
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 30 Hearts

Fuxing Palace, this is the most important, central, and tallest large building in Eternal Star City.

In the 34th year of the end calendar, in the late period of Tormund I's reign, he imitated the style of the imperial palace in the triumphal capital of the ancient empire, and built this semi-pyramidal palace that rose from the ground and was surrounded by six-sided palace walls. Later, at least six supreme kings expanded or repaired it. Under the hands of countless skilled craftsmen, the colors of the palace and walls are classical and mottled. The palace is full of vicissitudes.

Above the 225 steps, there is the Hall of Stars supported by 24 giant colonnades. It is grand and spacious, and it is dedicated to holding state affairs meetings. Xingju Plaza - the largest commercial plaza in the central area, the south side is the holding room of the imperial meeting, and the middle is the spacious large meeting hall, which can accommodate a large number of nobles to gather here.

At this time, in the imperial meeting room, on both sides of the discussion table, there were two people sitting on each side of the table. Under the two unextinguished lights, the atmosphere was quiet and heavy.

The thirty-ninth supreme king of the stars - the robust King Kessel V put down the letter report in his hand, and looked up at the dusty noble opposite.

The lord of the Kingdom's Coldcastle, the Guardian Duke of the North, the now forty-nine-year-old Val Arend squinted his eyes and looked back at his lord.

As one of the patriarchs of the kingdom's six wealthy families, Val does not appear to be so "noble", mostly due to the scar extending from his chest to his chin. He has neatly shaved round-inch short hair, making it almost impossible to see his brown-black hair color.

Val's appearance is different from that of common star people. His eyes are dark, his eyes are sharp, his nose bridge is high and his lips are protruding, his chin is full of stubble, and his whole person looks sharp and angular. The chain armor on his body still carries the coldness of the north, and melted frost drips from time to time.

And on his chest and shoulders, the head of the six great families who have guarded the Northland since the ancient empire - the white-bottomed eagle emblem of the Arend family, is lifelike, holding a snow branch in his mouth, majesticly facing Kessel Open its claws.

"Iron Eagle" Duke Val Allende, he is more like a front-line fighter than a pampered and wealthy lord.

"It's really an impressive forty-eighth birthday present, Duke Arend." Kessel said coldly.

"So?" Val raised his head without showing any weakness, and glared at his king with wide eyes: "Are you planning to kill me here to take responsibility?"

"His Majesty Kessel without an heir?"


Mind reading?

The unbelievable Thales could even hear his heart beating irregularly.

Looking at Molat Yinzhi's eyes, he thought bitterly: Then what else can I hide?

"Sir, don't be too surprised," Mourat gently stroked the unremarkable black wooden crutch in his hand, "You know, I've seen too much of your expression ."

"From the criminal," Mourat said with a terrifying smile, showing his broken teeth, "to the king."

"Hahahahaha..." Morat laughed sinisterly.

Facing such a person...such a terrifying person...

Ha ha...

Thales' mood was completely messed up.

I simply...

Just at this time!


A voice came faintly from beside my ear.

"He's been lying all along."

Thales was taken aback!

He slapped the banquet table with a slap—the sudden immature voice shook his heart.

Morat laughed and looked at him strangely.

"Don't act rashly, now only Li can hear the occasional voice."

Thales desperately grabbed a corner of the banquet table,

Staring at Morat, he transformed his surprise at that voice into fear of Morat's mind-reading skills at the right time.

"He doesn't bother to read the mind!" The immature loli voice said in his ear.

Can't read minds?

"But he can judge the existence of lies." The mysterious voice said.

Thales forced himself to suppress his disturbed state of mind and closed his eyes tightly.

A memory comes back.

"Qi Ren, the research object of psychology focuses on the behavior and psychology of individuals, while our research object is biased towards the behavior and psychology of groups. There are thousands of differences between the two." An old professor smoked a pipe and took a puff. Wu Qiren, who was flipping through the first draft of the thesis in front of him, smiled, and said slowly:

"But there is one thing in common. Human behavior and psychology have always been unpredictable and unpredictable, let alone a miracle of law. In the face of such a miracle, researchers must be humble."

"You also know that the attempt to cover all human social phenomena with one or several macro theories has long been criticized for being riddled with holes."

"Because there has never been a possibility to completely understand people's hearts."

The memories of his previous life passed away like a tide, and they were included in his already large-scale memory sea.

Thales opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the black prophet who was looking straight ahead, waiting for his answer.

The fire is almost ready, Morat Hansen said silently, he narrowed his eyes with interest, and looked at the little boy in front of him.

