
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 28 Morat Hansen (Part 2)

In the reception banquet hall on the second floor of Mindis Hall, the guards invited the visiting guests in, and then closed the door neatly.

"Finish what you want to say, and then leave." Under the illumination of the permanent lights in the hall, looking at the old man in black in front of her, Ji Ni stopped in front of Thales without making any excuses.

Thales calmly looked at the black-clothed, crutch-clad old man in front of him, like a precarious old man, with suspicions in his heart.

"You're still so indifferent, Police Officer Bakwe," on the other side of the empty hall, Morat's old and hoarse voice came into Thales' ears, which was extremely unpleasant and inexplicably nervous. He only listened to his words Mockingly said: "At any rate, we have cooperated in tacit understanding more than once."

"Cooperate?" Ji Ni sneered, "Who would cooperate with a poisonous snake? It was His Majesty's order at that time, so I had to follow it."

"It really disappoints me," Mourat shook his head with regret, as if he was really sad: "I thought we were on the same front—you know, I always treat you like a daughter ."

During the words, there was a gleam in Molat's eyes: "You know, treat her as my 'natural' daughter raised by me."

Morat lightly added an accent to the word "biological".

Thales was surprised to see that Jine, who had always been arrogant, suddenly froze, as if someone had her throat choked.

The always proud and imposing court lady turned her head so that others could no longer see her expression.


Gilbert on the side interrupted the conversation between the two, and he bowed slightly with a serious face: "Lord Hansen, you also know the importance of everything here to the kingdom, please skip unnecessary temptations or greetings Bar."

Thales was even more surprised. Gilbert, who had always behaved well, seemed a little—angry?

"We all know that you are the 'Chief of Intelligence', who masters the kingdom's secret science that everyone has heard of. The Kingdom of Stars also depends on your contribution." The future 'lord' is also due, so please don't procrastinate any longer—this is Mr. Thales."

He purposely spelled out the words "intelligence agency" and "lord".

Thales suddenly came to his senses. The former was for him, while the latter was a warning to Morat.

The biggest intelligence chief - Thales hid this information in his mind.

The atmosphere is really not good.

The solemn Gilbert took a step back, letting Thales behind him completely out of Morat's field of vision.

Molat's eyes passed over the crowd and shot towards the traverser.

At that moment, Thales felt that there seemed to be some kind of magical power in those pair of dark eyes.

As if to stare at him.

Thales even had the illusion of being "a little out of breath".

Morat walked forward slowly, and the sound of crutches leaning on the ground brought out an ominous rhythm.

"Dum... thump... thump..."

Behind him, the masked guard Yordle also stepped forward slowly.

"This distance is enough." Gilbert said coldly.

"Earl Casso is indeed His Majesty's most trusted attendant." Amidst the sound of footsteps and crutches, Morat's eyes still fixed on Thales, but he kept on stepping, and an old hoarse voice came: "I really am I admire your loyalty to the lord, whether it is to the previous king, or to the 'successors' of the previous king."

Thales noticed that he added the accent on "successors".

At that moment, Thales suddenly felt that after Morat's words fell, Gilbert, who was eloquent like a sword, was suffocated!

Gilbert frowned tightly, as if thinking of something bad.

The former foreign minister who is good at words and quick thinking, Earl Caso, also clenched his teeth at this moment and stopped talking.

Let Morat approach.

Looking at the old man in black who was slowly approaching, Thales felt his cold sweat break down.

What kind of character is this?

With just a few words and a few accents, the powerful Jinie and the seasoned and capable Gilbert are willing to back away and not say a word?

"So, this little gentleman," Mourat said with a wrinkled smile on his face, mildly and unreasonably coldly: "It's really not easy to escape from Red Square Street, from the hands of the magician."


After hearing the words, Ji Ni and Gilbert raised their heads together and looked at Thales with a strange look on their faces.

Thales was shocked in his heart.

He subconsciously looked up and looked behind Morat.

I saw the masked secret guard, Yordle standing silently without saying a word.

But Thales keenly felt that the posture of the masked guard seemed a little stiff and tense.


It's you, have you told him everything?

About, my secret?

"Actually, I have some small questions to ask you." Molat laughed again, his eyes in the wrinkles were extremely sharp: "In private."

Thales swallowed his throat.

"No, Thales can't stay alone with him!" Ji Ni was the first to react. She looked at Gilbert solemnly, as if she wanted to ask the count for help.

Gilbert also looked at Morat with unfriendly eyes: "Mr. Thales has a distinguished status, and he has the right to choose, accompanied by his retinue, to contact the Kingdom's chief intelligence officer."

Thales frowned and looked at Morat.

What exactly is he going to ask?

"Of course, of course, even." At this time, Morat was leaning on a cane, bowed submissively, and grinned at the corner of his mouth: "It's up to him to choose whether he wants to talk to me or not."

"After all, in the future, he will be my lord—if my old bones can live that long."

Gilbert gave the Black Prophet a strange look, as if he was wondering why the head of the secret department was so talkative, but Jine's face changed and she looked at Thales.

Thales breathed a sigh of relief.

But just when he was about to say "I'm not feeling well today", Morat's next sentence made him stare.

"Actually, I still want to report something to you—only in private."

Morat bowed obediently again:

"...For example, three children in the downtown area, and a young bartender..." When the old man raised his head again, his face was still full of smiles: "According to my information, the fraternity seems to be dealing with an internal escape event and..."

At that moment, Thales clenched his right fist.

Three children in the downtown area?

The young bartender?

Thales' pupils shrank fiercely.

Cindy, Ryan, Kelia, and... Yala.


Thales ignored Jine's anxious eyes and Gilbert's surprise. He took a step forward and said firmly, "Let's talk in private."

The wrinkles on Morat's face were crowded together with a smile, and he turned slightly sideways: "Please move to the study."

At this moment, a sentence appeared out of nowhere among the crowd.

"Just talk here."

Thales turned around in surprise.

The one who made the sound was Yodel who was behind Molat, who had been silent all night.

"We can retreat," the hoarse and indistinct voice of the masked eccentric came out from behind the mask: "Only in this way can I guarantee his safety."

Morat also seemed to be stunned for a second, and when he turned his head again, his brows were already frowned.

After a brief moment of daze, Gilbert exchanged glances with Jine, and the two nodded firmly: "Let's talk here."


Morat leaned on his crutches, turned his head, and looked at Yodel.

"Why does everyone think that I, who have served Canxing and Xingchen for decades, will endanger the safety of the only heir and the blood of the kingdom?" Morat's eyes showed coldness, but he immediately turned it into a An uncomfortable smile:

"Forget it, let's talk about it here."

Jodl nodded slightly, loosened his sleeve, and held the Supreme Sword that he had held all night.

"But don't play tricks, servant of the shadows," Mourat smiled at the masked guard, and pointed to his own brain, "No matter where you hide, I can still feel your presence."

Seeing Morat's weird smile, Thales clenched his fists.