumps, severed limbs, and various organs in the tentacles, and immediately felt figures flickering on both sides!

"Hello!" Thales watched the two sisters leave, and only had time to shout out one word.

But then he was shocked to see that Katerina and Serena jumped out of the black coffin uncontrollably and walked towards the tentacles under the magician's feet.

"What's going on! What did you do to me?"

Katerina stepped forward tremblingly,

Surprised and angry, he fell into the bloody hole made of tentacles: "Where's Simon?"

"Idiot, isn't this obvious?"

Serena also moved tremblingly, twitching and being rolled up by the tentacles, gritted her teeth and said, "She controls our bodies!"

"I just regained a little strength... It's been too long and I'm not very proficient," the blood magician smiled, wrapping the two sisters into the tentacles made of stumps: "Don't worry, I will need you soon blood of..."

The girl turned her head towards Thales.

The traverser looked at the magician with a tingly scalp.

The heart started beating violently again.

The last time this kind of scene... seemed to be in a chess and card room on Hongfang Street?

The tentacles moved, and the blood-soaked girl's face of the blood magician slowly approached him.


The girl looked at him carefully

"The blood flowing in your body." The magician took a deep breath, "There is an inexplicable sense of familiarity."


Thales was shocked for a moment.


I still have one last resort.

He cleared his throat.

"Although I can't remember it, but for the sake of this bloodline, I won't let you suffer." The scarlet girl smiled and stretched out her palm to him.

"Wait!" Thales shouted.

"This—the blood magician—Miss?"

"I," Thales closed his eyes, hesitated for half a minute, and said slowly and with difficulty:

"I'm also a magician."

The expression of the blood magician paused for a moment.

Thales gently opened his eyes, and calmly stated the fact he was most worried about: "We are the same kind."

The blood magician was unmoved, and spit out a word: "Lies."

She pressed her hand to Thales' face.

"Wait a moment!"

"I, I know Ashida Sacon, the Magician of Qi!" Feeling the warm blood on his face, Thales said quickly: "Ashda said, I am a freshman after the War of the End Magician!"

The blood magician stroked his face with his bloody hand.


"A newborn magician?"

The girl laughed and said, "It's really smart. I chose that guy who was just sealed to testify for you."

"What I'm saying is true!" Thales' soul was furious, and he raised his hands and said, "I can prove it! That kind of 'out of control'!"

The girl's face was still smiling.

But her tone changed.

"Out of control?" She said softly:

"How did you lose control?"

Thales was stunned for a moment, he still knew too little about magic energy.

He could only try his best to recall the night on Hongfang Street:

"Ashida wanted to kill me, but my power seemed to interfere with him... There was an explosion... He said that only mana can interfere with each other..." Thales frowned:

"If I need to prove..."

But he didn't say any more.

"Enough." The girl looked at him solemnly: "I believe in you."

Thales stared wide-eyed.

That's... you believe me?

But the girl seemed to see his doubts: "Your blood and vitality are telling me - you are not lying."



Thales remembered Ashida's control over the air.

Curiosity welled up.

But he also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that once again, I saved my life.

"So, Ashida found you."

The blood magician just stared at him and asked:

"Which faction do you choose? Radicals, Confused, Moderate, or Queen of Magic?"

"Huh?" Thales looked puzzled.

The girl frowned:

"Didn't Ashida tell you about the history of magicians? Three magician civil wars and three covenants?"

Thales shook his head inexplicably:

"Inner... Civil war? Aren't magicians immortal?"

The magician girl stared at Thales:

"He didn't explain the magician's 'Three Deaths and One Ban' rule to you?"

Thales widened his eyes and shook his head.

The scarlet girl's complexion became increasingly ugly:

"Ashida talked about the difference between 'object' and 'concept', and the connection between 'chaos' and 'purity'?"

Thales sighed and shook his head feebly.

"So, where have you reached the four stages of a magician? You should know this, right?"

Thales still shook his head in shame.

"Then which magic tower knowledge inheritance did you get?" The girl spit out words that Thales had seen in the book but had no clue at all:

"The tower of alchemy? The tower of soul? Or the tower of ascetics? Or is it an independent inheritance wandering outside?"

Thales was already numb and just shook his head mechanically.

The girl looked at him in disbelief:

"So, you don't even know the connection between mana and magic, the difference between a magician, a mage, and a witch? Wait, do you know about a mage?"

Thales stared at her innocently.

"You don't know anything—how did you become what Ashida called a 'new' magician?" The magician sighed.

