
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 27 Morat Hansen (Part 1)

There was a long silence.

But the old man seemed to be very patient, waiting tirelessly for Yodel's answer.

Finally, the voice of the secret guard came from behind the mask.

"You shouldn't be here." Jodl said coldly.

If anyone was present, they would have noticed that Yodel's hoarse voice was so similar to the voice of the old man in front of him.

The old man in black didn't speak, but looked at Yoddle with a weird smile on his face.

The old man's eyes remained motionless.

But as the pinnacle of the extreme realm, Jodl felt that the aura of the old man in front of him was gradually overpowering him.

"That night, all the legendary anti-magic weapons in the country that can seal magic masters have their own destinations." The old man in black leaned on his crutches, grinned, and said slowly:

"The Star Rod is a symbol of royal power, and it will always be held in the hands of His Majesty...The Judgment Gun is held by the Legendary Wing, guarding the western front...Kingdom Fury is scrubbing his immovable bow in the manor outside the city...There is still half a piece , that is, the Supreme Shield stayed in the Broken Dragon Fortress in the north along with the Fortress Flower herself."

Jodl took a light breath.

"Only the last half - the Supreme Sword that has just been thawed - is with you, Yodel Gato, and headed to the Lower City. It was also that night that the Qi Magician disappeared on Red Square Street adjacent to the Lower City. "

The old man grinned again and smiled uglyly: "I should have praised you. The last time someone sealed a magician alone, it dates back to the records of the ancient empire."

Jodl's hand under his sleeve slowly clenched the gray cross-gauntlet dagger tightly.

"But—" Molat's pupils shrank, and the conversation suddenly changed:

"You, who went to meet the blood of the kingdom, should have kept a low profile and secretly acted secretly. Why did you risk your life to find the magician of Shangqi and seal him?"

"Don't tell me, you want to be an envoy of justice."

Jodl remained silent for a long time.

The old man was a little impatient, the wrinkles on his face fluctuated, and he said:

"Or should I report to His Majesty and ask him to ask you in person?"

For a long time.

Facing one of the five most feared people in the whole star, Jodl took a deep breath, and said lightly in the same hoarse voice:

"That night, I saw Ashida Sacon on Red Square Street. At that time, he was on the path of... Thales' escape."

The old man in black still couldn't take his eyes off it, as if the news meant nothing.

But no one knows that at this very moment, Jodl is extremely careful, considering his words.

"For Thales, I can only choose to make a move."

"Although the Supreme Sword is only half a piece of armor, it is enough to seal the magician of Qi."

The old man in black coughed lightly twice, a pair of eyes suddenly shone brightly on his ordinary face.

"I think, you don't mind telling me every detail of him before you sealed him? From words to emotions, from actions to attitudes? I'm very curious. Why did Ashida return to the capital? Such a dangerous place."

Yoddle gently clenched his fists under his robe.

He must be careful.

He was facing the "Black Prophet".

He can't lie.

he can not.

"Ashida Sacon, he's a lunatic." Jodl said indifferently.

The old man—the Black Prophet chuckled lightly, and the wrinkles on his face fluctuated for a while: "Of course, each of them is a lunatic, so what? A lunatic should have his own words and deeds, right?"

"Before he was sealed, he was very excited." Jodl answered slowly, considering his words.

The old man rubbed his cane, his dry lips opened and closed: "You will never be able to figure out their emotions... They are not human anymore, where are the emotions?"

These nonsense can't attract his attention... Yodel thought in his heart.

Jodl hesitated for a second in his heart before making a decision.

He had to speak.


"He said," Yodel's hoarse voice slowly came from behind the mask:

"He found a newborn magician."


[In history, the first time a magician appeared in the records was around the millennium of the ancient empire, around 1025-1035 in the imperial calendar. ]

One thousand years of imperial calendar? From the ancient empire to the final empire, the imperial calendar has been used for more than 1,600 years before it was converted to the final calendar.

Thales recalled the basic knowledge he had learned in the past few days.

In other words, it has been 1,200 years since the appearance of the magician?

But right now, it doesn't seem like a good time for him to think about problems.

On the sandy ground under the setting sun, Thales gritted his teeth. Regardless of the soreness in his left shoulder, his seven-year-old body put on a heavy wooden shield and slammed into Jini!

[According to the remnants of the Tower of Ascetics: A caravan heading to the Tower of Alchemy witnessed an abnormally large giant lightning. On the same day, in a tribe hundreds of miles away from the God of War Desert, thousands of tribesmen were all turned into charred corpses. ]


Then why is the ability of the magician of air to control the air?

The Fantastic Four? Or an elementalist?

Ji Ni moved her steps without changing her expression, and the wooden shield in her left hand hit Thales' shield at a clever angle.


Thales' impact force was relieved by half, and he lost his balance, tilting unnaturally towards the side where the shield fell.

Thales gasped, and pressed his sword on the ground, feeling apprehensive in his heart.

Jinie saw Thales' state.

With a cold face, she began to scold the traverser: "What the hell are you thinking! Being absent-minded on the battlefield is suicide!"

Thales shook his head, trying to drive out what he saw in "End of War: Sundering".

But it didn't seem to be useful. The content about the magician kept popping up in his mind:

[The Tower of Alchemy is as mysterious as ever, and no explanation has been given (their written historical materials cannot be found now), and the existing historical records of ancient empires do not record this matter. But this was enough to pave the way for the brutality of the later battle of the end. ]

What are the Tower of Ascetics and the Tower of Alchemy? An organization, or a place name?

Using the center of gravity of the shield, Thales tried his best to swing the wooden sword in his right hand that was not much lighter than the shield, twisted his face, and turned around with a sword!

