
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 24 Awakening (Part 3)

"They—the descendants of the Sword of Disaster, want to imitate a power of end?" Cohen raised his eyebrows: "Imitation? Does that mean that this power has a prototype to imitate?"

"Prototype." Jedi thought about it seriously, then nodded: "Yes, it can be said that it imitates a kind of extraordinary power as a prototype."

Cohen frowned, and pondered:

"Extraordinary power?"

"This is what we called the power of the end a long time ago, so," the security officer asked doubtfully, "the extraordinary power of the prototype appeared before the battle of the end—that is, at least seven hundred years ago?"

"Longer, much longer than you imagined." Jedi took a breath, recalled the discussion with other inheritors, and said lightly:

"The 'prototype' you mentioned has appeared from the period of the kings to the period of the ancient empire, but the most famous record is at the apex of the first civil strife in the ancient empire - there is an owner of the extraordinary power of the 'prototype' , led the troops into the capital of triumph, and cut off the head of the supreme emperor."

cut off...



Cohen opened his mouth wide in surprise:

"Emperor? You said it was a weak final empire, I still believe it, but it was a great ancient empire! Why didn't you mention this in history class?"

"During the two empires, the emperor was assassinated more than once. There were two successful cases alone. As for why you, a nobleman, don't know..." Jedi showed a smug smile:

"For one thing, due to well-known reasons, there are not many historical materials left in Xingchen for two generations of empires. If you want to find the most complete historical materials and classics, you have to go to the Rise and Fall Pavilion of the Suye Dynasty, or here, the Truth Library of the End Tower;

Second, the Canxing royal family is the descendant of the Carolersian royal family after all. Even if they knew this, do you think the Supreme King would be happy to put "the emperor was beheaded by the army" in the book? "

"Back to the topic," Jedi sat down cross-legged - this is Shao's cross-legged way, compared to his other kneeling way, Jedi thinks this Far Eastern way of sitting is more like a master - patted himself Saber:

"I heard that the guy who killed the emperor, relying on this mysterious prototype extraordinary power, defeated almost all opponents in his era. Even the mage met him,

I also have to be careful. "

"All the opponents?" Cohen asked in surprise, "Where is the strength of this prototype?"

"I don't know," Jedi frowned. "It's recorded in Crassus' own notes that the biggest characteristic of that kind of extraordinary power is that it has no characteristics."

"No characteristics?"

Jedi spread his hands, and said irresponsibly, "Anyway, that's what Crassus wrote a hundred years ago. Tomato `-"

"No." Cohen frowned and doubted, "If this kind of extraordinary power is really so powerful, wouldn't it have been learned by everyone in a thousand years, and now it has become the most popular ending?" power?"

"Yes, why didn't it spread widely? This is where it gets weird," Jedi showed a mysterious look, as if you were about to ask me: "We figured this out."

Cohen raised his eyebrows, folded his arms and refused to ask.

In the end, Jedi gave him a blank look, but couldn't help but "confide", saying:

"Crasu's notes are vague, but there is a clear record of the awakening and promotion of this power - this is a joint research he and another inheritor at the time."

Cohen stared at him curiously.

Jedi opened his mouth softly, and spit out words like verses with distinct Far Eastern colors:

"Through life and death, you will become extraordinary, and through life and death, you will reach the peak."

Cohen stared and opened his mouth, shaking his head twice.

don't know.

Jedi sighed: "Our usual final power, including the four original extraordinary powers, must be awakened through unremitting swordsmanship and combat practice."

"However, this 'prototype' cannot be awakened by practice, nor can it be improved by proficiency," Jedi narrowed his eyes mysteriously:

"As the power of termination, it can only be used when the owner's life is in danger, dying..."

"There is such a slight chance of awakening."

Cohen's eyes widened.

"Being extraordinary through life and death, reaching the peak through life and death—it can only awaken when it is in the realm of death."

The huge library of truth is full of silence.

