
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 25 Return

Under the rising moon, Rolf anxiously galloped through the birch forest after nightfall.

In order to maintain balance, the "J"-shaped elastic steel prosthesis of the Ghost with the Wind has a very large contact area. Walking on flat ground always has a strange touch, but unexpectedly, the wide contact area makes him feel better. It is easier to move forward in the snow, especially when he is controlling the wind, it is almost as smooth as walking on the snow.

But Rolf has never had any experience in snow tracking, nor has he ever lived in the north full of unmelted snow—only seasonal sporadic snowfall can be seen in the central area of the stars, and in the long and narrow Comus Union, the southeast The five city-states in China are even more dry and warm—this brought great trouble to his tracking, even though he was the first person to catch up with Serena's carriage and immediately pursue it.

The ability to control the wind allows Rolf to go with the wind in the narrow and crowded Red Square Street, like a fish in water, and his speed is no less than that in the dense birch forest.

But he had to find that boy.

The boy who gave the Wind Walker a new life.

Rolf passed through a forest and saw a flat snow field ahead.

His gaze suddenly froze!

The ghost with the wind shook and landed on the snow.

Under the moonlight, a flirtatious man wrapped in a cloak relaxed his hand.

A seven or eight-year-old boy with his hands tied behind his back slipped from her fingers without any response, and landed on the snow like a murdered prey.

like a statue.

That seductive and seductive person turned around slightly, licked his tongue at Rolf, and showed a weird smile.


Rolf knelt down on the snow in disbelief, stretching his hands tremblingly towards the boy with closed eyes.

Not breathing.

There is no heartbeat.

No pulse.


That boy.

That grown-up boy.

The boy who gave the choice.

The boy who was rescued from the abyss of despair.

The magical boy who taught him literacy, phonics, and sign language communication.



Rolf raised his head, half of his face was hidden behind the silver mask, and he couldn't tell the expression.

"Yes?" Serena Corleone tilted her head and blinked charmingly. Did you come to find Little Thales? "No mistakes, no skipping words.

Rolf clenched his fists and stood up slowly, staring at the enchanting and charming girl with eyes full of resentment and anger.

"Sorry, he fell asleep." Serena giggled:

"Come find him again in your next life."

Suddenly a gust of wind blew up on the flat ground,

Serena's complexion changed!

The wind is getting stronger and stronger.

Blowing up the snowflakes around Rolf, bulging his whole body of clothes.

The Wind Follower stared at Serena.

He doesn't know how strong the one in front of him is.

But he will do his best to make the other party pay the price.

In this way, I owe that boy a debt.

Just pay it off.

But just the next moment, Rolf was shocked:

He was stiff all over.

I can't move anymore.

What's going on?

Yes... He rolled his eyes... This?

Serena let out a joyful laugh, and her eyes never left Rolf, maintaining the pressure of "pause eyes".

"The children of today," she pouted her lips and shook her head as if distressed, nodded her eyes, looked at Rolf who was stiff in place, and said with a tut:

"Don't you use your brain to fight?"


Too dark.

It's so dark.

I can't feel it.

There is no room either.

Suddenly lit up?

It's too bright, so dazzling.

These are... memories?

A lot of memories.

Familiar or unfamiliar scenes flashed before his eyes.

It was chaotic.

In the end, only the messy voice remained:

[The central limit theorem provides enough basis for our random sampling... Don't be distracted! If you learn this well, at least you can go to the market research departments of various companies after graduation...]

This is?

["Qi Ren,

If you came to a different world waiting to be saved, you would go to become stronger, farm, climb technology, and compete for hegemony... would you want to change it? "No mistake, no jumping words." Forget it, social changes have always been unpredictable...unless I am the creator of the world..." "Well, conclusion: it is meaningless to ask you this question. "What's the matter with your contemptuous eyes?" "]

A very familiar voice...

[Class issues are often combined with inequality, education, income, capital, these are common nouns...Blau and Duncan, remember these two scholars, they will be your nightmare for the next two years...in our In that era, if you don't know how to use log-linear models, don't try to do social class analysis…]

So messy... There is no logic for these combinations...

["You are so conflicted! Just one word, should we be together...you frown!"]

Because everything seems familiar, but it seems to be separated by a layer of fog...

[The key to the logistic regression model lies in this probability function, and the Probit model is actually the same as it... If you only understand general linear regression but not logistic regression, don't say you have learned the regression model... Nothing else The reason is that I feel ashamed like this...]

Where am I...

[Everyone classifies him as one of the three great patriarchs, but compared to Weber's quotations and scientific arguments, his philosophical meditations that he thought up while sitting in a chair are classified as... Some radical scholars, including myself, think that , this is simply an insult to our discipline...]

This is... But, a very familiar name...

[The one-mode social network can be represented by a symmetric matrix, while the two-mode is more complicated...Look at your stupid looks, haven't you ever studied linear algebra...Haven't studied advanced mathematics, based on your opinion Have the ability to learn this subject well? fart! ]

Wait, these are... I, I have studied, even written, taught...