[The war began in 1609 in the Imperial Calendar, but there is no historical data to prove the origin of the War of the End. As if overnight, all the hostile sides stood at both ends of the chessboard and started fighting. ]

Why, why is there a war that changed everything, but the beginning of the war is not even recorded?

Ji Ni moved effortlessly, getting out of the way of the oncoming sword, and using the hilt of the sword to gently push Thales's body that had lost its balance.

Gilbert, who was watching from the side, shook his head.


Thales fell to the ground again, and fell to the ground face down.


Thales spat out the sand in his mouth, pulled the shield again, and stood up.

"Enough!" Ji Ni shouted with an unhappy expression.

"Seven sets of offensive styles, you just learned a similar shape, and the efficiency is completely different from when you learned defensive styles—"

"If you're not a fool—"

"That means you don't have the heart to practice today!"

Thales gasped, nodded with shame and apology.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Ginny—"

[The number of magicians is rare, even more so than the legendary dragon group. At least, there are more than forty dragons whose names are recorded in history, and there are no more than ten magicians who publicly appeared and participated in the battle of the end. ]

ten people?

Ten people facing the whole world?


Seeing that Thales was still absent-minded, Ji Ni threw down the shield and wooden sword angrily: "get out of class is over! Get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning and make up today's progress!"

Gilbert frowned. He didn't know what happened to Thales.

Jinie on the battlefield turned her head and shouted to Earl Caso:

"Before dinner, he's yours—fix him in this state!"

Gilbert smiled, lifted his hat and bowed.

Thales threw down the wooden sword in frustration, and began to deal with his left arm—his arm was caught by the shield again.

[Even so, although there are many followers, the ones who really caused huge casualties to the coalition forces were single-digit magic masters—the most famous record is that in May 1614 in the Imperial Calendar, the Battle of the Mountains of Sighs in the Eastern Front Theater, The 8,000 pilgrims troops of the mountain elves and the nearly 50,000 well-equipped black armor troops of the Dawn Dynasty, which had been victorious, were wiped out overnight after the appearance of the magician of power. ]

The magician of power? right?

Fifty-eight thousand for a single person and only one shadow.

What kind of power can cause such damage?

Almost comparable to an atomic bomb.

Can Ashida do it too?

At this moment.

Ginny, who was looking down, was rubbing her hands and was about to leave, but she saw a guard stepping forward dignifiedly, and whispered something in Gilbert's ear.

The next moment, Thales was amazed to see that Gilbert's face suddenly became surprised and—worry, even fear?

This Earl Caso, who has gone through a wealth of diplomatic experience, is not surprised by favor or humiliation, and does not show emotions, does he also have times of worry and fear?

Thales was wondering when he heard Gilbert stop Jini, and said solemnly:

"Your Majesty has a message."

"Lord Morat Hansen, will visit the Mindyth Hall tonight."

"He wants to see Mr. Thales."

Morat Hansen?

Who is that?

Then, Thales was also surprised to see that the face of Ms. Ji Ni, the first-class court lady and lover of King Kessel V, also changed.

It was also shock, worry, and——

Gritting your teeth?

"He will come sooner or later." Jini's eyes were cold, and her words were cold:

"Facing the blood of the royal family, the succession of the throne of the stars."

"The head of the kingdom's secret department, 'Black Prophet' Morat."

"How could it be possible not to get involved??"


The old man in black—"Black Prophet" Morat Hansen didn't speak any more.

For the first time, Jodl saw Molat, who always looked mysterious and weird, with shock and...


"A newborn... magician?"

Morat's voice froze, he took a step back in disbelief, and then raised his head suddenly!

It works - Yodel said to himself silently.

Morat has too many secrets, including the secrets of the magician.

But precisely because he knows too much, he is more easily distracted by these things.

Ignore what I really want to hide, the communication between Thales and Ashida.

For example now.

"Impossible, the birth of a magician requires..." Morat's face was full of shock, the old man held his cane tightly, and stared at the mask of the yordle, as if to put the purple layer It's like staring at the crystal.

"Who is it?" Morat's eyes were a little crazy.

"Who is the new magician?"

Morat stared at his son like a poisonous snake, his pupils constricted violently.

"You know how serious this is!" Molat frowned, his eyes focused, his breath accelerated, and the crutches in his hands became tighter and tighter: "The new magician--you have to deal with it before it.... "

Yoddle adjusted his breathing, breathing—this movement, which should have been easy for extreme experts, was extremely difficult at this moment.



The image of the boy with black hair and gray eyes slowly became clear.

"They stay with you...I'll go alone." In the Sunset Bar, the stubborn boy's words and his firm eyes vaguely came to mind.

Jodl lightly clenched his fist.

Morat narrowed his eyes slowly.

"Ashida didn't say his name, and probably doesn't know his name."

Jodl carefully sifted through the most authentic information, and slowly organized it into words: "Then, I sealed Ahedar.

He really doesn't know Thales's name - Yodel told himself so - I'm not lying.

Morat didn't speak.

The old man just looked at Yodel with strange eyes.

After a few seconds, Morat turned his gaze away.

"Very well, you didn't lie." The old man used an affirmative sentence, with serious eyes.

"But it's also bad, because you really didn't lie." Morat added with a gloomy expression.

Jodl felt relieved.

He hid it.

"Now, by His Majesty's order, let's go meet that Mr. Thales." Mourat withdrew his gloom and solemnity, reappeared an ugly and terrifying smile on his face, and walked towards the Mindis Hall.

Jodl's breathing stagnated for a moment.

He only heard Mourat rubbing his cane, showing few teeth left, turning his head and smiling, "You shouldn't mind the truth about Red Square Street, I'll ask that child in person—like a so-called freshman Magician?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's just a professional habit, such as—"

"—to see if you are hiding anything?"

Jodl suddenly raised his head!

Morat smiled even more happily.