Three seconds later, Cohen opened his mouth in disbelief: "No way! So the people who have this kind of prototype ending power are all..."

"Well," Jedi frowned tightly, full of suspicion and puzzlement, and spit out a few words:

"People who have experienced death."

Cohen touched his abdomen with an ugly expression. There, the wound pierced by the disaster swordsman of the Blood Bottle Gang seemed to be still aching.

Jedi said with a complex expression: "The awakeners of this prototype power of end are the very few lucky ones on the battlefield-they can only awaken after suffering serious injuries that must die, and I guess that more than half of them have awakened not long ago. Afterwards, he died from his wounds."

"For example, your throat was cut, you didn't die immediately, and then you awakened this power, and then with the resilience comparable to a dragon, you repaired the wound and stood up alive?" Cohen frowned: "It doesn't sound like a human being can do it." what happened"

The police officer shook his head in disbelief...he couldn't understand the significance of this power.

"But it appeared after all." His teacher bowed his head.

"I have another conjecture. Shao agrees with me on this point." Under Cohen's breathless gaze, Jedi slowly expressed his reasoning:

"The stronger the strength, such as the extreme state of super-level, the more stringent the conditions may be to improve the power of termination, the stricter the requirements for the 'mortal state', and the higher the death rate—— That's why Crassus wanted to imitate, not copy from the original."

Cohen sighed: "I guess, that crazy and violent aura is the sequelae of this 'court death' power?"

Jedi nodded: "So even if the lucky ones survived, if they want to improve and become stronger after obtaining this power, they must go through more tragic death experiences again and again... Similarly, very few people survived, Others just..."

"Therefore," Jedi sighed:

"It is simply impossible for it to spread on a large scale."

"Don't you think it's contradictory!" Cohen raised his hand on the ground and protested, "If you want to wake up, go to death! If you want to become stronger, go to death too! ——What is the purpose of me practicing this kind of finishing power?"

"Hehe, becoming stronger is not necessarily about survival," Jedi Taffner, the inheritor of the Extreme Realm of the Tower of Terminator, chuckled, "Don't underestimate people's determination to pursue strength and become a strong man."

"Isn't Crassus the 'Sword of Disaster' an example? Why do you think he imitated this dangerous power of termination?"

Cohen frowned.


Become stronger?


What are you doing for...

Cohen touched his head and thought of a question:

"Apart from the emperor slayer, are there other records of awakened people? Who was the first awakened person in history?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Jedi scratched his head indecently. If Director Robick was here, he would recognize this scratching gesture almost exactly the same as Cohen: "We have searched all the classics, Shao even Went to Suye's Xingde Pavilion..."

"Its first suspicious record appeared in the period of ignorance, on the world-famous 'human last line of defense' of the Iron and Blood King, a seriously injured sixteen-year-old soldier awakened an extraordinary power that could not be improved, and it was spread as a joke for a while. The second time it appeared was in the period of the kings, on the eve of the battle of the saints, an mortal eighteen-year-old infantry soldier came back alive from the siege of the orcs alone, and then mastered extraordinary power and became a super-level."

"I guess, apart from 'experiencing death', and that they are all young," Cohen scratched his head: "You still haven't found anything, have you?"

Jedi stared at him for a long time.

"No, we did find something." Jedi pondered:

"These people have one thing in common."

"What's in common?" Cohen regained consciousness immediately and opened his eyes wide.

"Remember the guy who cut off the emperor's head? We have the life of that emperor slayer," Jedi sighed. "He's also a knight, and he's from the North."

Cohen showed doubts.

Jedi narrowed his eyes: "When he was a servant boy, the knight master he served died. No one has ever taught that Emperor Slayer..."

Cohen shook his head: "So?"

"So, that Emperor Slayer..." Jedi let out a breath:

"I only learned the only set of basic sword skills."

Under Cohen's curiosity, Jedi's eyes sparkled:

"The sword of origin of extraordinary power..."