Thales lowered his head and spread his hands secretly.

No teacher, no reading—it's not my fault.

"You are no different from an ordinary person now." The magician said silently.

Thales didn't know how to answer.


Giza suddenly chuckled, and said, "Ashida, did that idiot run to the capital because of you?"

"Well," Thales scratched his head, "I don't think so, we bumped into each other by accident."

But he was indeed sealed because of me - he secretly said.

But of course I can't let you know.

The girl suddenly said softly:


Thales was stunned, then raised his head: "What?"

The blood magician raised his eyes: "Giza Trilman, this is my name——if you are also a magician, or a candidate for a magician, then you have the right to know my name."

The two were silent for a moment.

very good.

Her hostility disappeared.

Thales was determined.

Then the next step...

"Well, Miss Giza," Thales said cautiously, "I just had a few friends..."

"Why?" The scarlet girl—Giza interrupted him, and asked with a smile:

"Huh?" Thales showed doubts.

"If you are determined to become a magician," Giza looked at him meaningfully: "Why do you still mix with humans, elves, and vampires?"

Damn it, who wants to become a magician?

A magician who is treated like a street rat every day?

But of course he couldn't say that.

Thales scratched his head: "This... After all, I was born there..."

"Ah," Giza shook her head and laughed hoarsely: "You can't get rid of these pasts, can you?"

When Thales was thinking about how to answer... an accident happened suddenly.

The next moment, the blood magician - Giza's hand pressed his face again!

"Ah!" Thales exclaimed, "You—"

"Don't worry, I'll strike quickly." Giza said indifferently, his words filled with a frightening chill:

"You will die silently."

"Die without pain."

Thales' pupils shrank to the smallest in an instant!


"Why!" He shouted angrily:

"Why did you suddenly want to kill me again!"

"Aren't we the same kind?" Thales asked angrily, "Your purpose is to rescue the magician in this coffin, right?"

"You wanted to save him, but why did you kill me?"

Giza stared at his distorted expression due to resentment, and gently began to stroke his side face, showing a gentle smile:

"Who told you?" Giza glanced at the black coffin, and said softly, "I'm going to rescue the magician inside?"

Thales was shocked!

No way.

Didn't she come here for rescue?

Then why is it taking so much trouble...

Immediately, his heart moved.

"This is..." Thales trembled, and asked in disbelief, "What you just said: the civil war among magicians?"

Giza smiled lightly, but did not answer.

"You—we are already so rare, we are enemies of the world, and we are at a disadvantage." Thales suppressed the panic in his heart, and tried to organize his words: "Why do you want to kill each other!"

"Kill me—there will be even less help for you in the world!"

"At least—think about the future of magicians!"

Giza smiled. This time, her smile was happier than usual, but also bitter.

"The future of the magician?" Giza closed her eyes and shook her head slowly:

"Ashida may still be holding that idea: Magicians can always win their own future..."

Thales watched in surprise, the blood on Giza's face slowly faded, revealing her originally elegant face.

But he didn't have the energy to observe the other person's appearance at all.

"But I gave up a long time ago," Giza smiled tremblingly. From Thales's point of view, it was more like crying: "Existence like us...the less the better, isn't it!"


"The pain on our body and the pain we caused are enough...Why do you need a newcomer like you to bear it?"

This... Thales frowned, looking at Giza, his heart was full of panic.

"After I complete my mission, I will also find a way to disappear."

Giza gently covered his face.

The blood in Thales' whole body began to tremble uncomfortably.

"Don't worry, child, you will die peacefully here," Giza looked at him with pity, and gently stroked his hair:

"You will never become a magician...never..."

"I will never let you suffer... the pain of being a disaster."

At that moment, the traveler exhausted two lifetimes of grief and indignation, and just wanted to say those three words:




Huai Ya fell to the ground weakly, unable to hold the sword anymore.

Puttilai fell limply on the ground, watching Eastron easily lift up Huaiya who was unable to move.

Damn it.

"Are you that brat's attendant? God knows how much I hate him."

Estren grinned ferociously, and opened his fangs towards Wyah's neck.

But he suddenly looked terrified, let go of Huai Ya, and his figure disappeared in an instant!

"Clang! Clang!"

The sharp claws and the sword light rubbed against each other in the air, and the flames radiated everywhere!

"Who are you!"

Estren roared angrily, staggered the sword light, and took three steps back.

