
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 28 All the blood in this world belongs to me

The dark castle gate.

Simon Dory tugged at the heavy chain armor, clenched the polished spear in his hand, and stood beside his knight master, his cousin seventeen years older than him, Knight Enrico Dory. Behind him, he adjusted his breathing.

Beside him and behind him are countless knights and warriors, standing densely behind the gate of the castle. Everyone has different expressions, some are trembling with nervousness, or their eyes are determined to see death as home, and some have numb faces and lax eyes, many of them People were whispering, and Simon vaguely heard words like "monster" and "annihilation".

Cousin - Knight Angligo nodded to the middle-aged man in purple robe beside him, who turned and left. Simon recognized that it was Master Shili from the Tower of Soul, the current mage advisor in Jianhu City.

But why is he leaving? Simon wondered: The Soul Tower has been destroyed, where else can he go?

Knight Anrigo straddled his horse, raised his visor, and looked worriedly at Simon, who tried to stand up straighter.

After all, I am a knight squire... The nervous Simon thought: I must not lose my face in the first battle of serving my cousin.

Knight Angligo didn't look at his cousin anymore, but raised his head firmly, turned his horse's head, and looked at the dark knights and soldiers.

"They're right outside the door!"

He said loudly: "Those shameful followers: Ludor, Nieda, Kailenza, Red Earth, Northland, Far East—maybe there are other damn races, all kinds, many Variety!"

"But I don't care!" An Lige's resolute eyes swept over everyone: "Because they all have one thing in common——"

Ang Lige pulled out the long sword on the saddle, and shouted loudly: "—I won't live long!"

Almost all the knights and warriors raised their weapons, knocked or held them high. Amidst the sound of metal and the rain of guns and blades, everyone followed their commander and shouted instinctively: "woo-ah!"

Simon was among them, especially roaring at the top of his lungs—this gave him a lot of confidence when he first entered the battlefield.

"The victory of the northerners proves that they—those monsters and those disasters are not invincible!" Ang Lige said loudly: "And what we are facing...is just a remnant soldier!"

Many people clenched their weapons.

"We'll crush them!"


"Open the city gate!" An Lige ordered loudly.

The soldiers on top of the gate turned the winches, and the gates of the castle began to rise.

Knight Angligo, the commander of the assault troop, rode his horse to the front of the team, and Simon hurriedly followed with his gun in his hand.

"After opening the gate, no matter what you see, remember..."

Commander Angligo held high the iron-colored long sword inherited from the Knights' Temple, and his majestic voice reached the ears of every soldier:

"We are the sons and daughters of Thornland, the warriors of the land of thorns, and the guardians of the southwestern land!"


"Better shed blood for freedom than succumb to fear—the light of the Republic once shone on our ancestors, and even the Empire cannot erase it!"


"Dragon, elves, orcs, or evil empires, none can bring us to our knees—the sons of thorns are born to resist!"


"Erol's light will forever bless Sword Lake City! Son of Thorns, go forward!"


The gate finally rose to the top.

Simon stood beside his cousin, looking at the shield with thorns and swords on his saddle.

I'm from the Dorley family - He gripped his spear tightly and looked out of the city gate.

There is a murderous army, but it is hard to hide the fatigue and injury, and the number of troops is smaller than them.

This is, the supporters and followers of those disasters?

Simon shook his head, clearing the thoughts from his mind.

We, the Dole family, have guarded Jianhu City for generations.

I am the son of thorns.

I will never give in.

Knight Angligo put down his long sword and took the spear tightly held in Simon's hand.

"Follow the battle, Simon," Brother Angli showed a hesitant expression. He saw his cousin struggling for a second, then frowned, and whispered to Simon: "If the battle doesn't go well..."

Simon was taken aback.

"Under the city gate on the south side, there is a secret passage in the ditch on the left." My cousin said the last sentence.


Secret passages

Before Simon could react, Knight Angligo slammed his spear fiercely, extraordinary power surged into his arm, and he galloped forward.

What does cousin mean?

Simon drew out the sword at his waist, trembling uncontrollably all over, and stepped out of the gate with the large army.

He saw that they set up their formation in a very short time, with the knights in front, the infantry on the side, and the archers behind.

He saw his cousin roaring, kicking the horse's belly, the horse trot accelerated, and the knights beside him followed fearlessly.

He saw the infantry commander turn and draw his sword, and raise his shield to let them advance.

He saw the archers shoot two rounds high, exchanging the rain of arrows with the enemy, he tried his best to raise the shield, feeling the tremor above - many people in the infantry formation fell in the rain of arrows.

He saw the knights roaring in unison, leveling their spears, charging in a row, and different types of extraordinary power appeared with the knights.