["I don't work so hard at home. It's useful for you to read so many books, but our old Wu family always has a kind of thinking: knowledge may not be useful, but it must be priceless..."]

Who is... What exactly are these!

[For example, teachers, school location, class nature, parents' income, the impact of different factors on student performance always play a role at different levels, some at the individual level, some at the class level, some at the school level, not To distinguish the effects of different levels, and simply assume that they take effect in the same dimension, the conclusion that "students' grades are most affected" is not convincing... Therefore, hierarchical linear models are often used in pedagogy to overcome this. The same principle applies to our research...]

My...I must...Damn it, because I can't remember!

[Marx and Weber have completely opposite opinions on the autonomy of the state... The difference between the two types of state power defined by Mann is...have none of you read the text? Can't finish reading? Why sleep a little more? ]

Wait, who am I... Who am I?

[The people headed by Skoczypo began to reflect on the social schema of Marxists and Parsons' macro theory... The society embedded in history may not function as they expected... The historical analysis tradition goes back like this It's in our field of vision...]

I am?

[Don't think that qualitative methods don't have to be like quantitative methods. On the contrary, we don't have clear scientific standards for quantitative research, so we need to demonstrate and explain the scientific nature of "the reason for using this method" and go with the research axis. Take root in your field... Otherwise, you will be no different from writing a news report... Why don't you just transfer your major to study journalism and become a reporter, I guarantee you will earn more...]


But the next voice contained many clearer and more touching memories:

["Beth, no matter what method is used, keep him in the capital, he will survive... Hold him, this is my blood! Your temper."]

["This is Thales...Sent to the sixth room, look at this stupid look...Little brat, I guarantee you won't live for the second year."]

["No! No! Don't hit me! Don't! I'm just...just...ah!"]

["You really don't want to drink water? It's next door!...Listen to me, I'll come up with a plan!"]

["My name is Karak! I heard that you are the head of your house? From today, you have to give me half of the money!"]

["This is the last potion, there is no more! You...don't come here again...wait! There are still some old clothes here, you can take them..."]

["Little devil, call me Yala!"]

["Standing above the sky, surpassing the gods, looking down on all beings... You can say 'no', but you can't refuse. This is just the first time you've lost control."]

["I, you have something that he doesn't have."]

["Don't King Nuen want fairness...Try my life for his life!"]

An unprecedented mass of memories flashed back in an instant.

It was about to burst his consciousness.


Everything quiet down.

The darkness descended again.

I feel much more comfortable.

He was sleepy.

Maybe it's time to go.

Where he came from.

Or... to sleep from now on.

At this moment.

Two strange voices rang in my ears.

A voice is old-fashioned:

"This kind of soul... oh, it's unprecedentedly superior... well, mother feels it."

Another voice was flat and sharp:

"Wait, the smell of danger... is the same as six or seven hundred years ago..."

"You are always cautious... Take it easy, mother will take care of it herself."

"It's strange, my mother is hesitating, neither likes it nor rejects it... There are four kinds of strength pulling it, two kinds of strength are downward, and one is upward... It's really a powerful vitality. Obviously no one rescues it, but it is still there. Rising. With this trend, it's going to be back up in no time...and there's a force to it... oh my god..."

"What's the panic?"

"Have you ever seen such a mixed blood and mixed soul... Possibly! Unless the Alchemy Tower and the Soul Tower cooperate..."

"Don't lose your composure! Keep your responsibilities and don't meddle in the affairs of the earth...not to mention that the three magic towers have been destroyed for thousands of years..."

"Thousands of years, isn't it? My long-term memory has deteriorated again..."

"Mother has made a decision...Let it flow, let it recover...Get ready to open the countercurrent gate."

"Reverse flow gate? No way? There are no mistakes. A lot of words just rose one more than thirty years ago... It's too short. Mother will allow this frequency? At least wait until the last one falls again..."

"Don't ask, don't tell, this is the mother's will! Only obey!"

Immediately afterwards, he felt that everything around him was shaking violently!



As if there was a crash, he seemed to hear a clear and crisp sound.

The next moment, as if surfacing out of the water, he smoothly sucked in a puff of air under the invisible pressure and darkness!

Not just a breath of air.

That is a force.

Power beyond ordinary people.

He—Thales Canxing—remembered who it was.

At the same time, there are his senses!

The pores of the whole body seemed to open in an instant, greedily accepting information from the outside world, and the stagnant joints no longer rubbed, as if being lubricated by a force.

The blood gathered on the skin returned to the blood vessels as if it had heard an order, supplying nutrients for life, and the heart that was too fast due to lack of oxygen resumed its regular and slow beating—only stronger than before. powerful.

Thales felt it.

A force started from an unknown corner of the body, rose rapidly, and covered the whole body in an instant.

The pain in his throat gradually disappeared, and he could even feel that many small hidden wounds in his body were slowly repairing.

Soon, Thales felt the cold below him, the strong wind around him, and Serena's familiar laughter.

Like a drowning person being revived, Thales suddenly opened his eyes!

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the sky tremblingly, opened his mouth wide, and took in a breath of air that he hadn't seen for a long time, as if after many years!


Everything is the same as before.

He is alive.