
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 29 The Imminent Distress

Jodl, Gilbert, and Ji Ni, who looked back from time to time with a worried expression, the three walked out of the banquet hall silently with different paces and different moods.

Under the everlasting lights in the hall, only Thales was sitting in the main seat, and Molat was standing far behind the banquet table.


But nervous.

Thales loosened his shoulders pretending to be relaxed, and put on a smile that was commonly used in the beggar days.

But he still felt that the devouring gaze of the old man in black was still firmly fixed on him.

Feeling the strange atmosphere in front of him, Thales kept having doubts in his heart, while he tightly grasped the only information in his mind.

The head of the kingdom's secret department.

Intelligence chief.

Black Prophet.

poisonous snake.

Knowing my previous status as a beggar.

There are also Red Square Street and... magicians.

"I won't talk nonsense, child," Mourat seemed to lose his patience. He abandoned the tenderness he once had, and his hoarse voice was extremely harsh:

"I just want to know the night you escaped from Hongfang Street."

"When you met the Magician of Qi, everything he said to you."

How did he know that Ashida talked to me?

Yodel, did he betray me?

Thales' brain was running crazily, but this time, there were too many variables and information to process.

What exactly did Yodel tell him? How much did you say? What exactly does Morat know?

About Ashida, about the Blood Bottle Gang, about...my magic power "out of control"?

But no matter what—Thales affirmed in his nervous heart: I must first ensure my own safety.

Since that night, Quaid came to the sixth house to search for the privately hidden copper. He, the beggar Thales, or the heir-to-be Thales, seemed to have gotten used to the ups and downs of his involuntary fate and tried his best to survive.

"What?" There was just the right amount of doubt on Thales's face, and then he suddenly said seamlessly: "Oh, magician! You mean, the bosses of the legendary Blood Bottle Gang?"

Morat slightly narrowed his eyes, as if he was wondering and hesitating.

Thales pretended to be remembering, and gently scratched his head: "That night, I remember that everything was so messy, everywhere... the words of the boss of the Blood Bottle Gang..."

But things were not as he expected.


He was interrupted.

Morat leaned on his crutches expressionlessly, and his voice reached Thales' ears.

"You are very talented in lying and acting. But what I want to ask is," Morat's eyes widened suddenly, and the dark eyes shot into Thales's eyes, which made people feel chilly: "Your old friend— —Ashida Sacone!"

Thales was shocked.

"I'll say it again."

"Before Yordle appeared and sealed him, Ashida, what did I tell you?"

Morat waited for his answer with burning eyes.

Thales, who was interrupted, stopped dumbly and lowered his head.

What does he know?

He knew that I met Ashida? Or did he see right through me?

No matter which point - the traveler's heart beats - it's too bad.

This old man—Thales tried his best to calm down—will probably be the most difficult guy I have ever faced.

But since he asked, he probably didn't know yet - Thales gritted his teeth and secretly thought - didn't know what Ashida said to me.

Especially, I am the same thing as Ashida.

But Morat's next sentence shattered his thoughts again.

"Let me remind you again, child," Molat laughed uglyly:

"Ashda, I found a new magician, right?"

At that moment, Thales felt like falling straight into an ice cave!


The traverser panicked, what exactly did Yodel tell him?

Why is he so sure?

"Hehe," Morat laughed strangely.

"It's not without reason that people fear me." The old man in black stepped forward step by step, leaning on a cane, approaching Thales.

At that moment, Thales even had the desire to run away.

"I'm a person with a supernatural ability—even though I don't like this supernatural ability, it really helped me a lot."

A bad thought flashed in Thales' mind.

"You don't need to lie anymore about the magician of qi."

"I can see clearly in your brain—Ashida, ah, that handsome little white face in blue, God, he's still so young!"

Morat's words hit Thales' chest like a heavy hammer!

But Molat, who was very interested, was not over yet, and every sentence he said made Thiers feel more chilled.

"What is that in Ashida's hand, a blue ball?"

"Look at those three meatballs, does he still like to squeeze human flesh so much?"

"Well, why is it so dark all around? Where are you?"

Morat's face was full of relish, as if he was flipping through an interesting travel journal.

Thales, whose mind was blank, began to tremble unconsciously.

Blue clothes?


A blue ball?

Squeezing human flesh?

Total darkness?

How did he know? How could he know?

Thales even felt that his breathing was about to stop.

Molat seemed to be very tired. He lowered his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose: "Ah, this ability is really laborious to use, so it can't be used often."

