
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 26 The Truth About Red Square Street

Red Square Street.


The Security Office and the City Hall were withdrawn two days ago.

Apart from the fact that the ruins after the battle still need time to be rebuilt, Hongfang Street has already opened for business.

The whole street was brightly lit, full of voices, and there were men and women of all colors coming and going. The most inferior Liuying secretly waved in the back of the dark alley, waited for a person to negotiate the price for a long time, and the two rushed into the one-story house on the other side;

In front of the high-end clubhouse, graceful clients attract all kinds of customers, from drunken veterans to ignorant youngsters, wealthy upstarts from small kingdoms to wealthy businessmen covered in copper stink. -body, devouring the wallets that come and go;

The top ones are the well-dressed coachmen in front of the gates, who park the low-key and luxurious carriages without badges in front of the various guild halls. Greeting the carriage, then driving away, and returning the next day—these are the real big spenders and powerful tycoons, and the identities hidden behind them can even make the bosses of major guild halls chatter their teeth.

Everything is the same as it was twenty days ago, as if Red Square Street never experienced a bloody and terrifying gangster fire, and the protectors and commission collectors of the street have not changed from the Blood Bottle Gang to the Black Street Brotherhood .

Except for the center of Hongfang Street.

There, the ruins of more than a dozen houses that were blown to pieces by the magic master of qi were still pitch black.

And in this darkness, dozens of people were busy digging under the ruins, and there were constant sounds of iron catalpa colliding with the soil.

Under the moonlight, "Sleepless Eye" Corbion Lancer, the intelligence leader of the Brotherhood of the Black Streets, stood among the ruins in a scarlet cloak, looking at the darkness around him, and at the same time The lights of thousands of families in the distance could not help frowning.

Too close...he thought.

Those guild halls that opened are still too close to the site we want to dig.

In the distance, a sleepless person whistled, which was a signal: The two passed by, everything is normal.

Lancer nodded to another sleepless person in the darkness.

But he saw the lights on the top floor of a guild hall next door lit up, and the lights dimly illuminated a road leading here.

Lancer snorted dissatisfiedly from his nose.

too close.

Immediately, a knowing sleepless person left behind him, communicated with another member of the fraternity for a while, and the latter strode towards the guild hall.

Not long after, the lights on the top floor of the guild hall went dark, and the surrounding ruins fell into darkness again.

Lancer nodded.

It's time for that kid Rick to extend the business ban time.

It's too much affecting our homework.

But we can only do these things at night.

But Lanser knew that to prohibit the business of Red Square Street and make the nobles endure for one more day, it would be faster for each of them to cut an acre of land in their own territory and hand it over to the Brotherhood.

Lancer walked forward slowly.

It's been ten days and ten nights. They dug a full ten meters deep and twenty meters wide under the chess and card room, but they didn't find anything.

Right now, they can still use the excuse of "finding clues to the magician of Qi" and "finding the truth about the deaths of Brother Tarun and Moria" to cover it up, but if they can't be found again...

If we don't find any more, sooner or later we will be discovered by someone with a heart - Lancer thought darkly.

Whether it's the secret department, or the blood bottle gang who are dead but not stiff.

Even, the other poisonous snakes hiding in the darkness.

Even, even if Hongfang Street is now owned by the fraternity.

Fortunately, the magic master of qi blasted the surrounding area for them, otherwise, they would have to go to great lengths to seek the ownership of all the nearby houses from the owners of the Red Square Street with more or less background.

Only then can the excavation work be started.

But it's not bad right now - according to the plan, the excavation may take a year and a half or even longer to start, unlike now, it can start a few days after taking Red Square Street.

Of course, the uncovered excavation site also made it more difficult for them to cover up their secrets.

That's why we have to dig it up quickly—Lancer couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

At this moment.

"Found it!" A rough and bold voice came from afar!

Lancer couldn't help but be moved!

He waved back the Sleepless One behind him, and walked forward quickly.

"I found it, Corbion!" A tall and thin figure walked forward holding a long strip wrapped in cloth tightly.

This is a man with a long and narrow face, with dark golden curly hair draped uncomfortably over his shoulders, with a black leather strap tied on his body, three short knives are inserted under the left and right ribs and around his waist, his arms are wrapped in thick Among the thick bandages, his stature was almost second only to Qin Cha, who was two meters tall. Unfortunately, his thin figure affected his appearance.

"The Ripper" Anton Levanowski, one of the six giants of the Brotherhood, the leader responsible for the smuggling of strategic resources such as eternal oil and asphalt mines, is excitedly hugging his long, muddy arms Tiaowu, walking towards Lancer.

Behind him, a fat figure—one of the six giants, Morris, who was in charge of the population business, walked up with a displeased expression.

"It should be this one! I opened it up and took a look, wow...it's exactly the same as the one on the painting..." Anton said it in a rough accent, which was particularly harsh.

"You wouldn't have imagined that after ten days of digging, you almost dug through the sewer, and it turned out that it wasn't buried in the ground—it was hidden in the partition between the basement and the ground!"