He saw that the extraordinary power taught in the knight temple also emerged from his cousin's hand, and he flicked his spear and raised it flat to the enemy.

He saw himself holding his sword high, following the roaring infantry.


He saw his cousin directly in front of him.

Suddenly one appeared.


The cousin raised his gun and stabbed her without hesitation.


Simon Corleone was startled.

He wakes up.

The thoughts of the Marquis of the blood race returned from the knight servant more than 600 years ago to the reality more than 600 years later, and to the unique birch forest in the north of the stars.

He looked in front of him in fear——

Still that girl.

Fighting broke out without warning.

"Do it." Katerina's indifferent order sounded.


Two blood warriors from the Holy Blood Corps appeared next to the strange girl one after the other, and another warrior appeared ferociously in midair, attacking from above!

The girl raised her head slightly and smiled.

Simon turned towards the dignified Queen of the Night, and Her Majesty Katerina stretched out her hand and shouted in horror: "No!"

Beside him, the seven or eight-year-old boy—Thales said to the two people around him in frustration:

"Why did you start fighting?"

While speaking, the three soldiers of the Holy Blood Corps had already ruthlessly handed out their sharp claws, which were comparable to steel weapons.

Katerina frowned tightly, staring at the girl.

But the girl still smiled, not caring about the danger facing her, not even resisting.

The next moment, everyone watching the battle, including Katerina and Thales, shrank their pupils.

what happened?


The vampire in front scratched through the girl's chest with one claw, and pulled out a bloody heart.


The blood race in the rear cut the unresponsive girl in half, and blood flowed everywhere.


The vampire above grabbed and twisted, and pulled the girl's head from her thin neck, bringing out a section of spinal cord, and the arterial blood gushed out like a fountain.

Under the bloody and cruel technique, the girl's body was instantly broken into three pieces!

Blood splattered everywhere.

Thales resisted nausea and frowned slightly - he saw that Serena was still looking desperate, but Chris Corleone beside her was frowning deeply.

The three blood warriors instantly killed the enemy.

The extraordinary ease made them look at each other in doubt, but they still respectfully returned to the queen and handed the girl's head meticulously.

Looking at the girl's head and her smiling face before she died, Katerina let out a low growl.

that's all?

Too simple, right?

This is... Serena's reinforcements?

Only Serena, who was surrounded, giggled strangely with blank eyes.

Everyone felt weird.

At this moment, Ada's eyes widened and she shouted, "No!"

Those who had doubts for a long time immediately looked at the girl's body on the ground.

But the two headless corpses remained unchanged.

The next moment, the situation in the field suddenly changed.

"Ah!" Several howls suddenly sounded!

Those who screamed were the three blood warriors who shot to kill!

I saw the three of them clutching their chests and abdomen tightly, bending over deeply.

One even fell to the ground in pain!

"Your Majesty!" He scratched his chest and abdomen, his face contorted, as if he was enduring the most terrible torture in the world.

Katerina looked at the miserable situation of the three subordinates in shock and anger.

Is it poison?

Thales raised his head, and fluctuations flooded his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

I saw that the bodies of the three vampires radiated a red light that was more dazzling than anyone else's - crimson light!

Katerina was about to carefully check the situation of her subordinates, but a figure that surpassed the speed of sound flashed beside the queen in an instant, and when Katerina couldn't react in time, it dragged her backward.

"No, Your Majesty!" Simon, who turned into a real form, dragged Katerina with an angry face, shaking his head excitedly: "We must retreat!"


"It's so hot—"


The miserable howls of the three blood warriors became more and more frightening, and two anxious comrades appeared beside them, looking anxiously.

"No matter what it is," Thales looked at the field in shock through the special vision brought by the strange fluctuations, and said anxiously to Ada and Rolf: "I think we should all go first—"

But he wasn't done yet.


Thales subconsciously closed his eyes and covered his ears.

Huge explosions and roars suddenly exploded!

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the scene where the three elite Holy Blood Corps soldiers burst like blown balloons!

They exploded into countless broken limbs, big and small, and thousands of red blood droplets, splashing in all directions!

The two comrades who were nearby and were affected fell to the ground weakly, and after convulsing for a while, they also began to howl.

"Damn it!" Katerina roared and threw Simon away.

But then, something even weirder happened.

The blood and stumps all over the ground seemed to have their own life, moving on the ground and gathering towards one place.

The blood on the ground flowed happily, converging into a blood-red sphere!

Thales frowned: He swore that he had seen the most disgusting scene in his life:

A severed hand of a vampire crawled nimbly by pulling on the ground with its fingers, and climbed close to the blood-red sphere. With five fingers, it "jumped" vigorously, and jumped into the sphere that seemed to be made of blood.

It's not just a broken hand that moves by itself.