He immediately raised his head, grinned, showing an ugly wrinkled smile, and looked at Thales who was already in a daze:

"That's why everyone calls me - 'Black Prophet'."

Thales was too shocked to speak.

I saw Molat gently opened his lips, and spit out the most poisonous words for traversers:

"Yes, child."

"I can read people's hearts."

At this time, Thales really felt that he was going to be in trouble.


"What should we do now?" Standing in the corridor on the second floor, Jine looked at the two men in front of her with an uneasy expression. , scandal, everything you can think of, to control whoever he wants to control."

"Don't worry about letting that child..." Ji Ni took a few steps and said bitterly, "He is very smart, mature, and has potential—but that's the Black Prophet!"

"The omniscient 'Black Prophet'!"

"I know his ability," Gilbert said solemnly, "How do you think the "Fortress Peace Treaty" was signed without the help of the Secret Division?"

"Then you still let him go—that bastard Kessel, what on earth is he thinking!" Ji Ni was so angry that she slapped her palm on the railing on the second floor with such force that she directly dented a piece of the fir railing.

At this moment, Gilbert frowned and turned around suddenly.

Ginny, who felt strange, also turned her head in doubt.

In the huge corridor, apart from the motionless guards, there were only the two of them.

At some point, Yordle had disappeared.

once again.


at the same time.

At the north gate of Eternal Star City, the guards and the city defense team finished their day on guard and were about to pull down the huge gate and close the magnificent gate made of ink stone.

This is another peaceful day... The captain of the last city defense team thought about it, waved his hands, and prepared to take his shift.

But at the city gate, the soldiers standing guard saw sharply. In the distance, several figures on horseback galloped towards the capital.

Behind them is a white flag.

"Wait! Don't close the city gate yet!" The sentry shouted loudly to a group of colleagues at the gate: "There is a fast horse! It should be a messenger!"

The captain boarded the city gate suspiciously, and looked at the group of cavalry in the distance.

It wasn't until the opponent approached that the captain was surprised to see that what the opponent was holding was a flying eagle flag with a white background.

A flying eagle with a white background?

The sentry five miles away didn't stop them, so they should be important messengers, but...

The captain took a step forward with a serious face, and he shouted:

"The capital is ahead! Slow down immediately!"

"City defense team, intercept formation!"

Under the city gate, dozens of soldiers of the city defense team immediately shouted, their swords were unsheathed, their shields formed into a wall, and the stars shone like stars, blocking the city gate and forming a formation in the direction of the cavalry!

"Knight, slow down immediately! Report your status!" The captain shouted outside the city.

I saw the knight under the city raised his head, but his speed remained unabated. He raised a scroll and shouted anxiously:

"An urgent letter from the lord of Coldcastle, Duke of the Northern Territory, Lord Val Arend!"

"Emergency level: seventh class!"

"To Your Majesty!"

"Everyone must not stop!"

"My lord duke will be there soon!"

"This is your lord's warrant!"

While speaking, the knight raised his hand, and the scroll bound with stones flew up to the city gate inconceivably, and was firmly held by the captain with super strength.

He's a master, worthy of being a knight of the North - the captain thought silently as he felt the strength in his hands.

But after the captain removed the sealant on it, scanned it, and checked the signature and seal on it, he nodded.

The captain stepped up to the outer edge of the city gate in two or three steps, and shouted to the formation below:

"Everyone, spread out! Let go immediately!"

"Thank you so much!" The knights under the city gate rushed past the soldiers who gave way, and under the surprised eyes of passers-by, they beat their mounts desperately and galloped towards the center of the capital.

"Accelerate! Accelerate! Accelerate again!" The leading knight looked crazy, urging the entire team without hesitation!

The captain looked at the knight leaving with a bad expression: "Don't close the door yet, if what he said is true, we still have a Northern Guardian Duke to welcome us."

Emergency level, seventh class?

Since I took office, the most urgent report and letter I have encountered is the military report that His Majesty led the coalition forces to defeat the bone man and the orc, right? Remember that was sixth class?

What's going on?

He was extremely puzzled.

The captain hesitated for a moment, but he still turned his head and asked the colleagues behind him:

"Emergency report of the seventh level, when was the last time?"

Everyone in the city defense team looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

"Do we have a seventh-class emergency level?" A young soldier even scratched his head and asked.

There was a silence.

"Yes, the seventh class."

A heavy voice came, and the soldiers turned their heads one after another, looking at the veteran inside.

The old soldier's face was ashen, as if recalling some terrible past:

"Last time..."

He murmured with pale lips:

"Twelve years ago."