Cohen reacted, his eyes widened in shock until they couldn't get any bigger.

Jedi gently held his sword hilt, and uttered a word:

"Northern military swordsmanship."


Thales raised his head.

"If I die here, the war between Exeter and Xingchen will definitely break out," he said calmly, "Xingchen will be too busy to take care of itself, let alone a transoceanic invasion."

"Two hundred years of prison life taught me one thing." The vampire lightly tightened the cloak around his body, his uneven figure became clearer and more attractive, but his tone was terrified: "The greatest wealth is the power in your hands."

"Don't underestimate the temptation of power," Serena said indifferently, "It can drive people crazy."

"Do you know how many casualties this will cause?" Thales asked calmly.

"Yeah, precious life, bloody sacrifice," Serena sighed sadly, "but as Far East said: a great general achieves military exploits on ten thousand bones."

Thales raised his head, his eyes were determined: "Life is not a toy you can knead, ugly face."

"Don't call me that, I'll be angry." Serena said softly.

Thales ignored her: "You don't have that qualification, no one has that qualification."

But Serena didn't talk to him anymore, she just said slowly: "It finally succeeded."

Thales was puzzled.

But the next moment, he understood!

He suddenly realized that he couldn't move.

Thales suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

what happened?

Thales wanted to use a piece of wood to cut off his hands behind his back, but his fingers were so stiff!

"Generally speaking, it only takes a few seconds for the 'Sight of Pause' to deal with weak people," Serena walked up to him indifferently, and under Thales' astonished eyes, took the piece from his hand. Wood chips:

"But you are indeed worthy of being a descendant of the emperor. It took me so long to stop."

"Compared with my sister, this ability is not very practical in battle." Serena sneered.

"Why do I have to talk so much nonsense? Do you think you are the only one delaying time?" Serena said coldly, "Every second I talk to you makes me sick, brat."

Thales looked at Serena with a pale face, but his neck was extremely stiff.

Serena smiled slightly:

"Are you ready to face your death? Your Highness the Second Prince?"

how so?

Thales is slowly moving, but his biggest hole card has been lost.

He felt extremely remorseful.

If I just...


He suddenly woke up.

It's still too late!

Thales gritted his teeth, and popped out a few words from between his teeth: "Ugly... face... woman..."

Serena no longer hid her expression, revealing hatred and disgust.

"Damn brat, I really want to suck you dry..."

Thales' heart moved.


Come and suck my blood.

if that is the case...

Serena moved her face closer to him, took a deep breath as if she was smelling delicious food, her slender eyelashes brushed against his eyebrows.

But Serena didn't do what he wanted.

"Don't worry, I won't let you bleed to use that kind of ability... It's a pity," Serena stroked his face and blew softly in his ear: "I'm still telling the truth of..."

"Your blood is really nourishing."

The next moment, Thales was strangled by Serena's neck and lifted in the air!

Why is it in this posture again!

Thales cursed in his heart!

He couldn't breathe air again.

Serena sighed.

"Do you think I'd be happy to pretend to be a little girl who can't talk and act like a spoiled child to you while suppressing my nausea?"

The next moment, Serena's eyes turned cold: "Or, do you think that I will really wait patiently for you to ascend the throne, and when you are gray-haired, give me a painless mercenary to reset me?" ?"

Her hands tightened even more!

"Celine? Little sister?"

"How dare you call me that? I have lived longer than all your ancestors combined!" She said viciously, almost crushing Thales' throat.

"For your rudeness..." She said coldly, "I will let you experience the pain on the verge of death."

Thales kicked and beat painfully.

But his hands were still tightly tied behind his back, and he couldn't even do any useful struggles!

It's time to play off——he thought painfully.

"A long time ago, Heesta told me that there was a great khan in the Kiseli tribe who was good at fighting, and he once said this to his best ally." Serena looked at Thales's face indifferently. Struggling, said coldly:

"I give you to die without bleeding."