There are also rolling calves, moving lips one by one, shrinking and moving stomach bags, vigorous organs, even bouncing eyes, a "struggling" rolling brain, and a snake-like spinal cord!

Like a servant summoned by the master, they all happily melted into the crimson blood ball!


The two blood clans who fell to the ground and howled miserably, also exploded into blood-stained limbs and scattered in all directions.

Their blood and residual limbs also instantly "lived" and melted into the big ball that had swelled to the height of a person!

Katrina stared in amazement at what she saw - it was beyond her comprehension of the world.

The vampires looked at each other in horror for help, and Simon stared at the ball, recalling the most unbearable fearful memories.

"Bitch! What have you done!" the queen yelled at Serena frantically.

"As long as we all die here," Serena just laughed sadly, "we can be freed from his curse!"

Chris on the side sighed,

Thales, who had a strong desire to vomit, covered his mouth.

"What the hell is that?" Thales pointed at the ball and the amputated limbs jumping around happily, looking at the weird scene in front of him in disbelief, speaking inarticulately.

"I don't know," Ada stared blankly, as if she was frightened stupid: "But I don't want to die in that way..."

Rolf, on the other hand, looked terrified and frantically gestured.

[horrible! ]

At this moment, the ball finally stopped expanding.

The red ball slowly shrank, and at the same time, a hand suddenly protruded from the ball of blood.

That's one person.

Everyone stared blankly at the weird smiling girl, covered in red blood all over her head and body, walking out naked from the ball.

"I said," the girl smiled with her eyes closed:

"It will hurt."

"What the hell are you!" Katerina gritted her teeth and shouted angrily.

The girl raised her head, wiped around the blood-stained eyes, exposing the skin and pupils, and looked at Katerina.

"Aren't you Your Majesty?" The girl smiled and said, "Why, they didn't tell you when they took over the throne?"

Katrina looked puzzled.

"Ah, you must have not succeeded to the throne normally?" The girl smiled gently, but then shook her head with a strange smile:


"That bitch, Bloodthorn, has given up on you?"

At that moment, Katerina's eyes burst into shock and fear.

Thales frowned.

blood thorn.

It's that name again.

And this girl... I hope it's not what I imagined...

Thales gritted his teeth and decided to run away first regardless of the things here.

At this moment, the girl took a step.

Everyone tensed up and subconsciously wanted to back away.

There was only one person walking forward sadly, step by step, under the watchful eyes of everyone.

It's Serena.

Chris behind her looked hesitant and unbearable.

"meet as planned..."

"I brought you the Dark Night Coffin..."

Thales watched in amazement, Serena lowered her head with a pale face, and knelt tremblingly:

"Master Blood Magician."

At that moment, there was silence in the field.

Thales opened his mouth wide and covered his face.

Guess what.

He turned to Rolf.

"Is that your former boss?" Thales frowned.

But the latter also had an ashen-colored face, gesticulating: [I haven't seen it! ]

Thales gestured back with an ugly expression.

[All right. ]

[Run. ]

Rolf tightened the steel prosthesis under his feet, and quietly picked up Thales.

"That's right," the blood magician showed a pleasant smile, "The agreement is two hundred years late."

"I'm very sorry, my lord," Serena said bitterly, "When I did it..."

"So," the blood magician obviously didn't intend to listen to her excuse, but just smiled and looked at the black coffin in the distance: "How to open it?"

Katerina's expression changed.

But Serena didn't look at her sister.

She just closed her eyes and said without hesitation:

"Use the king's key, and my blood."

"Very good," the blood mage repeated with a smile on his face, "Use your blood."

The blood magician gently stretched out his hand towards Serena, and touched Serena's face.

The next moment, Serena suddenly showed a painful expression.

But at this moment, an unexpected figure came roaring without hesitation!


Chris Corleone, roaring into his true form, flapping his bone wings.


He cut off the hand of the blood magician with one palm!

Then, under the astonished eyes of the blood magician, Chris turned around and pulled Serena, who had a dejected face, more than ten meters away!

This is?

Serena was startled, and looked at the old butler in mid-air.

"Chris..." she murmured.

"Your Highness Serena!" Chris Corleone violently grabbed the other hand of the blood-severing magician, and shouted angrily, "You can't give up!"

"Why did you set foot on this road!"

Serena was startled, gritted her teeth, and fell down.

But the next moment, the blood mage's severed hand pressed onto Chris' body!

The latter howled suddenly!


He closed his eyes and knelt down violently as if being tortured, his pair of bone wings twitching continuously.

Immediately, crimson smoke came out of Chris's whole body!

"Look, your blood is boiling," the blood magician who lost his arms bent down, looked at him and smiled, "Life is burning!"