It's just that, judging by his appearance, is there really something serious that was concealed by Yodel?

Morat clenched his cane—very good, let's see how many more lies he can tell.

Coming here today is not just as simple as verifying Yordle's words, but looking for clues about the newborn magician.

Morat took a breath of the sweet and greasy air, which was really luxurious and decadent.

More importantly... come to meet the future King of Stars, and cultivate respect and awe for the Kingdom's Secret Science in his heart.

And dependence and... obedience.

For a king with "determined opinion" like Kessel, one is enough.

The stars can only shine brightly in the dark.

Morat thought with satisfaction.

"Next, I have to listen carefully to what I have to say." At this time, the loli voice next to Thales' ear said in a low voice.

"He didn't know we had spoken."

"He only knows what he says."

"I can no longer transmit sound, he found out."

"Recover yourself, ally."

There was a serious air leak in his ear, but the familiar voice that reassured him at this moment never came again.

Thales took another breath. At this time, although he still looked terrified on the surface, his heart had been rearmed.

It's just another game - he told himself so.

His gray eyes continued to expand and contract, and finally focused on Morat in front of him.

The brain that was blocked and frozen by shock and fear for a while also started to rotate in due course.

First, sort out the existing intelligence.

Morat was lying—after being reminded by the mysterious loli voice, he calmly made this judgment.

One, I met a magician.

Second, the magician talked to me.

Three, the magician found out, and I am the next magician.

The secret that Thales needs to hide is this three-layered progressive information. The problem is——Yordle knows all these three-layered information!

If Yodel had told Morat everything...then the "Black Prophet" wouldn't be here at all, and what was waiting for me might be what Ashida called the "Legendary Anti-Demon Armed Forces".

I shouldn't doubt Yodel, from Red Square Street to Vinegrass Manor, he did everything he could to ensure my safety - Thales told himself with guilt.

[He didn't know they had spoken]——the voice told himself: Morat didn't know that the magician and Thales had spoken.

So - Morat only knew the first floor from the very beginning, as for the others, he was lying, trying to tell Thales!

And he foolishly took the bait, and his panicked performance probably got him to the second floor all the time.

[He only knows what he said]—the voice also said: Morat only knows what Morat himself said.

In Morat's words, the only and most certain point is: Ashida has discovered a new magician!

But that's all. Yodel should have only told him half of the third floor. He doesn't know who the new magician is!

[He doesn't bother to read minds]——Since Morat doesn't know how to read minds, the way he pinches the bridge of his nose and uses his abilities is just pretending to lie to me!

The reason why he can swear to find the image of the magician of Qi from my "brain"-I am so stupid, seeing how Ashda looks like he hasn't changed his costume for hundreds of years, how could the secret department know? I don't know what he looks like?

As for the energy ball in Ashida's hand—it's the same, the air wall must be Ashida's famous signature skill!

He likes the habit of squeezing human flesh balls - after the battle on Red Square Street, the bodies crushed into balls must have been found!

And the darkness of Hongfang Street that night—isn't this nonsense! Even a fifth-level security officer can say this in the aftermath investigation!

So, this guy's so-called mind-reading skills - Thales frowned, thinking bitterly - is all an illusion that Morat decorated with known information to bluff me and force me to submit!

Next, let's prove this point.

"Lord Hansen," Thales raised his head with horror on his face, and said with a slight trembling, "Since——since you can read minds, why do you still ask me?"

"Just read my thoughts directly..."

"How dare you," Mourat smiled slightly, holding his cane and bowed lightly: "The brain of the person whose mind is being read will be more or less damaged."

"And you are my future master after all."

Then how dare you just now! ? Thales roared in his heart.

"However, if you want to save yourself trouble, I can only follow your wishes and go directly into your brain. I will try my best not to hurt..." Mourat continued to smile, and stretched out his left hand to Thales.

"No, no, no! No need!" Thales waved his hands in panic, "Let me tell you directly."

Looking at Thales' expression, Morat shook his head in his heart as if mocking himself.

After all, he is just a seven-year-old child.

"Obey." Black Prophet lowered his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

At this time, Thales was completely sure in his heart.

Trick me!

Fooling me again!


With such good acting skills, why don't you go to the Temple of the Underworld!


[But he can judge the existence of lies] - only this, Thales is particularly concerned about.

A black technology human flesh polygraph with an unknown mechanism?

That is to say, in front of the Black Prophet, I can't fabricate it out of thin air. I can only use "partial truth" to cover up and conceal the real key to death.

Part of it is true.

Thales sighed in his heart: Why didn't I go to the journalism department?