
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 23 Awakening (Part 2)

The Tower of the End, the House of Inheritance, and the Library of Truth.

This is a huge warehouse with no friends. The red light of sunset penetrates the prototype roof of asphalt glass and shines on the rows of giant bookshelves. The books and records made of various materials shine brightly against the backdrop.

"Can you be more serious?" There are no mistakes or skipping words.

A thin and handsome middle-aged man with short gray hair was holding an unextinguishable lamp, standing behind a row of huge bookshelves, looking to the other side of the bookshelves with dissatisfaction.

There was a sickly blond young man sitting against a bookshelf.

The second-level security officer of Eternal Star City, Cohen Karabyan, raised his head tiredly, and looked at his teacher—Jedi Taffner.

The security officer raised his hands in a dying voice and said:

"Hey! I asked someone to take a month's vacation, and it took seven days to arrive at the Tower of the End without stopping!"

"I was pulled by you without even sleeping!"

"I ate two pieces of bread in the middle!"

Cohen patted his stomach feebly and protested feebly:

"You should be concerned about the life and death of the students, right? There are not many mistakes."

His teacher, a middle-aged man——Jedi Taffner snorted, put down the light, and picked up another book without any care ——An old man from the Far East who sticks to the rules. I can only hurry up and be with you while he is not around. "

Thinking of Master Shao who was one of the inheritors and his temper, Keen leaned on the bookshelf behind him, feeling that he really couldn't arouse his interest in finding books.

He said helplessly to Shao... Didn't he give up his qualifications to inherit the No. 1 Sword Sect in the Far East and come to the Tower of Ending? I thought he would not be so conservative when he did such a thing..."

"I, Shao's inheritance has all kinds of weird regulations. Anyway, I still haven't understood the operating rules of their "sects". If we are members of the Far East Sword Sect, then as students, once you enter You should kowtow respectfully to me."

"If you are disrespectful to me... like now..."

Jedi gave Cohen a hard look and I can destroy your sword hand! "

Cohen rolled his eyes.

"Have you found the connection between the 'Sword of Disaster' and the Blood Bottle Gang?" There was no mistake. the police officer asked listlessly.

"No, it's still the ones you and I have," Jedi angrily stuffed the ancient parchment in his hand because my efficiency is very low! There is also a student who refuses to get up and help! "

Cohen pretended not to hear the latter sentence, and murmured, well, why don't you tell me, what is Tali's attitude towards those 'Swords of Disaster'? How much do you know? Maybe it will help if I combine the information I saw in the police station? "

Jedi stopped what he was doing, and the students who watched him fell silent for a while.

He finally sighed, okay, but if you want to, you must join our secret group. "

"Secret team?" Cohen turned his head curiously.

"To put it simply, it is a small group of people who have been given special missions in the Tower of Ending. The goal is to fight against the inheritance of the Sword of Ending outside the tower, that is, the 'Sword of Disaster'."

"I'll join!" Cohen's eyes lit up!

He must join.

It is necessary to learn more about the "Sword of Disaster", about the violent ending power.

Even... for Raphael and Miranda.

He secretly clenched his fists.

"So refreshing?" Jedi asked in surprise, and then smiled happily. Well, there are Chatier and I in this group, and now you are one more. "

Cohen opened his mouth wide.

"You—there are only three of us?"

"A group of three..."

"To fight against the sword of disaster?"

Cohen looked at the teacher in disbelief with a cheated expression on his face, right? No typos"

"There are three people! We are a secret group after all—but we have an official name!" Jedi slapped his thigh and said with an inscrutable look:

"Shao called us—'The Cleaners'.


Cohen's expression turned serious.


Eliminate the traitors?

That Raphael...

"But Chatier thinks that according to the blood debt committed by Crassus, it is better to use 'Avengers'..."

Jedi leaned forward with a serious expression and I think, according to the importance of our mission, we should be called..."

Cohen subconsciously wanted to cover his ears, but Jedi had already spit out the words:

"Get rid of Crassus' heavy light-ending tower and revive the extraordinary sword to save Errol's Jedi team!"

Cohen looked at the teacher with contempt.

"Haha, I'm joking! The atmosphere is too serious!"

Seeing Cohen's expression on his face, Jedi laughed and patted him on the shoulder, but then sighed.