"If I hadn't slipped and stepped on it while peeing...haha, I would have said that things should not be too complicated...You and Morris have been digging like crazy for ten days...haha..."

Morris behind him crossed his arms with an expression of displeasure and gritted his teeth.

"Look! I've only been here for five minutes, and I wanted to take a pee before I left...

After enduring it for more than ten seconds, Lancer finally couldn't bear this. He had been nagging about Nie Da people from the Eastern Continent since more than ten years ago.

"Shut up, skinny man!" Lancer viciously snatched the long piece from Anton's hand, ignoring the dirt on it, and opened a corner tremblingly.

Anton wanted to say something, but Morris behind him gave him a vicious kick, and he staggered.

"Fatty... you are just jealous that I am better than you..."

"Shut up, Anton!" This time it was the vicious Morris.

Lancer gently covered the cloth.

"That's right," he said softly, but he couldn't hide the strange excitement in his voice: "That's it."

Lancer stroked the long object with a trembling hand, as if stroking a lover: "It's been a lot of hard work, and we must take down Red Square Street without disturbing the magician or the secret department——finally in return!"

"Hey," Anton spread his hands out of displeasure, "Who said the magician wasn't alarmed? Who do you think blows up this ruin?"

"The appearance of the magician of air was an accident, and the black sword failed to lure him away, but he really didn't know about it." Morris said calmly: "But I was thinking, Ashida must know something—so Only then did he give up the chance to kill Heijian, risk his way back to the capital, and intervene in a small turf fight—he may even know that what we are looking for is a weapon that can deal with him."

"But we still found him, under the nose of the Magician of Qi." Lancer observed the outline of this thing, and said in a serious manner.

When it came to the magic master of qi, the three people present were silent for a while.

"When I received the news, I thought you and Qincha were going to die on Red Square Street." Lancer broke the silence and sighed slightly.

"We're lucky." Morris lowered his head, his eyes shrouded in shadows: "You should look at Moria and the Taron brothers—he still likes to pinch balls so much."

"What's wrong with him?" Anton's eyes showed a strange color.

"Maybe I met a nemesis," Lancer tightly squeezed the package in his hand, and gently closed his eyes, "But he must not be dead."

"Speaking of which, it's been twelve years... I still can't believe it..." Anton gritted his teeth fiercely, recalling in a mixture of fear and hatred: "I saw with my own eyes that the black sword clearly killed Three times... three times..."

"Then he was resurrected," Morris gritted his teeth with a gloomy face, "Two hours, three resurrections."

"Four times," Lancer added silently, "Outside the palace gate, after the crown prince was poisoned, Great Sariton killed the monster once."

In an instant, the air in the room between the three of them seemed to sink.

Anton looked at the long object in front of him, and asked with lingering fear and doubts, "We've been looking for it for ten years—but is this thing really useful? After all, the entire continent is full of anti-demon forces..."

"Things on those guards can only slightly weaken the influence of magic energy," Lancer said without hesitation: "Only the legendary anti-magic weapons bestowed by the imperial kingdom can really deal with magicians—when they were still in the secret department." , Morat told me so."

"I don't dare to believe your former boss's information." Anton's complexion changed, as if remembering something, he trembled again: "...that old man, even his saliva is highly poisonous."

"By the way, our operation this time," Morris said worriedly: "The Kingdom's Secret Division did not intervene? After all, according to your statement, this is a legendary anti-magic weapon that is not on the list... It is better than owning a magic gun It's still serious..."

Possessing a magic gun privately? Lancer hummed softly in his heart.

Possessing a magic gun privately is nothing more than a death sentence, and concealing the legendary anti-magic armed forces that are not on the list—hmph.

But Lancer just shook his head: "The king is about to be forty-eight years old, and the selection of nobles and heirs is enough for them to worry about—and, I made a deal with Exeter's dark room, and they will release Morat Interesting news, let Ramon attract the full attention of the secret department, Morat will not find out our purpose - I know my teacher too well."

"But fortunately, neither the magicians of the Blood Bottle Gang nor the secret subjects know the importance of this thing..." Lanser rubbed the cloth wrap in his hand, thinking deeply.

"By the way, are you really not telling Qincha, Fei Suo, and Rhoda the truth about this matter?" Speaking of the names of the other three Big Six, Anton also frowned like the two of them: "Anyway, Qi Zhi The magician is also missing."

Lancer shook his head dignifiedly, and handed the package to Morris: "Nekla and Catherine have set off to find the blood magician—trust me, I have read the records of the secret department, and the blood magician Compared with the teacher, Ashida is simply more kind than His Royal Highness Midil."

"It is enough for the magician to be confronted by the Big Three of our brotherhood and the black sword. The less others know, the safer it will be," Morris nodded, and tied the long strips on his hands tightly, The words are sad: "For the former Big Nine."

Anthony and Lanser's expressions became serious, and they whispered together: "For the sake of the former Nine Giants."