"Oh! That silly 'beating swordsmanship' that has declined for thousands of years?" Cohen thumped his palm suddenly:

"I thought that since we completely defeated the orcs in Quigul's 'Battle of Saints' during the kings' period three thousand years ago, no one practiced it anymore!"

"Be respectful! Although many sword moves are aimed at defending against orcs and giant dragons, they appeared childish and ridiculous in the later wars," Jedi straightened up, and said seriously and solemnly:

"But after all, it is the 'Sword of Origin' of extraordinary power. Since the four original extraordinary powers are all born from it, then why is it impossible for it to give birth to a fifth different kind?"

"So, we can deduce the necessary conditions for the awakening of the prototype power of termination!" Cohen frowned in response.

"Yes," Jedi nodded solemnly:

"First of all, you must be very young, maybe over twelve years old, under twenty years old, and you must not have any finishing power."

"Secondly, you must have a complete foundation for the inheritance of northern military swordsmanship."

"Again, and most importantly, you must experience death, but you cannot die immediately."

"Finally, you must have - you said, comparable to a dragon - a strong resilience to survive fatal injuries, to ensure that your awakening will not be the last scene of your life."

"Then, you recycle this process."

The inheritor looked up at the sky outside the glass.

The sun is about to set.

He thought of the silent figure with the sword on his back

[I will find this kind of power. ]

[No matter how hard it is, what price will be paid. ]

[If this is my way. ]

Jedi Taffner lowered his head and sighed:

"But it's simply impossible."

There was a long silence.

"Teacher, the final power of this 'prototype'," Cohen said solemnly. This time, he no longer said he was big or small, but used honorifics: "Do you have a name?"

Jedi paused, then nodded slowly:


"The emperor slayer gave it a name."

"The legend of the Myojin Church in ancient times, after people die, if their souls cannot return to the kingdom of God, they will go to hell."

"At the gate of hell, in front of the residence of the seven monarchs, there flows a dangerous and terrifying river. On it, there is a treacherous ferryman who has been rowing a boat all year round and is responsible for guiding these dead souls."

"That river is called... Prison River."

Cohen felt dark in his heart.

He has heard the legend.

Maybe... it's not just a legend?

"So, when you see Prison River, you see death."

"But the Emperor Slayer believes that there are always some people who have souls that even the river of hell is unwilling to collect. The ferrymen of the river of hell will send them back to the world."

"They saw the prison river, but returned from death."

Cohen opened his eyes wide.

Just listen to Jedi saying word by word:


"The power of ending obtained from returning from death..."

"It was called by that Emperor Slayer..."

"The crime of prison river."


Thales struggled with his hands tied behind his back,

With his trembling blue lips, he struggled vigorously but powerlessly in front of this incomparable power.

Every pore on his body exploded into goose bumps under the tremendous pressure, the bones rubbed against each other due to the tight joints, the blood pooled on the surface of the skin, and the heart beat under the heavy pressure, getting faster and faster .

Venus and darkness appeared in front of my eyes, gradually blurring.

There seems to be a huge layer of glass blocking the mouth, nose and air, making it impossible to breathe.

With trembling gray eyes, he watched Serena's hands tightening more and more.

Thales was still struggling hard, kicking his legs constantly, trying to break free from this desperate and dark shadow of death.

But his eyes were getting darker and darker.

until he lost all vision.

Due to lack of oxygen, his brain activity became more and more difficult, harder and slower.

His thinking began to lose clarity.

His memory began to become disordered, with countless fragments overlapping each other.

His heart was beating more and more frantically, trying to deliver more oxygen to his brain.

But everything is in vain.

Until the sole heir of Star Kingdom, Thales Canxing no longer struggled.

His eyes rolled to the upper edge, his legs drooped weakly, his shoulders were loose, and he calmed down like deathly silence.

Serena showed a satisfied smile.

The sun was setting and night was falling.

Thales Serangelana Kessel Canxing.


—————(End of the book)——I lied to you——