"But it's a pity that until now, we have limited knowledge of that violent finishing power," Jedi said disappointedly. After all, what he felt when confronting them was not the full picture of their finishing power. "

Cohen is also dignified, but there is no result? "

The student Jedi looked at, after a few seconds, still pursed his lips and seriously said no, the result is still there. At least we know that the violent and crazy ending power that began with Crassus, the "Sword of Disaster"..."

"Actually, it is to imitate ancient times, a mysterious and terrifying power."


"Look, Serena, why don't we sit down and have a good talk?" Thales smiled and looked at the despairing Katerina, and the complacent Serena said that there is no need to be so violent. "


Serena raised her eyebrows, and threw Katerina out.


The latter bumped into a tree not far away, struggling to raise his head.

Serena Pingting walked towards Thales in a colorful manner.

"Let it out?" Serena looked at the black coffin with a seductive smile on her face. Kick it with your leg? "No mistakes, no skipping words.

Thales' heart beat uncontrollably.


At least she let go of Katrina.

This is the only chance.

I have to grasp it.

"The black coffin of the dark night can only be opened with the key carried by the monarch and the blood of members of Corleone's direct lineage," Serena laughed, that is, the blood of Katerina and me. "

Katerina in the distance raised her head with difficulty, and looked this way unwillingly.

Her limbs are healing, but extremely slowly.

Not to mention rebirth.

This battle... She thought desperately: There is no hope of turning the tables.

Is it?

Thales took a deep breath. Laurana and the others must have told you that Rolf and I escaped from the dungeon in the Grass Manor, right? No typos"

Serena narrowed her eyes.

"I have a special ability," Thales trembled, trying to weave a story to make it look more believable, "it can break all shackles... Otherwise, let me try it on this coffin?"

Thales touched the sharp piece of wood in his hand behind his back, feeling uneasy.

He failed to cut the rope, but...

Cuts, it shouldn't be a problem.

Although the side effects of that power...may be a bit big.

But, without the assistance of his hand, can his "out of control" still work?

Thales smiled wryly in his heart and said: "I can only try to "kill you with my eyes".

Serena's steps are getting closer and closer, so it's your ability. "

"But you think I'm going to tie your hands?" Serena lowered her head and laughed coldly. I asked Laurana exactly. Your ability can only be activated if you cut out blood! "

"This is an embolism for you, Your Highness Thales." She said softly.

Thales was shocked.

Has she...had she noticed this a long time ago?

Serena continued to approach with steps.

"It's far enough!" Thales shouted, don't get any closer! "

He has calculated that at this distance, even if Serena flashes, it will take at least one second.

Enough for him to face the coffin...to activate that.

"I have a piece of wood in my hand," Thales turned sideways, revealed a piece of wood, and quickly turned back, gasping slightly, saying that it's enough for me to cut my hand! "

"Do you really want to meet that magician?" There was no mistake. He kicked the black coffin at the back, do you want me to knock on the door for you first? "

There was a chill in Serena's eyes.

This brat.

Are you betting on whether I dare to take risks?

"Dear Thales!"

In Thales' line of sight, Serena stood still, suddenly smiled brightly, and spread her hands, you must have misunderstood! "

"I didn't intend to hurt you at all."

"To me, a living star heir is more useful than a dead star heir, isn't it?"

"We have an agreement: with the help of each other, one day you will be crowned king, and I will be crowned king again."

"Have you forgotten, I still have a marriage contract?"

Thales frowned.

This old hag.

Ugly woman.

"We join hands! The navies of the East China Sea and the South Bank, plus our natural geographical advantages in Wanghai Cliff, occupy both sides of the strait, and can end the sea in the south of Fuyun Yongshiyou," Serena stretched out her right hand and slowly clenched her fist. Become the inner sea of the Starry Night Alliance. "

"Stars and nights, share benefits, help each other, deter opponents on their respective continents, your Exter and Commus, our Suye and Humble," Serena looked straight at Thales, this is My initial thought. "

"Leave her alone!" Katerina spat out a mouthful of blood in the distance, and said in a voice of hatred that only the craziest demon would dare to ally with this viper-like *! "


Serena smiled coldly, and casually threw an extremely fast snowball, knocking Katerina unconscious.

Thales took a deep breath.

Serena continued to say to me blankly, you are not an ordinary seven-year-old child, you have maturity and wisdom beyond this age, my idea is feasible. "

She reached out to Thales. We are allies. "

Thales lowered his head.