I saw a young black-haired female swordsman in light armor with a cold expression and a heroic silhouette standing in front of him, looking at the blood race indifferently.

Eastron narrowed his eyes.

That kind of strength and angle—is he another guy who has the power to finish?


Dozens of horseshoes sounded from behind the surrounding jungle!

"just in front!"

Puttilai regained his spirits: he recognized that it was the voice of veteran Genard!

Eastron's expression changed.


While thinking about it, the female swordsman's sword light had already approached him.

Eastron unfolded at an almost unmatched speed, flashing the enemy's sword light in an instant.

An attack at this speed is too childish.

He skimmed to the side of the female swordsman!

Get rid of her, and then...

But Eastron didn't have a chance to think any more.

He was extremely shocked to feel that a piercing metallic chill hit his face!


Eastron stopped in his tracks.

He lowered his head and looked at his heart.

The female swordsman held her saber upside down, without looking behind her.

Her sword blade protruded from her armpit.

It pierced directly into Eastron's heart.

Eastron trembled and touched the blade.

"When..." he said incredulously, "The sword that stabbed out?"

"I don't," the female swordsman said coldly, drawing out her blade:

"You sent it up yourself."

Estren clutched his pierced heart and fell down without a sound.

"This finishing power that forces the enemy's rhythm..."

Struggling on the ground, Wya Ka Suo gritted his teeth and raised his head: "Pegasus Movement!"

The female swordsman turned around and helped Huai Ya up.

Huai Ya stood up with difficulty, and suddenly glanced, and saw the mighty flying eagle holding a branch on the female swordsman's glove.

"A flying eagle with a white background?"

"You are..." Huai Ya was taken aback for a moment, and spit out a name:

"Miranda Arend."

"End Tower, the last 'seed'!"

But Miranda ignored him.

More than a dozen cavalrymen holding cross double star flags and peculiar wavy star pattern flags turned out from behind the bushes and dismounted in front of them.

"My lord!" Genard nervously came to Puttilai's side.

"Go find the prince!" Puttilai stood up with difficulty with his help: "Prince, His Highness Thales..."

"No need to worry," Miranda interrupted him coldly:

"Lord Sutherley will take care of it."

Huai Ya picked up his saber, and was shocked when he heard that!

"You mean, she came in person?"

"The flower of the fortress?"


Today's experience allowed Thales to reconfirm the most suitable general term for a magician:


What the hell is a bunch of lunatics!

The traverser yelled in his heart.

But he couldn't move his body, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling.

Thales could only close his eyes in resignation.

At this moment.

"Huh?" Giza's hands froze, straightened up, and looked behind him.


An extreme whistling sound came from the direction she was looking at!

Thales breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help opening his eyes.


A tentacle beside Giza burst open!


A roar sounded.

A blood-drenched armored female warrior, armed with a two-handed broadsword that was half the height of a man, slashed forward in the bursting blood.

Giza's eyes were burning, and another tentacle instantly intercepted it.

The silver knife light flickered.


The female warrior's broadsword made an exaggerated arc, cutting the second tentacle into pieces.

Blood dripped on her armor and even her face, but the female warrior didn't care, she just rushed forward with a frenzied expression!

Came to Giza's side.

"Be careful!" Thales roared, "She will be resurrected!"

Then, he saw a scene that he would never forget in his entire life.

The female warrior threw away her broadsword without hesitation, and took off a rhombus-shaped gray metal shield from her back in a blink of an eye.

She howled angrily, grabbed the handle of the shield, and swung it fiercely.


Knock Giza to the ground!

Then, the female warrior neatly grabbed both sides of the shield, smashed it down, and used the shield to suppress the ugly-faced Giza.

Thales stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

This is...

Captain Star?

"Your Majesty, Sonia Sutherley," the female soldier's face was full of fighting spirit:

"I brought you a gift for Your Excellency."

The blood magician——Giza's face became extremely ugly under the shield. Her flesh and blood bubbled and shrank continuously as if scalded by steam.

Giza stared at the shield, unwillingly spit out a few words:

"No! This is..."

"Yes!" The female soldier pressed the shield with her left hand, and grinned proudly: "Allow me to introduce you..."

"Legendary anti-demon weaponry."

Sonia Sutherley raised her right fist with a smile, and slowly clenched it.

"The Supreme Shield!"

After finishing speaking, under Giza's unbelievable gaze, she punched down hard, hitting the center of the gray shield.


Giza howled angrily, burst out endless blood, and disappeared in front of the two of them.