"You wanted to kill me before." Thales frowned.

"It's to draw my attention and defeat her in the end," Serena smiled and cooperated happily. "

But Thales raised his head slightly and shook his head slightly.

"Celine, this is the last time I will call you that."

Serena's complexion changed.

"Let's stop deceiving," Thales sighed, saying that you didn't regard me as an ally at all... ugly face. "

Serena's eyes froze.

"The first time we met, your words were full of lies—you said you were the real heir of the Corleone family, the legal and orthodox ruler of the Hill of Pain."

"About this, I'm not lying." Serena blinked her big seductive eyes, but Thales, who was deeply impressed by her 'other side', was not moved at all.

"I am indeed the King of Nightwing, the first heir to His Majesty Ranly Corleone." Serena grinned, stretched out her index finger to wipe off a trace of blood on her cheek, and sucked it into her mouth.

This action made her more seductive and enchanting.

Thales was secretly anxious: How long can it last?

What about Ada and the others?

With Celine's speed, there is only one chance to use "Out of Control", and the effect is uncertain.

This hole card must not be used until the last moment.

"But you didn't mention the fact that you killed the previous king," Thales shook his head. In other words, you are not a pretender to the throne who failed to fight for the throne, but the murder of the king's father. felon. "

Serena's charmingly smiling eyes began to freeze.

"Even if you become stronger, no one in Kingdom of the Night will support your coronation."

Thales looked up at Serena, and said word by word:

"It's impossible for you to reset."

The sun is about to set.

There was silence on the snow.

Serena looked at him, without turning her gaze for a long, long time.

"I'm really fed up with you," Serena's smile disappeared, and her voice was extremely cold and self-righteous. "

"you're right."

"Even if I kill Katerina here."

"The Holy Blood Legion loyal to her, including the warriors behind, Castigan, Sullivan, Lori Roa, and those clans who covet the Blood Sea Throne, it is impossible for me to be crowned."

"So, your real enemies are the opponents who are almost all over the Kingdom of the Night." Thales closed his eyes tightly, and exhaled:

"So, you need the power of a country to destroy those opponents that you can't match."

"Originally, I only wanted to use your strength to intercept Katerina, but the assassination of the Exeter mission gave me a lot of inspiration," Serena nodded with a frosty face. , leading to wars between nations. "

"After all, the king of the stars made a sacred oath in public. If you die, the person who will avenge you... will be the next king."

Thales sighed.

"The next heir of the stars, died in the shameless volley of the Queen of the Night, who disappeared for no reason," Serena shook her head and sighed. Guess how many ambitious people will desperately attack the Kingdom of the Night, at least make relevant oaths, Just for the throne of the stars? "

"After all, it only takes a week to lead the current from the south bank of the stars across the Sea of End and reach the Kingdom of the Night."

"The war will cleanse the opponents of the Holy Blood Corps and give me a more obedient Kingdom of the Night," Serena said enthusiastically, and the real heir of Corleone would turn the tide at the last moment. "

"So this is the purpose of the alliance, to use the hands of the stars to cleanse your opponents," Thales looked at Serena's face, and quietly said that the Starry Night Alliance was a complete hoax. "

"You don't understand, childish brat," Serena sneered and said that the alliance is to fight against the enemy. "

Thales glanced at the fainted Katerina.

"No," Serena said coldly. I mean, ally with your enemy and betray him at a critical moment. "

"Betrayal is the true meaning of alliance."

Thales frowned deeply.

So that's the case, this is her survival logic.

The Starry Night Alliance, the first diplomacy in Thales' life, has completely failed so far.

In the days to come, when Thales sat at the negotiating table countless times, he couldn't help thinking of this scene, and at the same time vigilantly remembered "the true meaning of the alliance".

Many historians were amazed at how the Starry Night Alliance was so stable between two incompatible races in that era, but only a few people knew: the first Starry Night Alliance only lasted for more than a month before it ended in failure.

"Sure enough, suddenly a cute, capable, childish loli vampire with red eyes and silver hair popped out who has lived for hundreds of years. He called me brother in a coquettish voice, and wanted to marry me." Tai Pauls sighed:

"This kind of routine... I think too much!"

He lowered his head lonely. This is not Xiao Baiwen's world. "